66 research outputs found

    What to expect from the 2017 yellow fever outbreak in Brazil?

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    Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objectives: To summarize the data on SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence surveys conducted in Brazil before the introduction of vaccines Methods: The authors conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Brazil. The present review followed the PRISMA guidelines. The authors searched Medline, Embase, and LILACS databases for serologic surveys conducted in the Brazilian population, in the period from 01/10/2019 to 07/11/2021, without language restrictions. The authors included studies that presented data concerning SARS-CoV-2 antibodies seroprevalence in Brazil and had a sample size ≥50 individuals. Considering the expected heterogeneity between studies, all analyses were performed using the random effects model, and heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistic Results: Of 586 publications identified in the initial searches, 54 were included in the review and meta-analysis, which contained the results of 135 surveys, with 336,620 participants. The estimated seroprevalence was 11.0%, ranging from 1.0% to 83.0%, with a substantial heterogeneity (I2 = 99.55%). In subgroup analyses, the authors observed that the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was 13.0% in blood donors, 9.0% in the population-based surveys, 13% in schoolchildren, and 11.0% in healthcare workers. Conclusions: Seroprevalence increases over time. Large differences were observed among the regions of the country. It was higher in the Northern region, decreasing towards the South. The present results may contribute to the analysis of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Brazilian population before vaccination, one of the factors that may be influencing the clinical presentation of COVID-19 cases related to the new variants, as well as the effectiveness of the vaccination program

    Imunogenicidade da vacina brasileira contra hepatite B em adultos

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    OBJETIVO: Evaluar la inmunogenicidad y seguridad de la vacuna contra hepatitis B, posterior al aumento en la concentración del antígeno HBsAg para 25mg, en comparación a la vacuna de referencia. MÉTODOS: Ensayo con distribución aleatoria y enmascaramiento simple, comparando la VrHB-IB (Instituto Butantan) con la vacuna de referencia (Engerix BÒ, Glaxo Smith Kline). Los voluntarios, entre 31 y 40 años de edad (n=419), fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en el grupo experimental (n=216) o en el grupo control (n=203), y recibieron tres dosis de la vacuna. La primera dosis fue administrada en el momento del reclutamiento, la segunda y tercera 30 y 180 días después respectivamente, entre 2004 y 2005. Muestras de sangre fueron colectadas para análisis sexológico antes de la aleatorización, y posterior a la segunda y tercera dosis. Fue realizada la vigilancia activa de eventos adversos durante los cinco primero días posterior a la vacunación. Las diferencias fueron evaluadas por las pruebas de chi-cuadrado y exacto de Fisher, con nivel de significancia de 5%. RESULTADOS: No se observaron eventos adversos graves. La seroprotección fue confirmada en 98,6% (213/216) de los voluntarios del grupo experimental, en comparación a 95,6% (194/203) del grupo control. Los títulos geométricos promedios fueron de 12.557 y 11.673, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES: La vacuna brasilera fue considerada equivalente a la vacuna de referencia y su uso recomendado para adultos.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a imunogenicidade e segurança da vacina contra hepatite B, após o aumento na concentração do antígeno HBsAg para 25 μg, em comparação à vacina de referência. MÉTODOS: Ensaio com alocação aleatória e mascaramento simples, comparando a VrHB-IB (Instituto Butantan) com a vacina de referência (Engerix B®, Glaxo Smith Kline). Os voluntários, entre 31 e 40 anos de idade (n=419), foram alocados aleatoriamente ao grupo experimental (n=216) ou ao grupo controle (n=203), e receberam três doses de vacina. A primeira dose foi administrada no momento do recrutamento, a segunda e terceira 30 e 180 dias depois respectivamente, entre 2004 e 2005. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas para análise sorológica antes da randomização, e após a segunda e terceira doses. Foi realizada a vigilância ativa de eventos adversos durante os cinco primeiros dias após a vacinação. As diferenças foram avaliadas pelos testes do qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Não se observaram eventos adversos graves. A soroporteção foi confirmada em 98,6% (213/216) dos voluntários do grupo experimental, em comparação a 95,6% (194/203) do grupo controle. Os títulos geométricos médios foram de 12.557 e 11.673, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A vacina brasileira foi considerada equivalente à vacina de referência e seu uso recomendado para adultos.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of a novel hepatitis B vaccine, after increasing antigen concentration to 25 μg, in comparison to the reference vaccine. METHODS: Single-blinded randomized trial comparing VrHB-IB (Instituto Butantan) and the reference vaccine (Engerix B®, Glaxo Smith Kline). Volunteers aged 31 to 40 years were randomized to either experimental (n=216) or control (n=203) groups, and were given three doses of vaccine. The first dose was administered upon recruitment, and the second and third doses 30 and 180 days later, respectively, between 2004 and 2005. Blood samples were collected for analysis before randomization and after the second and third doses. Active search for adverse effects was perforned in the first five days after vaccination. Differences were evaluated using chi-square and Fisher's exact tests, with a 5% significance level. RESULTS: No severe adverse effects were observed. Seroprotection was confirmed in 98.6% (213/216) of volunteers in the experimental group and 95.6% (194/203) of those in the control group. Geometric mean titers were 12,557 and 11,673, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian vaccine was considered to be equivalent to the reference vaccine and its use is recommended for adults

    Eficácia e segurança da vacina brasileira contra hepatite B em recém-nascidos

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar a eficácia e segurança de vacina recombinante contra hepatite B em recém-nascidos. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi conduzido em hospital geral do município de Guarulhos, SP, entre 2002 e 2005. A vacina recombinante contra hepatite B do Instituto Butantan (VrHB-IB) foi analisada em dois ensaios clínicos. Em ambos os ensaios, os recém-nascidos foram alocados aleatoriamente ao grupo experimental ou controle (vacina de referência). Os recém-nascidos receberam três doses das vacinas, uma em até 24 h após o nascimento e as subseqüentes 30 e 180 dias após. No primeiro ensaio 538 recém-nascidos completaram o protocolo e no segundo ensaio, 486. Considerou-se critério de equivalência a diferença na soroproteção inferior a 5%. RESULTADOS: A soroproteção no primeiro ensaio (anti HBs >; 10mUI/ml) foi de 92,5% (247/267) no grupo experimental, comparada a 98,5% (267/271) no grupo controle (p = 0,001). Com este resultado, a VrHB-IB não atingiu o critério de equivalência estabelecido. Após o aumento da concentração de antígeno na vacina para 25¼g, a soroproteção no segundo ensaio foi de 100% no grupo experimental e 99,2% no grupo controle. Nenhum evento adverso grave foi registrado. CONCLUSÕES: A vacina VrHB-IB modificada foi considerada equivalente à vacina de referência e seu uso recomendado à vacinação de recém-nascidos.OBJETIVO: Analizar la eficiencia y seguridad de vacuna recombinante contra hepatitis B en recién-nacidos. MÉTODOS: El estudio fue conducido en hospital general del municipio de Guarulhos, Sureste de Brasil, entre 2002 y 2005. La vacuna recombinante contra hepatitis B del Instituto Butantan (VrHB-IB) fue analizada en dos ensayos clínicos. En ambos ensayos, los recién-nacidos fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en el grupo experimental o control (vacuna de referencia). Los recién-nacidos recibieron tres dosis de las vacunas, una en máximo 24 h posterior al nacimiento y las subsecuentes 30 y 180 días posteriores. En el primer ensayo 538 recién-nacidos completaron el protocolo y en el segundo ensayo, 486. Se consideró criterio de equivalencia la diferencia en la seroprotección inferior a 5%. RESULTADOS: La seroprotección en el primer ensayo (anti HBs ³ 10mUI/mL) fue de 92,5% (247/267) en el grupo experimental, comparada con 98,5% (267/271) en el grupo control (p=0,001). Con este resultado, la VrHB-IB no alcanzó el criterio de equivalencia establecido. Posterior al aumento de la concentración del antígeno en la vacuna a 25mg, la seroprotección en el segundo ensayo fue de 100% en el grupo experimental y 99,2% en el grupo control. Ningún evento adverso grave fue registrado. CONCLUSIONES: La vacuna VrHB-IB modificada fue considerada equivalente a la vacuna de referencia y su uso recomendado en la vacunación de recién-nacidos.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the efficacy and safety of a recombinant Hepatitis B vaccine in newborns. METHODS: The study was carried out in a general hospital in the city of Guarulhos, Southeastern Brazil, between 2002 and 2005. The recombinant Hepatitis B vaccine from Instituto Butantan (VrHB-IB) was tested in two clinical trials. In both trials, newborns were randomly allocated to the experimental or control (reference vaccine) groups. Newborns were given three doses of vaccine, one up to 24 hours after birth and the other two 30 and 180 days later. In the first trial, 538 newborns completed the immunization protocol, and 486 in the second. Vaccines were considered equivalent when seroprotection difference was below 5%. RESULTS: Seroprotection in the first trial (anti-HBs >; 10mUI/ml) was 92.5% (247/267) in the experimental group, compared to 98.5% (267/271) in the control (p = 0.001). With this result, VrHB-IB did not fulfill the pre-established criterion for equivalence. After increasing the concentration of antigen in the vaccine to 25¼g, seroprotection reached 100% in the experimental group and 99.2% in the control. No severe adverse effects were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: The reformulated VrHB-IB is considered equivalent to the reference vaccine, and its use is recommended in newborns

    Access and right to health for Bolivian migrants in a Brazilian metropolis

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    This paper analyzes the health care accessibility conditions afforded Bolivian immigrants to the Brazilian health system and their perception of the right to health. A cross-sectional, quantitative and qualitative study was carried out from 2013 to 2015. Data were collected by a questionnaire with closed questions answered by 633 Bolivian individuals; questions regarding access to health were answered by 472 immigrants over 18 years old. Semi-structured interviews conducted with 55 subjects (Bolivians, health professionals, representatives of Health Departments, Consulate of Bolivia, Public Defender’s Office, Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office and Non-Governmental Organizations) underwent content analysis. Most Bolivian immigrants know the Unified Health System (SUS) and often use Primary Health Care; however, they described structural and systemic barriers to health accessibility, such as lack of documentation, working conditions, medium and high complexity procedures, language barriers, among others. The national health card (CNS) is an important gateway to access health care, playing a role of social integration. Interviewees recognize Health as a Social Right, pointing it out as a human and solidary value. Ensuring this recognition, when not based on the consolidation of social policies aimed at strengthening universal social protection, is threatened.Este artigo analisa as condições de acesso do imigrante boliviano ao sistema de saúde brasileiro e a percepção do direito à saúde. É um estudo transversal de metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa, realizado de 2013 a 2015. Foi elaborado um questionário com perguntas fechadas respondidas por 633 bolivianos, e em relação ao acesso à saúde por 472 indivíduos bolivianos maiores de 18 anos. A abordagem qualitativa foi feita por meio da análise de conteúdo de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 55 sujeitos (bolivianos, profissionais de saúde, representantes de Secretarias de Saúde, Consulado da Bolívia, Defensoria Pública da União, Ministério Público Federal e Organizações Não Governamentais). Os bolivianos conhecem o Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e utilizam com frequência a Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Todavia, barreiras de acesso são descritas, como falta de documentação, condições de trabalho, procedimentos de média e/ou alta complexidades, dificuldades para entenderem o que é dito assim como para serem compreendidos, entre outras. Sobressai-se a obtenção do Cartão Nacional de Saúde (CNS) como porta de entrada para o acesso à saúde, desempenhando papel de integração social. O reconhecimento da Saúde como direito social destaca-se entre os entrevistados, apontado como valor humano e solidário. A garantia desse reconhecimento fica ameaçada quando não se apoia na consolidação de políticas sociais que visem o fortalecimento da proteção social universal

    Geoclimatic, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics related to dengue outbreaks in Southeastern Brazil: an annual spatial and spatiotemporal risk model over a 12-year period

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    Dengue fever is re-emerging worldwide, however the reasons of this new emergence are not fully understood. Our goal was to report the incidence of dengue in one of the most populous States of Brazil, and to assess the high-risk areas using a spatial and spatio-temporal annual models including geoclimatic, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. An ecological study with both, a spatial and a temporal component was carried out in Sao Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, between January 1st, 2007 and December 31st, 2019. Crude and Bayesian empirical rates of dengue cases following by Standardized Incidence Ratios (SIR) were calculated considering the municipalities as the analytical units and using the Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation in a Bayesian context. A total of 2,027,142 cases of dengue were reported during the studied period. The spatial model allocated the municipalities in four groups according to the SIR values: (I) SIR<0.8; (II) SIR 0.8<1.2; (III) SIR 1.2<2.0 and SIR>2.0 identified the municipalities with higher risk for dengue outbreaks. “Hot spots” are shown in the thematic maps. Significant correlations between SIR and two climate variables, two demographic variables and one socioeconomical variable were found. No significant correlations were found in the spatio-temporal model. The incidence of dengue exhibited an inconstant and unpredictable variation every year. The highest rates of dengue are concentrated in geographical clusters with lower surface pressure, rainfall and altitude, but also in municipalities with higher degree of urbanization and better socioeconomic conditions. Nevertheless, annual consolidated variations in climatic features do not influence in the epidemic yearly pattern of dengue in southeastern Brazil

    Live-attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccines: The needs and challenges of post-licensure evaluation of vaccine safety and effectiveness.

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    Since December 2015, the first dengue vaccine has been licensed in several Asian and Latin American countries for protection against disease from all four dengue virus serotypes. While the vaccine demonstrated an overall good safety and efficacy profile in clinical trials, some key research questions remain which make risk-benefit-assessment for some populations difficult. As for any new vaccine, several questions, such as very rare adverse events following immunization, duration of vaccine-induced protection and effectiveness when used in public health programs, will be addressed by post-licensure studies and by data from national surveillance systems after the vaccine has been introduced. However, the complexity of dengue epidemiology, pathogenesis and population immunity, as well as some characteristics of the currently licensed vaccine, and potentially also future, live-attenuated dengue vaccines, poses a challenge for evaluation through existing monitoring systems, especially in low and middle-income countries. Most notable are the different efficacies of the currently licensed vaccine by dengue serostatus at time of first vaccination and by dengue virus serotype, as well as the increased risk of dengue hospitalization among young vaccinated children observed three years after the start of vaccination in one of the trials. Currently, it is unknown if the last phenomenon is restricted to younger ages or could affect also seronegative individuals aged 9years and older, who are included in the group for whom the vaccine has been licensed. In this paper, we summarize scientific and methodological considerations for public health surveillance and targeted post-licensure studies to address some key research questions related to live-attenuated dengue vaccines. Countries intending to introduce a dengue vaccine should assess their capacities to monitor and evaluate the vaccine's effectiveness and safety and, where appropriate and possible, enhance their surveillance systems accordingly. Targeted studies are needed, especially to better understand the effects of vaccinating seronegative individuals

    Acute Conjunctivitis with Episcleritis and Anterior Uveitis Linked to Adiaspiromycosis and Freshwater Sponges, Amazon Region, Brazil, 2005

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    Medscape, LLC is pleased to provide online continuing medical education (CME) for this journal article, allowing clinicians the opportunity to earn CME credit. This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint sponsorship of Medscape, LLC and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Medscape, LLC is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide CME for physicians. Medscape, LLC designates this educational activity for a maximum of 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. All other clinicians completing this activity will be issued a certificate of participation. To participate in this journal CME activity: (1) review the learning objectives and author disclosures; (2) study the education content; (3) take the post-test and/or complete the evaluation at http://www.medscape.com/cme/eidExternal Web Site Icon; (4) view/print certificate.\ud Learning Objectives\ud \ud Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:\ud \ud Describe the mechanism of infection for adiaspiromycosis.\ud Identify the age group most susceptible to ocular adiaspiromycosis.\ud Describe presenting symptoms associated with ocular adiaspiromycosis.\ud Describe the frequency of ocular lesions associated with adiaspiromycosis.\ud Identify risk factors for ocular adiaspiromycosis