10 research outputs found


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    Siam Patin (Pangasius hypophtalmus) is a freshwater fish commodity of high economic value, but it has constraints in aquaculture that is slow growth and its utilization is less than efficient feed. One of the problem solve is utilization baker’s yeast (Saccaromyces cerevisiae) in the artificial feed. The purpose of this study was to know and observe the effect of the addition of S. cerevisiae to feed on the level of Growth (weigth and Length), and survival rate. The material used is baker’s yeast (S. cerevisiae) which is mixed with sprayed feed and after it is dried, then given as fish feed in culture. The experimental methods with completely randomized design (CRD) were employed in this research. The design consisted of 4 treatments and 3 repepition The treatments tested were K (0 g/kg feed), A (10 g/kg feed), B (20 g/kg feed) and C (30 g/kg feed). The main parameters include weight growth, length growth, and survival rate. The research results showed that the adding baker’s yeast (S. cerevisiae) in the artificial feed were significantly effects (P0,05) on Weight and Length Growth, and survival rate.  The best result was in the treatment A (10 g/kg feed) where the best  Weight Growth rate of 30.40 (gr/week), Length Growth rate of 0.13 (cm/week), survival rate of 100%


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    Sistem budidaya tanaman secara hidroponik dapat menjadi salah satu solusi bagi pengembangan tanaman buah dan sayur dengan berbagai kelebihan dibandingkan sistem pertanian konvensional. Budidaya tanaman sayuran seperti sawi dengan sistem hidroponik dianggap lebih efisien dalam penggunaan air dan tanah. Selain itu budidaya tanaman sayuran dengan cara hidroponik dapat memperbaiki kualitas dari hasil tanaman karena hasil panen dari tanaman tidak kotor karena tanah dan bebas dari pestisida kimia. Sistem hidroponik sangat bergantung pada larutan nutrisi yang digunakan. Penggunaan nutrisi yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan keracunan pada tanaman. Sedangkan jika penggunaan nutrisi terlalu sedikit maka dapat menyebabkan terhambatnya pertumbuhan tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kosentrasi nutrisi yang sesuai pada tanaman sawi pakcoy. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, perlakuannya yaitu P0: Tanpa Nutrisi; P1: konsentrasi EC 0,5; P2: konsentrasi EC 1,0; P3: konsentrasi EC 1,25; P4: konsentrasi EC 1,5; P5: konsentrasi EC 2,0. Data pengamatan yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis ragam (uji F) pada taraf 5%. Bila hasil pengujian diperoleh perbedaaan yang nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan uji perbandingan antar perlakuan dengan menggunakan Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf 5%


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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of the provision of azolla flour into pellet feed to improve the performance of tilapia. This study used a complete randomized block (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and 3 replications with doses, namely: (K - 100% pellet feed), (A - 75% + 25% Azolla pellet), (B – pellet 50% + 50 % Azolla), (C - pellet 25% + 75% Azolla) main parameters include weight growth, survival and feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed utilization efficiency (EPP). While supporting parameters include temperature, pH, DO. Then the data obtained was processed dst and analyzed using excel, analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a confidence of 95% and continued using BNT test. If there was a significant effect on the treatment. The ANOVA test results showed that the administration of azolla flour on feed did not have a significant effect on absolute growth and daily growth rate, survival FCR, and efficiency of feed utilization (EPP) of tilapia (p<0.05), thus the results of the study could be concluded the addition of azolla flour to tilapia feed in this study did not have a significant effect, so there was no need to do further tests on BNT0.05 (Smallest Significant Difference). The results in this study on absolute growth control treatment amounted to 0.83 gram, specific growth rate of 0.69%, FCR of 1.72, survival (SR) of 53% while feed utilization efficiency (EPP) of 43.82% no one has a real influence


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    The existance of metal pollution detected in water and green mussel’s flesh in Bayuurip Village, Glagah Sub-District, Gresik Regency, had a big impact in production and food security in that region. According to 3 years data (2018-2020), the production of green mussels was decreased significantly. Harvest was usually reach to 5-7 tons/day, nevertheless, currently only 1.5-2 tons/day. The size of yields were smaller, the harvest was usually in <5 cm; in size >5-7 cm are very scarce. Besides, the size of green mussels influence its selling price. Although the Pb levels were still lower than threshold from the goverment, nevertheless, the issue of their existance was a major concern, especialy in the decrease of market demand and the increase of citizens awareness of food security. For this reason, through The Internal Community Service Program of UMG, was expected to provide the information to citizens that green mussels are still worth consuming and safety, especially with the use of depuration method; increase the local society awareness to maintain the hygiene, implement depuration technology to keep food product safe and securable. The external expectation of this program is to develop an independent local community, in social economy. This activity was scheduled in Bayuurip Village, Ujung Pangkah Sub-district, Gresik Regency, with several purposes: (1) Applied the depuration technology manipulation to reduce metal pollution in green mussels flesh; (2) Increase the economic value of featured product (green mussels) and its food safety; (3) Develop positive opinion that green mussels are safe to consume after depuration treatment


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    Milkfish is including commodities that easy to cultivated and has high interest comsumption. The technology that support cultivation of milkfish still weak in optimalyze the growth of it. Research design of this study is group randomized design (RAK). The purpose of this study is to analyze the appropriate dose of growth variable, and FCR of milkfish by using policulture system. This study using 4 treatment and 3 repeatition by different probiotic dose of treatement. Treatment P0 (control), P1 (giving probiotic 8 ml/kg of feed), P2 (giving probiotic 10 ml/kg of feed), P3 (giving probiotic 12 ml/kg of feed). Variable that observed by growth, and FCR of milkfish. The result of ANOVA analysis shows that the difference is very real of variable of daily growth rate, absolute weight, FCR of milkfish, and SGR of seaweed. Varibale that shows a difference next by BNT further testing, so that the best treatment as known is P2 (giving probiotic 10 ml/kg of feed). Giving of dose variety of feed gives real difference toward growth. Growth is indicated by daily growth rate and absolute weight. Giving P2 of probiotic (giving probiotic 10 ml/kg of feed) able to apply to cultivators so that press the value of feed conversion ratio


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    African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is one type of freshwater fish that has high economic value. African catfish with intensive cultivation are hampered by the high cost of feed that is not in accordance with the selling price of African catfish. An alternative effort that can be done is the addition of probiotics to feed which is expected to reduce feed costs. Probiotics are living microorganisms in fish culture that can prevent disease, thereby increasing production and can reduce economic losses. This study aims to analyze the effect of probiotics on the growth of absolute weight and daily growth rate of African catfish. The method used was Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 4 treatments namely 0, 2, 4 and 6 ml / kg of feed and repeated 3 times. Activities carried out in this study include preparation of containers, seed stocking, fish sampling, feed preparation, feeding and water management. The variables observed were absolute weight growth and daily growth rate. The results showed that the addition of probiotics to commercial feed significantly affected the growth of weight and daily growth rate of African catfis


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    Food needs in urban areas are increasing along with increasing population growth. The problem of population growth in urban areas is always followed by the construction of housing facilities. The development of housing facilities has an impact on the availability of land and water resources for fish farming and agriculture. Aquaponics technology is a combination of aquaculture and hyroponics technology in one system to optimize the function of water and space as maintenance media. Aquaponic system is a system that offers solutions related to narrow land use and limited water resources for fish and plant cultivation activities. In this community service activity, the aquaponics system was introduced to the community in the Dahanrejo area, with several activities carried out including the creation of an aquaponics unit, counseling and training given to the community on this aquaponics technique and unit. In carrying out community service activities there are several stages that need to be carried out including: location surveying, designing and testing of acuponic technology, counseling and training, monitoring and surveying. From the activities carried out, 20 people received training on how to use the land for freshwater fish cultivation and crop cultivation using aquaponics technology. In addition, an aquaponic unit was handed over to the kelurahan as a model for the existing community

    The Utilazation of Fisherman Catch for Nugget Product

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    The fisheries sector is essential for the nourishment for marine life of coastal communities, use of fishery resources into livelihood of fishermen. In connection with that, this activity aims to increase the sale value of shrimp through counseling activities shrimp nuggets processing and product diversification. The method used is counseling and mentoring activities to produce diversified products which are followed by partner groups, especially women and housewives, as well as surrounding communities who have the desire to become entrepreneurs. The result is processed into products such as nuggets. The conclusion is that the shrimp commodity has a profitable business opportunity by increasing the selling price, so that it can increase the income of the community in the Kroman Village, Gresik District, Gresik Regency

    Kajian Pola Ekspresi Hrgfp Sebagai Gen Pewarta Pada Embrio Dan Larva Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Carpio Var. Koi)

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    Integrasi serta ekspresi DNA transgen yang diintroduksikan dapat dilihat dengan mengetahui pola ekspresi dari hrGFP sebagai gen pewarta pada saat embriogenesis hingga menjadi larva. Pola ekspresi ini lebih dikenal dengan pola ekspresi sementara (transient expression) dan dari ekspresi inilah dapat diketahui DNA tersebut terintegrasi atau tidak. Oleh karena itu, fokus dari penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalah mengetahui pola ekspresi sementara dari hrGFP sebagai gen pewarta dan dari pola ekspresi tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber informasi apakah penggunaan hrGFP tersebut dapat mengintegrasikan DNA asing kedalam genom ikan koi atau tidak agar pembuatan konstruksi DNA asing yang membawa sifat genetik tertentu dapat mudah diintroduksikan kedalam ikan koi dan didapatkan ikan koi dengan genotip yang unik sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni metode eksperimen. Metode ini digunakan untuk mencari fakta dan hubungan sebab akibat dari suatu objek yang diteliti sehingga didapatkan hasil yang konkrit. Rancangan penelitian yang akan digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap. Perlakuan yang dilaksanakan yakni elektroporasi sperma dengan voltage yang berbeda : 10 V, 20 V, dan 30 V dengan 3x ulangan dan dengan konsentrasi DNA 10 ng/μL. Hasil dari elektroporasi nantinya akan dilihat pola ekspresinya pada saat embriogenesis hingga larva sehingga secara kualitatif dapat diketahui kapan ekspresi sementara mulai muncul hingga hilang kembali dan secara kuantitatif dengan melihat nilai intensitas pendaran GFP yang terlihat pada masingmasing perlakuan. Selanjutnya data hasil dari penelitian tersebut akan dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisa sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan hingga uji BNT dan Uji polinomial orthogonal apabila didapatkan hasil sidk ragam yang berbeda nyata. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Sentral Ilmu Hayati (LSIH) ; Laboratorium Breeding dan Reproduksi Ikan Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Brawijaya, Malang pada bulan Oktober 2016 – Mei 2017. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa perlakuan kuat medan listrik (voltase) yang berbeda memberikan hasil yang berbeda nyata terhadap motilitas, dan viabilitas sperma, namun tidak berbeda nyata pada fertilitas, daya tetas , interaksi hrGFP pada sperma dan interaksi hrGFP pada embrio maupun Larva. hrGFP terlihat berinteraksi dengan sperma pada semua perlakuan kecuali kontrol meskipun dengan tingkat intensitas pendaran yang kecil. Intensitas pendaran tertinggi pada sperma dengan perlakuan A sebesar 38,48. Tertinggi pada fase Organogenesis yakni pada perlakuan A (10V) sebesar 164,452 arbitary. Namun, Pada Larva tertinggi pada perlakuan B (20) sebesar 325,574 arbitary. Pola ekspresi transient pada ikan koi dengan menggunakan hrGFP berbeda dengan spesies lain, Pola ekspresi hrGFP mulai terlihat secara nyata pada fase blastula dan semakin stabil pada Larva. Artinya, hrGFP efektif digunakan sebagai gen pewarta pada kegiatan transgenesis koi

    Kajian Pola Ekspresi Hrgfp Sebagai Gen Pewarta Pada Embrio Dan Larva Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Carpio Var. Koi)

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    hrGFP (humanized Renilla reniformis Green Fluoresence Protein) merupakan protein berpendar yang diisolasi dari anthozoa dan dapat digunakan sebagai penanda/pewata dalam kegiatan transgenesis maupun analisa molekuler yang memiliki sifat menyerupai gen. hrGFP memiliki koefisien pendaran yang lebih tinggi intensitasnya dibandingkan dengan GFP aquoria. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan hrgFP sebagai gen pewarta dalam mengevaluasi kemampuan promotor maupun gen target yang akan disisipkan dalam kegiatan transgenesis ikan koi khususnya. Selain itu adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kuat medan listrik pada saat proses elektroporasi berlangsung terhadap ekspresi transien yang muncul pada saat embrio dan larva. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah RAL (rancangan acak lengkap) dengan 3 perlakuan perbedaan voltase (10, 20, dan 30V) dan 3x ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian voltase yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata terhadap kualitas sperma pasca elektroporasi (motilitas dan viabilitas) namun tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap daya fertilisasi, derajat penetasan telur maupun intensitas pendaran hrGFP baik pada sperma, embrio maupun larva. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian hrGFP terekspresi pada fase blastula hingga larva. Ekspresi hrGFP tetap stabil pada larva ikan koi yang berumur 2 hari pasca penetasan. Ekspresi hrGFP terlihat terekpsresi pada bagian mata dan posterior badan, namun tidak terlihat ekspresinya pada bagian ekor. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ikan koi transgenik telah berhasil dibentuk dan promoter b aktin medaka yang digunakan sebagai elemen regulator pada konstruksi plasmid hrGFP nya mampu mengarahkan ekspresi hrGFP tersebut di dalam tubuh ikan koi. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan penggunaan voltase yang berbeda pada saat elektroporasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat intensitas pendaran hrGFP baik pada embrio maupun larva. Intensitas hrGFP tertinggi adalah pada perlakuan B (20 V) dengan intensitas pendaran sebesar 325,574 arbitary