53 research outputs found

    The EU’s Internal Frictions and their Consequences on the Eastern Neighbours

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    In the last couple of years, the EU’s foreign policy was mainly directed towards two regions: the Balkans and the Eastern neighborhood. However, the means and the ends of the EU’s approach were in a sharp contrast. While the Balkan countries witnessed a more straightforward and coherent path towards the EU, the Eastern neighborhood had a different experience. Aiming to avoid future cleavages, the EU developed in 2004 the European Neighborhood Policy. But following Romania and Bulgaria’ s accession in the EU, there was still the need for a more comprehensive approach toward the Eastern neighbourhood. Therefore, at the Polish and Swedish overture, the EU inaugurated the Eastern Partnership program which comprises of six ex-Soviet countries. However, the Vilnius Summit was not as effective as it was expected. Instead, it has failed to address the major issues on the agenda. Considering these aspects, this paper asserts that the EU’s gaps in its approach toward the Eastern neighbourhood where mainly determined by systemic incentives and constraints as polarity and ordering principle. After laying out the core arguments, the paper will further develop possible future dynamics concerning the fate of the EU Eastern neighbourhood in the aftermath of the Vilnius Summit

    High frequency of depression and anxiety in medical students at the onset of university training: a cross-sectional study

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    IMSP Clinica Universitară de Asistenţă Medicală Primară, Laboratorul de Genetică, Catedra de medicină de familie, Centrul Universitar de Simulare în Instruirea Medicală (CUSIM), IP Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaRezumat Introducere. Fenomenele psihologice, precum anxietatea și depresia, determină în mare măsură starea de sănătate mintală. Evaluarea sănătății mintale la studenții, aflați la debutul formării profesionale, este necesară pentru depistarea precoce și prevenirea efectelor negative ale acestor fenomene. Studiul a avut drept scop identificarea frecvenţei şi gravităţii fenomenelor anxios-depresive la studenții medici ai anului I de studii. Materiale și metode. S-a realizat un studiu transversal cu participarea studenților medici din primul an universitar (n=623, femei – 460), utilizând Chestionarul de Depresie Beck, forma scurtă (BDI-sf) și Inventarul Stare-Trăsătură de Anxietate (STAI) a lui Spilberger. La prelucrarea datelor a fost aplicată analiza descriptivă şi modulele de analiză statistică variaţională, testul Fisher. Rezultate. Simptome de depresie au fost raportate la 44,3% de studenți, dintre care – 86,2% femei. Dintre aceștia, la 22,5% s-a depistat depresie forma ușoară, la 19,7% – medie, la 2,1% – severă. La specialitatea „Sănătate publică”, frecvenţa depresiei a fost de 57,4%, la facultatea de Medicină – 48,2%, la cea de Stomatologie – 36,9%, iar la cea de Farmacie – 27,7% (p<0,01, testul exact Fisher). Nivelul anxietății, înregistrat la studenții de la specialitatea „Sănătate publică”, a fost de 96,38±16,82 puncte, conform STAI; la facultăţile de: Medicină – 89,83±17,10 puncte, Stomatologie – 87,11±16,42 puncte şi Farmacie – 84,17±14,56 puncte, conform STAI. Concluzii. Frecvența mare a depresiei și gradul sporit de anxietate, înregistrată la studenții-medici în cadrul acestui studiu, impune planificarea și efectuarea măsurilor de prevenție, precum și implementarea unui serviciu de asistență psihologică.Abstract Introduction. Anxiety and depression are psychological phenomena which largely determine the state of mental health. Mental health assessment in students, starting their professional training is required for early detection and prevention of negative effects of these phenomena. The present study aims to determine the phenomena of anxiety and depression among the first year medical students. Materials and methods. The cross-sectional research study was performed on a group of first year medical students (n=623, 460 – females), using the short form of the Beck’s Depression Inventory (shortened form, BDI-SF) and the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The data processing was performed by using the descriptive and modules of variational statistical analysis or Fisher’s exact test. Results. Depression symptoms were reported in 44.3% of students while 86.2% represent females. In 22.5% of cases, students reported mild depression, 19.7% – medium depression and 2.1% – severe depression. The frequency of depression made up 57.4% of cases at Specialty of Public Health, 48.2% – at Faculty of Medicine, 36.9% – at Faculty of Dentistry, and 27.7% – at Faculty of Pharmacy, (p<0.01, Fisher’s exact test). According to STAI, the level of anxiety recorded among students was as follows: Specialty of Public Health – 96.38±16.82 points, Faculty of Medicine – 89.83±17.10 points, Faculty of Dentistry – 87.11±16.42 points, and Faculty of Pharmacy – 84.17±14.56 points. Conclusions. High frequency and increased degree of anxiety and depression phenomena among medical students requires planning and implementation of preventive measures as well as a psychological assistance service

    Распространение неинфекционных заболеваний в популяции студентов-медиков

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    Aim: evaluation of the spread of non-communicable diseases at medical students. Materials and methods: standard physical examination carried out at 727 of the 1st year students and 264 of the 5th year students. One or more pathologies were detected in 68,2% students with a higher frequency at the students of 5th year – 76,9% vs. the students of 1st year – 65,1%; in the structure of morbidity prevail: diseases of eye and its annexes, osteoarticular system, muscles and connective tissue, genitourinary system, nervous system, digestive tract. The outcomes argue the need of non-communicable diseases screening at the beginning of professional career and during the studies.Целью настоящей работы было изучение распространения неинфекционных заболеваний среди студентов медиков. Проведен медицинский осмотр у 727 студентов I курса и 264 студентов V курса. У 68,2% [95% ДИ: 65,2 до 71,1%] студентов было выявлено одно или несколько заболеваний с более высокой частотой распространения среди студентов V курса – 76,9% [95% ДИ: 71,3 до 81,8%] в сравнение с I курсом – 65,1% [95% ДИ: 61,5 до 68,5%]. В структуре заболеваемости преобладают: болезни глаза и его придаточного аппарата, костно-мышечной системы и соединительной ткани, мочеполовой системы, нервной системы, желудочно-кишечного тракта. Результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости скрининга неинфекционных заболеваний во время учебы в университете

    Biobanking in a Constantly Developing Medical World

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    Biobank is a very sophisticated system that consists of a programmed storage of biological material and corresponding data. Biobanks are created to be used in medical research, in clinical and translational medicine, and in healthcare. In the past 20 years, a large number of biobanks have been set up around the world, to support the modern research directions in medicine such as omix and personalized medicine. More recently, embryonic and adult stem cell banks have been developed. Stem cell banking was reported to be required for medical research as well as clinical transplant applications. The quality of the samples stored in a biobank is very important. The standardization is also important; the biological material stored in a biobank must be processed in a manner that allows compatibility with other biobanks that preserve samples in the same field. In this paper, we review some issues related to biobanks purposes, quality, harmonization, and their financial and ethical aspects

    On the Dynamical Ferromagnetic, Quantum Hall, and Relativistic Effects on the Carbon Nanotubes Nucleation and Growth Mechanism

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    The mechanism of carbon nanotube (CNT) nucleation and growth has been a mystery for over 15 years. Prior models have attempted the extension of older classical transport mechanisms. In July 2000, a more detailed and accurate nonclassical, relativistic mechanism was formulated considering the detailed dynamics of the electronics of spin and orbital rehybridization between the carbon and catalyst via novel mesoscopic phenomena and quantum dynamics. Ferromagnetic carbon was demonstrated. Here, quantum (Hall) effects and relativistic effects of intense many body spin-orbital interactions for novel orbital rehybridization dynamics (Little Effect) are proposed in this new dynamical magnetic mechanism. This dynamic ferromagnetic mechanism is proven by imposing dynamic and static magnetic fields during CNT syntheses and observing the different influence of these external magnetic environments on the catalyzing spin currents and spin waves and the resulting CNT formation

    Физическое состояние и качество жизни студентов-медиков

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    Laboratorul Genetică al USMF N. Testemiţanu, Catedra Medicină de Familie USMF N. Testemiţanu, CUSIM, Conferinţa știinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională Sănătatea ocupaţională: probleme și realizări prima ediţie 5-7 iunie 2014Purpose. To evaluate the physical health and quality of life related to the subjective perception of health in medical students. Materials and methods. In 727 students clinical examination was performed and SF-36v2 questionnaire was applied. Results: one or more pathologies was prezent in 62.5% of students, the average of subjective perception physical health ranged from 54.92±15.29 to 90.67±13.46. Conclusions. Thise results support need of curative and preventive actions in the research.Цель. Оценить состояние физического здоровья и качество жизни, связанные с их субъективным восприятием студентами-медиками. Материалы и методы. Были клинически обследованы и опрошены 727 студентов с помощью инструмента SF-36v2. Результаты. Одна или несколько патологий были обнаружены у 62,5% студентов; субъективное восприятие физического здоровья колебалось в пределах от 54,92 ± 15,29 до 90,67 ± 13,46. Выводы. Результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости проведения срочных лечебно-профилактических мероприятий среди данного контингента

    Estimarea comparativă a stării de sănătate a studenţilor admişi la USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” în anii 2002-2004 şi 2010

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    USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The propose of this work was to comparatively evaluate the health status of the fi rst year students of the SMPhU ”Nicolae Testemiţanu” enrolled in years 2002-2004 and 2010. Materials and methods: medical certifi cates form 086e issued by Family physicians and the results of medical examination performed at the University Clinic of Primary Care were analyzed in order to estimate the morbidity spectra. Results: the comparative analysis of morbidity spectra revealed that in 2002-2004 75.98% of students were „healthy” and 24.02% “sick”, whilst in 2010 year only 66.67%, “healthy”, and 33.33% “sick” when enrolled in the SMPhU. There has been a signifi cant increase in proportions of eye pathology, pathologies of urinary and digestive tracts in the morbidity structure during 2002-2010 period. Conclusions: our data support the need of medical examination of fi rst-year students in order to identify the existing chronic pathologies, proper treatment, and monitoring their diseases during the academic years.Целью настоящей работы была сравнительная оценка состояния здоровья студентов первого кур- са ГУМФ им. Николая Тестемицану поступивших на учебу в 2002-2004 и 2010 годы. Материалы и мето- ды: были изучены медицинские справки (форма 086е), выданные семейными врачами, и результаты меди- цинского осмотра студентов первого курса 2002-2004 и 2010 годов поступления. Результаты: проведен- ный сравнительный анализ заболеваемости студентов выявил, что при поступлении в Университет в 2002- 2004 гг. 75,98% студентов были ,,здоровы” и 24,02% ,,больны” а в 2010 году – 66,67% ,,здоровы” и 33,33% ,,больны”. В структуре заболеваемости за период 2002- 2010 годов произошло значительное увеличение доли глазной патологии, патологии мочеполового и пищева- рительного трактов. Выводы: необходимо проведение медицинского осмотра студентов первого курса, для выявления существующих хронических заболеваний, своевременного их лечения и мониторинга динамики состояния здоровья студентов во время учебы.Rezumat Scopul acestui studiu este estimarea comparativă a stării de sănătate şi a spectrului morbidităţii la studenţii anului I al Universităţii de Medicină “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, înmatriculaţi în anii 2002-2004 şi în 2010. Materiale şi metode: au fost analizate datele din adeverinţa medicală (formularul nr.086e) şi rezultatele examenului medical al studenţilor anului I în anii 2002-2004 şi 2010. Rezultate: analiza comparativă a morbidităţii studenţilor denotă că la tinerii înmatriculaţi în perioada 2002-2004 grupul „sănă- tos” constituie 75,98%, în 2010 - 66,67%. Analiza spectrului morbidităţii arată o creştere veridică a patologiei oftalmologice, aparatului genito-urinar, tractului digestiv la studenţii înmatriculaţi în anul 2010, în comparaţie cu 2002-2004. Concluzii: la moment este argumentată necesitatea petrecerii examinării medicale a studenţilor anului I, pentru depistarea timpurie a patologiilor cronice existente, asanarea studenţilor şi monitorizarea dinamicii stării lor de sănătate pe parcursul anilor de studii

    Estimarea comparativă a stării de sănătate a studenţilor admişi la USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” în anii 2002-2004 ŞI 2010

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    Scopul acestui studiu este estimarea comparativă a stării de sănătate şi a spectrului morbidităţii la studenţii anului I al Universităţii de Medicină “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, înmatriculaţi în anii 2002-2004 şi în 2010. Materiale şi metode: au fost analizate datele din adeverinţa medicală (formularul nr.086e) şi rezultatele examenului medical al studenţilor anului I în anii 2002-2004 şi 2010. Rezultate: analiza comparativă a morbidităţii studenţilor denotă că la tinerii înmatriculaţi în perioada 2002-2004 grupul „sănătos” constituie 75,98%, în 2010 - 66,67%. Analiza spectrului morbidităţii arată o creştere veridică a patologiei oftalmologice, aparatului genito-urinar, tractului digestiv la studenţii înmatriculaţi în anul 2010, în comparaţie cu 2002-2004. Concluzii: la moment este argumentată necesitatea petrecerii examinării medicale a studenţilor anului I, pentru depistarea timpurie a patologiilor cronice existente, asanarea studenţilor şi monitorizarea dinamicii stării lor de sănătate pe parcursul anilor de studii

    In vitro study of diminazene aceturate complex with Β-Cyclodextrin for ichthyophthirius multifiliis

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    The histophagous ciliate Ichthyophthyrius multifiliis can cause lethality in farmed carp brood (Cyprinus carpio) as well as other representatives. In the present study, an antiparasitic substance (diminazene aceturate) and its complex with a cyclodextrin were tested for its activity against this pathogen in vitro. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the therapeutic potential of diminazene and the enhancement by the β-cyclodextrin. Of these, the complex proved to be more effective (i.e., killed all parasites in a test period of 6-8 hours). Administration in filtered water suggests that these compounds can not be effective in bathing. In view of these findings, we will discuss the potential utility of chemotherapy as a strategy for controlling ciliatosis in farmed fish