8,228 research outputs found

    Periodic Chaotic Billiards: Quantum-Classical Correspondence in Energy Space

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    We investigate the properties of eigenstates and local density of states (LDOS) for a periodic 2D rippled billiard, focusing on their quantum-classical correspondence in energy representation. To construct the classical counterparts of LDOS and the structure of eigenstates (SES), the effects of the boundary are first incorporated (via a canonical transformation) into an effective potential, rendering the one-particle motion in the 2D rippled billiard equivalent to that of two-interacting particles in 1D geometry. We show that classical counterparts of SES and LDOS in the case of strong chaotic motion reveal quite a good correspondence with the quantum quantities. We also show that the main features of the SES and LDOS can be explained in terms of the underlying classical dynamics, in particular of certain periodic orbits. On the other hand, statistical properties of eigenstates and LDOS turn out to be different from those prescribed by random matrix theory. We discuss the quantum effects responsible for the non-ergodic character of the eigenstates and individual LDOS that seem to be generic for this type of billiards with a large number of transverse channels.Comment: 13 pages, 18 figure

    Chaotic Waveguide-Based Resonators for Microlasers

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    We propose the construction of highly directional emission microlasers using two-dimensional high-index semiconductor waveguides as {\it open} resonators. The prototype waveguide is formed by two collinear leads connected to a cavity of certain shape. The proposed lasing mechanism requires that the shape of the cavity yield mixed chaotic ray dynamics so as to have the appropiate (phase space) resonance islands. These islands allow, via Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the appearance of quasi bound states (QBS) which, in turn, propitiate the lasing mechanism. The energy values of the QBS are found through the solution of the Helmholtz equation. We use classical ray dynamics to predict the direction and intensity of the lasing produced by such open resonators for typical values of the index of refraction.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    A semiquantal approach to finite systems of interacting particles

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    A novel approach is suggested for the statistical description of quantum systems of interacting particles. The key point of this approach is that a typical eigenstate in the energy representation (shape of eigenstates, SE) has a well defined classical analog which can be easily obtained from the classical equations of motion. Therefore, the occupation numbers for single-particle states can be represented as a convolution of the classical SE with the quantum occupation number operator for non-interacting particles. The latter takes into account the wavefunctions symmetry and depends on the unperturbed energy spectrum only. As a result, the distribution of occupation numbers nsn_s can be numerically found for a very large number of interacting particles. Using the model of interacting spins we demonstrate that this approach gives a correct description of nsn_s even in a deep quantum region with few single-particle orbitals.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Influence of a dynamical gluon mass in the pppp and pˉp\bar{p}p forward scattering

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    We compute the tree level cross section for gluon-gluon elastic scattering taking into account a dynamical gluon mass, and show that this mass scale is a natural regulator for this subprocess cross section. Using an eikonal approach in order to examine the relationship between this gluon-gluon scattering and the elastic pppp and pˉp\bar{p}p channels, we found that the dynamical gluon mass is of the same order of magnitude as the {\it ad hoc} infrared mass scale m0m_{0} underlying eikonalized QCD-inspired models. We argue that this correspondence is not an accidental result, and that this dynamical scale indeed represents the onset of non-perturbative contributions to the elastic hadron-hadron scattering. We apply the eikonal model with a dynamical infrared mass scale to obtain predictions for σtotpp,pˉp\sigma_{tot}^{pp,\bar{p}p}, ρpp,pˉp\rho^{pp,\bar{p}p}, slope Bpp,pˉpB^{pp,\bar{p}p}, and differential elastic scattering cross section dσpˉp/dtd\sigma^{\bar{p}p}/dt at Tevatron and CERN-LHC energies.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures; misprints corrected and comments added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Classical versus Quantum Structure of the Scattering Probability Matrix. Chaotic wave-guides

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    The purely classical counterpart of the Scattering Probability Matrix (SPM) Sn,m2\mid S_{n,m}\mid^2 of the quantum scattering matrix SS is defined for 2D quantum waveguides for an arbitrary number of propagating modes MM. We compare the quantum and classical structures of Sn,m2\mid S_{n,m}\mid^2 for a waveguide with generic Hamiltonian chaos. It is shown that even for a moderate number of channels, knowledge of the classical structure of the SPM allows us to predict the global structure of the quantum one and, hence, understand important quantum transport properties of waveguides in terms of purely classical dynamics. It is also shown that the SPM, being an intensity measure, can give additional dynamical information to that obtained by the Poincar\`{e} maps.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Basin structure in the two-dimensional dissipative circle map

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    Fractal basin structure in the two-dimensional dissipative circle map is examined in detail. Numerically obtained basin appears to be riddling in the parameter region where two periodic orbits co-exist near a boundary crisis, but it is shown to consist of layers of thin bands.Comment: published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 72, 1943-1947 (2003