47 research outputs found

    Pomološke i proizvodne osobine nekih novijih sorti šljive

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    Plum assortment in Serbia is dominated by old autochthonous cultivars, well-known cultivar ‘Stanley’ and cultivars named and released in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak such as: ‘Čačanska lepotica’, ‘Čačanska rodna’, ‘Čačanska rana’ and ‘Čačanska najbolja’. In order to fulfill different demands of fresh fruit market and achieve better results in modern plum production, it is necessary, among other things, to introduce new cultivars. Before introduction of new cultivars in orchards, significant evaluation of these cultivars in environmental conditions of region they are being introduced is required. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the most importand pomological and productive traits of six introduced plum cultivars: ‘Hanita’, ‘Jojo’, ‘Jubileum’, ‘Presenta’, ‘Tegera’ and ‘Valor’. The most important phenological (flowering and ripening time), and morphometric traits (fruit and stone weight, fruit dimensions and flash percentage), as well as tree vigour (trunk cross section area) and cropping potential (yield per tree and yield efficiency) were evaluated. Flowering phenofase in all examined cultivars lasted during the second decade of april, whereby flowering abundance was estimated as very good. The largest fruit weight, and fruit dimensions (height, width and thickness) were determined in ‘Valor’, whereas the largest stone weight and tree vigour were determined in ‘Jubileum’. The largest flesh percentage was found in cultivars ‘Jojo’, ‘Tegera’ and ‘Valor’. Cultivars ‘Presenta’ and ‘Jojo’ had largest yield per tree, while ‘Jojo’ had the highest yield efficiency.U sortimentu šljive u Srbiji dominiraju stare, authtone sorte, dobro poznata sorta ‘Stanley’ i sorte stvorene u Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak, pre svih ‘Čačanska lepotica’, ‘Čačanska rodna’, ‘Čačanska rana’ i ‘Čačanska najbolja’. Da bi se zadovoljili različiti zahtevi tržišta i postigli što bolji rezultati u savremenoj proizvodnji šljive, neophodno je, između ostalog, introdukovati nove sorte. Pre uvođenja u proizvodnju, ove sorte zahtevaju značajno ispitivanje u ekološkim uslovima regiona u koji se introdukuju. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju najznačajnije pomološke i proizvodne osobine šest introdukovanih sorti šljive: ‘Hanita’, ‘Jojo’, ‘Jubileum’, ‘Presenta’, ‘Tegera’ i ‘Valor’. Ispitivane su najznačajnije fenološke (fenofaza cvetanja i sazrevanja plodova) i morfometrijske osobine (masa i dimenzije ploda, masa koštice i randman mezokarpa ploda), kao i bujnost (površina poprečnog preseka debla) i rodnost (prinos po stablu i koeficijent rodnosti). Fenofaza cvetanja je kod svih ispitivanih sorti trajala tokom druge dekade aprila u obe ispitivane godine, pri čemu je obilnost cvetanja ocenjena kao veoma dobra. Najveća masa, visina, širina i debljina ploda su utvrđeni kod sorte ‘Valor’, dok su najveća masa koštice i bujnost stabla utvrđeni kod sorte ‘Jubileum’. Najveći randman ploda imale su sorte ‘Jojo’, ‘Tegera’ i ‘Valor’. Sorte ‘Presenta’ i ‘Jojo’ su imale najveći prinos po stablu, dok je sorta ‘Jojo’ imala i najveći koeficijent rodnosti

    Biološko-pomološke osobine autohtonih sorti šljive u agroekološkim uslovima Čačka

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    This study was carried out to determine basic biological and pomological traits of eight ex situ autochthonous plum cultivars (‘Belošljiva Ljubić’, ‘Bugarka’, ‘Cerovački piskavac’, ‘Crnošljiva’, ‘Crvena ranka’, ‘Dragačevka’, ‘Papračanka’ and ‘Petrovača’) during two consecutive years (2015 and 2016). Examination included investigation of the main phenological properties (flowering and ripening time), morphometrical (fruit and stone weight and flesh percentage) and sensorial properties of fruit (fruit scin and flesh colour, flesh firmness and stone adherence), as well as vigour (trunk cross sectional area) and cropping potential (yield per tree and yield efficiency). Studied plum cultivars flowered from the end of the first to the mid of the third decade of April and ripened during the third decade of July and the first and the second decade of August. The highest vigour and yield per tree was found in cultivar ‘Dragačevka’, while the highest yield efficiency was observed in cultivar ‘Cerovački piskavac’. Cultivar ‘Belošljiva Ljubić’ had the highest values of fruit and stone weight. The highest velue of flesh percentage was observed in cultivar ‘Dragačevka’. Dark-blue fruit skin colour was dominant, while flesh colour varied from yellowish green to yellow. Flesh was medium firm to firm and non adherent, semi adherent or adherent to the stone.Ispitivanja obuhvaćena ovim radom su sprovedena sa ciljem determinacije najvažnijih biološko-pomoloških osobina osam autohtonih sorti šljive (Belošljiva Ljubić, Bugarka, Cerovački piskavac, Crnošljiva, Crvena ranka, Dragačevka, Papračanka i Petrovača) u ex situ uslovima tokom 2015. i 2016. godine. Proučavane su najznačajnije fenološke osobine (fenofaze cvetanja i sazrevanja plodova), morfometrijske (masa ploda i koštice, randman mezokarpa ploda) i senzorne osobine ploda (boja pokožice i mezokarpa ploda, čvrstina mezokarpa i stepen prijanjanja koštice), kao i bujnost (površina poprečnog preseka debla) i rodnost (prinos po stablu i koeficijent rodnosti). Proučavani genotipovi šljive su cvetali od kraja prve do sredine treće dekade aprila, a sazrevali tokom treće dekade jula i prve i druge dekade avgusta. Najvećom bujnošću i najvišim prinosom po stablu se odlikovala sorta Dragačevka, dok je najviši indeks rodnosti utvrđen kod sorte Cerovački piskavac. Najveća masa ploda i koštice su utvrđene kod sorte Belošljiva Ljubić, a najveći randman mezokarpa ploda kod sorte Dragačevka. Dominirala je tamno plava boja pokožice ploda. Mezokarp ploda je bio žute ili žuto-zelene boje, srednje čvrst do čvrst, dok je koštica bila slobodna, delimično slobodna ili je u potpunosti prijanjala za mezokarp ploda


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    The aim of the investigation was to assess the level of soil fertility and repair measures in order to enhance the productivity of fruit production in a traditional fruit growing area. (Municipality of Topola, Serbia). The following tests were performed: mechanical composition, physical and chemical properties of soil, total adsorbed base cation, capacity of adsorbed base cation, degree of base saturation, different types of soil acidity, contents of carbon, humus, total nitrogen, easily accessible forms of P2O5 and K2O. Results obtained have shown that soils from all studied sites are of “heavy” mechanical texture with 75,40-84,90% of physical clay. High capacity of cation adsorption, low to medium hydrolytic acidity and high to almost complete saturation of adsorbed bases, has been measured. In compliance with previous analyses, it has been assessed that soils are neutral and of low acid chemical reaction, with low carbon and medium humus content and total nitrogen. Easily accessible content of P2O5 and K2O varies depending on the food quantity on individual parcels with low to medium accessibility to parcels with no fruit plantations. Based on the parameters analysed, the tested soils demand repair of mechanical properties, which will facilitate greater nutrient uptake

    Use of Lactobacillus helveticus BGRA43 for Manufacturing Fermented Milk Products

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    Soj bakterije Lactobacillus helveticus BGRA43, izoliran iz crijeva čovjeka, ima antimikrobni učinak na sojeve patogenih mikroorganizama u hrani, a tijekom fermentacije u mlijeku oslobađa peptide protuupalnih svojstava. U ovom je radu potvrđeno da soj BGRA43 djeluje antimikrobno na patogene sojeve, kao što su: Yersinia enterocolitica, Shigella sonnei, S. flexneri i Streptococcus pneumoniae. Stanice soja BGRA43 mogu preživjeti u simuliranim uvjetima gastrointestinalnog sustava uz dodatak mlijeka, pri čemu zadržavaju dovoljnu brojnost. Osim toga, LC/MS/MS analizom potvrđeno je da stanice soja BGRA43 mogu hidrolizirati β-laktoglobulin. U prisutnosti prebiotika, tj. inulina ili koncentrata β-glukana iz zobenih mekinja (Nutrim®) povećao se rast stanica soja BGRA43, čak i kad je prebiotik upotrijebljen kao jedini izvor ugljika. Soj BGRA43 odlično je rastao i u punomasnom kravljem ili kozjem mlijeku, te mlijeku koje je sadržavalo inulin ili Nutrim. Primjenom probiotičkog soja BGRA43 kao starter kulture dobiveni su fermentirani mliječni proizvodi od kravljeg ili kozjeg mlijeka sa ili bez dodatka inulina ili Nutrima s otprilike 107 CFU/mL stanica probiotika. Svi su proizvodi bili homogeni i viskozni, a najbolju su senzorsku ocijenu dobili fermentirani napici proizvedeni od rekonstituiranog mlijeka, punomasnog kravljeg mlijeka te kozjeg mlijeka s dodatkom 1 % inulina.Lactobacillus helveticus BGRA43 isolated from human intestines shows antimicrobial activity against foodborne pathogens and during fermentation in milk releases peptides with demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties. In this study, it was found that strain BGRA43 exhibits antimicrobial activity against human pathogens Yersinia enterocolitica, Shigella sonnei, S. flexneri and Streptococcus pneumoniae. Strain BGRA43 was able to survive in simulated gastric juice containing milk and retained cell number stability during the incubation in simulated intestinal conditions. In addition, LC/MS/MS analysis showed the ability of BGRA43 to hydrolyze β-lactoglobulin. Abundant growth of strain BGRA43 occurred in the presence of prebiotics inulin or concentrated oat bran β-glucan (Nutrim®), even when used as the sole carbon source. Similarly, strain BGRA43 grew satisfactorily in pure cow\u27s or goat\u27s milk as well as in the milk containing inulin or Nutrim®. Using the probiotic strain BGRA43 as a single starter strain, fermented milk products obtained from cow\u27s or goat\u27s milk with or without inulin or Nutrim® contained about 107 CFU/mL. The products were homogeneous and viscous and the best sensory scores were observed for fermented milk beverage made from reconstituted skimmed milk, whole cow\u27s milk and whole goat\u27s milk supplemented with 1 % inulin

    Noviji rezultati oplemenjivanja voćaka u Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak

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    The Fruit Research Institute Čačak has seventy years long tradition in breeding of continental fruit species. The continual multi-disciplinary scientific and research work conducted so far has resulted in the releasing of 41 different cultivars. In addition to the named and released cultivars, for promising candidate cultivars have been selected (three plums and one peach) and entered for releasing, while there is also a large number of promising genotypes that are currently under intense evaluation. The paper presents an overview of the most significant biological and productive characteristic of the 12 new cultivars of pome and stone fruits, including seven plum cultivars (Boranka, Timočanka, Zlatka, Nada, Mildora, Krina and Pozna plava), two pear cultivars (Julijana and Anđelija) and three sour cherry cultivars (Sofija, Nevena and Iskra).Institut za voćarstvo, Čačak ima sedamdeset godina dugu tradiciju oplemenjivačkog rada na stvaranju novih sorti kontinentalnih vrsta voćaka. Do sada je kao rezultat kontinuiranog, multidisciplinarnog naučnoistraživačkog rada priznata 41 sorta različitih vrsta voćaka. Pored priznatih sorti, izdvojene su četiri kandidat sorte (tri šljive i jedna breskve) koje su u postupku priznavanja, kao i veliki broj perspektivnih genotipova koji se intenzivno proučavaju. U radu je prikazan pregled najznačajnijih bioloških i proizvodnih osobina 12 novije priznatih sorti jabučastih i koštičavih vrsta voćaka, i to: sedam sorti šljive (Boranka, Timočanka, Zlatka, Nada, Mildora, Krina i Pozna plava), dve sorte kruške (Julijana i Anđelija) i tri sorte višnje (Sofija, Nevena i Iskra)

    Uncovering Differences in Virulence Markers Associated with Achromobacter Species of CF and Non-CF Origin

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    Achromobacter spp. are recognized as emerging pathogens in hospitalized as well as in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. From 2012 to 2015, we collected 69 clinical isolates (41 patient) of Achromobacter spp. from 13 patients with CF (CF isolates, n = 32) and 28 patients receiving care for other health conditions (non-CF isolates, n = 37). Molecular epidemiology and virulence potential of isolates were examined. Antimicrobial susceptibility, motility, ability to form biofilms and binding affinity to mucin, collagen, and fibronectin were tested to assess their virulence traits. The nrdA gene sequencing showed that A. xylosoxidans was the most prevalent species in both CF and non-CF patients. CF patients were also colonized with A. dolens/A, ruhlandii, A. insuavis, and A. spiritinus strains while non-CF group was somewhat less heterogenous, although A. insuavis, A. insolitus, and A. piechaudii strains were detected beside A. xylosoxidans. Three strains displayed clonal distribution, one among patients from the CF group and two among non-CF patients. No significant differences in susceptibility to antimicrobials were observed between CF and non-CF patients. About one third of the isolates were classified as strong biofilm producers, and the proportion of CF and non-CF isolates with the ability to form biofilm was almost identical. CF isolates were less motile compared to the non-CF group and no correlation was found between swimming phenotype and biofilm formation. On the other hand, CF isolates exhibited higher affinity to bind mucin, collagen, and fibronectin. In generall, CF isolates from our study exhibited in vitro properties that could be of importance for the colonization of CF patients