49 research outputs found


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    Three new species of benthic Foraminifera are here described from the Lower Aptian limestones of the Murge Region (Apulia, Southern Italy). The identified species are: Pseudolituonella conica sp. n., Voloshinoides murgensis sp. n., Archaeosepta coratina sp. n

    Patients' perceptions of quality of care delivery by urology residents: A nationwide study

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    Objective To present the results of a nationwide survey among urological patients to evaluate their perception of the quality of care provided by residents. Methods An anonymous survey was distributed to patients who were referred to 22 Italian academic institutions. The survey aimed to investigate the professional figure of the urology resident as perceived by the patient. Results A total of 2587 patients were enrolled in this study. In all, 51.6% of patients were able to correctly identify a urology resident; however, almost 40% of respondents discriminated residents from fully trained urologists based exclusively on their young age. Overall, 98.2% patients rated the service provided by the resident as at least sufficient. Urology trainees were considered by more than 50% of the patients interviewed to have good communication skills, expertise and willingness. Overall, patients showed an excellent willingness to be managed by urology residents. The percentage of patients not available for this purpose showed an increasing trend that directly correlated with the difficulty of the procedure. Approximately 5-10% of patients were not willing to be managed by residents for simple procedures such as clinical visits, cystoscopy or sonography, and up to a third of patients were not prepared to undergo any surgical procedure performed by residents during steps in major surgery, even if the residents were adequately tutored. Conclusions Our data showed that patients have a good willingness to be managed by residents during their training, especially for medium- to low-difficulty procedures. Furthermore, the majority of patients interviewed rated the residents' care delivery as sufficient. Urology trainees were considered to have good communication skills, expertise and willingness

    Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. et sp. (Foraminifera) in the Sierra de Utiel Formation (Coniacian-Santonian) of the Prebetic domain (SE Spain).

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    Micropaleontological and biostratigraphical examination of Upper Cretaceous shallow marine carbonates outcropping in the Sierra de la Solana near the town of Bocairent (SE Spain) permitted the identification of numerous specimens of a new species of Foraminifera. To date, the genus of this species is unknown. Based on the detailed analysis of non-orientated thin sections, the new genus and representative new species were defined. The morphological and structural features of Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. et sp. permit its interpretation as a primitive species related to MurgeUa lata LUPERTO SINNI, 1965, from which the name of the new genus was derived. Further, due to its biostratigraphical location restricted to a few meters within thick, monotonous inner-shelf successions of Betic carbonate platforms, this new species is considered to be a good chronobiostratigraphic marker corresponding to a mid Santonian age. [RÉSUMÉ] - l'Etude micropaldontologique et biostratigraphique de la succession crétacée à calcaires de plate-forme peu profonde de la Sierra de la Solana, proche de la ville de Bocairent (Province de Valence, SE de l'Espagne) a permis de collecter de nombreux exemplaires d'une nouvelle espéce de foraminifère, qui appartient également à un genre nouveau. L'analyse détaillée de ces exemplaires, basée exclusivement sur lames minces, a permis de définir le genre nouveau et l'espéce qui le représente. La définition de Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. et sp. a une grande importance par deux raisons: (1) du point de vue systématique, ses caractéres morphologiques et structuraux situent P. valenciana comme une espéce primitive par rapport á Murgella lata LUPERTO SINNI, 1965, de laquelle dérive le nora du nouveau genre; (2) du point de vue biostratigraphique, l'espéce est limitée à quelques métres dans l'épaisse, continue et monotone succession carbonatée de la plate-forme bétique d'age coniacien-santonien, fait qui suggére que P. valenciana peut étre considerée comme un excellent marqueur chronobiostratigraphique, indicatif d'un age santonien moyen. [RIASSUNTO] - Le analisi micropaleontologiche e biostratigrafiche di una successione di rocce carbonatiche in facies di piattaforma, affiorante nella Sierra della Solana, in prossimith della citth di Bocairent (SE Spagna) hanno permesso di collezionare un notevole numero di esemplari di una nuova specie di foraminifero, che appartengono ad un genere non ancora conosciuto. Studi dettagliati di questi esemplari, basati esclusivamente su sezioni sotttili non orietate, hanno permesso di definite il genere nuovo e la nuova specie che lo rappresenta. La definizione di Praemurgella valenciana nov. gen. nov. sp. assume grande importanza per due motivi. Primo, per un punto di vista sistematico, dato che i caratteri morfologici e strutturali fanno ritenere P. valenciana una specie primitiva rispetto a Murgella lata LUPERTO SINNI, 1965, dalla quale deriva il nome del genere nuovo. Secondo, per la sua posizione biostratigrafica limitata a pochi metri entro la successione potente e monotona in facies di inner-shelf della piattaforma carbonatica betica, per cui la nuova specie pub essere considerata un buon marker cronobiostratigrafico, indicativo di un ets Santoniano medio

    Données nouvelles sur la stratigraphie et les paléoenvironnements du Cénomanien des Murges (Italie Méridionale)

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    Luperto-Sinni E., Reina A. Données nouvelles sur la stratigraphie et les paléoenvironnements du Cénomanien des Murges (Italie Méridionale). In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 21, numéro 3-4, 1994. Perimediterranean carbonate platforms. First International Meeting. Marseille – France (5-8 septembre 1994) sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Masse. pp. 113-116

    Biostratigraphy of the Coniacian-Santonian carbonate platforms in the Jumilla-Yecla Altiplane (SE Spain)

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    Martin-Chivelet J., Luperto-Sinni E., Gimenez R. Biostratigraphy of the Coniacian-Santonian carbonate platforms in the Jumilla-Yecla Altiplane (SE Spain). In: Géologie Méditerranéenne. Tome 21, numéro 3-4, 1994. Perimediterranean carbonate platforms. First International Meeting. Marseille – France (5-8 septembre 1994) sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Masse. pp. 121-123

    La discontinuidad del Campaniense basai en el Prebético: ¿Inicio de la convergencia alpina en la Margen Bética?

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    In the platforms of the Mesozoic southeastern continental margin of the Iberian plate (the Betic Margin), a major stratigraphic unconformity developed at -83 Ma (earliest Campanian), which is interpreted -on the basis of regional stratigraphic analysis and interregional correlation- to mark the onset of the transition of the Betic passive margin into a convergent one. The unconformity was induced by a tectonic event that caused: (1) total restructuring of the platform, (2) changes in tectonic subsidence patterns, (3) rejuvenation of silicidastic source areas, and (4) substantial modifications in fossil assemblages, some of them with biogeographic implications. Correlation with other paleogeographic domains of Iberia (Pyrenean basin, Cantabrian margin, Iberian Seaway) allows to propose a supraregional control for that tectonic event now recognized in the betic Margin: it coincides in time with initiation of convergence in Pyrenees, with the end of sea-floor spreading in Bay of Biscay, and with a generalized uplift in central Iberia and the Iberian basin. Rapid transmission of intraplate stresses within the Iberian block in relation with the onset of the african - european convergence makes that tectonic pulse to be registered isochronously (at a geologic scale) in a variety of geodynamic settings (passive margins, intraplate basins, etc.) separated hundreds of kilometers awa