19 research outputs found

    Understanding the relationship between asthma and autism spectrum disorder : a population-based family and twin study

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    Background: There is some evidence that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently co-occurs with immune-mediated conditions including asthma. We aimed to explore the familial co-aggregation of ASD and asthma using different genetically informed designs. Methods: We first examined familial co-aggregation of asthma and ASD in individuals born in Sweden from 1992 to 2007 (n = 1 569 944), including their full- and half-siblings (n = 1 704 388 and 356 544 pairs) and full cousins (n = 3 921 890 pairs), identified using Swedish register data. We then applied quantitative genetic modeling to siblings (n = 620 994 pairs) and twins who participated in the Child and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden (n = 15 963 pairs) to estimate the contribution of genetic and environmental factors to the co-aggregation. Finally, we estimated genetic correlations between traits using linkage disequilibrium score regression (LDSC). Results: We observed a within-individual association [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 1.33, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.28-1.37] and familial co-aggregation between asthma and ASD, and the magnitude of the associations decreased as the degree of relatedness decreased (full-siblings: OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.38-1.50, maternal half-siblings: OR 1.28, 95% CI 1.18-1.39, paternal half-siblings: OR 1.05, 95% CI 0.96-1.15, full cousins: OR 1.06, 95% CI 1.03-1.09), suggesting shared familial liability. Quantitative genetic models estimated statistically significant genetic correlations between ASD traits and asthma. Using the LDSC approach, we did not find statistically significant genetic correlations between asthma and ASD (coefficients between -0.09 and 0.12). Conclusions: Using different genetically informed designs, we found some evidence of familial co-aggregation between asthma and ASD, suggesting the weak association between these disorders was influenced by shared genetics.Swedish Research Council (project grant 2018-02640)Swedish Initiative for Research on Microdata in the Social And Medical Sciences (SIMSAM) framework (grant no 340-2013-5867)Stockholm County Council (ALF-projects)Strategic Research Program in Epidemiology at Karolinska InstituteSwedish Heart-Lung FoundationSwedish Asthma and Allergy Association's Research FoundationPublishe

    The Swedish Twin Registry : establishment of a biobank and other recent developments

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    The Swedish Twin Registry (STR) today contains more than 194,000 twins and more than 75,000 pairs have zygosity determined by an intra-pair similarity algorithm, DNA, or by being of opposite sex. Of these, approximately 20,000, 25,000, and 30,000 pairs are monozygotic, same-sex dizygotic, and opposite-sex dizygotic pairs, respectively. Since its establishment in the late 1950s, the STR has been an important epidemiological resource for the study of genetic and environmental influences on a multitude of traits, behaviors, and diseases. Following large investments in the collection of biological specimens in the past 10 years we have now established a Swedish twin biobank with DNA from 45,000 twins and blood serum from 15,000 twins, which effectively has also transformed the registry into a powerful resource for molecular studies. We here describe the main projects within which the new collections of both biological samples as well as phenotypic measures have been collected. Coverage by year of birth, zygosity determination, ethnic heterogeneity, and influences of in vitro fertilization are also described.VetenskapsrÄdetNIHSSFHjÀrt- och LungfondenAstma- och AllergiförbundetAccepte

    Early-life antibiotic use and risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder:results of a discordant twin study

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    Background Development of the gut-brain axis in early life may be disturbed by antibiotic use. It has been hypothesized that this disturbance may contribute to development of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. We aimed to assess the association between antibiotic use in early life and the risk of developing attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or autism spectrum disorder, while controlling for shared genetic and environmental factors in a discordant twin design. Methods We conducted a cohort study in twins (7–12 years; 25 781 twins) from the Netherlands Twin Register (NTR) and a replication study in the Childhood and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden (CATSS; 7946 9-year-old twins). Antibiotic use was recorded before age 2 years. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder were parent-reported in the Netherlands Twin Register and register-based in the Childhood and Adolescent Twin Study in Sweden. Results Early-life antibiotic use was associated with increased risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder development [pooled odds ratio (OR) 1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-1.17] and autism spectrum disorder (pooled OR 1.15, 95% CI 1.06-1.25) in a case-control design. When restricting to monozygotic twin pairs discordant for the outcome, associations disappeared for both disorders in both cohorts (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder OR 0.90, 95% CI 0.48-1.69 and OR 0.80, 95% CI 0.37-1.76, and autism spectrum disorder OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.38-1.16 and OR 0.29, 95% CI 0.02-4.50, respectively). Conclusions Our findings suggest that the association between early-life antibiotic use and risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity and autism spectrum disorder may be confounded by shared familial environment and genetics

    The power and "non-power" of wives. : Gender, class and cultural heritage

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    This thesis deals with the space for action available to women of the regional elite. The interaction of such categories as gender and class are discussed. The overall purpose is to describe and analyze the role of the county governor’s wife during the period 1900- 1940. The study takes its point of departure in the lives of Ellen WidĂ©n and Hanna Rydh, both wives of county governors, and especially treats the area of cultural heritage as the potential public arena for women. Special attention is focused on the cultural heritage as a possible public sphere of activity for women at that time. Cultural heritage has been defined as the cultural and material expressions that were regarded as possessing symbolic value and that have therefore been the focus for various kinds of preservation. Cultural heritage is associated here with a growing field for professional interest and work. Women in general were given specific tasks within the nation. One of these was to safeguard aesthetic and cultural characteristics within the nation, the province and the home region. By working within the sphere of cultural heritage, with arts and crafts and with the preservation of the home region, women were regarded as links between the older and younger generations. The specific characteristics of the home region could be expressed through various textiles. The work of creating specific parish costumes can be seen as one of many examples of a female cultural heritage. The study has shown that the wives of county governors could have a direct and immediate influence on activities in the area of cultural heritage. This research has established that these women formed a more independent power factor than earlier research has maintained. The county governor’s wife did not automatically gain a position of power. She had potential power, an opportunity derived from both class and gender. To transform this potential into power and influence demanded success and skill in the field. When Hanna Rydh, the wife of a county governor, declared herself a candidate for the position of county governor in 1938, it was too much of a challenge to the prevailing gender order. Through a form of ”tyranny of difference” women were prevented from establishing themselves within public spheres that were more masculine by tradition. This could be true of specific fields or of the formal power exercised by the parliament, the government and public offices. If the female elite challenged the men of their own class, their opportunities were circumscribed. I have chosen therefore to speak of both power and “non-power.” Within certain contexts there were good opportunities for the regional female elite to obtain their own space for action. Yet, in other situations the limitations were greater than the opportunities; “non-power” also existed

    "Kvinnor kan amma, mÀn kan inte" : MÀns erfarenhet och upplevelse av amning

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    ”Kvinnor kan amma, mĂ€n kan inte” MĂ€ns erfarenhet och upplevelse av amning Sammanfattning Det har visat sig att amningsfrekvensen har minskat i Sverige. Om amning ska fungera Ă€r det viktigt att involvera partnern. Partnern har en viktig roll för hur lĂ€nge kvinnan vĂ€ljer att amma sitt barn. Trots detta fokuserar vĂ„rden endast pĂ„ kvinnan. Syftet med studien Ă€r att belysa mĂ€ns upplevelse och erfarenhet av amning. Metod för att studera detta Ă€mne gjordes en Kvalitativ intervjustudie. Genom semistrukturella intervjuer har författarna tagit del av mĂ€ns erfarenheter och upplevelser av amning. Åtta mĂ€n intervjuades och kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys anvĂ€ndes som metod nĂ€r resultatet analyserades. Resultat visade att mĂ€nnen upplevde amning som nĂ„got naturligt och det bĂ€sta för barnet. MĂ€nnen upplevde att det var kvinnan som tagit beslut om att amma och detta sĂ„gs som en sjĂ€lvklarhet eftersom mĂ€n inte kan amma. Det framkom att mĂ€nnen kĂ€nt sig hjĂ€lplösa och utanför den nĂ€rhet som mamma och barn fĂ„r genom amning. De upplevde att de varit behjĂ€lpliga i den mĂ„n de kunnat under amningsperioden. De hade funnits dĂ€r som stöd för kvinnan genom att utföra bĂ„de praktiska och emotionella moment. Dock framkom att de kĂ€nt sig oförberedda och att de önskat mer information och stöd frĂ„n vĂ„rden. Upplevelsen var att fokus lĂ„g pĂ„ kvinnan. Slutsats För att mĂ€nnen ska bli delaktiga i amningen Ă€r det viktigt att pĂ„ ett tidigt stadie engagera mĂ€nnen i amningsprocessen. Resultatet visar att mĂ€ns status behöver höjas nĂ€r det kommer till amning och deras betydelse mĂ„ste synliggöras. Nyckelord: Amning, mĂ€n, partner, upplevelser, erfarenhete

    Increased Risk for Substance Use-Related Problems in Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Population-Based Cohort Study

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    Despite limited and ambiguous empirical data, substance use-related problems have been assumed to be rare among patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Using Swedish population-based registers we identified 26,986 individuals diagnosed with ASD during 1973-2009, and their 96,557 non-ASD relatives. ASD, without diagnosed comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or intellectual disability, was related to a doubled risk of substance use-related problems. The risk of substance use-related problems was the highest among individuals with ASD and ADHD. Further, risks of substance use-related problems were increased among full siblings of ASD probands, half-siblings and parents. We conclude that ASD is a risk factor for substance use-related problems. The elevated risks among relatives of probands with ASD suggest shared familial (genetic and/or shared environmental) liability

    Volunteering at Archives - a mapping of volunteer management at archives in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

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    This report constitutes a first attempt to map volunteer management practices in the  Nordic archives sector, that is, in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. We have  unfortunately not been able to include Iceland in this study, but it would be relevant  to include in future studies. This has been done through a survey broadly distributed  within the archive sector, as well as additional in-depth follow-up interviews. The  main purposes have been to achieve a better understanding of how and to what  extent archives in Scandinavia engage with volunteers, different attitudes towards  volunteer work and what it entails, and perhaps most importantly, identify needs  within the archive sector in the purpose of developing educational material and other  types of useful resources. We have also been examining the reasons why some  archives have not started working with volunteers, and what would be required to  help these archives take the first step in case of expressed interest. Through the  results, some comparisons between countries can be made. However, it is important  to highlight that, while we received 121 answers to the survey (Denmark: 33, Finland:  21, Norway: 44, Sweden: 23), there were of course many archives who did not  answer. Comparisons and analysis need to be made carefully, and certain  interpretations will be tentative in nature. This is a first attempt at mapping the  volunteer landscape at archives in Nordic countries, and we hope it can serve as an  inspiration and basis for further research

    Första nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning : VÀxjö 8 - 9 januari 2003

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    Nationella forskarskolan i svenska med didaktisk inriktning gav sin första kurs under höstterminen 2002: Introduktion till den vetenskapliga Àmnesdidaktiken. De 14 doktorander som medverkar i den hÀr volymen var kursdeltagare, Jan Einarsson och Gun Malmgren var kursledare. Kursen avslutades med en konferens, Första nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning, VÀxjö den 8 - 9 januari 2003. I den hÀr volymen finns tryckta versioner av de föredrag som doktoranderna höll dÀr. Tillsammans ger dessa en bild av vÄrt forskningsomrÄdes inriktning i början av 2000-talet

    The Swedish Twin Registry: Establishment of a Biobank and Other Recent Developments

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    The Swedish Twin Registry (STR) today contains more than 194,000 twins and more than 75,000 pairs have zygosity determined by an intra-pair similarity algorithm, DNA, or by being of opposite sex. Of these, approximately 20,000, 25,000, and 30,000 pairs are monozygotic, same-sex dizygotic, and opposite-sex dizygotic pairs, respectively. Since its establishment in the late 1950s, the STR has been an important epidemiological resource for the study of genetic and environmental influences on a multitude of traits, behaviors, and diseases. Following large investments in the collection of biological specimens in the past 10 years we have now established a Swedish twin biobank with DNA from 45,000 twins and blood serum from 15,000 twins, which effectively has also transformed the registry into a powerful resource for molecular studies. We here describe the main projects within which the new collections of both biological samples as well as phenotypic measures have been collected. Coverage by year of birth, zygosity determination, ethnic heterogeneity, and influences of in vitro fertilization are also described