14 research outputs found

    [18F]FDG-6-P as a novel in vivo tool for imaging staphylococcal infections

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    Background Management of infection is a major clinical problem. Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive bacterium which colonises approximately one third of the adult human population. Staphylococcal infections can be life-threatening and are frequently complicated by multi-antibiotic resistant strains including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) imaging has been used to identify infection sites; however, it is unable to distinguish between sterile inflammation and bacterial load. We have modified [18F]FDG by phosphorylation, producing [18F]FDG-6-P to facilitate specific uptake and accumulation by S. aureus through hexose phosphate transporters, which are not present in mammalian cell membranes. This approach leads to the specific uptake of the radiopharmaceutical into the bacteria and not the sites of sterile inflammation. Methods [18F]FDG-6-P was synthesised from [18F]FDG. Yield, purity and stability were confirmed by RP-HPLC and iTLC. The specificity of [18F]FDG-6-P for the bacterial universal hexose phosphate transporter (UHPT) was confirmed with S. aureus and mammalian cell assays in vitro. Whole body biodistribution and accumulation of [18F]FDG-6-P at the sites of bioluminescent staphylococcal infection were established in a murine foreign body infection model. Results In vitro validation assays demonstrated that [18F]FDG-6-P was stable and specifically transported into S. aureus but not mammalian cells. [18F]FDG-6-P was elevated at the sites of S. aureus infection in vivo compared to uninfected controls; however, the increase in signal was not significant and unexpectedly, the whole-body biodistribution of [18F]FDG-6-P was similar to that of [18F]FDG. Conclusions Despite conclusive in vitro validation, [18F]FDG-6-P did not behave as predicted in vivo. However at the site of known infection, [18F]FDG-6-P levels were elevated compared with uninfected controls, providing a higher signal-to-noise ratio. The bacterial UHPT can transport hexose phosphates other than glucose, and therefore alternative sugars may show differential biodistribution and provide a means for specific bacterial detection

    Desorpcja polifenoli podczas autolizy osadowych drożdży winiarskich

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    It was found that during controlled autolysis of sedimentary wine yeasts following fermentation of apple and black-currant musts, the polyphenols adsorbed on yeast cells are desorbed . 6-8% of total polyphenols in the must were retained by the yeasts, and of this amount 13.4-18.2% passed on to the autolysate. The polyphenols in the aulolysate were catechin monomers and polymers; no phenolic acids were found to accompany them.Badano polifenole w autolizach z osadowych drożdży winiarskich. Drożdże osadowe otrzymywano w wyniku fermentacji moszczów jabłkowych za pomocą drożdży S. cerevisiae rasy Syrena oraz moszczów z czarnej porzeczki drożdżami rasy Burgund. Fermentację prowadzono w warunkach laboratoryjnych w butlach szklanych; objętości nastawów wynosiły od 2 do 3 dm³, temperatura fermentacji 24°C. Moszcze o składzie podanym w tabeli 1, dosładzano sacharozą w celu uzyskania w winie ok. 14% obj. etanolu. Zużywano na 1 dm³ wina jabłkowego 0,7 dm³ moszczu, natomiast moszcz z czarnej porzeczki rozcieńczono w stosunku 1:2. Po fermentacji osad drożdży odwirowywano, przemywano 5-krotnie wodą, następnie rozcieńczono wodą w stosunku 1:1 i poddawano autolizie w temp. 51 °C w czasie 48h. Dla obydwu ras drożdży i różnych moszczów uzyskiwano podobne ilości gęstwy drożdży i autolizatów. Średnio z 5 dm³ nastawu uzyskiwano 0,52 dm³ autolizalu o składzie podanym w tabeli 2. Zawartość polifonoli ogółem w aulolizatach była wprost proporcjonalna do ich zawartości w moszczach (tab. 1, 2). Z ogólnej ilości polifenoli wprowadzonych do nasta wu z moszczem 6-10% ulegało adsorpcji na drożdżach, z tego w autolizacie odzyskiwano 13,4-18,8%. W autolizatach były monomery katechin i polimery. Kwasów fenolowych nie stwierdzono w autolizatach (rys. 1, 2)