1,014 research outputs found

    Effects of a fundamental mass term in two-dimensional super Yang-Mills theory

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    We show that adding a vacuum expectation value to a gauge field left over from a dimensional reduction of three-dimensional pure supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory generates mass terms for the fundamental fields in the two-dimensional theory while supersymmetry stays intact. This is similar to the adjoint mass term that is generated by a Chern-Simons term in this theory. We study the spectrum of the two-dimensional theory as a function of the vacuum expectation value and of the Chern-Simons coupling. Apart from some symmetry issues a straightforward picture arises. We show that at least one massless state exists if the Chern-Simons coupling vanishes. The numerical spectrum separates into (almost) massless and very heavy states as the Chern-Simons coupling grows. We present evidence that the gap survives the continuum limit. We display structure functions and other properties of some of the bound states.Comment: 17 pp., 10 figs; substantially revised version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Supergravity backgrounds for deformations of AdS_n x S^n supercoset string models

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    We consider type IIB supergravity backgrounds corresponding to the deformed AdS_n x S^n supercoset string models of the type constructed in arXiv:1309.5850 which depend on one deformation parameter \k. In AdS_2 x S^2 case we find that the deformed metric can be extended to a full supergravity solution with non-trivial dilaton, RR scalar and RR 5-form strength. The solution depends on a free parameter (called a) that should be chosen as a particular function of \k to correspond to the deformed supercoset model. In AdS_3 x S^3 case the full solution supported by the dilaton, RR scalar and RR 3-form strength exists only in the two special cases of a=0 and a=1. We conjecture that there may be a more general one-parameter solution supported by several RR fields that for particular a=a(\k) corresponds to the supercoset model. In the most complicated deformed AdS_5 x S^5 case we were able to find only the expressions for the dilaton and the RR scalar. The full solution is likely to be supported by a combination of the 5-form and 3-form RR field strengths. We comment on the singularity structure of the resulting metric and exact dilaton field.Comment: 22 pages; v2,v3: appendix A expanded and correcte

    Catalysts based on foam materials for neutralisation of gas emission

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    D1D5 microstate geometries from string amplitudes

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    We reproduce the asymptotic expansion of the D1D5 microstate geometries by computing the emission amplitudes of closed string states from disks with mixed D1D5 boundary conditions. Thus we provide a direct link between the supergravity and D-brane descriptions of the D1D5 microstates at non-zero string coupling. Microscopically, the profile functions characterizing the microstate solutions are encoded in the choice of a condensate for the twisted open string states connecting D1 and D5 branes.Comment: 21 pages; added reference

    The information paradox: conflicts and resolutions

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    Many relativists have been long convinced that black hole evaporation leads to information loss or remnants. String theorists have however not been too worried about the issue, largely due to a belief that the Hawking argument for information loss is flawed in its details. A recently derived inequality shows that the Hawking argument for black holes with horizon can in fact be made rigorous. What happens instead is that in string theory black hole microstates have no horizons. Thus the evolution of radiation quanta with E ~ kT is modified by order unity at the horizon, and we resolve the information paradox. We discuss how it is still possible for E >> kT objects to see an approximate black hole like geometry. We also note some possible implications of this physics for the early Universe.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, Latex; (Expanded version of) proceedings for Lepton-Photon 201

    Note on Generalized Janus Configurations

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    We study several aspects of generalized Janus configuration, which includes a theta term. We investigate the vacuum structure of the theory and find that unlike the Janus configuration without theta term there is no nontrivial vacuum. We also discuss BPS soliton configuration both by supersymmetry analysis and from energy functional. The half BPS configurations could be realized by introducing transverse (p,q)-strings in original brane configuration corresponding to generalized Janus configuration. It turns out the BPS soliton could be taken as modified dyon. We discuss the solution of half BPS equations for the sharp interface case. Moreover we construct less supersymmetric Janus configuration with theta term.Comment: 27 pages; References adde

    Excitations in the deformed D1D5 CFT

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    We perform some simple computations for the first order deformation of the D1D5 CFT off its orbifold point. It had been shown earlier that under this deformation the vacuum state changes to a squeezed state (with the further action of a supercharge). We now start with states containing one or two initial quanta and write down the corresponding states obtained under the action of deformation operator. The result is relevant to the evolution of an initial excitation in the CFT dual to the near extremal D1D5 black hole: when a left and a right moving excitation collide in the CFT, the deformation operator spreads their energy over a larger number of quanta, thus evolving the state towards the infrared.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, 4 figure

    Deforming the D1D5 CFT away from the orbifold point

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    The D1D5 brane bound state is believed to have an `orbifold point' in its moduli space which is the analogue of the free Yang Mills theory for the D3 brane bound state. The supergravity geometry generated by D1 and D5 branes is described by a different point in moduli space, and in moving towards this point we have to deform the CFT by a marginal operator: the `twist' which links together two copies of the CFT. In this paper we find the effect of this deformation operator on the simplest physical state of the CFT -- the Ramond vacuum. The twist deformation leads to a final state that is populated by pairs of excitations like those in a squeezed state. We find the coefficients characterizing the distribution of these particle pairs (for both bosons and fermions) and thus write this final state in closed form.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, Late

    General 2 charge geometries

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    Two charge BPS horizon free supergravity geometries are important in proposals for understanding black hole microstates. In this paper we construct a new class of geometries in the NS1-P system, corresponding to solitonic strings carrying fermionic as well as bosonic condensates. Such geometries are required to account for the full microscopic entropy of the NS1-P system. We then briefly discuss the properties of the corresponding geometries in the dual D1-D5 system.Comment: 44 page