19,928 research outputs found

    Adaptive Phase Measurements in Linear Optical Quantum Computation

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    Photon counting induces an effective nonlinear optical phase shift on certain states derived by linear optics from single photons. Although this no nlinearity is nondeterministic, it is sufficient in principle to allow scalable linear optics quantum computation (LOQC). The most obvious way to encode a qubit optically is as a superposition of the vacuum and a single photon in one mode -- so-called "single-rail" logic. Until now this approach was thought to be prohibitively expensive (in resources) compared to "dual-rail" logic where a qubit is stored by a photon across two modes. Here we attack this problem with real-time feedback control, which can realize a quantum-limited phase measurement on a single mode, as has been recently demonstrated experimentally. We show that with this added measurement resource, the resource requirements for single-rail LOQC are not substantially different from those of dual-rail LOQC. In particular, with adaptive phase measurements an arbitrary qubit state α∣0⟩+β∣1⟩\alpha \ket{0} + \beta\ket{1} can be prepared deterministically

    Conditional Production of Superpositions of Coherent States with Inefficient Photon Detection

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    It is shown that a linear superposition of two macroscopically distinguishable optical coherent states can be generated using a single photon source and simple all-optical operations. Weak squeezing on a single photon, beam mixing with an auxiliary coherent state, and photon detecting with imperfect threshold detectors are enough to generate a coherent state superposition in a free propagating optical field with a large coherent amplitude (α>2\alpha>2) and high fidelity (F>0.99F>0.99). In contrast to all previous schemes to generate such a state, our scheme does not need photon number resolving measurements nor Kerr-type nonlinear interactions. Furthermore, it is robust to detection inefficiency and exhibits some resilience to photon production inefficiency.Comment: Some important new results added, to appear in Phys.Rev.A (Rapid Communication

    Magnetic activity, differential rotation and dynamo action in the pulsating F9IV star KIC 5955122

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    We present photometric spot modeling of the nearly four-year long light-curve of the Kepler target KIC 5955122 in terms of persisting dark circular surface features. With a Bayesian technique, we produced a plausible surface map that shows dozens of small spots. After some artifacts are removed, the residuals are at ±0.16\pm 0.16\,mmag. The shortest rotational period found is P=16.4±0.2P = 16.4 \pm 0.2 days. The equator-to-pole extrapolated differential rotation is 0.25±0.020.25 \pm 0.02 rad/d. The spots are roughly half as bright as the unperturbed stellar photosphere. Spot latitudes are restricted to the zone ±60∘\pm 60^\circ latitude. There is no indication for any near-pole spots. In addition, the p-mode pulsations enabled us to determine the evolutionary status of the star, the extension of the convective zone, and its radius and mass. We discuss the possibility that the clear signature of active regions in the light curve of the F9IV star KIC 5955122 is produced by a flux-transport dynamo action at the base of the convection zone. In particular, we argue that this star has evolved from an active to a quiet status during the Q0--Q16 period of observation, and we predict, according to our dynamo model, that the characteristic activity cycle is of the order of the solar one.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, to be published on A&

    Fault-tolerant linear optical quantum computing with small-amplitude coherent states

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    Quantum computing using two optical coherent states as qubit basis states has been suggested as an interesting alternative to single photon optical quantum computing with lower physical resource overheads. These proposals have been questioned as a practical way of performing quantum computing in the short term due to the requirement of generating fragile diagonal states with large coherent amplitudes. Here we show that by using a fault-tolerant error correction scheme, one need only use relatively small coherent state amplitudes (α>1.2\alpha > 1.2) to achieve universal quantum computing. We study the effects of small coherent state amplitude and photon loss on fault tolerance within the error correction scheme using a Monte Carlo simulation and show the quantity of resources used for the first level of encoding is orders of magnitude lower than the best known single photon scheme. %We study this reigem using a Monte Carlo simulation and incorporate %the effects of photon loss in this simulation

    Comparison of LOQC C-sign gates with ancilla inefficiency and an improvement to functionality under these conditions

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    We compare three proposals for non-deterministic C-sign gates implemented using linear optics and conditional measurements with non-ideal ancilla mode production and detection. The simplified KLM gate [Ralph et al, Phys.Rev.A {\bf 65}, 012314 (2001)] appears to be the most resilient under these conditions. We also find that the operation of this gate can be improved by adjusting the beamsplitter ratios to compensate to some extent for the effects of the imperfect ancilla.Comment: to appear in PR

    Measuring measurement--disturbance relationships with weak values

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    Using formal definitions for measurement precision {\epsilon} and disturbance (measurement backaction) {\eta}, Ozawa [Phys. Rev. A 67, 042105 (2003)] has shown that Heisenberg's claimed relation between these quantities is false in general. Here we show that the quantities introduced by Ozawa can be determined experimentally, using no prior knowledge of the measurement under investigation --- both quantities correspond to the root-mean-squared difference given by a weak-valued probability distribution. We propose a simple three-qubit experiment which would illustrate the failure of Heisenberg's measurement--disturbance relation, and the validity of an alternative relation proposed by Ozawa

    Scattering of second sound waves by quantum vorticity

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    A new method of detection and measurement of quantum vorticity by scattering second sound off quantized vortices in superfluid Helium is suggested. Theoretical calculations of the relative amplitude of the scattered second sound waves from a single quantum vortex, a vortex ring, and bulk vorticity are presented. The relevant estimates show that an experimental verification of the method is feasible. Moreover, it can even be used for the detection of a single quantum vortex.Comment: Latex file, 9 page
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