34 research outputs found
Transkriptomika a vývojová plasticita smyslových systémů u ryb
Organismy využívají smyslové soustavy k vnímání svého prostředí a tím ke svému přežití, kompetici i rozmnožování. Zrak klíčovým smyslem pro mnoho obratlovců včetně paprskoploutvých ryb (Actinopterygii). Světločivným orgánem zraku je sítnice, která se skládá z čípkových a tyčinkových fotoreceptorů, z nichž každý je charakterizován svou vlastní sadou opsinových proteinů, které spolu s chromoforem tvoří fotosenzitivní pigment. Vidění je energeticky velmi nákladné, a proto se zrak často rychle přizpůsobuje konkrétním světelným podmínkám, aby co nejlépe odpovídal dostupným vlnovým délkám světla. Tato dizertační práce se zaměřuje na evoluci a vývoj (=ontogenezi) exprese opsinových genů u paprskoploutvých ryb, tedy jejím hlavním cílem je prozkoumat, jak souvisí ontogenetické rozdíly zraku u různých fylogenetických skupin ryb s ekologickými podmínkami prostředí. U některých druhů je známo, že ekologické změny během ontogeneze mohou ovlivnit jejich fyziologii, včetně funkce zraku. V této práci se zaměřuji právě na molekulární podstatu zraku a jeho rozdíly mezi jednotlivými vývojovými stádii, zejména tedy mezi larvami a dospělci. První kapitola mojí práce je zaměřena na vývojové změny u hlubokomořských ryb, tedy jedinečné skupiny organismů, u které se v evoluci vyvinuly adaptace k maximalizaci zachycení...Organisms depend on sensory input to survive and thrive. Vision is a key sensory system to many vertebrates, including ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii). Sight is enabled by the retina composed of cone and rod photoreceptors, each characterised by its own set of opsin proteins that together with the chromophore form the photo-sensitive pigment. Vision is energetically very costly and so it is often adapted to specific photic conditions to best match available wavelengths of light. This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the evolution and development of opsin gene expression in ray-finned fishes. It mainly aims to explore how ontogenetic differences of visual capabilities across the fish phylogeny relate to ecological conditions. In some species, ecological shifts between developmental stages can affect their physiology, including vision. In this thesis I focused on the molecular differences of the visual system between developmental stages, mostly focusing on larvae and adults. The first chapter of the thesis focuses on developmental changes in deep-sea fishes, a unique group of organisms that has evolved unconventional adaptations to maximise photon capture in an otherwise photon- depleted environment. Most deep-sea fishes start their lives in the shallow, sun-lit, predator and food abundant epipelagic...Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc
Analysis of Regional Development Programmes of the Slovenianʼs regions for the Programming Period 2014-2020 in terms of Spatial dimension of Development
Magistrsko delo obravnava dve vprašanji: povezanost razvojnega in prostorskega načrtovanja na regionalni ravni v Sloveniji in analizo pričakovanih vplivov izvedbe pomembnejših regijski projektov iz regionalnih razvojnih programov programskega obdobja 2014-2020 za doseganje ciljev prostorskega razvoja Slovenije.
V delu je predstavljen sistem prostorskega planiranja v Sloveniji, orisan pravni okvir priprave regionalnih razvojnih programov ter vpetost regionalnih razvojnih programov v sistem evropskih in slovenskih strateških dokumentov. Magistrsko delo predstavi vsebine prostorskega razvoja, ki jih obravnavajo regionalni razvojni programi in ugotovitve o značilnostih razvojnega in prostorskega planiranja v Sloveniji na regionalni ravni. Podana je razprava o upravičenosti vzpostavitve povezanega razvojnega in prostorskega planiranja na regionalni ravni.
V delu so podana teoretično-metodološka izhodišča vrednotenja regionalne politike za ocenjevanje vpliva izvedbe pomembnejših regijskih projektov iz regionalnih razvojnih programov za doseganje ciljev prostorskega razvoja Slovenije. Povzeti so razvojni izzivi in razvojni potenciali regij ter projekti regionalnih razvojnih programov, ki naslavljajo vsebine prostorskega razvoja regije po razvojnih regijah Slovenije. Podani so rezultati analize pomembnejših ukrepov in projektov regionalnih razvojnih programom z vidika pričakovanih vplivov na doseganje ciljev prostorskega razvoja Slovenije.The master\u27s thesis deals with two issues: analyses the integration of development / spatial planning at the regional level in Slovenia and analyses the expected impacts of the implementation of important regional projects from regional development programs of the programming period 2014-2020 for the achievement of the spatial development objectives of Slovenia.
The work presents the system of spatial planning in Slovenia, the legal framework for the preparation of regional development programs and the integration of the regional development programmes into the system of European and Slovenian strategic documents. Master\u27s thesis presents the topics of the spatial development, discussed in the regional development programs. I also present a discussion on the eligibility of the integration of the development planning and spatial planning at the regional level in Slovenia. The work provides theoretical and methodological basis for evaluation of regional policy to carry out the impact assessment of the implementation of major regional projects of regional development programs on the spatial development objectives of Slovenia. The work also gives a review of the development challenges and development potential of the regions and the projects of regional development programs, which address the contents of the spatial development of the development regions of Slovenia. The expected impacts of the important projects of regional development programs on the achievement of the objectives of the spatial development of Slovenia are also discussed and presented
Microplastic detectives: a citizen-science project reveals large variation in meso- and microplastic pollution along German coastlines
Plastic production and plastic waste have increased to such an extent that it has become globally ubiquitous. Several studies already have investigated the meso- and microplastic pollution along the German Baltic and North Sea coasts, but were all limited to a few locations. To obtain representative bulk samples from sandy beaches along the entire German coast, we initiated a citizen-science project entitled “Microplastic Detectives.” Here, we describe in detail 1) how we recruited, instructed, and engaged citizen scientists, 2) why we chose bulk sampling over reduced-volume sampling, and 3) the laboratory methods we used. The citizen scientists collected 1,139 samples from 71 locations along the German coast, totalling 2.2 tons of sand. After drying, sieving with a 1 mm sieve, and visual inspection of the retained fraction under a binocular microscope, all putative plastic particles ≥1 mm were analysed by attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. 177 out of 1,139 samples (15.5%) contained a total of 260 plastic particles, with a large right-skewed variation among locations. Most of the particles were fragments, foils, foams, fibres, and pellets (96.2% in total), and 89.6% of the particles were made of polyethylene, polypropylene, polyester, and polystyrene. The unweighted mean pollution densities were 4.12 particles m−2, 0.17 particles kg−1 and 0.27 particles L−1, and the weighted mean pollution densities were 3.77 particles m−2, 0.11 particles kg−1 and 0.18 particles L−1. These densities are lower than in other similar studies, but previous studies had important methodological differences. We discuss how these differences could have influenced the results and make recommendations for improving future studies. Two important recommendations are 1) to use random or stratified random sampling and 2) to run transects perpendicular (rather than parallel) to the waterline. Our study highlights that large-scale, scientifically rigorous monitoring of meso- and microplastic pollution is possible at the national level, and possibly even at much larger spatial and temporal scales. With the help of local authorities, such a monitoring program could be established.</jats:p
Identifikacija signalnih poti za uravnavanje preživetja beta-celic trebušne slinavke pri sladkorni bolezni
B Both, type 1 (T1D) and type 2 (T2D) diabetes mellitus involve the loss of functional insulin-producing beta-cell mass, where autoimmunity in T1D and apoptotic signalling in T2D are main causes for beta-cell death but their underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. In this thesis, we have investigated several interconnected signaling pathways controlling pancreatic beta-cell function and survival in diabetes. We have found that: (I) small molecule inhibitor of Hippo kinase MST1 improved beta-cell survival in human islets and in an established beta-cell line in vitro. (II) Islet-overexpression of the Hippo terminal effector YAP protects beta-cells from apoptosis triggered by multiple diabetogenic conditions. (III) mTORC1 signaling is activated in isolated islets from diabetic mouse models and its genetic and pharmacological suppression improved beta-cell function. (IV) PHLPP 1 and 2 phosphatases promote beta-cell dysfunction and death, and are regulated by mTORC1 signaling under diabetic conditions in beta-cells. These analyses confirm the importance of Hippo pathway components (MST1 and YAP) for the regulation of β-cell survival in diabetes. Also, mTORC1 has been identified as novel regulator of the PHLPP-MST1 signaling axis, which is highly activated under a diabetic milieu, suggesting a novel Hippo-dependent cellular program, regulated by PHLPP and mTOR1 signaling, which balances beta-cell homeostasis.I Oba tipa sladkorne bolezni, sladkorna bolezen tipa 1 (SBT1) in tipa 2 (SBT2), sta povezani z izgubo funkcionalne mase beta-celic, ki proizvajajo inzulin. Avtoimunost pri SBT1 in apoptotično signaliziranje pri SBT2 sta glavna vzroka za smrt teh celic, a so osnovni mehanizmi za to slabo poznani. V tem magistrskem delu smo preučevali več medsebojno povezanih signalnih poti, ki nadzorujejo funkcijo beta-celic in njihovo preživetje pri sladkorni bolezni. Ugotovili smo, da: (I) inhibitor Hippo kinaze MST1 izboljša preživetje in delovanje beta-celic v človeški trebušni slinavki in uveljavljeni beta-celični liniji in vitro. (II) povečana ekspresija Hippo terminalnega efektorja YAP ščiti beta-celice pred apoptozo, ki jo sprožijo razmere pri diabetesu. (III) signaliziranje mTORC1 je prekomerno aktivirano v trebušni slinavki diabetičnih miši, njegova genetska in farmakološka inaktivacija pa izboljša funkcijo β-celic. (IV) PHLPP 1 in 2 fosfataze povzročajo zmanjšano funkcijo β-celic in njihovo smrt v diabetičnih razmerah in so pozitivno regulirane preko mTORC1. Te analize potrjujejo pomembnost Hippo signalne poti (MST1 in YAP) za uravnavanje preživetja β-celic pri sladkorni bolezni. Tudi mTORC1 je bil identificiran kot nov regulator PHLPP-MST1 signalne osi, ki je močno aktivirana v diabetičnih razmerah, kar kaže na novo regulacijo Hippo poti regulirane preko PHLPP in mTOR1 signaliziranja, ki uravnava beta-celično homeostazo
Modulating the hippo pathway as novel strategy for beta-cell-directed therapy in diabetes
Pancreatic β-cell failure is the key pathogenic element of the complex metabolic deterioration in type 2 diabetes (T2D). The Pleckstrin homology domain leucine-rich repeat protein phosphatases (PHLPPs) are novel therapeutic targets for the restoration of β-cell survival and function in diabetes. PHLPP levels are highly elevated in metabolically stressed human and rodent diabetic β-cells. Sustained hyper-activation of mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is the primary mechanism of the PHLPP upregulation linking chronic metabolic stress to ultimate β-cell death. PHLPPs directly dephosphorylate and regulate activities of β-cell survival-dependent kinases AKT and MST1, constituting a regulatory triangle loop to control β-cell apoptosis. Inhibition of PHLPPs markedly improves β-cell survival and function in experimental models of diabetes in vitro, in vivo, and in primary human T2D islets. Our research defines an important mechanism of β-cell failure in diabetes and demonstrates the functional significance of targeting PHLPPs in restoring pancreatic β-cell mass in diabetes
Fish restaurant opening
Namen diplomskega dela je bil predstaviti poslovno idejo, opraviti raziskavo in analizo gostinske ponudbe v Savinjski statistični regiji, oziroma v občini Podčetrtek,ki je prav gotovo zanimiva turistična destinacija, ter podati rešitev za izvedbo poslovne ideje. Poslovna ideja se nanaša na odprtje ribje restavracije, ki bi bila novost na tem področju. S pomočjo izvedene ankete in opravljenih intervjujev ter seveda raziskovalnega delaje bilo ugotovljeno, da ima kraj Podčetrtek zelo dobro razvito turistično ponudbo in turistično infrastrukturo. V neposredni bližini vasi Vonarje, se nahaja, poleg ribnikov ribiška koča, ki bi bila primerno mesto za otvoritev ribiške restavracije. Diplomska naloga je podala konkretne korake za ustanovitev nove pravne osebe, Ribiške restavracije Tolmun in prikazala teoretične podlage, ki jih je potrebno poznati, zaradi postopka ustanovitve ter kasnejšega delovanja pravne osebe. S pridobljenimi odgovori v okviru praktičnega dela naloge so bili pridobljeni pomembni podatki, ki predstavljajo osnovo za oblikovanje ponudbe, reklamnih sporočil in ostalih zadev, ki so vezane na delovanje in poslovanje restavracije.The purpose of the diploma paper was to present a business idea, to conduct a survey and an analysis about the restaurant offer in the Savinjska region and in the municipality of Podčetrtek, which is certanly an interesting tourist destination. Furthermore paper provides solutions for implementation of an business idea. Business idea refers to the opening of the fish restaurant which would be new kind of restaurant to the area. On the basis of the survey, conducted interviews and researches, of course, it was found that Podčetrtek has very well developed tourist facilities and tourist infrastructure and tourist offer as well. In the nearby village Vonarje is located "fishing house" near the fishing pond, which would be an appropriate place for the opening of the fish restaurant. In the diploma paper there are described concrete steps to create a new legal entity, Fish restaurant Tolmun (The Pond), and the theoretical bases that need to be fulfilled before the start of the process of setting up new business entity and subsequently also for its operation. The obtained responses in the practical part of the paper have provided writer with important data that form the basis for the creation of offers,advertisements and other matters related to the business and affairs of the restaurant