16 research outputs found

    Posttraumatisch verminderte Expression von TLR2 ist mit verringerter Phagozytose-Leistung und gestörter Reifung von Monozyten assoziiert

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    Trauma ist in Deutschland und weltweit eine der hĂ€ufigsten Todesursache bei Personen unter 55 Jahren. Eine traumatische Verletzung von Gewebe fĂŒhrt zur Freisetzung von sogenannten damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), die eine EntzĂŒndungskaskade auslösen, welche die Organfunktion negativ beeintrĂ€chtigt. Dies fĂŒhrt bei anhaltender EntzĂŒndung zunĂ€chst zu Organdysfunktion, was im weiteren Verlauf zu Organversagen fĂŒhrt und im SpĂ€tstadium im multiplen Organversagen (MOF) enden kann. In den meisten FĂ€llen ist die inflammatorische Antwort des Immunsystems auf das Trauma adĂ€quat und entspricht einem gut koordinierten Netzwerk von Immunzellen, Zytokinen und Chemokinen, welches zur Wiederherstellung des geschĂ€digten Gewebes fĂŒhrt. Wenn dieses Netzwerk jedoch nicht im Gleichgewicht ist, kann die EntzĂŒndungsreaktion durch eine sogenannte feed-forward-loop von Inflammation und GewebeschĂ€den verstĂ€rkt werden. Wenn dieser Prozess systemisch wird, spricht man vom systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Auf der anderen Seite gibt es ein GegenstĂŒck zu SIRS, nĂ€mlich das sogenannte compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome (CARS). Auch ein Überschießen von CARS kann den Verlauf der posttraumatischen Inflammation negativ beeintrĂ€chtigen. Sowohl eine Verschiebung in Richtung von SIRS als auch in Richtung von CARS kann zu Organfunktionsstörungen, nosokomialen Infektionen und letztendlich zum Tod fĂŒhren. Daher ist eine ausgeglichene, frĂŒhe posttraumatische Immunantwort fĂŒr ein gutes Outcome von entscheidender Bedeutung. Monozyten nehmen eine kritische Stellung sowohl in der primĂ€ren Immunantwort nach Trauma als auch nach Infektion ein. Durch die OberflĂ€chenexpression von diversen sogenannten pattern-recocnition receptors (PRRs), insbesondere Toll-Like-Rezeptoren (TLRs), können Monozyten Pathogene und sogenannte pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) erkennen und neutralisieren. DarĂŒber hinaus können Monozyten PAMPs ĂŒber major histocompatibility complex class II -MolekĂŒle (MHC-II) dem adaptiven Immunsystem prĂ€sentieren und somit als zellulĂ€re Verbindung zwischen dem angeborenen und dem adaptiven Immunsystem fungieren. TLR2, eine Untergruppe der TLRs, ist einer der Hauptrezeptoren fĂŒr PAMPs von grampositiven Bakterien wie S. aureus, dem Hauptkeim fĂŒr posttraumatische Wundinfektionen und nosokomiale Infektionen. Es gibt immer noch keinen Konsens ĂŒber den Einfluss von Trauma auf die Funktion von Monozyten und deren Expressionsprofil von PRRs und MHC-II-MolekĂŒlen nach einem Trauma. Verschiedene Studien berichten von einer beeintrĂ€chtigten TLR2-Expression bei Monozyten nach Trauma, wĂ€hrend sich in anderen Studien eine konstante oder sogar erhöhte TLR2-Expression bei Monozyten nach Trauma gezeigt hat. Die Daten sind auch in Bezug auf die posttraumatische Phagozytoseleistung von Monozyten unbestĂ€ndig. WĂ€hrend in einigen Studien im frĂŒhen posttraumatischen Verlauf im Vergleich zu gesunden Probanden von einer erhöhten Anzahl zirkulierender Monozyten mit erhaltener Phagozytoseleistung berichtet wird, zeigten andere Studien eine verminderte Phagozytoseleistung von Monozyten nach Trauma. DarĂŒber hinaus gibt es widersprĂŒchliche Ergebnisse bezĂŒglich der FĂ€higkeit von Monozyten, proinflammatorische Zytokine wie Interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ oder Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α freizusetzen. Zusammengefasst ist die derzeitige Studienlage widersprĂŒchlich. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde es in bisherigen Studien verpasst, die Kombination verschiedener Aspekte wie die FunktionalitĂ€t der Monozyten in Bezug auf PhĂ€notypisierung oder funktioneller Assays und deren Beobachtung ĂŒber einen lĂ€ngeren Zeitraum miteinzubeziehen. Die unterschiedlichen Ergebnisse der bisherigen Studien könnte durch die Natur des Polytraumas bedingt sein, beispielsweise durch verschiedene Verletzungsmuster und Verletzungsschwere, die unterschiedliche Erstversorgung am Unfallort, die Zeit bis zur Ankunft in der Notaufnahme oder die unterschiedliche primĂ€re und definitive Versorgung der Verletzungen. All das kann zu einer unterschiedlichen Antwort des Immunsystems und somit zu unterschiedlichen Outcomes fĂŒhren. Daher war es Ziel unserer Studie, die oben genannten Variablen zu eliminieren, und eine kontrollierte Polytraumastudie am Schweinemodell durchzufĂŒhren, um die FunktionalitĂ€t von Schweinemonozyten ĂŒber einen Zeitraum von 72 Stunden nach Trauma zu untersuchen. ZusĂ€tzlich und im Gegensatz zu frĂŒheren Studien haben wir die PhĂ€notypisierung von Monozyten (TLR2 und MHC-II [SLA-DR]) mit einem funktionellen Phagozytose-Assay kombiniert und deren direkte Assoziation in einem unabhĂ€ngigen Assay analysiert. Peripheres Blut wurde vor (-1h) und direkt nach der Induktion des Polytraumas (PT) (0h) entnommen, sowie 3,5h, 5,5h, 24h und 72h spĂ€ter. Die Expression von H(S)LA-DR und TLR2 auf Schweine-Monozyten wurde untersucht. Außerdem wurde die PhagozytierungsaktivitĂ€t von Schweinemonozyten gemessen. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden aus mechanistischen GrĂŒnden Blutproben von 10 gesunden Schweinen zunĂ€chst einem TLR2-neutralisierenden Antikörper und anschließend S. aureus-Partikeln ausgesetzt, bevor die Phagozytoseleistung der Monozyten untersucht wurde. Die Anzahl der CD14 + -Monozyten aller zirkulierenden Leukozyten blieb wĂ€hrend des Beobachtungszeitraums konstant, wĂ€hrend der Prozentsatz der CD14 + H(S)LA-DR + -Monozyten direkt, 3,5h und 5,5h nach dem Trauma signifikant abnahm. Der Prozentsatz von TLR2 + exprimierenden Zellen aus allen Monozyten verringerte sich direkt, 3,5h und 5,5h nach dem Trauma signifikant. Der Prozentsatz der phagozytierenden Monozyten nahm direkt nach Trauma ab und blieb in den ersten 3,5 Stunden nach dem Trauma niedriger, stieg jedoch nach 24 Stunden an. Die Antagonisierung von TLR2 verringerte signifikant die Phagozytoseleistung der Monozyten. Sowohl der verringerte Prozentsatz der aktivierten als auch der TLR2-exprimierenden Monozyten blieb bestehen, solange die verringerte Phagozytoseleistung beobachtet wurde. DarĂŒber hinaus fĂŒhrte auch die Neutralisation von TLR2 zu einer verminderten Phagozytoseleistung. Daher nehmen wir an, dass eine verringerte TLR2-Expression fĂŒr die verringerte Phagozytoseleistung verantwortlich ist.Trauma is one of the leading causes of death in Germany and worldwide for individuals under 55 years old. Traumatic tissue injury leads to the release of damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), which induces an inflammatory cascade, and which is considered to diminish organ function. This leads to organ failure and subsequently to multiple organ failure (MOF). In most cases, the inflammatory response is appropriate in its extent, and the injury-induced inflammation is a well-coordinated network of immune cells, cytokines, and chemokines, which leads to tissue resolution. However, if that network is out of balance, the inflammatory response can become augmented by a feed-forward loop of inflammation and tissue damage. If this process becomes systemic, it is called systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). On the other hand, there is a counterpart to SIRS, namely compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome (CARS). However, an overshooting CARS can impair the post-traumatic inflammatory course. Both deranged responses can lead to organ dysfunction, nosocomial infections and, ultimately, death. Thus, a well-balanced, early post-traumatic immune response is crucial for a good outcome. Monocytes are major players in the primary immune response after trauma as well as after infection. Being equipped with multiple pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), notably Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs), Monocytes are capable of recognizing pathogens and pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), and subsequently neutralize them. Moreover, monocytes are able to present PAMPs to the adaptive immune system via Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II (MHC-II) molecules and act therefore as a cellular link between the innate and the adaptive immune system. TLR2 is one of the main receptors for PAMPs of gram-positive bacteria, such as S. aureus, the major bacterium of post-traumatic wound infection and nosocomial infection. There is still no consensus on the impact of traumatic injury onto the function of monocytes and their expression pattern of PRRs and MHC-II molecules after trauma. There are reports of impaired TLR2 expression on monocytes after trauma, as well as reports of constant and even increased expression of TLR2 on monocytes in trauma patients. The data is also inconsistent regarding the post-traumatic phagocytic function of monocytes. While some of the previous studies reported an increased number of circulating monocytes with preserved phagocytic capability in the early post-traumatic course of trauma patients compared to healthy volunteers, other studies showed a diminished phagocytic function of monocytes after trauma. Furthermore, there are contradictory results on the monocytic ability to release pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as Interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ or Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. Taken together, there is still a tremendous dissent across recent studies and a lack of both combining different aspects of monocytic functionality such as phenotyping or functional assays and observing them over an extended period of time. The dissent of recent studies might be due to the uncontrollable nature of polytrauma like the varying pattern of injuries, the first care at the scene of accident, the passing time until the arrival at the emergency room and the final care of the injuries. All this can lead to different reactions of the immune system and therefore different post-traumatic outcomes. Therefore, we sought to eliminate the mentioned variables and conducted a well-controlled porcine large animal polytrauma study to investigate the post-traumatic functionality of porcine monocytes over a time course 72h after trauma. Additionally, and in contrast to previous studies, we combined phenotyping of monocytes (TLR2 and MHC-II [SLA-DR]) with a functional phagocytosis assay and analyzed their direct association in an independent assay. Peripheral blood was withdrawn before (-1h) and directly after induction of polytrauma (PT) (0h), as well as 3.5h, 5.5h, 24h and 72h after trauma. The expression of MHC-II (SLA-DR) and TLR2 on porcine monocytes were investigated. Additionally, the phagocytizing activity of porcine monocytes was measured. Furthermore, for mechanistic purposes, blood samples from 10 healthy pigs were exposed to a TLR2-neutralizing antibody and subsequently to S. aureus particles before phagocytizing activity of the monocytes was measured

    Context-enriched molecule representations improve few-shot drug discovery

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    A central task in computational drug discovery is to construct models from known active molecules to find further promising molecules for subsequent screening. However, typically only very few active molecules are known. Therefore, few-shot learning methods have the potential to improve the effectiveness of this critical phase of the drug discovery process. We introduce a new method for few-shot drug discovery. Its main idea is to enrich a molecule representation by knowledge about known context or reference molecules. Our novel concept for molecule representation enrichment is to associate molecules from both the support set and the query set with a large set of reference (context) molecules through a Modern Hopfield Network. Intuitively, this enrichment step is analogous to a human expert who would associate a given molecule with familiar molecules whose properties are known. The enrichment step reinforces and amplifies the covariance structure of the data, while simultaneously removing spurious correlations arising from the decoration of molecules. Our approach is compared with other few-shot methods for drug discovery on the FS-Mol benchmark dataset. On FS-Mol, our approach outperforms all compared methods and therefore sets a new state-of-the art for few-shot learning in drug discovery. An ablation study shows that the enrichment step of our method is the key to improve the predictive quality. In a domain shift experiment, we further demonstrate the robustness of our method. Code is available at https://github.com/ml-jku/MHNfs

    Impaired surface expression of HLA-DR, TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9 in ex vivo-in vitro stimulated monocytes from severely injured trauma patients

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    Objective: Trauma patients (TP) frequently develop an imbalanced immune response that often causes infectious postinjury complications. Monocytes show a diminished capability of both producing proinflammatory cytokines and antigen presentation after trauma. TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9 recognize pathogens and subsequently activate monocytes. While there are conflictive data about TLR2 and TLR4 expression after trauma, no studies about the expression of TLR2, TLR4, TLR9, and HLA-DR on monocytes from TP after their secondary ex vivo-in vitro “hit” have been reported. Methods/Results: Ex vivo-in vitro lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) stimulated blood from TP showed diminished interleukin- (IL-) 1ÎČ-release in TP for five postinjury days compared to healthy volunteers (HV). The recovery was observed at day 5. In parallel, monocytes from TP showed an impaired capability of TLR2, TLR4, and TLR9 expression after secondary stimulation compared to HV, while the measurement of unstimulated samples showed significant reduction of TLR4 and TLR9 at ED. Furthermore, HLA-DR decreased after trauma and was even more profound by stimulation of monocytes. Ratio of monocytes to leukocytes was significantly increased at days 6 and 7 after trauma compared to HV. Conclusion: Impaired expression of TLRs and HLA-DR in acute inflammatory conditions may be responsible for the well-described monocyte paralysis after severe trauma

    Comparative Analysis of the Regulatory T Cells Dynamics in Peripheral Blood in Human and Porcine Polytrauma

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    Background Severely injured patients experience substantial immunological stress in the aftermath of traumatic insult, which often results in systemic immune dysregulation. Regulatory T cells (Treg) play a key role in the suppression of the immune response and in the maintenance of immunological homeostasis. Little is known about their presence and dynamics in blood after trauma, and nothing is known about Treg in the porcine polytrauma model. Here, we assessed different subsets of Treg in trauma patients (TP) and compared those to either healthy volunteers (HV) or data from porcine polytrauma. Methods Peripheral blood was withdrawn from 20 TP with injury severity score (ISS) ≄16 at the admittance to the emergency department (ED), and subsequently on day 1 and at day 3. Ten HV were included as controls (ctrl). The porcine polytrauma model consisted of a femur fracture, liver laceration, lung contusion, and hemorrhagic shock resulting in an ISS of 27. After polytrauma, the animals underwent resuscitation and surgical fracture fixation. Blood samples were withdrawn before and immediately after trauma, 24 and 72 h later. Different subsets of Treg, CD4CD25, CD4CD25FoxP3, CD4CD25CD127, and CD4CD25CD127FoxP3were characterized by flow cytometry. Results Absolute cell counts of leukocytes were significantly increasing after trauma, and again decreasing in the follow-up in human and porcine samples. The proportion of human Treg in the peripheral blood of TP admitted to the ED was lower when compared to HV. Their numbers did not recover until 72 h after trauma. Comparable data were found for all subsets. The situation in the porcine trauma model was comparable with the clinical data. In porcine peripheral blood before trauma, we could identify Treg with the typical immunophenotype (CD4CD25CD127), which were virtually absent immediately after trauma. Similar to the human situation, most of these cells expressed FoxP3, as assessed by intracellular FACS stain. Conclusion Despite minor percental differences in the recovery of Treg populations after trauma, our findings show a comparable decrease of Treg early after polytrauma, and strengthen the immunological significance of the porcine polytrauma model. Furthermore, the Treg subpopulation CD4CD25CD127was characterized in porcine samples

    A Computational analysis of dynamic, multi-organ inflammatory crosstalk induced by endotoxin in mice

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    Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces an acute inflammatory response across multiple organs, primarily via Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). We sought to define novel aspects of the complex spatiotemporal dynamics of LPS-induced inflammation using computational modeling, with a special focus on the timing of pathological systemic spillover. An analysis of principal drivers of LPS-induced inflammation in the heart, gut, lung, liver, spleen, and kidney to assess organ-specific dynamics, as well as in the plasma (as an assessment of systemic spillover), was carried out using data on 20 protein-level inflammatory mediators measured over 0-48h in both C57BL/6 and TLR4-null mice. Using a suite of computational techniques, including a time-interval variant of Principal Component Analysis, we confirm key roles for cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-17A, define a temporal hierarchy of organ-localized inflammation, and infer the point at which organ-localized inflammation spills over systemically. Thus, by employing a systems biology approach, we obtain a novel perspective on the time- and organ-specific components in the propagation of acute systemic inflammation.This work was supported by NIH grants P50-GM-53789 and RO1-GM-107231, as well as Department of Defense grant W81XWH-14-DMRDP-CRMRP-RTRA

    Leukotriene B4 indicates lung injury and on-going inflammatory changes after severe trauma in a porcine long-term model

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    Background: Recognizing patients at risk for pulmonary complications (PC) is of high clinical relevance. Migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) to inflammatory sites plays an important role in PC, and is tightly regulated by specific chemokines including interleukin (IL)−8 and other mediators such as leukotriene (LT)B4. Previously, we have reported that LTB4 indicated early patients at risk for PC after trauma. Here, the relevance of LTB4 to indicating lung integrity in a newly established long-term porcine severe trauma model (polytrauma, PT) was explored. Methods: mTwelve pigs (3 months old, 30 ± 5 kg) underwent PT including standardized femur fracture, lung contusion, liver laceration, hemorrhagic shock, subsequent resuscitation and surgical fracture fixation. Six animals served as controls (sham). After 72 h lung damage and inflammatory changes were assessed. LTB4 was determined in plasma before the experiment, immediately after trauma, and after 2, 4, 24 or 72 h. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)-fluid was collected prior and after the experiment. Results: Lung injury, local gene expression of IL-8, IL-1ÎČ, IL-10, IL-18 and PMN-infiltration into lungs increased significantly in PT compared with sham. Systemic LTB4 increased markedly in both groups 4 h after trauma. Compared with declined plasma LTB4 levels in sham, LTB4 increased further in PT after 72 h. Similar increase was observed in BAL-fluid after PT. Conclusions: In a severe trauma model, sustained changes in terms of lung injury and inflammation are determined at day 3 post-trauma. Specifically, increased LTB4 in this porcine long-term model indicated a rapid inflammatory alteration both locally and systemically. The results support the concept of LTB4 as a biomarker for PC after severe trauma and lung contusion

    Early decreased TLR2 expression on monocytes is associated with their reduced phagocytic activity and impaired maturation in a porcine polytrauma model

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    In their post-traumatic course, trauma patients suffering from multiple injuries have a high risk for immune dysregulation, which may contribute to post-injury complications and late mortality. Monocytes as specific effector cells of the innate immunity play a crucial role in inflammation. Using their Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs), notably Toll-Like Receptors (TLR), the monocytes recognize pathogens and/or pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and organize their clearance. TLR2 is the major receptor for particles of gram-positive bacteria, and initiates their phagocytosis. Here, we investigated the phagocytizing capability of monocytes in a long-term porcine severe trauma model (polytrauma, PT) with regard to their TLR2 expression. Polytrauma consisted of femur fracture, unilateral lung contusion, liver laceration, hemorrhagic shock with subsequent resuscitation and surgical fracture fixation. After induction of PT, peripheral blood was withdrawn before (-1 h) and directly after trauma (0 h), as well as 3.5 h, 5.5 h, 24 h and 72 h later. CD14+ monocytes were identified and the expression levels of H(S)LA-DR and TLR2 were investigated by flow cytometry. Additionally, the phagocytizing activity of monocytes by applying S. aureus particles labelled with pHrodo fluorescent reagent was also assessed by flow cytometry. Furthermore, blood samples from 10 healthy pigs were exposed to a TLR2-neutralizing antibody and subsequently to S. aureus particles. Using flow cytometry, phagocytizing activity was determined. P below 0.05 was considered significant. The number of CD14+ monocytes of all circulating leukocytes remained constant during the observational time period, while the percentage of CD14+H(S)LA-DR+ monocytes significantly decreased directly, 3.5 h and 5.5 h after trauma. The percentage of TLR2+ expressing cells out of all monocytes significantly decreased directly, 3.5 h and 5.5 h after trauma. The percentage of phagocytizing monocytes decreased immediately and remained lower during the first 3.5 h after trauma, but increased after 24 h. Antagonizing TLR2 significantly decreased the phagocytizing activity of monocytes. Both, decreased percentage of activated as well as TLR2 expressing monocytes persisted as long as the reduced phagocytosis was observed. Moreover, neutralizing TLR2 led to a reduced capability of phagocytosis as well. Therefore, we assume that reduced TLR2 expression may be responsible for the decreased phagocytizing capacity of circulating monocytes in the early post-traumatic phase

    Comparative analysis of the regulatory T cells dynamics in peripheral blood in human and porcine polytrauma

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    Background: Severely injured patients experience substantial immunological stress in the aftermath of traumatic insult, which often results in systemic immune dysregulation. Regulatory T cells (Treg) play a key role in the suppression of the immune response and in the maintenance of immunological homeostasis. Little is known about their presence and dynamics in blood after trauma, and nothing is known about Treg in the porcine polytrauma model. Here, we assessed different subsets of Treg in trauma patients (TP) and compared those to either healthy volunteers (HV) or data from porcine polytrauma. Methods: Peripheral blood was withdrawn from 20 TP with injury severity score (ISS) ≄16 at the admittance to the emergency department (ED), and subsequently on day 1 and at day 3. Ten HV were included as controls (ctrl). The porcine polytrauma model consisted of a femur fracture, liver laceration, lung contusion, and hemorrhagic shock resulting in an ISS of 27. After polytrauma, the animals underwent resuscitation and surgical fracture fixation. Blood samples were withdrawn before and immediately after trauma, 24 and 72 h later. Different subsets of Treg, CD4+CD25+, CD4+CD25+FoxP3+, CD4+CD25+CD127−, and CD4+CD25+CD127−FoxP3+ were characterized by flow cytometry. Results: Absolute cell counts of leukocytes were significantly increasing after trauma, and again decreasing in the follow-up in human and porcine samples. The proportion of human Treg in the peripheral blood of TP admitted to the ED was lower when compared to HV. Their numbers did not recover until 72 h after trauma. Comparable data were found for all subsets. The situation in the porcine trauma model was comparable with the clinical data. In porcine peripheral blood before trauma, we could identify Treg with the typical immunophenotype (CD4+CD25+CD127−), which were virtually absent immediately after trauma. Similar to the human situation, most of these cells expressed FoxP3, as assessed by intracellular FACS stain. Conclusion: Despite minor percental differences in the recovery of Treg populations after trauma, our findings show a comparable decrease of Treg early after polytrauma, and strengthen the immunological significance of the porcine polytrauma model. Furthermore, the Treg subpopulation CD4+CD25+CD127− was characterized in porcine samples