17 research outputs found

    Reproduction Parameters in Low Dose Chronic Exposure with Heavy Metals in Rats

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    Introduction In spite of intense attempts of legislative regulations in the last years the issue of envi-ronmental pollution and the restriction of existing resources of fresh water is far from solved. Clean air, drinking water and food are basic requirements for healthy life and therefore health professionals and biomedical researchers are in charge to draw the public attention to the pos-sible health risks and consequences of industrial and agricultural pollution of the air soil and water resources Many aspects of acute intoxication with heavy metals including their genotoxic, terato-genic and metabolic effects are relatively well known and are the subject of several in depth papers and reviews The main purpose of the present study was to evaluate changes in basic physiological and reproductive parameters due to lifelong exposition to low doses of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury) in Wistar rats. This is an important prerequisite to find the most suitable and precise indicators for estimation of the risks of the chronic low-dose exposure with vari-ous harmful substances on healthy human population. Experimental Procedures Animals Experiments were carried on 80 Wistar albino rats of both sexes (40 females and 40 males, age at the beginning of study 4 weeks, average weight 120±19 g) and their 28-day old newborns. The animals were kept in male -female Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 17, No. 6 (2008), 911-915 Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of low dose chronic lead, mercury and cadmium exposure on reproductive potency of Wistar rats and on their progeny. The number of litters and the number of newborns in rats exposed to Pb and Hg were significantly higher compared to controls whereas between Cd exposure group and controls was almost no differ-ence. In contrary, the survival rate of the weanlings decreased in the order Cd>Pb>Hg and in all epxosed group was higher than in controls. The results suggest, that increase in reproduc-tion rate early after intoxication onset may disclose certain reactive adaptation mechanisms. The number of weanlings appears to be a sensitive marker in reprotoxicity tests

    Preventive Effects of Flavonoids on Alloxan-Induced Diabetes Mellitus in Rats

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    The aim of the present study was the evaluation of possible protective effects of quercetin and chrysin in experimental alloxan-induced diabetes in rats. Alloxan was injected at a single dose of 60 mg/kg (into the tail vein) for diabetes induction. Quercetin (50 and 100 mg/kg; orally) and chrysin (50 and 100 mg/kg; orally) were administered daily for 3 days prior and 7 days after alloxan injection. Alloxan induced a significant increase of glycaemia (p p p p < 0.01). On the other hand, glycosuria was increased in all groups of animals receiving alloxan. We suggest that the protective effect of the used flavonoids in experimental diabetes mellitus may be related to their antioxidative/chelatory properties. Increased glycosuria indicated that inhibition of renal glucose reabsorption may also play a role in the hypoglycaemic effect of both flavonoids

    Business and cultural specificities of Colombia

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    Tato práce se věnuje obchodním a kulturním specifikům Kolumbie a jejím cílem je připravit potencionálního obchodního partnera na jednání s partnerem z této země. První kapitola je věnována Latinské Americe, její regionální integraci a mezinárodním programem. Druhá kapitola charakterizuje geografické a demografické údaje týkající se Kolumbie, její historii a politickou situaci. Mezi její další a velmi důležité charakteristiky patří i ekonomická situace, která je rozebrána v třetí kapitole. Poslední kapitola sestává z kulturních a obchodních specifik Kolumbie, které se věnují pravidlům obchodního jednání s partnerem pocházejícím z této země.This bachelor thesis describes business and cultural specificities of Colombia and its aim is to prepare a potential business partner to negotiate with a partner from this country. The first chapter is dedicated to Latin America, its regional integration and international program. The second chapter describes geographic and demographic data about Colombia, its history and its political situation. The analysis of the economy of Colombia is discussed in the third chapter. The last chapter consists of the business and cultural specificities of Colombia.Táto práca sa venuje obchodným a kultúrnym špecifikám Kolumbie a jej cieľom je pripraviť potencionálneho obchodného partnera na jednanie s partnerom z tejto zeme. Prvá kapitola je venovaná Latinskej Amerike, jej regionálnej integrácii a medzinárodným programom. Druhá kapitola charakterizuje geografické a demografické údaje týkajúce sa Kolumbie, jej históriu a politickú situáciu. Medzi jej ďalšie a veľmi dôležité charakteristiky patrí aj ekonomická situácia, ktorá je rozobraná v tretej kapitole. Posledná kapitola pozostáva z kultúrnych a obchodných špecifík Kolumbie, ktoré sa venujú pravidlám obchodného jednania s partnerom pochádzajúcim z tejto zeme

    Dopad značek na chování spotřebitelů. Mezigenerační analýza.

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    Cílem této práce je zjistit vliv značek na chování spotřebitele, analyzovat hloubku korelace mezi vnímáním značky spotřebitelem a konečnými nákupy spotřebitelů a zdůraznit význam a sílu účinného strategického řízení značky. Určitá část práce je věnována také mezigenerační analýze. Zkoumání těchto cílů je založeno na diskusi o klíčových teoriích a důležitých koncepcích, které stojí za tímto komplexním systémem a jejich aplikací v dnešním světě. K tomuto účelu byla použita sekundární data získaná z několika knih, různých článků, článků a zpráv. Primární data jsou shromažďována na základě individuálních rozhovorů, kde každý účastník představuje určitou generaci s jejími charakteristikami, názory, postoji a rozdíly. Příslušné závěry a výsledky výzkumu jsou odvozeny z kombinace všech získaných údajů. V dnešním dynamicky se rozvíjejícím světě dochází k různým změnám. Chování značky a spotřebitele není výjimkou. Mnoho úspěšných společností, které si vybudovaly silné značky, si je této skutečnosti vědomy, a proto těmto změnám neustále přizpůsobují své plánování, implementaci a řízení strategie značky. Tato práce proto nabízí vhled do nejdůležitějších aspektů, které je třeba vzít v úvahu při řízení značky a dosahování cílů.The aim of this thesis is to determine the impact of brands on consumer behavior, to analyze the depth of correlation between consumers’ perception of a brand and consumers’ final purchases and to highlight the importance and strength of effective strategic management of the brand. A certain part of the paper is also devoted to intergenerational analysis. The examination of these goals is based on the discussion of the key theories and important concepts that stand behind this complex system and their application in today’s world. Secondary data, obtained from several books, various articles, papers and reports, were used for this purpose. Primary data are collected on the basis of individual interviews, where each participant represents a certain generation, with its characteristics, opinions, attitudes and differences. Appropriate conclusions and research results are derived from a combination of all obtained data. In today's dynamically developing world, various changes are taking place. Brand and consumer behavior are no exception. Many successful companies that have built strong brands are aware of this fact and therefore constantly adapt their planning, implementation and management of brand strategy to these changes. Therefore, this thesis offers an insight into the most important aspects that should be taken into account when managing the brand and achieving the goals

    Effect of Low-Dose Exposure to Toxic Heavy Metals on The Reproductive Health of Rats A Multigenerational Study

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    The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effects of the exposure to low doses of lead, mercury and cadmium dissolved in drinking water (200× above maximal permissible dosage) on the reproductive potency of 200 Wistar rats (100 males and 100 females of F1 generation) and their progeny. Ten groups of rats were formed according to their exposure to heavy metals, including one control group without exposure. The females gave births between weeks 13 and 78 of the experiments. Reproduction parameters, such as number of litters, total number of newborns, number of newborns per litter, and number of weanlings were assessed weekly. The results demonstrated that the number of litters and newborns were higher after exposure to mercury and lower after exposure to lead. The number of weanlings and their share from newborns were the highest after exposure to cadmium and the lowest after exposure to mercury. A sex-specific effect of metals was related to the reproductive success