73 research outputs found
This paper presents a new nanoindentation mode: accelerated property mapping (XPM) applied to one year old Portland cement paste. The principle of the innovative method is similar to classical quasi-static nanoindentation but the time necessary for performing one indent is significantly decreased from minutes to tenths of seconds. The XPM mode is capable of measuring maps of local mechanical properties (reduced modulus, hardness). The method was compared to classical nanoindentation mode. The main advantages of XPM measurement are higher spatial resolution, lower property fluctuation and lower acquisition time. However, XPM is not able to measure some parameters such as creep. Also, high speed loading of XPM brings high strain effect which artificially shifts values of reduced modulus to higher values compared to quasi-static loading cases
Evolution of genome size in streptophyte algae genus Zygnema and its ecological consequences
Genome size is a trait that varies 64,000 × across eukaryotic diversity. However, this variability has nothing to do with the complexity of organisms. The amount of DNA itself is however related to a number of phenotypic traits of organisms. Specifically, studies conducted on plants look for possible connections between genome size and the ecological requirements of individual species. Similar studies in microscopic algae are not abundant and often face a number of methodological problems. This thesis presents genome size data obtained by flow cytometry for 129 representatives of the genus Zygnema belonging to 68 evolutionary lineages. Measurements revealed a genome size range within this genus from 0.22 to 5.06 pg. At the same time, several lines showing considerable variability in genome size were described, which in many cases indicates possible polyploidization in this genus. The identification of an identical GC base pair ratio in selected putative polyploid and monoploid representatives supported the hypothesis of polyploidization. The general correlation of cell size and genome size within this group was also validated. Due to the known phylogenetic relationships between the measured lineages, the genome size evolution in the genus Zygnema was reconstructed. Further, possible relationships...Velikost genomu je znakem, který napříč eukaryotickou diverzitou variuje 64 000 ×. Tato variabilita však nemá žádnou spojitost s komplexitou organismů. Avšak samotné množství DNA souvisí s řadou fenotypických znaků organismů. Konkrétně studie prováděné na rostlinách hledají možné souvislosti velikosti genomu s ekologickými nároky jednotlivých druhů. Obdobné studie u mikroskopických řas však nejsou hojné a často se potýkají s řadou metodologických problémů. Tato práce představuje data o velikosti genomu získaná pomocí metody průtokové cytometrie pro 129 zástupců rodu Zygnema spadajících do 68 evolučních linií. Měření odhalila rozmezí velikosti genomu v rámci tohoto rodu od 0,22 do 5,06 pg. Zároveň bylo popsáno několik linií vykazujících značnou variabilitu ve velikosti genomu, která v mnohých případech napovídá o možných polyploidizacích u tohoto rodu. Identifikace identického poměru GC páru bází u vybraných domnělých polyploidních a monoploidních zástupců podpořila hypotézu o polyploidizaci. Rovněž byla ověřena platnost obecné korelace velikosti buněk a velikosti genomu v rámci této skupiny. Díky známým fylogenetickým vztahům mezi měřenými liniemi byla rekonstruována evoluce velikosti genomu v rodě Zygnema. Dále byly analyzovány možné vztahy mezi velikostí genomu a ekologickými preferencemi...Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
SchoolCR500 - Data Pack GIS for Education
katedra: KGE; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 86 s.The subject of this diploma thesis is to design a data set of geographic information systems for elementary education. The operational objective is to create a set of handouts which will include the proposed data link layer.Předmětem této diplomové práce je navrhnout datovou sadu geografických informačních systému pro vzdělávání na základních školách. Dílčím cílem je vytvoření sady pracovních listu, které budou navržené datové vrstvy obsahovat
Choquet like sets in function spaces
AbstractIn convex analysis when studying function spaces of continuous affine functions, notions of a geometrical character like faces, split and parallel faces, exposed or Archimedean faces were investigated in detail by many authors. In this paper we transfer these notions to a more general setting of Choquet theory of abstract function spaces. We prefer a direct functional analytic approach to the treatment of problems instead of using a transfer of a function space to its state space. Methods invoked are based mainly on a measure theory and basic tools of functional analysis and are different from ones using a geometric visualization
Rock massif changes caused by undermining
Classical observation of surface deformation in undermined territories use repeated geodetic surveying. Results from these surveying do not offer data about physical changes that happen in the rock massif. To find out these changes, a complex of repeated geodetic and geophysical measurements of surface, borehole and surface-borehole system was used from 2002 to 2006. These measurements pointed out (beside the well known surface deformations) also that the changes inside the rock massif do not affect the massif as whole, but the “faulty zones” are formed there
The Use of Accordion in orchestral Scores
The orchestral sound is evolving over several centuries. An important influence on this fact has undoubtedly creating new musical instruments and their gradual integration into the orchestra. Concert accordion as we know it today, is about 100 years old instrument. In recent years we have witnessed to growing interest by composers, which increasingly integrate accordion to orchestra. Personally, I colaborated with few composers in preparation and execution of some of these pieces. This fact in conjunction with the lack of literature inspirate me to write this work. I deliberately chose two compositions, in which the accordion plays an important role, although not intended to form a solo concert, but just as an organic part of the orchestral staff. The main purpose was to show its unique technical and tonal possibilities on the specific parts of selected pieces focused to sound. The results of analysis of both compositions clearly show the greatest benefit of accordion possibilities in tone creation, variability associated with wide tone range and a rich variety in sound transformation of techniques of other instruments of the orchestra. Final thesis leaves somewhat open ending, it should motivate composers to think about the technical capabilities of an accordion, which is primarily tempered instrument, however in some ways can produce non tempered sound. This fact can produce new quality and also new structural conc
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