753 research outputs found

    A single chain analysis of doped quasi one dimensional spin 1 compounds: paramagnetic versus spin 1/2 doping

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    We present a numerical study of single chain models of doped spin 1 compounds. We use low energy effective one-dimensional models for both the cases of paramagnetic and spin-1/2 doping. In the case of paramagnetic doping, the effective model is equivalent to the bond disordered spin-1/2 chain model recently analyzed by means of real space renormalization group by Hyman and Yang. By means of exact diagonalizations in the XX limit, we confirm the stability of the Haldane phase for weak disorder. Above a critical amount of disorder, the effective model flows to the so called random singlet fixed point. In the case of spin-1/2 doping, we argue that the Haldane phase should be destabilized even for weak disorder. This picture is not in contradiction with existing experimental data. We also discuss the possible occurrence of (unobserved) antiferromagnetically ordered phases.Comment: 13 pages, 7 included figure

    The spin-Peierls instability in spin 1/2 XY chain in the non adiabatic limit

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    The spin-Peierls instability in spin 1/2 XY chain coupled to dispersionless phonons of frequency ω\omega has been studied in the nonadiabatic limit. We have chosen the Lang-Firsov variational wave function for the phonon subsystem to obtain an effective spin Hamiltonian. The effective spin Hamiltonian is then solved in the framework of mean-field approximation. We observed a dimerized phase when g is less than a critical value and an anti-ferromagnetic phase when it is greater than a critical value . The variation of lattice distortion, dimerized order parameter and energy gap with spin phonon coupling parameter has also been investigated here.Comment: 15 pages (Revtex, including 5 .ps figures); Submitted to PR

    Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in UPt_3

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    The short ranged antiferromagnetism recently seen in UPt_3 is proved incompatible with two dimensional (2D) order parameter models that take the antiferromagnetism as a symmetry breaking field. To adjust to the local moment direction, the order parameter twists over very long length scales as per the Imry-Ma argument. A variational solution to the Ginzburg-Landau equations is used to study the nature of the short ranged order. Although there are still two transitions, the lower one is of first order -- in contradiction to experiments. It is shown that the latent heat predicted by the 2D models at the lower transition is too large not to have been seen. A simple periodic model is numerically studied to show that the lower transition can not be a crossover either.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 9 pages, 2 figure

    On the soliton width in the incommensurate phase of spin-Peierls systems

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    We study using bosonization techniques the effects of frustration due to competing interactions and of the interchain elastic couplings on the soliton width and soliton structure in spin-Peierls systems. We compare the predictions of this study with numerical results obtained by exact diagonalization of finite chains. We conclude that frustration produces in general a reduction of the soliton width while the interchain elastic coupling increases it. We discuss these results in connection with recent measurements of the soliton width in the incommensurate phase of CuGeO_3.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 2 figures embedded in the tex

    Possible Pairing Symmetry of Three-dimensional Superconductor UPt3_3 -- Analysis Based on a Microscopic Calculation --

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    Stimulated by the anomalous superconducting properties of UPt3_3, we investigate the pairing symmetry and the transition temperature in the two-dimensional(2D) and three-dimensional(3D) hexagonal Hubbard model. We solve the Eliashberg equation using the third order perturbation theory with respect to the on-site repulsion UU. As results of the 2D calculation, we obtain distinct two types of stable spin-triplet pairing states. One is the ff-wave(B1_1) pairing around n=1.2n = 1.2 and in a small UU region, which is caused by the ferromagnetic fluctuation. Then, the other is the pxp_x(or pyp_y)-wave(E1_1) pairing in large UU region far from the half-filling (n=1n = 1) which is caused by the vertex corrections only. However, we find that the former ff-wave pairing is destroyed by introduced 3D dispersion. This is because the 3D dispersion breaks the favorable structures for the ff-wave pairing such as the van Hove singularities and the small pocket structures. Thus, we conclude that the ferromagnetic fluctuation mediated spin-triplet state can not explain the superconductivity of UPt3_3. We also study the case of the pairing symmetry with a polar gap. This pzp_z-wave(A1_1) is stabilized by the large hopping integral along c-axis tzt_z. It is nearly degenerate with the suppressed pxp_x(or pyp_y)-wave(E1_1) in the best fitting parameter region to UPt3_3 (1.3tz1.51.3 \le t_z \le 1.5). These two p-wave pairing states exist in the region far from the half-filling, in which the vertex correction terms play crucial roles like the case in Sr2_2RuO4_4.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    The Coexpression of Reelin and Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in a Subpopulation of Dentate Gyrus Neurons Is Downregulated in Heterozygous Reeler Mice

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    Reelin is an extracellular matrix protein expressed in several interneuron subtypes in the hippocampus and dentate gyrus. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is also expressed by interneurons in these areas. We investigated whether reelin and nNOS are co-localized in the same population of hippocampal interneurons, and whether this colocalization is altered in the heterozygous reeler mouse. We found colocalization of nNOS in reelin-positive cells in the CA1 stratum radiatum and lacunosum moleculare, the CA3 stratum radiatum, and the dentate gyrus subgranular zone, molecular layer, and hilus. In heterozygous reeler mice, the colocalization of nNOS in reelin-positive cells was significantly decreased only in the subgranular zone and molecular layer. The coexpression of reelin and nNOS in several hippocampal regions suggests that reelin and nNOS may work synergistically to promote glutamatergic function, and the loss of this coexpression in heterozygous reeler mice may underlie some of the behavioral deficits observed in these animals

    Reentrant Spin-Peierls Transition in Mg-Doped CuGeO_3

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    We report a synchrotron x-ray scattering study of the diluted spin-Peierls (SP) material Cu_{1-x}Mg_xGeO_3. In a recent paper we have shown that the SP dimerization attains long-range order only for x < x_c = 0.022(0.001). Here we report that the SP transition is reentrant in the vicinity of the critical concentration x_c. This is manifested by broadening of the SP dimerization superlattice peaks below the reentrance temperature, T_r, which may mean either the complete loss of the long-range SP order or the development of a short-range ordered component within the long-range ordered SP state. Marked hysteresis and very large relaxation times are found in the samples with Mg concentrations in the vicinity of x_c. The reentrant transition is likely related to the competing Neel transition which occurs at a temperature similar to T_r. We argue that impurity-induced competing interchain interactions play an essential role in these phenomena.Comment: 5 pages, 4 embedded eps figure