144 research outputs found


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    The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in almost all countries in the world has an impact on the global economy, including Indonesia. The research aims to provide an overview and analysis of the movement of the JCI and ISSI in the period from the Covid-19 pandemic to the start of the new normal period, so that it can be used to determine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on conventional and sharia stock exchanges in Indonesia. The population of the study was 342 daily data in the form of the closing value of stock transactions on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from January 2, 2019 until President Joko Widodo enforced the new normal way of life on June 5, 2020. While the sample used was data before the pandemic and during the pandemic before the new himbaun. Normal data, each with 62 data, both on an annual basis (year on year) and on a monthly basis (month on month). The data were processed using the independent t test method with the tools of the SPSS 23.00 program. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the movement of the JCI and the movement of the ISSI, both before and during the Covid 19 pandemic. both stocks indexed by the JCI and the ISSI decreased drastically, but on the last observation date, the decline was sloping or stable, it could be because the price had reached the lower limit.Keywords : IHSG, ISSI , Index Movement, Pandemi

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Menentukan Pembelian Rumah Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process Berbasis Website: (Studi Kasus : Kec. Menganti Kab. Gresik)

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    Pemilihan keputusan yang tepat, cepat dan akurat tentunya akan menjadi kunci keberhasilan seorang individu di era modern seperti saat ini. Memiliki banyak informasi saja tentu tidak cukup untuk seseorang dapat menentukan keputusan yang tepat dalam hidupnya. Persoalan pengambilan keputusan pada dasarnya menjadi suatu bentuk pemilihan dari berbagai alternatif tindakan yang dapat dipilih. Alternatif informasi yang dibutuhkan harus memiliki data-data yang akurat agar sistem dapat melakukan proses perhitungan yang tepat dan akurat. Sebanyak 10% rumah tangga di jawa timur tidak memiliki rumah sendiri dari data tersebut penyumbang angka terbesar dalam masalah housing backlog (dari sisi kepemilikan rumah) yaitu Kota Surabaya (48,32%), Kota Madiun (36,52%), dan Kota Malang (36,45%). Sangat dimaklumi jika kondisi ini terjadi pada kota tersebut, terutama karena salah satu barometer perekonomian di Jawa Timur serta pusat pendidikan di Jawa Timur. Oleh karena itu terciptalah penelitian riset ini yang bermaksud untuk memudahkan calon pembeli rumah atau keluarga yang ingin membeli rumah untuk dapat dengan mudah mengambil keputusan pembelian rumah terutama di daerah Gresik Jawa Timur. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dengan menggunakan dan mengimplementasikan metode analytical hierarchy process dapat digunakan menjadi alternatif dalam membantu pembelian rumah

    Optimized Controller for Inverted Pendulum

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    Stability is require in any control system, most system require controller in order to be stable. Tuning is one of the major problems associated with most conventional controllers in existence today. This paper addressesd the difficulties associated with tunning by considering an effective optimized Controller on Inverted pendulum for the control of the angle position. Conventional PID controller was designed separately, to validate the proposed optimized controller. A MATLAB script for genetic algorithm was written with the aim of obtaining optimum PID parameters that would stabilized the pendulum angle at any desired inference inputs (i.e. returns the pendulum to a desire point as quick as possible). This would be achieved by minimizing an objective function (Integral time absolute error ITAE). On the other hand, a convention PID controller was designed using MATLAB/Simulink environment; the PID’s gains were manually tuned until an optimum response is achieved. The results obtained in both schemes shows that the optimized controller proves more effective as compared to ordinary conventional PID controller, as optimized controller gives settling time, percentage overshoot of 5.02 seconds and 3% respectively as compared with settling time of 70 seconds and overshoot of 5% for conventional PID controller. Therefore, the proposed optimized controller can serve as a valuable and an effective controller for the control of inverted pendulum

    Analisis Kinerja Simpang Monumen Trunojoyo di Kecamatan Sampang, Kabupaten Sampang

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    Lokasi stategis Kabupaten Sampang yang berada pada jalur lintas pergerakan dari arah Timur-Barat Pulau Madura. Penduduk Kabupaten Pamekasan dan Kabupaten Sumenep yang menuju ke arah Surabaya atau sebaliknya, harus melintasi wilayah kabupaten Sampang. Kemacetan yang terjadi di Kecamatan Sampang bersifat lokal dan terjadi di beberapa simpang ketika jam sibuk. Simpang Monumen Trunojoyo termasuk Simpang yang menimbulkan kemacetan. Kemacetan di Simpang Monumen Trunojoyo di sebabkan oleh Simpang ini berada pada Jalur Jalan Nasional Surabaya-Sumenep yang di lewati kendaraat berat dan padat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai kinerja Simpang Monumen Trunojoyo di Kecamatan Sampang. Hasil penelitiannya yaitu kinerja Simpang Monumen Trunojoto pada seluruh pendekat memiliki tingkat pelayanan di bawah standard yaitu ≤ 0.75. Simulasi solver dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kinerja simpang dengan merubah siklus pada persinyalan, terutama memodifikasi waktu hijau (detik) serta memodifikasi lebar efektif setiap pendekat. Didapatkan hasil optimasi nilai DS berkisar antara 0.66 hingga 0.7 < 0.75


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    Toko obat setiap harinya menyediakan ketersediaan obat namun banyaknya pembelian obat setiap harinya menyebaban toko obat sering kali kehabisan stok. Masalah ini disebabkan karena ukuran data yang besar dan tidak lengkap. Penelitian ini digunakan untuk proses klasterisasi data obat yang cepat laku dan tidak. Dengan menggunakan metode K-Means, salah satu metode klasterisasi tidak terpandu yang mampu mengelompokkan data berdasarkan pola tertentu. Proses klasterisasi berhasil mendeteksi bahwa terdapat 100 jenis obat yang tidak ada permintaan sama sekali, dan 300 obat yang cepat laku. Selain itu penelitian ini memerlukan penelitian lanjutan untuk mendapatkan analisa hasil klaster dengan nilai centroid yang lebih baik

    Pengaruh Variasi Temperatur Hidrotermal pada Sintesis Lithium Mangan Oksida (Limn2o4) Spinel terhadap Efisiensi Adsorpsi dan Desorpsi Ion Lithium dari Lumpur Sidoarjo

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    Perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang material menunjukkan perkembangan yang sangat pesat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir.Salah satu material yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam berbagai aplikasi adalah lithium. Lithium sendiri bisa didapatkan dari air laut brines dan geothermal fluid. Salah satunya adalah Lumpur Sidoarjo. Lithium Mangan Oksida Spinel digunakan sebagai material absorben karena murah, tidak beracun dan mudah didapatkan. Pada penelitian ini metode hidrotermal digunakan sebagai metode sintesis pada LiMn2O4 karena dapat dilakukan pada temperatur yang relatif rendah dan menghasilkan partikel yang lebih homogen. Metode hidrotermal dilakukan pada temperatur 160 oC, 180 oC dan 200 oC selama 24 jam. Pengujian XRD dilakukan untuk mengetahui struktur kristal. Pengujian SEM dilakukan untuk mengetahui morfologi material setelah proses hidrotermal. Pengujian BET dilakukan untuk mengetahui surface area. Setelah itu metode acid treatment dilakukan untuk proses adsorpsi dan desorpsi. Adsorpsi dilakukan dengan mencelupkan Lithium Mangan Oksida Spinel yang telah disintesis kedalam Lumpur Sidoarjo.Pengujian ICP dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan lithium yang terdapat pada Lumpur Sidoarjo sebelum dan sesudah adsorpsi untuk mengetahui jumlah lithium yang terserap.Pengujian desorpsi dilakukan dengan mencelupkan LiMn2O4 kedalam larutan HCL. Pada uji XRD menunjukkan bahwa LiMn2O4 berstruktur kristal cubic. Dari hasil uji SEM terlihat bahwa tidak banyak perbedaan morfologi pada ketiga variasi.Partikel cenderung membentuk aglomerasi. Pada hasil uji ICP menunjukkan bahwa LiMn2O4 dengan temperatur hidrotermal 160oC memiliki efisiensi adsorpsi paling tinggi dengan 6,775 ppm. Sementara untuk desorpsi yang paling tinggi adalah 200oC sebesar 0.081 pp


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    This study aims to determine the role of the government in empowering brick entrepreneurs in Gentungang Village, Bajeng Barat District, Gowa Regency. The type of research used in this study was descriptive qualitative using primary data and secondary data. selected based on the view that the informant has knowledge and information about the problem under study.The results of this study indicate that the empowerment of the brick-making community in the village of Gentungang. In terms of: (a) the role of the government in regulations that have been pursued by the government, namely freeing the community from all factors that can hinder the brick-making business (b) the role of the government in dynamism namely providing guidance and training so that the business they run does not fall into a weakening condition. (c) The role of the Government as a facilitator is to provide solutions in providing counseling and training as well as assisting in marketing the bricks they have managed so far


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    This study aims to determine the analysis of tourism development strategies (study of Maalino tourism objects at the Tourism and Culture Office of Gows Regency. The type of research used is qualitative with a case study approach. Based on research results related to Analysis of Tourism Development Strategies (Study of Malino attractions in Gowa Regency) the following results were obtained: First, strength lies in improving the quality of the implementing apparatus through coaching and training programs so that they can carry out functions in the work structure for tourism development activities in Malini Regency, Gowa Regency, Keuda, weakness, lack of budget for the tourism office have an impact on the low quality of tourist facilities and infrastructure managed by the government of Gowa Regency.The three opportunities through events such as beautifull Malino are the government's efforts to introduce tourism objects and as an effort to open investment for tourists. a business actor in contributing to managing tourism. Fourth, the threat of damaged road infrastructure poses a threat to tourists, especially the number of cases of traffic accidents that occur. In addition, the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in a decrease in income in tourism development activities

    Factors contributing to conflict among the teachers of Secondary Schools in the Mthatha Education District

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors contributing to conflict among the teachers of secondary schools of Mthatha Education district. The liter-ature review reflects theories concerning the factors contributing to conflict among teachers, ranging from the leadership styles use in the schools, the causes of poor in-terpersonal relations among teachers and the causes of teachers’ resistance in schools. To attain the aims and objectives of the study the researcher used the case study de-sign as well as the qualitative research method, both in collecting and analysing the da-ta. Ten (10) teachers and five (5) principals from five different secondary schools formed the sample size of the investigation. Convenience sampling method was used to select this sample size. An open-ended interview schedule and tape record-ing were used for the face-to-face in-depth interviews. Themes drawn from the re-sponses of the participants and discussed included: unhealthy competition, poor com-munication, poor interpersonal relations, poor leadership styles used in schools, exces-sive teacher workload and the existence of cliques and informal groups resulted into conflict among the secondary school teachers. Democratic and participatory styles were suggested as the best working styles of leadership used in the secondary schools. The effects of conflict on the culture of teaching and learning were: weak team spirit among teachers, less communication, stressed among the teachers, high absenteeism, less col-laboration, less teacher motivation and prolonged decision making processes in the schools. The predominant causes of teacher resistance were also highlighted as: the use of autocratic style by school managers, poor communications, ill and unprofessional treatment of staff by managers, constant curriculum changes and unclear policies in the schools. The recommendations on the factors contributing to conflict among sec-ondary schools in the Mthatha Education District were made
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