5 research outputs found


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    Desain Media Pembelajaran Anti Korupsi Berbasis Gender untuk Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Kejujuran Sejak di SD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dan bertujuan untuk efektivitas impementasi desain media pembelajaran anti korupsi berbasis gender untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai kejujuran sejak usia dini bagi siswa-siswi Sekolah Dasar. Hasil uji coba desain media pembelajaran anti korupsi berbasis gender untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai kejujuran sejak usia dini bagi siswa-siswi Sekolah Dasar telah memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif. Hasil penelitian berupa perangkat pembelajaran yang menggunakan permainan kartu, peta permainan, buku panduan penggunaan media. Hasil desain media pembelajaran yang diberi nama Sembilan Nilai atau “SEMAI” sangat memudahkan siswa-siswi untuk lebih cepat memahami norma-norma anti korupsi. Kata kunci: media pembelajaran, gender, korupsi

    Smallholder local chicken production and available feed resources in central Uganda

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    The poultry industry in Uganda is mainly based on free-range (scavenging) indigenous chickens, kept at the subsistence level. Chicken population rose from 23.5 million in 2005 to 37.4 million in 2008; and most of these chicken (over 80%) were indigenous to the country. A survey was conducted in Central Uganda to assess the available feed resources for chicken. The study involved300 household heads purposively selected. A focus group discussion involving 50 farmers from the same community, was also involved. Issues related to feeds, especially high prices were the main factors contributing to reduced chicken production in the study areas. Less than 5% of the farmers knew the nutritive contents of the chicken feeds. Sixty percent gave alternative feeds depending on season of availability. There was a clear difference between farmers who had some knowledge about feed nutrient composition and those who had no idea. Furthermore, the competition between food and feed furthered the increase in feed prices, thus forcing producers to look for alternative feeds and locally available feeds. The possibility for utilising by-products for poultry feeds need research attention.Key words: Feed resources, feed competition, indigenous chicke

    Effect of pre-incubation and incubation conditions on hatchability and chick quality of Kuroiler chickens

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    A study was conducted to review the effects of pre-incubation and incubation conditions on hatchability and chick quality of Kuroiler chickens. The most important incubation factors that affect hatch time, hatchability and hatch window (temperature, humidity, turning, and ventilation) were reviewed. There was a significant influence (P<0.05) of breeder age on hatchability. Also, there was significance (P<0.05) of breeder age on texture of the egg shell; while there was no significance (P > 0.05) between size of egg and hatch window. The performance of Kurolilers at the end of the rearing period depended, in part, on the quality of day-old chicks at placement. The quality of day-old chicks was highly affected by the incubation conditions, hatch time (which determines the time spent in the hatchery under high temperature and humidity), and handling of chicks after hatch.Key words: Egg shell, hatch handling, hatch time, hatch windo

    Potential utilization of virtual reality learning for vocational school teachers

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    This study aims to determine the potential of using virtual reality as a learning tool for teachers, especially at Vocational High Schools. This research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Descriptive analysis aims to reveal an objective picture of the conditions in the subject under study. Descriptive quantification seeks to describe an object using numerical data. In addition, verbal/qualitative descriptions of targets are also carried out through in-depth and detailed studies of organizations or certain phenomena through observation or analysis to generate data. The implementation of Virtual Reality-based learning has been systematic, following the design, development/production, utilization, and management and evaluation models. The stages that have not been implemented are developing a learning system integrated with virtual reality models, using virtual reality as a system, managing information systems, and evaluating the effectiveness of implementing virtual reality-based learning. In addition, there are several obstacles, including: 1) The limited quantity and quality of resources that include professionals, specialists, and technicians in the use of virtual reality-based learning; 2) Not all teachers are enthusiastic and motivated, especially older teachers, to apply virtual reality-based learning concerning improving the quality of learning; 3) Not all schools have the necessary infrastructure for optimal implementation of virtual reality (such as multimedia classrooms), there are no buildings or spaces to manage the development of virtual learning in vocational Schools; and 4) The high cost of official/original software is an obstacle for the development and production of virtual reality programs. Keywords: Potential; Virtual Reality; Teacher Vocational High School; Stud