135 research outputs found

    The thyrogastric syndrome: its effects on micronutriments and gastric tumorigenesis.

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    peer reviewedSummary : The thyrogastric autoimmune syndrome (TAS) was described in patients in whom the serum cross-reacted both with gastric parietal cells antigens and thyroid antigens. We report two cases illustrating the spectrum of pathogical features of TAS. The first case associates Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and anemia perniciosa,and develops a gastric neuroendocrine tumor during follow up. The second case presents with a Graves’ disease and an autoimmune reversible gastritis, secondary to Helicobacter Pylori. Whereas type III autoimmune polyendocrinopathy is rare, TAS is frequent in our experience. Some 13% (32/240) of patients that we have prospectively followed affected with thyroiditis have also autoimmune gastritis. Helicobacter pylori is clearly implicated in 16% of autoimmune gastritis cases. Infection, malabsorption and gastritis are potentially reversible after bacterial eradication treatment. In the other 84% of gastritis patients, no histological or serological proof of Helicobacter pylori is found. Gastric autoimmunity is then irreversible, leading to gastric severe atrophy, hypochlorhydria and hypergastrinemia. Hypergastrinemia stimulates enterochromaffin cell hyperplasia, possibly progressing c to neuroendocrine tumors. We propose a diagnostic approach to improve the characterization of TAS. We review the literature on the subject and discuss some interesting animal models of infectious gastric autoimmunityLe syndrome auto-immun thyro-gastrique (SAT) a été décrit chez des patients dont le sérum réagissait avec les antigènes des cellules pariétales gastriques (APC) et les antigènes de la thyroïde. Deux cas illustrent le spectre diagnostique du SAT. Le premier associe une thyroïdite de Hashimoto, une anémie pernicieuse et développe une tumeur neuroendocrine gastrique. Le deuxième, associe une maladie de Basedow et une gastrite auto-immune réversible, secondaire à Helicobacter Pylori. Alors que la polyendocrinopathie autoimmune de type III est rare, le SAT est fréquent dans notre expérience. Chez 240 patients suivis prospectivement avec thyroïdite, 13% (32/240) ont une gastrite auto-immune. Helicobacter Pylori justifie une gastrite auto-immune chez 16% de ces patients. L’infection, la malabsorption et la gastrite sont fréquemment réversibles après éradication bactérienne. Chez les autres 84% des patients, on ne retrouve pas de preuves histologiques ou sérologiques d’infection par Helicobacter Pylori. L’auto-immunité gastrique est alors irréversible, conduisant à une hypergastrinémie, une hypochlorhydrie et une atrophie gastrique sévère. Les cellules entérochromaffines gastriques s’hyperplasient, et des tumeurs neuroendocrines gastriques peuvent se développer. Nous proposons une approche diagnostique pour améliorer la détection du SAT. Nous revisitons les données de la littérature et discutons certains modèles animaux d’auto-immunité gastrique infectieuse

    New Faecal Calprotectin Assay by IDS: Validation and Comparison to DiaSorin Method.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: The faecal calprotectin (FC) measurement is used for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) diagnosis and follow-up. The aim of this study was to validate for the first time the new IDS FC extraction device and immunoassay kit, and to compare it with the DiaSorin test in patients with and without IBD. METHODS: First, the precision of the IDS assay and its stability were assessed. Then, 379 stool extracts were analysed with the IDS kit on iSYS and compared with a DiaSorin Liaison XL assay. RESULTS: The intra- and inter-assay CVs did not exceed 5%. The stool samples were stable up to 4 weeks at -20 °C. Lot-to-lot comparison showed a good correlation (Lot1 = 1.06 × Lot2 + 0.60; p > 0.05). The Passing and Bablok regression showed no significant deviation from linearity between the two methods (IDS = 1.06 × DiaSorin - 0.6; p > 0.05; concordance correlation coefficient = 0.93). According to the recommended cut-offs, the IDS assay identified more IBD and irritable bowel syndrome patients than DiaSorin, which had more borderline results (16 vs. 20%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The IDS faecal calprotectin had good analytical validation parameters. Compared to the DiaSorin method, it showed comparable results, but slightly outperformed it in the identification of more IBD patients and active disease

    Comparative study of AQP4‑NMOSD, MOGAD and seronegative NMOSD: a single‑center Belgian cohort

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    peer reviewedObjectives: To emphasize physio-pathological, clinical and prognosis differences between conditions causing serious and sometimes very similar clinical manifestations: anti-aquaporin-4 (AQP4) and anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies related diseases, and seronegative NMOSD (neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders). Methods: Based on diagnostic criteria for NMOSD and MOGAD (MOG associated disorders), we retrospectively surveyed 10 AQP4-NMOSD, 8 MOGAD and 2 seronegative NMOSD, followed at the specialized neuroimmunology unit of the CHU Liege. Results: Female predominance was only observed in AQP4 group. Age at onset was 37.8 and 27.7 years old for AQP4-NMOSD and MOGAD, respectively. In both groups, the first clinical event most often consisted of optic neuritis (ON), followed by isolated myelitis. Fifteen of our 20 patients encountered a relapsing course with 90% relapses in AQP4-NMOSD, 62.5% in MOGAD and 50% in the seronegative group, and a mean period between the first and second clinical event of 7.1 and 4.8 months for AQP4-NMOSD and MOGAD, respectively. In total, we counted 54 ON, with more ON per patient in MOGAD. MOG-associated ON mainly affected the anterior part of the optic nerve with a papilledema in 79.2% of cases. Despite a fairly good visual outcome after MOG-associated ON, retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness decreased, suggesting a fragility of the optic nerve toward further attacks. Conclusion: As observed in larger cohorts, our MOGAD and AQP4-NMOSD cases differ by clinical and prognostic features. A better understanding of these diseases should encourage prompt biological screening and hasten proper diagnosis and treatment

    An illustrative case of the POEMS syndrome

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    peer reviewedLe POEMS syndrome est une entité rare et invalidante caractérisée par une polyneuropathie, une organomégalie, une endocrinopathie, une gammapathie monoclonale et des atteintes dermatologiques. Le diagnostic de cette infection est souvent tardif et représente un véritable défi au vu de l’hétérogénéité des formes cliniques. Les chaînes légères sécrétées par les plasmocytes clonaux entraînent une surproduction de VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) responsable de la plupart des manifestations cliniques du POEMS. La démarche diagnostique repose, en pratique, sur des critères cliniques dont les principaux sont la polyneuropathie et la gammapathie monoclonale. Le bilan d’extension reprend le dosage du VEGF, l’électrophorèse et l’mmunofixation des protéines sériques. Un bilan radiologique permet d’objectiver des lésions osseuses ostéosclérotiques ou des adénopathies et l’électromyogramme la polyneuropathie. Les patients qui souffrent d’un plasmocytome en l’absence d’une infiltration médullaire de plasmocytes clonaux sont des candidats au traitement par radiothérapie. Les patients avec une atteinte osseuse diffuse ou une localisation médullaire recevront un traitement systémique. La réponse au traitement peut prendre plusieurs mois avant une amélioration clinique et biologique. Un diagnostic précoce et une prise en charge spécifique limitent l’impact clinico-fonctionnel du POEMS.POEMS syndrome is a rare and invalidating entity characterized by polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy and dermatoses. The diagnosis of this condition is often late and challenging due to the heterogeneity of clinical forms. The light chains secreted by the clonal plasmocytes cause overproduction of VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) responsible for the appearance of the clinical manifestations of POEMS. The diagnostic approach is based on different clinical and biological criteria. Patients with a solitary plasmacytoma are candidates for radiotherapy treatment. Patients with diffuse bone involvement or bone marrow infiltration are best treated by systemic drugs. The response to treatment may take several months before clinical and biological improvement. Early diagnosis and dedicated management limit the clinico-functional impact of POEMS

    Discovery of new rheumatoid arthritis biomarkers using the surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry ProteinChip approach.

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    peer reviewedOBJECTIVE: To identify serum protein biomarkers specific for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), using surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) technology. METHODS: A total of 103 serum samples from patients and healthy controls were analyzed. Thirty-four of the patients had a diagnosis of RA, based on the American College of Rheumatology criteria. The inflammation control group comprised 20 patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), 9 with asthma, and 10 with Crohn's disease. The noninflammation control group comprised 14 patients with knee osteoarthritis and 16 healthy control subjects. Serum protein profiles were obtained by SELDI-TOF-MS and compared in order to identify new biomarkers specific for RA. Data were analyzed by a machine learning algorithm called decision tree boosting, according to different preprocessing steps. RESULTS: The most discriminative mass/charge (m/z) values serving as potential biomarkers for RA were identified on arrays for both patients with RA versus controls and patients with RA versus patients with PsA. From among several candidates, the following peaks were highlighted: m/z values of 2,924 (RA versus controls on H4 arrays), 10,832 and 11,632 (RA versus controls on CM10 arrays), 4,824 (RA versus PsA on H4 arrays), and 4,666 (RA versus PsA on CM10 arrays). Positive results of proteomic analysis were associated with positive results of the anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide test. Our observations suggested that the 10,832 peak could represent myeloid-related protein 8. CONCLUSION: SELDI-TOF-MS technology allows rapid analysis of many serum samples, and use of decision tree boosting analysis as the main statistical method allowed us to propose a pattern of protein peaks specific for RA

    Biomarker discovery for inflammatory bowel disease, using proteomic serum profiling

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    peer reviewedCrohn's disease and ulcerative colitis known as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic immuno-inflammatory pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. These diseases are multifactorial, polygenic and of unknown etiology. Clinical presentation is non-specific and diagnosis is based on clinical, endoscopic, radiological and histological criteria. Novel markers are needed to improve early diagnosis and classification of these pathologies. We performed a study with 120 serum samples collected from patients classified in 4 groups (30 Crohn, 30 ulcerative colitis, 30 inflammatory controls and 30 healthy controls) according to accredited criteria. We compared protein sera profiles obtained with a Surface Enhanced Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometer (SELDI-TOF-MS). Data analysis with univariate process and a multivariate statistical method based on multiple decision trees algorithms allowed us to select some potential biomarkers. Four of them were identified by mass spectrometry and antibody based methods. Multivariate analysis generated models that could classify samples with good sensitivity and specificity (minimum 80%) discriminating groups of patients. This analysis was used as a tool to classify peaks according to differences in level on spectra through the four categories of patients. Four biomarkers showing important diagnostic value were purified, identified (PF4, MRP8, FIBA and Hpalpha2) and two of these: PF4 and Hpalpha2 were detected in sera by classical methods. SELDI-TOF-MS technology and use of the multiple decision trees method led to protein biomarker patterns analysis and allowed the selection of potential individual biomarkers. Their downstream identification may reveal to be helpful for IBD classification and etiology understanding

    Razine antinuklearnoga antitijela i reumatoidnoga faktora u radnika izloženih silicijevu dioksidu

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    A lot of workers in industries such as foundry, stonecutting, and sandblasting are exposed to higher than permissible levels of crystalline silica. Various alterations in humoral immune function have been reported in silicosis patients and workers exposed to silica dust. The aim of this study was to measure antinuclear antibody (ANA) and rheumatoid factor (RF) levels in foundry workers exposed to silica and to compare them with a control group without such exposure. ANA and RF were measured in 78 exposed and 73 non-exposed workers, and standard statistical methods were used to compare them. The two groups did not significantly differ in age and smoking. Mean work duration of the exposed and non-exposed workers was (14.9±4.72) years and (12.41±6.3) years, respectively. Ten exposed workers had silicosis. ANA was negative in all workers in either group. Its mean titer did not differ significantly between the exposed and control workers [(0.39±0.15) IU mL-1 vs. (0.36±0.17) IU mL-1, respectively]. RF was positive in two workers of each group. Other studies have reported an increase in ANA and RF associated with exposure to silica dust and silicosis. In contrast, our study suggests that exposure to silica dust does not increase the level of ANA and RF in exposed workers.Mnogi su radnici izloženi kristalnomu silicijevu dioksidu u razinama iznad dopuštenih. U oboljelih od silikoze i radnika izloženih prašinama koje sadržavaju silicijev dioksid zamijećen je niz oštećenja humoralne obrane. Budući da su radnici u ljevaonicama izloženi visokim razinama kristalnoga silicijeva dioksida, u njih bismo očekivali ovakve humoralne poremećaje. Cilj je ovog ispitivanja bio izmjeriti i usporediti razine antinuklearnih protutijela (ANA) i reumatoidnoga faktora (RF) u krvi radnika u ljevaonici izloženih silicijevu dioksidu i neizložene kontrolne skupine. ANA i RF izmjereni su u 78 izloženih radnika i 73 neizložena radnika te su uspoređeni s pomoću standardnih statističkih metoda. Dvije se skupine nisu bitno razlikovale u broju pušača i u dobi. Prosječna duljina radnog vijeka izloženih radnika bila je (14,9±4,72) godine, a neizloženih (12,41±6,3) godine. Deset izloženih radnika imalo je silikozu. Nalazi ANA bili su negativni u obje skupine radnika. Srednja vrijednost titra ANA iznosila je (0,39±0,15) IU mL-1 u izloženih ispitanika, a (0,36±0,17) IU mL-1 u kontrola, što je statistički zanemariva razlika. Nalaz RF-a bio je pozitivan u dva izložena te dva kontrolna radnika. Naše ispitivanje upućuje na to da prašine silicijeva dioksida ne uzrokuju porast razina ANA i RF-a u izloženih radnika

    Current laboratory and clinical practices in reporting and interpreting anti?nuclear antibody indirect immunofluorescence (ANA IIF) patterns: results of an international survey

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    Background: The International Consensus on Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) Patterns (ICAP) has recently proposed nomenclature in order to harmonize ANA indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) pattern reporting. ICAP distinguishes competent-level from expert-level patterns. A survey was organized to evaluate reporting, familiarity, and considered clinical value of ANA IIF patterns. Methods: Two surveys were distributed by European Autoimmunity Standardization Initiative (EASI) working groups, the International Consensus on ANA Patterns (ICAP) and UK NEQAS to laboratory professionals and clinicians. Results: 438 laboratory professionals and 248 clinicians from 67 countries responded. Except for dense fine speckled (DFS), the nuclear competent patterns were reported by>85% of the laboratories. Except for rods and rings, the cytoplasmic competent patterns were reported by>72% of laboratories. Cytoplasmic IIF staining was considered ANA positive by 55% of clinicians and 62% of laboratory professionals, with geographical and expertise-related differences. Quantification of fluorescence intensity was considered clinically relevant for nuclear patterns, but less so for cytoplasmic and mitotic patterns. Combining IIF with specific extractable nuclear antigens (ENA)/dsDNA antibody testing was considered most informative. Of the nuclear competent patterns, the centromere and homogeneous pattern obtained the highest scores for clinical relevance and the DFS pattern the lowest. Of the cytoplasmic patterns, the reticular/mitochondria-like pattern obtained the highest scores for clinical relevance and the polar/Golgi-like and rods and rings patterns the lowest. Conclusion: This survey confirms that the major nuclear and cytoplasmic ANA IIF patterns are considered clinically important. There is no unanimity on classifying DFS, rods and rings and polar/Golgi-like as a competent pattern and on reporting cytoplasmic patterns as ANA IIF positive

    Cluster Analysis Identifies Distinct Patterns of T-Cell and Humoral Immune Responses Evolution Following a Third Dose of SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in People Living with HIV.

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    peer reviewed(1) Background: Many vaccines require higher, additional doses or adjuvants to provide adequate protection for people living with HIV (PLWH). Despite their potential risk of severe coronavirus disease 2019, immunological data remain sparse, and a clear consensus for the best booster strategy is lacking. (2) Methods: Using the data obtained from our previous study assessing prospective T-cell and humoral immune responses before and after administration of a third dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, we assessed the correlations between immune parameters reflecting humoral and cellular immune responses. We further aimed at identifying distinct clusters of patients with similar patterns of immune response evolution to determine how these relate to demographic and clinical factors. (3) Results: Among 80 PLWH and 51 healthcare workers (HCWs) enrolled in the study, cluster analysis identified four distinct patterns of evolution characterised by specific immune patterns and clinical factors. We observed that immune responses appeared to be less robust in cluster A, whose individuals were mostly PLWH who had never been infected with SARS-CoV-2. Cluster C, whose individuals showed a particularly drastic increase in markers of humoral immune response following the third dose of vaccine, was mainly composed of female participants who experienced SARS-CoV-2. Regarding the correlation study, although we observed a strong positive correlation between markers mirroring humoral immune response, markers of T-cell response following vaccination correlated only in a lesser extent with markers of humoral immunity. This suggests that neutralising antibody titers alone are not always a reliable reflection of the magnitude of the whole immune response. (4) Conclusions: Our findings show heterogeneity in immune responses among SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated PLWH. Specific subgroups could therefore benefit from distinct immunization strategies. Prior or breakthrough natural infection enhances the activity of vaccines and must be taken into account for informing global vaccine strategies among PLWH, even those with a viro-immunologically controlled infection