165 research outputs found

    Pengawasan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa terhadap Pelaksanaan Peraturan Desa Tentang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa Didesa Bandur Picak Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu Kabupaten Kampar Tahun 2012

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    Supervision is very important in all work, what else in the government, lack of supervision is a phenomenon that is polemical and losses for various parties, this phenomenon also occurred in the village of Bandur picak Koto Kampar District of Hulu Kampar, where BPD Monitoring of Implementation Regulation of the Village About APBDes less maximum due to the realization of village finances has not been running well and there are many community organizations that have not received funding because the funding provided is not sufficient. The authors wanted to examine further on the Control of Village Consultative Body of Implementation Regulation of the Village About Budget village Village In the village of Koto Kampar District of Bandur picak Hulu Kampar Regency in 2012.The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of BPD in carrying out surveillance of Village Regulations About APBDes and determine the factors inhibiting the performance of BPD. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Informants in this study is the Head Koto Kampar Hulu, picak Bandur village chief, village secretary, BPD Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the BPD, Desa Bandur picak Kaur, Chief LPM, Kadus, Ninik Mamak and picak Bandur Village Society, the Data Collection Techniques Interviews to find out the extent to which the BPD Supervision Regulations village, qualitative data analysis technique that is performed on the data, in this case the qualitative data in the form of information, a description in the form of prose language other then associated with the data to gain clarity on the truth.Results from this study, the Village Consultative Monitoring Regulatory Agency Village About Budget Village in the Village Bandur picak already implemented properly and in accordance with existing regulations, only lack of education BPD, BPD lack of understanding of the duties and functions, lack of facilities and lack of Inhibiting factors form the village fund BPD in carrying out their duties, as well as other factors, such as mental attitude, and indigenous factors / kinship that exist.Keywords: Monitoring, BPD, Village Regulat

    Teknik Focus Group Discussion dalam Penelitian Kualitatif

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    Latar belakang: Teknik Focus Group Discussion (FGD) seringkali digunakan para pembuat keputusan atau peneliti dalam penelitian kualitatif untuk menggali data mengenai persepsi, opini, kepercayaan dan sikap terhadap suatu produk, pelayanan, konsep atau ide, karena relatif lebih mudah dan cepat selesai dibandingkan dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif yang lain. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya, banyak kegiatan FGD yang belum dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kaidah sehingga hasilnya tidak dapat maksimal. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan dapat menyegarkan kembali ingatan peneliti mengenai beberapa kaidah dalam FGD yang perlu diperhatikan agar hasil FGD dapat maksimal sesuai tujuan penelitian. Metode: berdasarkan studi penelusuran pustaka. Hasil: Kelemahan dari teknik ini adalah tidak dapat digunakan untuk tujuan kuantitatif, misalnya tes hipotesis, tidak dapat digunakan pada pembahasan sebuah topik yang sangat sensitive, peserta kadang sulit dikendalikan ketika diskusi berlangsung, serta hasil dan kesimpulan diskusi terkadang dipengaruhi oleh pandangan dan pendekatan dari moderator


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    Primary health care (Puskesmas) are the pioneer of GERMAS movement by health promotion and community empowerment activities (Promkes and PM). Financial support is one of the most important resources to managing activities. The object of this research is to provide information of costs and financial sources of Promkes and PM activities in Puskesmas. This research is a secondary data analysis of Health Cost Research for First Level Health Facility (RPK FKTP) 2015. The unit of analysis is puskesmas which organize Promkes and PM activities. There were 299 puskesmas in 2013 and 302 puskesmas in 2014. The data was analyze descriptively and comparing the amount and percentage of cost Promkes and PM activities in 2013/2014 along with financial resources by characteristics of Puskesmas. The results showed the average cost of organizing the Promkes and PM activities in 2014 is increasing, but the average percentage has decreased. In the period of 2013–2014, the average percentage to managing activities is 7,8%. The main financial source of the program is BOK. This condition occurs throughout the region. The cost of organizing the activities is directly proportional to the FCI category, but is inversely proportional to the IPKM category. Furthermore, in 2014 there is also an increased cost to organize activities in inpatient primary health care (Puskesmas rawat inap) and non-inpatient primary health care (Puskesmas non rawat inap). There is no minimum standard to regulate costing for program. It recommends to set up a minimum budget standard to takes account the categories of FCI and IPKM, arrange indicators to evaluate Promkes and PM activities to generate an ideal budget for Promkes and PM activities at puskesmas for succeeding the Germas movement. Abstrak Puskesmas menjadi ujung tombak keberhasilan GERMAS melalui kegiatan wajib promosi kesehatan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat (Promkes dan PM). Dukungan anggaran menjadi salah satu sumber daya penting penyelenggaraan kegiatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberi informasi besaran biaya dan sumber dana penyelenggaraan kegiatan Promkes dan PM di Puskesmas. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis lanjut data sekunder Riset Pembiayaan Kesehatan Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (RPK FKTP) 2015. Unit analisis adalah puskesmas yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan Promkes dan PM yaitu 299 puskesmas di tahun 2013 dan 302 puskesmas di tahun 2014. Analisa data secara deskriptif dan komparasi terhadap besaran dan rerata persentase biaya tahun 2013/2014, sumber dana, dengan memperhatikan karakteristik Puskesmas. Hasil menginformasikan rerata biaya penyelenggaraan kegiatan Promkes dan PM tahun 2014 mengalami pertambahan, namun penurunan dalam rerata persentase biaya. Pada periode tahun 2013–2014, rerata persentase biaya penyelenggaraan adalah 7,8%. Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (BOK) merupakan sumber dana utama. Tahun 2014 seluruh regional mengalami pertambahan biaya penyelenggaraan, namun penurunan dalam rata-rata persentase biaya. Besar anggaran penyelenggaraan kegiatan berbanding lurus dengan kategori FCI, namun berbanding terbalik dengan kategori IPKM. Tahun 2014, biaya penyelenggaraan kegiatan pada puskesmas non rawat inap dan puskesmas perairan atau di daerah terpencil bertambah. Belum ada peraturan standar minimal anggaran kegiatan Promkes dan PM. Disarankan perlu ditetapkan standar anggaran yang memperhatikan kategori IPKM dan FCI, penyusunan indikator keberhasilan kegiatan promkes dan PM untuk memperoleh besaran ideal anggaran kegiatan Promkes dan PM di Puskesmas demi keberhasilan GERMAS. &nbsp

    Analysis on Demand of Indonesian Shrimp By International Market

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    Demand elasticities in two major markets for Indonesian shrimp, The USA and Japan, were analyzed as a basis for identifying factors influencing import of the commodity by two countries. Price of tuna. per capita fish consumtion and import volume from India were found to be significant factors intluencing import of Indonesian shrimp by Japanese market. In the case of the USA market, the estimate model failed to explain the factors influencing import. Hygienic factor is supposed to be major factor responsible for the failure of Indonesian Shrimp to enterinto The USA market

    Developing Students\u27 Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text Through Directed Reading-thinking Activity Strategy

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    This research answers the problem that is, the use of directed reading thinking activity strategy improves students\u27 reading comprehension on narrative text of the eighth grade of SMP N 2 Pontianak. This study was conducted to answer the following problems:How does directed reading-thinking activity improve students\u27 reading comprehension in the orientation, complication and resolution in narrative text?In this research, direct reading thinking strategy is reading strategy in which focused on developing the students reading comprehension in finding out the main idea and the detailed information and understanding the reference, inference and the new or unknown vocabularies of narrative text. This study used classroom action research method. The tools of data collection used observation checklist, and field note. On the first, second and the third cycle the writer used picture and text as helping strategy. From the result of measurement test, the data showed that the students\u27 mean score had improvement from the first cycle to the third cycle. The research results showed that students\u27 reading comprehension on narrative text improved after being taught by Directed Reading-Thinking Activity Strategy

    Patentes tecnológicas: un análisis geográfico de la innovación en Argentina

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar el fenómeno de patentes en Argentina, en relación a su distribución regional y actores involucrados, para el período 2015-2017. En particular, se describen los registros de patentes en Argentina, en función de su tipo y clasificación y región. Se identifica si existen indicios de relación entre las patentes registradas en cada región y las actividades económicas desarrolladas en esa región. Por último, se identifica si existen indicios de asociación entre el número de patentes de las regiones argentinas y su cantidad de universidades, centros de investigación o empresas. La metodología es de tipo descriptiva y los datos se obtienen a partir de los boletines de patentes publicados por el INPI (Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Industrial. Para lograr los objetivos mencionados se construyó una base de datos a partir de los boletines de patentes. Los principales resultados indican que en Argentina se registran una mayor cantidad de patentes de tipo independiente principalmente en las regiones centrales como Pampeana o CABA. A su vez, las patentes se clasifican en las categorías que se relacionan con las actividades económicas del país. Se observa que las patentes se asocian con la actividad económica desarrollada en cada región. Por último, se encuentra que cuanto mayor es el número de universidades, centros de investigación o empresas en la región, mayor es el número de patentes registradas.Fil: Lusi, Melisa A. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina
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