7,256 research outputs found

    Penalized estimation in large-scale generalized linear array models

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    Large-scale generalized linear array models (GLAMs) can be challenging to fit. Computation and storage of its tensor product design matrix can be impossible due to time and memory constraints, and previously considered design matrix free algorithms do not scale well with the dimension of the parameter vector. A new design matrix free algorithm is proposed for computing the penalized maximum likelihood estimate for GLAMs, which, in particular, handles nondifferentiable penalty functions. The proposed algorithm is implemented and available via the R package \verb+glamlasso+. It combines several ideas -- previously considered separately -- to obtain sparse estimates while at the same time efficiently exploiting the GLAM structure. In this paper the convergence of the algorithm is treated and the performance of its implementation is investigated and compared to that of \verb+glmnet+ on simulated as well as real data. It is shown that the computation time fo

    Welfare assessment as part of welfare planning in organic calf production

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    Animalwelfare is regarded as a basic parameter in organic beef– and milk production. It is important to focus on good animal welfare at all levels, also including calves. Experiences from former projects show that calf welfare often represents a problem in organic and conventional farms, depending on the farmer’s priorities, attitudes and knowledge. A CORE Organic project “Minimizing medicine use in organic dairy herds through animal health and welfare planning” (ANIPLAN) was initiated in 2008 and is a collaboration between seven European countries, including Norway. The aim of the Norwegian project group, lead by the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, was to develop a calf welfare assessment system, suitable for welfare advising and planning in organic milk production farms. The system focuses on animal based parameters, management, individual clinical score, colostrum intake and feeding system

    Time-resolved spectroscopy of quantum dot single-photon sources

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    COWI præsenterer på Trafikdage en konceptualiseret tilgang til skoleankomstanalyser. Skolernes nærområde er typisk der, hvor der kan opnås den største, koncentrerede trafiksikkerhedsmæssige effekt. Derfor har COWI udviklet en tidssvarende metode til at gennemføre netop skoleankomstanalyserne. Metoden indebærer filmoptagelse af trafikafviklingen med en drone, analyse af videoen med avanceret analysesoftware og på baggrund af analysen at udpege problemstillinger og hertil knyttede anbefalinger til forbedringer. Med COWIs koncept kan der med få ressourcer gennemføres en analyse, som giver en ensartet metodisk tilgang på tværs af skoler og geografier. I dette paper beskrives konceptet, ligesom der gives eksempler på anvendelse i Fredensborg Kommune

    Scope for Activity, Specific Dynamic Action and Growth in Early Juvenile Stages of Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua

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    Growth rates of early life stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) are very high, but decline, as the fish grow larger. Little is know about the physiological processes that facilitate and regulate this growth pattern. In this study, feeding and swimming metabolism were measured in individual juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in order to investigate how energy are allocated to swimming and growth in fast growing stages of fishes. Metabolic rates were measured by the means of oxygen consumption using two Brett-type respirometers. The metabolic measurements were repeated several times in individual juvenile Atlantic cod with a wet body mass of 0.5-5.0 g over a period of 100 d. Wet body mass and total length of individual cod were measured biweekly during the experimental period and used together with metabolic measurements to determine the relationship between energy utilization and growth. The study consisted of two parts, 1) determination of aerobic scope for activity (the difference between standard and active metabolism), and 2) measurement of specific dynamic action (SDA, which represents the energy expenditure for ingesting, digesting, absorption of foodstuff, biochemical transformation of nutrients and assimilation of proteins). Power-performance relationships between oxygen consumption and swimming speed were established for juvenile Atlantic cod for the first time. Standard metabolic rate (RJ and active metabolic rate (R) were calculated fiom the power-performance relationships by extrapolating to zero swimming speed and maximum sustained swimming speed, respectively. Scope for activity was calculated as the difference between active and standard metabolism (&-F&). SDA duration, amplitude and magnitude were calculated by measuring oxygen consumption of fed and unfed fish swimming at a low cruising speed. Specific growth rates (G) ranged fiom 1.4 - 4.4% wet body mass dm\u27 and decreased with increasing body mass. Scope for activity ranged fiom 10.2 to 40.7pmol 0 2 h-\u27 for juvenile cod with a mass of 0.53-2.89 g. Scope for activity increased with increasing body mass, while mass-specific scope for activity (pmol02/M) decreased with increasing body mass. SDA peaked within 1 h after feeding for juvenile cod with a wet body mass of O.45-4.2Og, and peak values were 1.12-2.22 times the unfed values. SDA duration for juvenile Atlantic cod ranged fiom 2 to 8 hours. SDA magnitude ranged fiom 2.8 to 60.0 pmol 0 2 and increased with increasing wet body mass. Relative magnitude of SDA (percentage of the energy value of the ingested food) was found to be 0.18-3.84%. SDA amplitude accounted for 14.8-44.0% of the scope for activity. Results fiom this study suggest that the swimming and feeding metabolism in early stages of juvenile Atlantic cod differs fiom that of larger juvenile and adult cod. Major physiological differences include higher specific growth rates, shorter time to peak SDA, shorter SDA duration, lower relative SDA magnitude and a smaller portion of scope for activity taken up by SDA. Physiological differences among early juvenile and adult cod may be the result of the metabolic demand for high growth rates in small juvenile cod. Further research is needed to determine the physiological differences and the underlying mechanisms for different life stages of Atlantic cod and other temperate fishes

    Space wars and the new urban imperialism

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    The dissertation analyzes recent urban transformations through the lens of space wars. The main focus is on investment flows in the commercial property market, changes in urban governance and changes in social geography, and how these three aspects are related. Drawing on cross border investment data, archive studies, interviews with key actors and street walking experiences in Copenhagen, Lisbon and New York, the book offers insight into the ?glocal? logic of urban imperialism and its tendency towards uneven development ? fundamental forces that shape our cities in the 21st century. In Chapter One, I introduce the concepts of space wars and the new urban imperialism and present the research questions and methodological considerations. Chapter Two analyzes processes of globalization in property markets through an empirical investigation into the commercial property market of Copenhagen. Globalization of property markets is defined, a framework for analysis is presented and methodological problems are reported. The chapter aims to improve our understanding of globalization in the sphere of immobile property, and to show to what extent globalization (in this limited sense) has occurred in Copenhagen. In Chapter Three I analyze linkages between rescaling of commercial property markets and changes in urban governance in Lisbon. The chapter aims to further advance understanding of globalization in the sphere of immobile property, and its relation with shifts in urban governance. Cautious comparisons with Copenhagen are made. Chapter Four expands the analysis of Copenhagen as a globalizing city. Through the optic of the imagineering of Copenhagen as ?creative city? ? part of Copenhagen's competition with other cities ? relations between globalization, urban governance and social geography are analyzed. The chapter problematizes what on the surface seems to be an unequivocally positive quality (?creative?) and goal (?creativity?). Chapter Five employs the concept of the global-local nexus of space wars, forging links between highly localized processes of urban transformation, competition between cities and global movements of capital and people. It shows how mental and material boundaries as well as ethnicity and class are central elements in space wars. Through the example of Sydhavn, a rapidly changing part of Copenhagen, the chapter aims to illustrate how processes of material and social construction and transformation of urban space constitute urban space wars, engaging actors at all scales. The Epilogue serves as a supplement to my short film ?Space wars: a street level odyssey through the centre of the American empire ? New York City?. The film offers a street level voyage through the urban topography of New York, centre of the American empire, showing how the rhythms of vagabond capitalism manifest themselves as space wars. At first glance, every day in the city seems an original performance, but underneath the surface, we find a myriad of rhythms that reveal traces of millennia of human cultures and histories. In urban centers throughout the globe we can observe contemporary modern society and the materialized topographies of different modes of time-space production. The film seeks to direct attention to, and stimulate discussion on issues of space wars at different scales and in different contexts

    Man Enough to Care: Masculinity Threat and Misfit of Men Studying Communal Occupations

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    Fra en ung alder har menn internalisert kjønnsstereotypier av hva det vil si å være en "ekte" mann. Maskulinitetstrussel er frykten en mann opplever når de internaliserte kjønnsstereotypene ikke opprettholdes, de føler at maskuliniteten deres blir truet. I denne studien tar vi sikte på å undersøke om det å fremheve viktigheten av omsorgstrekk for mannlige studenter – men ikke kvinnelige studenter – som studerer i omsorgsyrker, vil øke menns maskulinitetstrussel og redusere deres oppfattet egnethet til yrket og følelsen av tilhørighet. Vi samlet inn data fra norske studenter, både kvinner og menn (64 menn og 238 kvinner) i alderen 21 til 47 år (M = 27,30, SD = 5,98), som studerer i omsorgsyrker, slik som sykepleier, barnehagelærer etc. Vi fant ingen signifikant interaksjon mellom deltakerens kjønn og manipulasjon på maskulinitetstrussel, oppfattet egnethet eller følelse av tilhørighet. Funnene er i tråd med eksisterende teorier som rollekongruitetsteori og prekær manndomsteori (Eagly & Karau, 2002; Vandello et al., 2008), og en ny modell presentert av Stanaland et al. (2023) om menns respons på maskulinitetstrussel. Utforskende analyser viste at opplevd egnethet medierte effekten av maskulinitetstrussel på følelsen av tilhørighet for mannlige studenter. Til slutt fant vi at mannlige studenters maskulinitetstrussel predikerer frafallsintensjoner, så jo mer mannlige deltakere opplevde maskulinitetstrussel, desto større sjanse har de for å ha intensjoner om å droppe ut av sin omsorgsutdanning. Praktiske implikasjoner for dette forskningsområdet diskuteres