485 research outputs found

    The English Ambivalent Attitude towards Italy in the Renaissance: The Case of Gascoigne's Supposes

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    openDuring the Early Modern Period, Italy and Italian culture were the target of great criticism by English writers, as for instance Roger Ascham. This attitude was exploited by a number of authors, such as William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson, who portrayed Italy as politically chaotic, dissolute and morally corrupting. Elizabethan criticism towards Italy was based both on religious aspects, linked to the conflict between Catholics and Protestants, as well as prejudice. Nevertheless, English culture benefitted from Anglo-Italian relations over the fifteenth and sixteenth century, since Italian Humanism and Renaissance brought new social, political and economic ideas and values, which modernized England. I clarify the context for this study in Chapter 1, which examines Anglo-Italian contacts in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, and the English ambiguous attitude to Italian culture, considering both negative perceptions and positive influence. Chapter 2 and 3 seek to illustrate how George Gascoigne's translation of Ludovico Ariosto's play ‘I Suppositi’ represent a striking example of the beneficial impact of Italian culture on English literature, also considering that ‘Supposes’ inspired Shakespeare for the renowned play ‘The Taming of the Shrew’

    The Influence of the First Thousand Days of Life on Establishing Determinant Behaviors for Dental Caries in Childhood

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    Objective: To study the influence of the first thousand days of life on establishing determinant behaviors for dental caries in childhood. Material and Methods: Longitudinal retrospective study involving 664 children born in 2009 living in a southern Brazilian municipality was carried out. Data was collected through interviews with mothers and through child’s health card. Dependent variables were 1) tooth brushing onset after two years of age; 2) absent tooth brushing or once a day; 3) tooth brushing without adult supervision; 4) not having gone to the dentist until the age of 6; and 5) seek for dental services due to toothache at 6 years of age, over the last 30 days. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed using Poisson Regression to estimate relative risks (RR) and respective confidence intervals at the 95% accuracy level. Results: Mothers with lower schooling at child’s birth presented a higher risk of “child’s tooth brushing onset only after two years of age”, “brushing the teeth once a day only or not brushing” and with “child not having gone to the dentist until the age of 6”. Mothers who did not have a job when the child was born were associated with “not having gone to the dentist until the age 6”. Children with gastroesophageal reflux who underwent hospitalization for more than 2 days under age 2 were associated with “seeking dental services because of pain at 6 years of age over the last 30 days”. Conclusion: Higher risks of some determinant behaviors related to dental caries were associated with variables of the period of the first thousand days of life

    El derecho a la ciudad como alternativa pluralista a la crisis urbana: el caso referencia de Barcelona

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    En el contexto generalizado de crisis en el que la transición sociohistórica y cultural condiciona la construcción científica así como la organización político-social del presente, al que se añade el actual proceso de globalización, este trabajo pretende repensar nuevas formas urbanas y construcciones normativas. Se aspira mostrar el diálogo entre el Derecho y el Urbanismo como adecuado para la construcción de un discurso jurídico sensibilizado por la realidad y nutrido por otras áreas del conocimiento como forma de alcanzar la eficacia social de la norma en el sentido del derecho a la ciudad. Dar nuevos sentidos a las construcciones normativas y a su efectividad es una de las alternativas posibles visualizadas en la gran contradicción de este siglo. Por tanto, el estudio se desarrolla desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar, en que el derecho a la ciudad se presenta como la categoría analítica adecuada, ya que permite que se construya un contrapunto al consenso de ciudad y de enfoque jurídico actual. El espacio costero de Barcelona fue elegido como caso referencia por presentar importantes elementos de análisis, a saber: la planificación urbanística conocida como “modelo Barcelona”; la configuración de la ciudad como sede de los Juegos Olímpicos de 1992 y, su actual contexto de ciudad capitalista neoliberal que permite la reflexión sobre los fenómenos urbanos presentes en su territorio.In the general context of crisis, this work opens a space for rethinking new urban forms and legal instruments. Envisages demonstrating the possibilities of dialogue between Law and Urbanism for the construction of a legal discourse sensitized by the reality and nurtured by other knowledge areas as a way to achieve social efficiency of the law within the meaning of the right to city. Giving new meaning to normative constructions and their effectiveness is one possible alternative witnessed on the great contradictions of this century. The study is developed from an interdisciplinary perspective between Law and Urbanism. The right to the city is presented as the appropriate analytical category since it allows for building a counterpoint between the consensus of city and the current legal approach. Barcelona and its coastal zone have been chosen as a reference case as it features important elements of analysis: “Barcelona model”, Olympic city and its current context of capitalist city of a neoliberal pattern that allows for reflecting about the extremely actual present urban phenomena

    Prevalence and Associated Factors of Dental Trauma in Six-Year-Old School-Children

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    Objective: To estimate the prevalence and associated factors of dental trauma in 6-year-old school children in the city of Palhoça, Brazil. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study nested in a cohort study. It involved a representative sample of school children born in 2009, residing in the municipality and regularly enrolled in public and private schools (n = 1,102). Clinical data were obtained through oral exams. To evaluate the incisal overjet, the distance in millimeters was measured horizontally from the labial surface of the lower central incisor to the labial surface of the upper incisor. Bivariate analyses were performed using the Chi-square test, with a p-value <0.05 considered statistically significant. Multivariate analyses using Poisson Regression were performed to identify independent associations between the prevalence and the independent variables studied. Results: Prevalence of dental trauma was 4.2% (95% CI 3.0-5.4). Dental trauma was statistically associated with studying in a private school (PR = 1.03; 95% CI 1.01-1.06) (p=0.016) and with inadequate lip coverage (PR = 1.08; 95% CI 1.01-1.14) (p=0.016). Conclusion: The prevalence of 4.2% of dental trauma in six-year-old children, associated with inadequate and greater lip coverage in children from private schools should be taken into account, since most teeth at this stage are newly erupted

    Terror, marfim e borracha: imperialismo e resistência no Estado Livre do Congo (1879 – 1908)

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é analisar de que forma se deu o estabelecimento do Estado Livre do Congo, procurando observar além da política colonial europeia, os impactos do imperialismo sobre os povos africanos que habitavam a bacia hidrográfica do Congo desde as primeiras expedições empregadas no início do último quarto do século XIX até o fim da primeira década do século XX. As reflexões sobre o processo de instituição e consolidação do Estado Livre do Congo serão realizadas através de uma discussão bibliográfica envolvendo fontes de origens distintas a fim de obter acesso a diversas perspectivas na condução dissertativa, revelando que o processo de colonização desta região não foi simples, rápido ou pleno, havendo oposição sistemática por parte das populações autóctones

    First Thousand Days of Child Life and the Development of Risk Factors for Malocclusions

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    Objective: To identify the association between individual and socioeconomic factors during the first thousand days of the child\u27s life and the occurrence of risk behaviors for the development of malocclusions. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study. A sample of 655 6-year-old schoolchildren and families was included. Interviews with mothers were performed at home. The dependent variables were risk behaviors to the development of malocclusions. Independent variables were socioeconomic conditions, aspects of gestation, birth and health of the child up to two years of age. Bivariate and multivariate analyzes were performed through Poisson regression. Results: Maternal education of less than eight years was independently associated with the interruption of exclusive breastfeeding until the fourth month (PR=1.58 CI 95%; 1.07; 2.37). Occupation of the mother with income [PR=1.26; 1.02; 1.56)], occupation of the father without income [PR=1.46 (1.01; 2.14)] were associated fwith interruption of breastfeeding until the sixth month. Pregnancy in adolescence [PR=0.83 (0.70; 0.98)] and nursery attendance [PR=1.15 (1.02; 1.28)] were associated with bottle use. Nursery attendance [PR=1.27 (1.01; 1.59)], hospitalization in the first 29 days of life [PR=1.34 (1.01; 1.80)], occurrence of reflux [PR=1.30 (1.01; 1.70)] were associated with pacifier using. Conclusion: Variables related to the period of the first thousand days of life are associated with higher risk behaviors for the occurrence of malocclusions

    Prevalence and Associated Factors of Dental Trauma in Six-Year-Old School-Children

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    Objective: To estimate the prevalence and associated factors of dental trauma in 6-year-old school children in the city of Palhoça, Brazil. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study nested in a cohort study. It involved a representative sample of school children born in 2009, residing in the municipality and regularly enrolled in public and private schools (n = 1,102). Clinical data were obtained through oral exams. To evaluate the incisal overjet, the distance in millimeters was measured horizontally from the labial surface of the lower central incisor to the labial surface of the upper incisor. Bivariate analyses were performed using the Chi-square test, with a p-value <0.05 considered statistically significant. Multivariate analyses using Poisson Regression were performed to identify independent associations between the prevalence and the independent variables studied. Results: Prevalence of dental trauma was 4.2% (95% CI 3.0-5.4). Dental trauma was statistically associated with studying in a private school (PR = 1.03; 95% CI 1.01-1.06) (p=0.016) and with inadequate lip coverage (PR = 1.08; 95% CI 1.01-1.14) (p=0.016). Conclusion: The prevalence of 4.2% of dental trauma in six-year-old children, associated with inadequate and greater lip coverage in children from private schools should be taken into account, since most teeth at this stage are newly erupted

    Anticipated nursing care as perceived by nursing students: Findings from a qualitative study

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    Aim: To explore the perceptions of nursing students on the phenomenon of anticipated nursing care. Design: A descriptive-qualitative study was performed in 2019 according to the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research principles. Methods: Data were collected using 16 face-to-face, audio-recorded interviews across four Italian Bachelor of Nursing degrees. Then, content analysis was performed, identifying, analysing and describing the anticipated nursing care phenomenon as perceived by nursing students. Results: Administering medications, providing fundamentals of care, managing some clinical procedures, freeing up the patient's bed and starting the shifts early emerged as the most anticipated nursing interventions. Stable, older patients who were more functionally dependent were reported to receive some fundamental nursing care before the expected time, while older, stable and more independent patients were used to receiving medications in advance. Anticipated nursing care is triggered by factors at the time management, resource, programming, professional and organizational levels

    Florianópolis: as marcas do legalismo autoritário em Desterro

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. HistóriaEssa pesquisa tem como principal objetivo compreender como ocorreu a mudança do nome da capital catarinense em 1º de outubro de 1894, quando Desterro passou a se chamar Florianópolis. A conturbada conjuntura política dos primeiros anos da república no Brasil será o palco desta investigação e, dessa forma, o intuito desse esforço científico é trazer novos elementos que ampliem o escopo de entendimento sobre o tema, buscando retratar também a perspectiva dos vencidos naqueles conflitos. Para tanto, foi necessário dividir a pesquisa em três partes igualmente relevantes. Primeiramente, se buscou produzir uma síntese histórica que abarcaria os fatos e acontecimentos pertinentes ao nosso objeto de estudo, houve, portanto, um processo de contextualização dos meses que antecederam a mudança do nome da capital catarinense. Num segundo momento, foi proposto um debate historiográfico entre as correntes de pensamento que produziram conhecimento ligado ao tema, dando espaço também para a análise dos manuscritos de Duarte Paranhos Schutel. Já no último segmento desta pesquisa, o foco da análise migrou para a capital federal. Examinando o periódico “Correio da Tarde”, a principal fonte deste estudo, se buscou inferir como os círculos intelectuais oposicionistas ao governo central no Rio de Janeiro percebiam a homenagem feita a Floriano Peixoto em terras catarinenses. Observa-se, desta forma, que o processo de mudança do nome da capital catarinense em outubro de 1894 ocorreu de maneira legal, porém numa conjuntura de intensa repressão política e, portanto não foi fruto de um consenso da sociedade catarinense, ao contrário, a análise proposta evidenciou o caráter simbolicamente violento de tal ato, o caracterizando como uma expressão do autoritarismo estatal

    Loss avoidance in nominal frames and fairness in downward nominal wage rigidity and disinflation

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    This paper proposes a more general definition of loss avoidance, relates it to fairness and applies it to the labor market. By influencing judgments about what is a fair wage readjustment, it can lead to coordination failures, generating downward nominal wage rigidity (DNWR) and disinflation costs even with common knowledge of credible policies. This suggests that policies with good frames, including inflation targeting, can mitigate the sacrifice ratio