136 research outputs found

    Evidence for Gene Duplication and Allelic Codominance (not Hierarchical Dominance) at the Mating-Type Locus of the Ciliate, Euplotes crassus.

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    The high-multiple mating system of Euplotes crassus is known to be controlled by multiple alleles segregating at a single locus and manifesting relationships of hierarchical dominance, so that heterozygous cells would produce a single mating-type substance (pheromone). In strain L-2D, now known to be homozygous at the mating-type locus, we previously identified two pheromones (Ec-α and Ec-1) characterized by significant variations in their amino acid sequences and structure of their macronuclear coding genes. In this study, pheromones and macronuclear coding genes have been analyzed in strain POR-73 characterized by a heterozygous genotype and strong mating compatibility with L-2D strain. It was found that POR-73 cells contain three distinct pheromone coding genes and, accordingly, secrete three distinct pheromones. One pheromone revealed structural identity in amino acid sequence and macronuclear coding gene to the Ec-α pheromone of L-2D cells. The other two pheromones were shown to be new and were designated Ec-2 and Ec-3 to denote their structural homology with the Ec-1 pheromone of L-2D cells. We interpreted these results as evidence of a phenomenon of gene duplication at the E. crassus mating-type locus, and lack of hierarchical dominance in the expression of the macronuclear pheromone genes in cells with heterozygous genotypes

    Towards self-verification in finite difference code generation

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    Code generation from domain-specific languages is becoming increasingly popular as a method to obtain optimised low-level code that performs well on a given platform and for a given problem instance. Ensuring the correctness of generated codes is crucial. At the same time, testing or manual inspection of the code is problematic, as the generated code can be complex and hard to read. Moreover, the generated code may change depending on the problem type, domain size, or target platform, making conventional code review or testing methods impractical. As a solution, we propose the integration of formal verification tools into the code generation process. We present a case study in which the CIVL verification tool is combined with the Devito finite difference framework that generates optimised stencil code for PDE solvers from symbolic equations. We show a selection of properties of the generated code that can be automatically specified and verified during the code generation process. Our approach allowed us to detect a previously unknown bug in the Devito code generation tool

    Contemporary economic burden in a real-world heart failure population with Commercial and Medicare supplemental plans

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    Background Limited real-world data exist on healthcare resource utilization (HCRU) and associated costs of patients with heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and preserved EF (HFpEF), including urgent HF visits, which are assumed to be less burdensome than HF hospitalizations (hHFs) Hypothesis This study aimed to quantify the economic burden of HFrEF and HFpEF, via a retrospective, longitudinal cohort study, using IBM(R) linked claims/electronic health records (Commercial and Medicare Supplemental data only). Methods Adult patients, indexed on HF diagnosis (ICD-10-CM: I50.x) from July 2012 through June 2018, with 6-month minimum baseline period and varying follow-up, were classified as HFrEF (I50.2x) or HFpEF (I50.3x) according to last-observed EF-specific diagnosis. HCRU/costs were assessed during follow-up. Results About 109 721 HF patients (22% HFrEF, 31% HFpEF, 47% unclassified EF; median 18 months' follow-up) were identified. There were 3.2 all-cause outpatient visits per patient-month (HFrEF, 3.3; HFpEF, 3.6); 69% of patients required inpatient stays (HFrEF, 80%; HFpEF, 78%). Overall, 11% of patients experienced hHFs (HFrEF, 23%; HFpEF, 16%), 9% experienced urgent HF visits (HFrEF, 15%; HFpEF, 12%); 26% were hospitalized less than 30 days after first urgent HF visit versus 11% after first hHF. Mean monthly total direct healthcare cost per patient was 9290(HFrEF,9290 (HFrEF, 11 053; HFpEF, $7482). Conclusions HF-related HCRU is substantial among contemporary real-world HF patients in US Commercial or Medicare supplemental health plans. Patients managed in urgent HF settings were over twice as likely to be hospitalized within 30 days versus those initially hospitalized, suggesting urgent HF visits are important clinical events and quality improvement targets

    Malignant osteopetrosis: bone marrow transplantation

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    A osteopetrose é uma osteopatia hereditária caracterizada pela deficiência na reabsorção óssea que ocorre por disfunção dos osteoclastos. Com o acúmulo de material osteóide que oblitera o canal medular, ocorre hematopoiese extramedular (hepato-esplenomegalia), obliteração dos forames dos nervos cranianos (cegueira, surdez, paralisias faciais), macrocefalia, protusão da fronte, hipertelorismo, exoftalmo, aumento da pressão intracraniana, retardo na erupção dentária, atraso no crescimento, atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, e a morte ocorre precocemente nos primeiros anos de vida. A única alternativa terapêutica curativa é o transplante de medula óssea (TMO) de doador HLA idêntico, pois restabelece a hematopoiese e a função monócito-macrófago, com melhora das lesões ósseas e anormalidades hematopoiéticas, embora não reverta as alterações sensoriais já instaladas. Os autores relatam casos de duas crianças portadoras de osteopetrose maligna submetidas ao transplante de medula óssea com sucesso. A primeira encontra-se no dia +1260 do TMO, com melhora evidente da radiologia esquelética, sem progressão das deficiências neurológicas que apresentava, e com biópsia óssea sem sinais de osteopetrose. O segundo paciente encontra-se no dia + 700, com sinais de reabsorção óssea e sem progressão dos danos neurológicos. Os autores chamam a atenção para a necessidade de diagnóstico precoce da osteopetrose e o rápido encaminhamento para o transplante de medula óssea antes da instalação de seqüelas neurológicas definitivas.Osteopetrosis is an inherited disorder characterized by the inability to reabsorb and remodel bone due to osteoclast dysfunction. The encroachment by bone and mineralized cartilage of the medullary cavities leads to extramedullary hematopoiesis (hepatosplenomegaly) and cranial-nerve foramina leads to blindness, auditory nerve damage, and occulomotor and facial nerve palsies. Defective bone re-absorption also leads to macrocephaly, frontal bossing, hypertelorism, exophthalmos, increased intracranial pressure, retarded tooth eruption, retarded linear growth and psychomotor delay. Death occurs within the first years of life. The only curative therapy is allogeneic bone marrow transplantation with a HLA-identical donor, which restores hematopoiesis, monocyte-macrophage function and bone recovery, but there is no sensorial deficit restoration once present. The authors report two cases of allogeneic bone marrow transplant for infantile malignant osteopetrosis. The first child, on day 1260 after bone marrow transplantation (BMT), showed radiologic bone recovery and no progression of neurological deficits with a bone biopsy showing no signs of osteopetrosis. The second child showed signs of bone re-absorption and no progression of neurological deficits on day 700. The authors emphasize the importance of early diagnosis of osteopetrosis and the necessity of bone marrow transplantation before neurological deficits have begun

    A combination of gemcitabine and 5-fluorouracil in advanced pancreatic cancer, a report from the Italian Group for the Study of Digestive Tract Cancer (GISCAD)

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    In a randomized clinical trial, gemcitabine (GEM) was more effective than 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in advanced pancreatic cancer patients. GEM and 5-FU have different mechanisms of action and their combination, from a theoretical point of view, could result in a higher activity. To test activity and feasibility of such a combination, a multi-institutional phase II study was initiated in November 1996 by the Italian Group for the study of Digestive Tract Cancer (GISCAD). Primary objectives of this study were to determine the activity in terms of response rate and clinical benefit, while the secondary objective was toxicity. According to the optimal two-stage phase II design, 54 patients were enrolled. Schedule was: GEM 1000 mg m(-2) intravenous (i.v.), and 5-FU 600 mg m(-2) bolus i.v. weekly for 3 weeks out of every 4. All the 54 patients were symptomatic (pain, weight loss, dyspepsia). A clinical benefit was obtained in 28 patients (51\%) (95\% confidence interval (CI) 38-64\%). Two patients achieved a partial response and 34 a stable disease. Median survival for all the patients was 7 months. Side-effects were mild: no gastrointestinal or haematological grade 3-4 toxicity (WHO) were recorded. We observed only six episodes of grade 2 (WHO) leukopenia and seven episodes of thrombocytopenia. Although the non-randomized design of this study suggests caution in the interpretation of these data, in consideration of the low incidence of toxicity and the favourable results obtained in terms of clinical benefit, it may be worthwhile to test more active schedules of 5-FU (continuous infusion) in combination with gemcitabine

    Supportive care in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Supportive care in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.

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    Tetrahymena Metallothioneins Fall into Two Discrete Subfamilies

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    BACKGROUND: Metallothioneins are ubiquitous small, cysteine-rich, multifunctional proteins which can bind heavy metals. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We report the results of phylogenetic and gene expression analyses that include two new Tetrahymena thermophila metallothionein genes (MTT3 and MTT5). Sequence alignments of all known Tetrahymena metallothioneins have allowed us to rationalize the structure of these proteins. We now formally subdivide the known metallothioneins from the ciliate genus Tetrahymena into two well defined subfamilies, 7a and 7b, based on phylogenetic analysis, on the pattern of clustering of Cys residues, and on the pattern of inducibility by the heavy metals Cd and Cu. Sequence alignment also reveals a remarkably regular, conserved and hierarchical modular structure of all five subfamily 7a MTs, which include MTT3 and MTT5. The former has three modules, while the latter has only two. Induction levels of the three T. thermophila genes were determined using quantitative real time RT-PCR. Various stressors (including heavy metals) brought about dramatically different fold-inductions for each gene; MTT5 showed the highest fold-induction. Conserved DNA motifs with potential regulatory significance were identified, in an unbiased way, upstream of the start codons of subfamily 7a MTs. EST evidence for alternative splicing in the 3′ UTR of the MTT5 mRNA with potential regulatory activity is reported. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The small number and remarkably regular structure of Tetrahymena MTs, coupled with the experimental tractability of this model organism for studies of in vivo function, make it an attractive system for the experimental dissection of the roles, structure/function relationships, regulation of gene expression, and adaptive evolution of these proteins, as well as for the development of biotechnological applications for the environmental monitoring of toxic substances
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