25 research outputs found

    Web 2.0 corporate communications for youngsters as stakeholders - Case: Forest Life website by UPM

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    Objectives of the study: The thesis is about attracting visitors to the website www.upmforestlife.com, also called Forest Life, by investigating the viewpoint of corporate communication and the special features of the Web 2.0 era. The stakeholder group of 13-16-year olds in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Finland is studied from the point of view of their Internet behaviour. The research questions were derived from the initial question from UPM: how do we attract youngsters to our website without search engine optimisation?: What is the role of the Forest Life website within the corporate communication function of UPM? How do the 13-16 year olds in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Finland behave on the Internet in the Web 2.0 era: which sites they visit, how do they choose sites to visit? How can UPM attract visitors from the target group of 13-16 year olds in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Finland onto the Forest Life website in the Web 2.0 era? Methodology and theoretical framework: Background information for the thesis was gathered through discussions and an interview with UPM’s key communication personnel, who work with Forest Life website. Based on this information, a web survey was carried out targeting France, Germany and the UK. The web survey resulted in 202 completed responses from the target countries. Focus group discussions were held in France, Germany and Finland, one discussion in each country. Finland was added for the focus group discussions, as the researcher needed background information for briefing UPM’s local communicators, who carried out interviews in the target countries. The researcher instructed the local communicators about the length and other practicalities of the focus group discussion setting. The theoretical framework for the thesis is a figure illustrating impact of Web 2.0 to the ways of attracting visitors to an Internet site. The figure is based on Weber’s (2007) ideas about how the Internet has developed and is developing on stakeholder web engagement. Findings and conclusions: The Internet in the Web 2.0 era is a two-way communication arena: just having an excellent website is no longer enough. User Generated Content and the fact that the audience want to engage with the content as well as with other site visitors should be cherished by companies in their Internet communication plans. Providing platform for social interaction and participating in social networking on the Internet enable the company to attract the desired web audience to their website

    Simplified approach to the application of the geometric collective model

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    The predictions of the geometric collective model (GCM) for different sets of Hamiltonian parameter values are related by analytic scaling relations. For the quartic truncated form of the GCM -- which describes harmonic oscillator, rotor, deformed gamma-soft, and intermediate transitional structures -- these relations are applied to reduce the effective number of model parameters from four to two. Analytic estimates of the dependence of the model predictions upon these parameters are derived. Numerical predictions over the entire parameter space are compactly summarized in two-dimensional contour plots. The results considerably simplify the application of the GCM, allowing the parameters relevant to a given nucleus to be deduced essentially by inspection. A precomputed mesh of calculations covering this parameter space and an associated computer code for extracting observable values are made available through the Electronic Physics Auxiliary Publication Service. For illustration, the nucleus 102Pd is considered.Comment: RevTeX 4, 15 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Näytölle piiretty viiva -mietteitä digitaalisesta piirtämisestä

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    Opinnäytetyönäni toteutin piirustusinstallaation Lempilapsia, joka koostui digitaalisesti piirretyistä muotokuvista ja henkilökuvista, jotka olivat kehystettyinä valokuvakehyksiin ja lisäksi esitettyinä kahdessa digitaalisessa kuvakehyksessä. Piirustukset olivat installoituna galleriatilaan ja installaatioon kuului ready made-piironki. Teos pohtii valokuvan, henkilökuvan ja muotokuvan merkityksiä yksilölle

    Kampin kappelin kävijöiden kokemuksia kohdatuksi tulemisesta

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Luontama, Suvi-Sisko. Kampin kappelin kävijöiden kokemuksia kohdatuksi tulemisesta. Helsinki, kevät 2016, 43 sivua, 2 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, Diakonisen sosiaalityön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sosionomi (AMK) + diakonin virkakelpoisuus. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tietoa Kampin kappelin kävijöiden kokemuksista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kokevatko kävijät tulleensa kohdatuiksi vieraillessaan Kampin kappelissa sekä olisivatko he valmiita käyttämään Kampin kappelissa tarjottavaa keskusteluapua hyväkseen tarvittaessa. Lisäksi tarkoitus oli tutkia, suosittelisivatko kävijät kappelia vierailukokemuksensa perusteella muille. Tutkimus on määrällinen tutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella haastattelemalla tutkimukseen osallistujat. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä oli Kampin kappelin kävijät. Aineisto kerättiin kesä-heinäkuun vaihteessa 2015 Kampin kappelin edustalla. Kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 137 kävijää. Suurin osa haastatteluun osallistuneista kävijöistä koki tulleensa kohdatuksi vieraillessaan Kampin kappelissa. Useimmat kävijät olivat tyytyväisiä vierailuunsa ja pitivät todennäköisenä uudelleenvierailua. Puolet haastatelluista koki, että voisi tarvittaessa käyttää Kampin kappelin keskusteluapua hyväkseen ja suurin osa piti todennäköisenä, että suosittelisi kappelia jollekin tuttavalleen.ABSTRACT Luontama, Suvi-Sisko. Experiences of visitors of Kamppi Chapel. 43 p., 2 appendices. Language: Finnish. Spring 2016. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Social Services, Option in Diaconal Social Work. Degree: Bachelor of Social Services. The purpose of this study was to produce information about the experiences of visitors of Kamppi Chapel. The aim of this thesis was to find out how the visitors of Kamppi chapel think that they have been encountered by the employees of Kamppi Chapel. The aim was also to find out if visitors of the chapel are willing to use the counselling provided by the chapel, if needed, and would they recommend Kamppi Chapel to someone they know. This thesis is a quantitative study. A survey was made for the visitors of Kamppi Chapel. The data was collected by interviewing the participants. The survey was carried out in late June and beginning of July 2015. Altogether the survey was answered by 137 visitors of Kamppi Chapel. The majority of the interviewed stated that they were encountered by the employees of the chapel. Most of the interviewed were pleased to their visit in the chapel and thought that it was likely that they would visit again. Half of the interviewed felt that they might use the counselling provided by the chapel if needed. The majority thought it was likely that they would recommend the chapel to someone they know