14,721 research outputs found

    K2P2^2 - A photometry pipeline for the K2 mission

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    With the loss of a second reaction wheel, resulting in the inability to point continuously and stably at the same field of view, the NASA Kepler satellite recently entered a new mode of observation known as the K2 mission. The data from this redesigned mission present a specific challenge; the targets systematically drift in position on a ~6 hour time scale, inducing a significant instrumental signal in the photometric time series --- this greatly impacts the ability to detect planetary signals and perform asteroseismic analysis. Here we detail our version of a reduction pipeline for K2 target pixel data, which automatically: defines masks for all targets in a given frame; extracts the target's flux- and position time series; corrects the time series based on the apparent movement on the CCD (either in 1D or 2D) combined with the correction of instrumental and/or planetary signals via the KASOC filter (Handberg & Lund 2014), thus rendering the time series ready for asteroseismic analysis; computes power spectra for all targets, and identifies potential contaminations between targets. From a test of our pipeline on a sample of targets from the K2 campaign 0, the recovery of data for multiple targets increases the amount of potential light curves by a factor 10{\geq}10. Our pipeline could be applied to the upcoming TESS (Ricker et al. 2014) and PLATO 2.0 (Rauer et al. 2013) missions.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (Apj

    Nineteenth-century Ship-based Catches of Gray Whales, Eschrichtius robustus, in the Eastern North Pacific

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    The 19th century commercial ship-based fishery for gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, in the eastern North Pacific began in 1846 and continued until the mid 1870’s in southern areas and the 1880’s in the north. Henderson identified three periods in the southern part of the fishery: Initial, 1846–1854; Bonanza, 1855–1865; and Declining, 1866–1874. The largest catches were made by “lagoon whaling” in or immediately outside the whale population’s main wintering areas in Mexico—Magdalena Bay, Scammon’s Lagoon, and San Ignacio Lagoon. Large catches were also made by “coastal” or “alongshore” whaling where the whalers attacked animals as they migrated along the coast. Gray whales were also hunted to a limited extent on their feeding grounds in the Bering and Chukchi Seas in summer. Using all available sources, we identified 657 visits by whaling vessels to the Mexican whaling grounds during the gray whale breeding and calving seasons between 1846 and 1874. We then estimated the total number of such visits in which the whalers engaged in gray whaling. We also read logbooks from a sample of known visits to estimate catch per visit and the rate at which struck animals were lost. This resulted in an overall estimate of 5,269 gray whales (SE = 223.4) landed by the ship-based fleet (including both American and foreign vessels) in the Mexican whaling grounds from 1846 to 1874. Our “best” estimate of the number of gray whales removed from the eastern North Pacific (i.e. catch plus hunting loss) lies somewhere between 6,124 and 8,021, depending on assumptions about survival of struck-but-lost whales. Our estimates can be compared to those by Henderson (1984), who estimated that 5,542–5,507 gray whales were secured and processed by ship-based whalers between 1846 and 1874; Scammon (1874), who believed the total kill over the same period (of eastern gray whales by all whalers in all areas) did not exceed 10,800; and Best (1987), who estimated the total landed catch of gray whales (eastern and western) by American ship-based whalers at 2,665 or 3,013 (method-dependent) from 1850 to 1879. Our new estimates are not high enough to resolve apparent inconsistencies between the catch history and estimates of historical abundance based on genetic variability. We suggest several lines of further research that may help resolve these inconsistencies

    Scattering of second sound waves by quantum vorticity

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    A new method of detection and measurement of quantum vorticity by scattering second sound off quantized vortices in superfluid Helium is suggested. Theoretical calculations of the relative amplitude of the scattered second sound waves from a single quantum vortex, a vortex ring, and bulk vorticity are presented. The relevant estimates show that an experimental verification of the method is feasible. Moreover, it can even be used for the detection of a single quantum vortex.Comment: Latex file, 9 page

    Star-Like Micelles with Star-Like Interactions: A quantitative Evaluation of Structure Factor and Phase Diagram

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    PEP-PEO block copolymer micelles offer the possibility to investigate phase behaviour and interactions of star polymers (ultra-soft colloids). A star-like architecture is achieved by an extremely asymmetric block ratio (1:20). Micellar functionality f can be smoothly varied by changing solvent composition (interfacial tension). Structure factors obtained by SANS can be quantitatively described in terms of an effective potential developed for star polymers. The experimental phase diagram reproduces to a high level of accuracy the predicted liquid/solid transition. Whereas for intermediate f a bcc phase is observed, for high f the formation of a fcc phase is preempted by glass formation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PRL in pres

    Field theoretic description of charge regulation interaction

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    In order to find the exact form of the electrostatic interaction between two proteins with dissociable charge groups in aqueous solution, we have studied a model system composed of two macroscopic surfaces with charge dissociation sites immersed in a counterion-only ionic solution. Field-theoretic representation of the grand canonical partition function is derived and evaluated within the mean-field approximation, giving the Poisson-Boltzmann theory with the Ninham-Parsegian boundary condition. Gaussian fluctuations around the mean-field are then analyzed in the lowest order correction that we calculate analytically and exactly, using the path integral representation for the partition function of a harmonic oscillator with time-dependent frequency. The first order (one loop) free energy correction gives the interaction free energy that reduces to the zero-frequency van der Waals form in the appropriate limit but in general gives rise to a mono-polar fluctuation term due to charge fluctuation at the dissociation sites. Our formulation opens up the possibility to investigate the Kirkwood-Shumaker interaction in more general contexts where their original derivation fails.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Signatures of magnetic activity in the seismic data of solar-type stars observed by Kepler

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    In the Sun, the frequencies of the acoustic modes are observed to vary in phase with the magnetic activity level. These frequency variations are expected to be common in solar-type stars and contain information about the activity-related changes that take place in their interiors. The unprecedented duration of Kepler photometric time-series provides a unique opportunity to detect and characterize stellar magnetic cycles through asteroseismology. In this work, we analyze a sample of 87 solar-type stars, measuring their temporal frequency shifts over segments of length 90 days. For each segment, the individual frequencies are obtained through a Bayesian peak-bagging tool. The mean frequency shifts are then computed and compared with: 1) those obtained from a cross-correlation method; 2) the variation in the mode heights; 3) a photometric activity proxy; and 4) the characteristic timescale of the granulation. For each star and 90-d sub-series, we provide mean frequency shifts, mode heights, and characteristic timescales of the granulation. Interestingly, more than 60% of the stars show evidence for (quasi-)periodic variations in the frequency shifts. In the majority of the cases, these variations are accompanied by variations in other activity proxies. About 20% of the stars show mode frequencies and heights varying approximately in phase, in opposition to what is observed for the Sun.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS, 19(+86) pages, 11(+89) figures, 2(+87) table

    Seismic signatures of magnetic activity in solar-type stars observed by Kepler

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    The properties of the acoustic modes are sensitive to magnetic activity. The unprecedented long-term Kepler photometry, thus, allows stellar magnetic cycles to be studied through asteroseismology. We search for signatures of magnetic cycles in the seismic data of Kepler solar-type stars. We find evidence for periodic variations in the acoustic properties of about half of the 87 analysed stars. In these proceedings, we highlight the results obtained for two such stars, namely KIC 8006161 and KIC 5184732.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the IAUS34

    DNMT inhibitors reverse a specific signature of aberrant promoter DNA methylation and associated gene silencing in AML

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    <b>Background</b>. Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are neoplastic disorders of hematopoietic stem cells. DNA methyltransferase inhibitors (DNMTi), 5-azacytidine (AzaC) and 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine (Decitabine), benefit some MDS/AML patients. However, the role of DNMTi-induced DNA hypomethylation in regulation of gene expression in AML is unclear.<p></p> <b>Results. </b> We compared the effects of AzaC on DNA methylation and gene expression using whole-genome single-nucleotide bisulfite-sequencing (WGBS) and RNA-sequencing in OCI-AML3 (AML3) cells. For data analysis, we used an approach recently developed for discovery of differential patterns of DNA methylation associated with changes in gene expression, that is tailored to single-nucleotide bisulfite-sequencing data (Washington University Interpolated Methylation Signatures (WIMSi)). By this approach, a subset of genes upregulated by AzaC was found to be characterized by AzaC-induced signature methylation loss flanking the transcription start site. These genes are enriched for genes increased in methylation and decreased in expression in AML3 cells compared to normal hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Moreover, these genes are preferentially upregulated by Decitabine in human primary AML blasts, and control cell proliferation, death and development. <p></p> <b>Conclusions.</b> Our WGBS and WIMSi data analysis approach has identified a set of genes whose is methylation and silencing in AML is reversed by DNMTi. These genes are good candidates for direct regulation by DNMTi, and their reactivation by DNMTi may contribute to therapeutic activity. This study also demonstrates the ability of WIMSi to reveal relationships between DNA methylation and gene expression, based on single-nucleotide bisulfite-sequencing and RNA-seq data.<p></p&gt

    Effectiveness of a minimal resource fracture liaison service

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate if a 2-year intervention with a minimal resource fracture liaison service (FLS) was associated with increased investigation and medical treatment and if treatment was related to reduced re-fracture risk. Methods The FLS started in 2013 using existing secretaries (without an FLS coordinator) at the emergency department and orthopaedic wards to identify risk patients. All patients older than 50 years of age with a fractured hip, vertebra, shoulder, wrist or pelvis were followed during 2013–2014 (n = 2713) and compared with their historic counterparts in 2011–2012 (n = 2616) at the same hospital. Re-fractures were X-ray verified. A time-dependent adjusted (for age, sex, previous fracture, index fracture type, prevalent treatment, comorbidity and secondary osteoporosis) Cox model was used. Results The minimal resource FLS increased the proportion of DXA-investigated patients after fracture from 7.6 to 39.6 % (p < 0.001) and the treatment rate after fracture from 12.6 to 31.8 %, which is well in line with FLS types using the conventional coordinator model. Treated patients had a 51 % lower risk of any re-fracture than untreated patients (HR 0.49, 95 % CI 0.37–0.65 p < 0.001). Conclusions We found that our minimal resource FLS was effective in increasing investigation and treatment, in line with conventional coordinator-based services, and that treated patients had a 51 % reduced risk of new fractures, indicating that also non-coordinator based fracture liaison services can improve secondary prevention of fractures