4 research outputs found

    Features of lecture preparation from the subject “Child's surgery, orthopaedy and traumatology” in the Ukrainian high medical institutions

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    In the article review discusses topical issues towards numerous forms of presentation as well as lecture in the course from “Child’s surgery, orthopaedy and traumatology”: basic principles of lecture material preparing, basic points of the lecture standardization, modern technological capabilities providing while preparing lectures, motivational capabilities of lectures for students. High requirements for professional training on the subject, the information technologies accelerated development, ability for scientific and pedagogical activity - such requirements should be carried out for University lecturer. Today should be appointed the skills focused on a foreign language and a communication with native speakers. Lecture from “Child’s surgery, orthopaedy and traumatology” should be focused on an audience's attention for a long period of time. Therefore, careful preparation on the lecture, accumulation of new scientific data, choice of modern technologies for presentation, adaptation of lectures in order to suit the audience, connection between theoretical topics with practical assignment should be carried out on the practical clinical activities, individual approach of the lecturer as well as themes presentation are key components for teachers’ activity during lecture preparation and presentation of material

    Place of information technologies of training at the process of medical education

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    Місце інформаційних технологій навчання в процесі медичної освіти. Сьогодні складно уявити галузь, професію, спеціальність без участі, в більшій чи меншій мірі, інформаційних технологій з різним ступенем їх інтеграції в процеси діяльності. Активний розвиток інформаційних потоків в свою чергу вимагає адаптації моделі освіти та інформаційно-освітніх середовищ. Одне з визначень основної мети інформатизації - це глобальна раціоналізація інтелектуальної діяльності. Ми хочемо розкрити потенціал інформатизації стосовно навчання в вищих медичних установах, показати можливості і поділитися власними думками та досвідом. Але при цьому хочемо нагадати, що не дивлячись на видимі позитивні ефекти інформатизації, необхідно розуміти, що запорукою успіху освітньої роботи залишається цілеспрямована спільна діяльність викладача та самого учня. Today it is difficult to imagine the branch, profession, specialty without participation, in the majority of cases, of information technologies with various extent of their integration into activity processes. Active development of information streams in a turn demands adaptation a model of educational-information and education environments. One of definitions main objective of informatization is a global rationalization of the intellectual activity, which provides autoformalization of the subject domains and autonomy process of knowledge of each individual, towards with free access to all types, forms and levels of educational knowledge We want to reveal the potential of informatization in relation to training in higher medical institutions, to show opportunities and share experiences, but finally, despite on the quickly developing of modern technologies, visible positive effects of informatization, it is necessary to understand, that purposeful common activity of the teacher and trainee is a key to success of educational work

    Reabilitarea medico-socială în cazurile de osteomielită metaepifizară la copii

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    Specialiștii în chirurgia și ortopedia pediatrică, preocupați de tratamentul și măsurile de reabilitare ale pacienților cu osteomielită metaepifizară, nu acordă atenția cuvenită reabilitării socio-psihologice. Scopul cercetării constă în determinarea volumului metodelor de reabilitare a acestui grup de pacienți. Autorii au recurs la un sondaj sociologic, folosind chestionarul propriu. La întrebarea de bază a chestionarului - influențează boala realizarea planurilor de importanță vitală în viața pacientului, 8 (15,1%) respondenți au răspuns că osteomielita a distrus toate planurile din viața lor. Concluzia dată a fost primară în rândul bărbaților - 18,2%, comparativ cu femeile - doar 10% (p> 0,05). Volumul de reabilitare a fost combinat cu întrebări de abilitare - sistemul de măsuri terapeutice, care ar trebui să prevină și să elimine stările patologice la copiii cu osteomielită metaepifizară. În articol sa demonstrat științific următoarele etape de reabilitare a copiilor cu osteomielită metaepifizară: tratamentul osteomielitei metaepifizară în perioada acută și supravegherea clinică de către chirurg și ortoped până la 2 ani (reabilitare); recuperarea structurii și funcției segmentului afectat al membrelor în timpul creșterii pacientului (observație clinică și corecție de către ortoped); corecția consecințelor osteomielitei metaepifizare.Surgeons and orthopedists, which carried out medical and rehabilitative measures at the patients with metaepiphyseal osteomyelitis did not pay attention to the socio-psychological rehabilitation. Purpose of research is determination volume of methods for rehabilitation this group of patients. In our study we carried out sociological survey, using own questionnaire. On the basic question of the questionnaire – does the disease influence to the realization of vital important plans in a patient’s life, 8 (15.1%) respondents had been answered, that osteomyelitis destroyed all plans in their life. The given conclusion was shown primary among male - patients – 18.2%, than among female – only 10% (p >0.05). Volume of rehabilitation we combined with issues of abilitation – the system of therapeutic measures, which should prevent and eliminate pathological conditions at the children with metaepiphyseal osteomyelitis. In the article was scientifically proved the following stages of rehabilitation of children with metaepiphyseal osteomyelitis: treatment of metaepiphyseal osteomyelitis in the acute period and clinical supervision by the surgeon and orthopedist up to 2 years (rehabilitation); recovery of the structure and function of affected segment of a limb during growth of the patient (clinical observation and correction by orthopedist); correction consequences of the metaepiphyseal osteomyelitis

    Scientifical-methodical background system of medical students’ education from discipline child's surgery, orthopaedy and traumatology in Ukraine

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    Improvement preparation of specialists is a national task, standing before specialists of a higher school. In the conditions of the higher medical education reformation and innovative transformations of the society in Ukraine increasing requirements to the quality of doctors’ preparation. Requirements to a quality of preparation doctors increasing constantly, that carried out to the search of new forms and methodologies of educational process. Standartization of educational process, using different forms of educating, should be focused on the maximal realization of self-preparation activity and initiativeness of students, which are laying on a basis of Bologna process. Future doctor is, foremost, a specialist, which must be able to make a decision oriented on the life and health of his patients. The important task at the creation of any program is development the system of estimation knowledge and skills of students in points. Current, intermediate and final control is documented in the individual plan of educational process of student. In this document, converting the amount of points is carried out estimations by a scale ECT. Fungal development in the area of medical knowledge and proposes of an innovative transformations of society should provide a new system of requirements and education tasks. Perfection of the teaching methods, development and progress of new forms of teaching, acquire on a modern stage an important value in the student preparation. On the condition of observance all enumerated requirements, after graduation from the institution, government should get a formed skilled specialist capable independently and together with colleagues to accept the self-weighted decisions in a certain real situation, using in their professional activity those high spiritual qualities, which chould formed and developed his teachers in the process of educating, taking into account changes in our society