5 research outputs found

    Evaluación de riesgos laborales del área de distribución y entregas de la distribuidora sur de coca cola en Bogotá D.C. durante el segundo semestre de 2022

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    Apéndice A. Operacionalización de variables, Apéndice B. Instrumento de recolección de la información, Apéndice C. Encuesta en Google DriveEl siguiente texto proporciona un resumen del proyecto de investigación sobre los riesgos laborales notados en los trabajadores del área de distribución y entregas de la compañía Coca Cola en Bogotá D.C. durante el segundo semestre de 2022. La propuesta tiene como objetivo examinar los riesgos laborales presentes es sus labores de los trabajadores de Coca Cola, indicando la relación sociolaboral, las condiciones de las instalaciones del área e identificando los diferentes tipos de riesgos a los que están expuestos, específicamente diagnosticando la situación de los empleados en la compañía. En consecuencia, se realizó la investigación a través de una encuesta virtual que permite la identificación de las principales causas de riesgos laborales notados de los trabajadores en el área de entregas de la distribuidora sur de Coca-Cola en Bogotá, como resultados que conducen al mejoramiento de la capacidad científica nacional, se encuentran las características sociolaborales como: la edad, el género, cargo, antigüedad y el nivel escolar del personal involucrado en el estudio, y como productos dirigidos a la adquisición social del conocimiento, encontramos las condiciones del área y los tipos de riesgo laboral de los colaboradores. Las propuestas y/o preguntas presentadas en este trabajo son respaldadas por la encuesta sobre la exposición de riesgos laborales en los colaboradores del área de distribución y entrega de la distribuidora sur de Coca-Cola en Bogotá para la segunda mitad de 2022. De acuerdo con lo anterior, adquirimos nuevos conocimientos en cuanto a las características sociolaborales, condiciones del área y exposición de riesgos laborales de los trabajadores basados en la metodología de la investigación aplicada y los resultados y análisis obtenidos. Palabras claves: área, laboral, SSST, trabajador, Compañía.The following text provides a summary of the research project on the occupational risks noted in the workers of the distribution and delivery area of the Coca Cola company in Bogotá D.C. during the second semester of 2022. The proposal aims to examine the labor risks present in the work of Coca Cola workers, indicating the socio-labor relationship, the conditions of the area's facilities and identifying the different types of risks to which they are exposed, specifically diagnosing the situation of employees in the company. Consequently, the research was conducted through a virtual survey that allows the identification of the main causes of occupational risks noted of the workers in the delivery area of the southern Coca-Cola distributor in Bogotá, as results that lead to the improvement of the national scientific capacity, are the socio-labor characteristics such as: age, gender, position, seniority and school level of the personnel involved in the study, and as products aimed at the social acquisition of knowledge, we found the conditions of the area and the types of occupational risk of the collaborators. The proposals and/or questions presented in this work are supported by the survey on occupational risk exposure in the collaborators of the distribution and delivery area of the Coca-Cola South Distributor in Bogota for the second half of 2022. According to the above, we acquired new knowledge regarding the socio-labor characteristics, area conditions and occupational risk exposure of workers based on the applied research methodology and the results and analysis obtained. Key words: area, labor, SSST, worker, Company

    LRP10, PGK1 and RPLP0: best reference genes in periprostatic adipose tissue under obesity and prostate cancer conditions

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    Obesity (OB) is a metabolic disorder characterized by adipose tissue dysfunction that has emerged as a health problem of epidemic proportions in recent decades. OB is associated with multiple comorbidities, including some types of cancers. Specifically, prostate cancer (PCa) has been postulated as one of the tumors that could have a causal relationship with OB. Particularly, a specialized adipose tissue (AT) depot known as periprostatic adipose tissue (PPAT) has gained increasing attention over the last few years as it could be a key player in the pathophysiological interaction between PCa and OB. However, to date, no studies have defined the most appropriate internal reference genes (IRGs) to be used in gene expression studies in this AT depot. In this work, two independent cohorts of PPAT samples (n = 20/n = 48) were used to assess the validity of a battery of 15 literature-selected IRGs using two widely used techniques (reverse transcription quantitative PCR [RT-qPCR] and microfluidic-based qPCR array). For this purpose, ΔCt method, GeNorm (v3.5), BestKeeper (v1.0), NormFinder (v.20.0), and RefFinder software were employed to assess the overall trends of our analyses. LRP10, PGK1, and RPLP0 were identified as the best IRGs to be used for gene expression studies in human PPATs, specifically when considering PCa and OB conditions

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research

    Institución promotora de la cultura ciudadana

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    La preocupación por la contaminación ambiental es general en todo el mundo y desde todos los aspectos, desde las basuras en las calles, las aguas residuales, la emisión de gases, hasta el calentamiento global; sin embargo, es evidente que las nuevas generaciones han tomado conciencia del protagonismo que tienen para buscar las soluciones a este problema que amenaza con acabar el hábitat del ser humano. De ahí que el proyecto de emprendimiento social propuesto como trabajo de grado, se basa en promover la cultura ciudadana para reducir la congestión vehicular por los trancones que a diario se hacen y minimizar la emisión de gases de los vehículos estacionados con el motor encendido. A través del desarrollo de las fases indicadas a lo largo del curso del Diplomado de Profundización para Tecnología en Gestión del Marketing para el Emprendimiento Social, se analizaron las necesidades de una comunidad y se determinó que la problemática social más marcada en la ciudad capital es la contaminación ambiental y fue así como a través del desarrollo del modelo de negocio Design Thinking y con la definición de las estrategias de mercado más convenientes para el proyecto, se diseñó un programa de Marketing Digital, el cual permite llegar a muchos ciudadanos aprovechando las redes sociales que hoy por hoy marcan la pauta en cuanto a publicidad. A través de las encuestas realizadas se determinó la marcada necesidad de promover una cultura ciudadana que recupere y promueva valores como la tolerancia, la paciencia y especialmente el respeto por los demás, por las normas de tránsito, por la vida misma; buscando llegar a la población para sensibilizar a los ciudadanos e involucrarlos en la solución al problema.Concern for environmental pollution is general throughout the world and from all aspects, from street waste, sewage, gas emissions, to global warming. However, it is clear that the new generations have become aware of the prominence they have to find solutions to this problem that threatens to end the human beings habitat. Hence, the social entrepreneurship project proposed as grade work, is based on promoting citizen culture to reduce vehicular congestion due to daily traffic jams and minimize the emission of gases from vehicles parked with the engine running. Through the development of the phases indicated throughout the course of the Diploma of Deepening for Technology in Marketing Management for Social Entrepreneurship, the needs of a community were analyzed and it was determined that the most common social problem in the capital city is the environmental pollution and it was thus through the development of the Design Thinking business model and with the definition of the most convenient market strategies for the project, a Digital Marketing program was designed, which allows many citizens to be reached taking advantage of social networks that today set the tone for advertising. Through the surveys carried out, the marked need to promote a citizen culture that recovers and promotes values such as tolerance, patience and especially respect for others, for traffic regulations, for life itself was determined; seeking to reach the population to sensitize citizens and involve them in the solution to the problem