11,576 research outputs found

    Modelling the Product Development performance of Colombian Companies

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityThis paper presents the general model of the Product Development Process (PDP) in the Metal mechanics Industry in Barranquilla-Colombia, since this sector contributes significantly to the productivity of this industrial city. This case study counted on a five-company sample. The main goal was to model the current conditions of the PDP according to the Concurrent Engineering philosophy. The companies were selected according to their productive profile, in order to contrast differences regarding the structure of their productive processes, conformation of multidisciplinary teams, integration of different areas, customers and suppliers to the PDP; human resources, information, technology and marketing constraints.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan

    The small xx behavior of the gluon structure function from total cross sections

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    Within a QCD-based eikonal model with a dynamical infrared gluon mass scale we discuss how the small xx behavior of the gluon distribution function at moderate Q2Q^{2} is directly related to the rise of total hadronic cross sections. In this model the rise of total cross sections is driven by gluon-gluon semihard scattering processes, where the behavior of the small xx gluon distribution function exhibits the power law xg(x,Q2)=h(Q2)x−ϵxg(x,Q^2)= h(Q^2)x^{-\epsilon}. Assuming that the Q2Q^{2} scale is proportional to the dynamical gluon mass one, we show that the values of h(Q2)h(Q^2) obtained in this model are compatible with an earlier result based on a specific nonperturbative Pomeron model. We discuss the implications of this picture for the behavior of input valence-like gluon distributions at low resolution scales.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures; revised version; to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Mixed-integer-linear-programming-based energy management system for hybrid PV-wind-battery microgrids: Modeling, design, and experimental verification

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksMicrogrids are energy systems that aggregate distributed energy resources, loads, and power electronics devices in a stable and balanced way. They rely on energy management systems to schedule optimally the distributed energy resources. Conventionally, many scheduling problems have been solved by using complex algorithms that, even so, do not consider the operation of the distributed energy resources. This paper presents the modeling and design of a modular energy management system and its integration to a grid-connected battery-based microgrid. The scheduling model is a power generation-side strategy, defined as a general mixed-integer linear programming by taking into account two stages for proper charging of the storage units. This model is considered as a deterministic problem that aims to minimize operating costs and promote self-consumption based on 24-hour ahead forecast data. The operation of the microgrid is complemented with a supervisory control stage that compensates any mismatch between the offline scheduling process and the real time microgrid operation. The proposal has been tested experimentally in a hybrid microgrid at the Microgrid Research Laboratory, Aalborg University.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Testing the cooling flow model in the intermediate polar EX Hydrae

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    We use the best available X-ray data from the intermediate polar EX Hydrae to study the cooling-flow model often applied to interpret the X-ray spectra of these accreting magnetic white dwarf binaries. First, we resolve a long-standing discrepancy between the X-ray and optical determinations of the mass of the white dwarf in EX Hya by applying new models of the inner disk truncation radius. Our fits to the X-ray spectrum now agree with the white dwarf mass of 0.79 M⊙_{\odot}sun determined using dynamical methods through spectroscopic observations of the secondary. We use a simple isobaric cooling flow model to derive the emission line fluxes, emission measure distribution, and H-like to He-like line ratios for comparison with the 496 ks Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating observation of EX Hydrae. We find that the H/He ratios are not well reproduced by this simple isobaric cooling flow model and show that while H-like line fluxes can be accurately predicted, fluxes of lower-Z He-like lines are significantly underestimated. This discrepancy suggests that some extra heating mechanism plays an important role at the base of the accretion column, where cooler ions form. We thus explored more complex cooling models including the change of gravitational potential with height in the accretion column and a magnetic dipole geometry. None of these modifications to the standard cooling flow model are able to reproduce the observed line ratios. While a cooling flow model with subsolar (0.1 ⊙\odot) abundances is able to reproduce the line ratios by reducing the cooling rate at temperatures lower than ∼107.3\sim 10^{7.3} K, the predicted line-to-continuum ratios are much lower than observed. We discuss and discard mechanisms such as photoionization, departures from constant pressure, resonant scattering, different electron-ion temperatures, and Compton cooling. [Abridged]Comment: Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics, modified version after referee comments and proof correction

    Wind tunnel balance

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    A flow-through balance is provided which includes a non-metric portion and a metric portion which form a fluid-conducting passage in fluid communication with an internal bore in the sting. The non-metric and metric portions of the balance are integrally connected together by a plurality of flexure beams such that the non-metric portion, the metric portion and the flexure beams form a one-piece construction which eliminates mechanical hysteresis between the non-metric and the metric portion. The system includes structures for preventing the effects of temperature, pressure and pressurized fluid from producing asymmetric loads on the flexure beams. A temperature sensor and a pressure sensor are located within the fluid-conducting passage of the balance. The system includes a longitudinal bellows member connected at two ends to one of the non-metric portion and the metric portion and at an intermediate portion thereof to the other of (1) and (2). A plurality of strain gages are mounted on the flexure beams to measure strain forces on the flexure beams. The flexure beams are disposed so as to enable symmetric forces on the flexure beams to cancel out so that only asymmetric forces are measured as deviations by the strain gages
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