452 research outputs found

    The Development of an E-learning-based Learning Service for MKDP Curriculum and Learning at Indonesia University of Education

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    E-learning was a general term used to refer to computer-enhanced learning based that facilitates whoever, wherever, and whenever the person is to be able to learn more fun, easier and cheaper by using the Internet. In other words, E-learning was the use of network technologies to create, foster, deliver, and facilitate learning, anytime and anywhere. It also means a learning facility that uses electronic devices such as LAN, WAN, or Internet to give lectures, to interact, or to guide and monitor the students. E-learning was naturally suited to distance learning and flexible learning. This learning was an asynchronous or self-directed; self-paced activity that is used in order for the students to obtain learning materials by using electronic computing devices that are designed to help the students to get learning materials needed. Asynchronous consists of learning that was stand-alone. Asynchronous eLearning can be delivered through the web, via an Intranet, or by way of an extranet. The Curriculum and Education Technology Department of the Indonesia University of Education is now trying to design and to use this E-learning as a supplement in MKDP curriculum and learning subjects

    The Implementation 2013 of Curriculum in Vocational School a Study on “Best Practices” Done by Vocational School Teachers in Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating the Curriculum

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    Applying a new curriculum, namely implementation of 2013 Curriculum at schools has been commenced in July 2013. The implementation of the curriculum is expected to give a push to increasing quality of managing and processing educational efforts towards betterments at every unit of learning and education. Backgrounded by application of the curriculum, the present study is geared to reveal problematic aspects dealing with a query of “How do vocational school teachers respond to the implementation of 2013 curriculum in Bandung city viewed from the activity of planning, implementing, and evaluating the curriculum?” and “What best practices are applicable implementable in terms of planning, implementing, and evaluating the curriculum done by vocational school teachers in Bandung city?” Results of the study indicate that school teachers\u27 response to the implementation of the 2013 curriculum falls into the category of positive


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    The implementation of regional autonomy is aims to make the region became independent in financing needs, regions are required to built a system regional financial management that developed that they can reduce dependence on the central government. The purpose of this research is to see how the financial capacity the district jepara in the implementation of regional autonomy 2001 – 2013, analyse what is happening flypaper effect on the (DAU), identify strategy that must be done in order to improve the ability of the region through financial to increase local revenue. This study using methods descriptive to know regional financial ability, a method of multiple linear regression (OLS) with time series data with a model without lag and model with lag, and SWOT analysis. The results showed that the financial capacity the district jepara still low and can not said to be independent in the implementation of regional autonomy. Based on the results of the regression known variable dau influential significantly to regional spending on the model of good without the lag or by lag and value of the coefficients dau is larger than the value of the coefficients pad which showed happened flypaper effect. While strategy used based on SWOT Analysis is to increase the number of human resources operational power, to utilize the progress of technology and information and infrastructure modern to dig the possibility of new potential, adapt the tariffs of taxes or levies through bylaw, as well as enhancing cooperation or coordination between the relevant agencies

    Struktur Geologi Teluk Bone - Sulawesi Selatan

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    Morfologi dasar laut di daerah penelitian agak curam dan bergelombang, terdapat pada kedalaman laut antara 50 sampai 2000 meter. Pembentukan morfologi dasar laut ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh adanya gejala sesar-sesar aktif. Dari interpretasi runtunan seismik terlihat jelas adanya struktur- struktur geologi berupa sesar dan pelipatan. Adanya bentuk struktur bunga (flower structure) menunjukkan bahwa gejala tektonik aktif dari sesar Palu- Koro, Kolaka, Matano, Lawanopo masih berlangsung sampai sekarang. Keberadaan sesar-sesar aktif ini perlu diwaspadai karena dapat menimbulkan gempa diseluruh Teluk Bone. Kata kunci: sesar aktif, struktur bunga, sesar Palu-Koro Morphology of study area shows a steep and a slighty wavy seabed with the depths between 50 to 2000 meters. The formation of this morphology is strongly influenced by the presence of active faults. Seismic sequence interpretation shows the geological structures such as faults and folds. The present of the flower structure suggest that tectonically active faults such as Palu-Koro, Kolaka, Matano, Lawanopo are under going until now. The present of these active faults need to be considered as it can generate the earthquake in the Bone Gulf. Keywords: active fault, flower structure, Palu-Koro faul

    Studi Pengaruh Perubahan Sarat terhadap Olah Gerak Kapal di Atas Gelombang

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    Pada performa kapal, interaksi antara kapal dengan gelombang sangat dipengaruhi oleh bentuk kapal dan kondisi perairan, sehingga kapal yang dirancang perlu untuk dikaji dan diteliti performanya khususnya mengenai Seakeep. ing., khususnya kapal perintis 750 DWT sebagai objek penelitian Pada proses disain kapal, aspek ship respon di gelombang sangat penting untuk diprediksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan karakter performa kapal di atas gelombang berdasarkan gerak heaving dan pitching. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis adalah simulasi numerik dengan bantuan software Maxsurf, dimana hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa respon gerak kapal tiap Perubahan sarat akan meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan panjang gelombang, dimana RAO heaving tertinggi berada pada sarat 3,5 meter dengan panjang gelombang 1.6L yaitu 1,626 untuk tinggi gelombang 1 meter dan 1,600 untuk tinggi gelombang 4 meter. RAO heaving mulai menurun pada panjang gelombang 1.7L sampai 2L. Sedangkan RAO pitching pada tinggi gelombang 1 m tendensi kurva RAO pitching tiap Perubahan sarat menunjukkan pola yang hampir sama, dan RAO pitching tertinggi berada pada sarat 2,75 meter dipanjang gelombang 2L yaitu 1,137 pada tinggi gelombang 1 meter dan 4 meter. Nilai tertinggi Amplitudo Heaving pada sarat 3,5 m. yakni untuk tinggi gelombang 1 meter adalah 0.813 meter pada panjang gelombang 1.6L dan untuk tinggi gelombang 4 meter adalah 3,2 meter pada panjang gelombang 1.6L. Sedangkan untuk Amplitudo Pitching tertinggi pada sarat 2,75 m. dimana untuk tinggi gelombang 1 meter adalah 4.8380 pada panjang gelombang 1.5L dan untuk tinggi gelombang 4 meter adalah 19,8140 pada panjang gelombang 1.5L

    Mining and Structural Poverty of Islet Community (a Case Study of Community Sarakaman, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan)

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    This research was conducted in the village of Sarakaman, District of Sebuku Island, Kotabaru, South Kalimantan. There are two mining industry corporations in Sebuku Island. They are PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku (PT BCS) and PT Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores (PT SILO). PT BCS was established since 1997 and PT SILO was established 2004. In 2010 PT BCS and PT SILO expand the exploitation area in Sarakaman. Sarakaman community was the subject of this research. The purpose of this research were: (1) To analyze the process of mining industrialization in Sebuku Island and (2) To analyze the dynamics of the community poverty as the impact of mining industrialization in Sebuku Island. The data were collected through participant observation, indepth interviews, focus group discussions, the study of literature/documents and participation in community activities. This research concluded: (1) permits of mining industry corporations given by local government without local communities agreement, (2) compensation of land acquisition and residential communities conducted by mining industry corporations was fairly large, but not comparable to the community socio-economic sustainability, (3) Acquisition of land and residential communities by mining industry corporations reduce the accessibility of resources agrarian society, (4) in limited of agrarian resource access, the community survive with their livelihood strategies, (5) environmental damage as the effect of the mining industry activities make difficult the activity and subsistence of communities

    Wml Wap Applications Using Design and Database Mysql

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    WAP applications are developed by the developer-developer and is used by networkoperators (eg: Indosat) and the companies that own mobile phones (eg Ericsson),whose goal is to add a service to its users.As WAP with WML and PHP we already know that it is used to access theinformation in the Internet world through wireless devices (mobile nature) which ofcourse is different from programming for wired devices that use programminglanguages such as HTML, which is meant here is the WAP just one of the systemsthat exist today.PHP language is combined with WML to create dynamic WEB display means canchange at any time coupled with a MYSQL database server which serves toaccommodate all the necessary data to be displayed as an information
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