16 research outputs found

    Black Slavonian (Crna slavonska) Pig

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    Black Slavonian (Crna slavonska) pig was created during the second part of the nineteenth century using planned crossing between four pig breeds. It is an autochthonous pig breed in the Republic of Croatia and one of the local pig breeds investigated in the project TREASURE. The present chapter aims to present history and current status of Black Slavonian pig breed, its exterior phenotypic characteristics, reproductive traits, geographical location, production system and main products from this breed of pigs. Also, a collection and review of available literature data, available until August 2017, on productive traits of Black Slavonian pig breed were carried out. Growth performance was estimated utilising average daily gain and average daily feed intake in the overall fattening stage as this was the information mostly provided in considered studies. Carcass traits were evaluated by means of age and weight at slaughter, hot carcass weight, carcass yield, muscularity and back fat thickness. Meat quality traits of the longissimus muscle evaluated were objective colour and intramuscular fat content. Although a considerable number of studies on Black Slavonian pig were included in the current review, data on growth performance and some parameters of carcass, meat and fat quality are scarce

    Biokristalizacija kao metoda za diferenciranje organski i konvencionalno proizvedenog mlijeka

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    Holistic methods, such as biocrystallization and capillary dynamolysis, can be used to confirm differences in chemical composition between organic and conventionally produced milk. The utilization of such methods is complementary to other quality assurance methods and demonstrates a complex aspect of food quality. In this study, biocrystallization was used as a method for distinguishing between organic and conventionally produced pasteurized milk, demonstrating how the differences in the dairy cow feeding regime can affect milk properties. The biocrystallization was performed by means of copper (II) chloride dihydrate (CuCl2*2H2O). The biocrystallization patterns obtained from the conventional and organic milk samples were readily distinguished. A significant indication of differences was the emergence of degradation features in the biocrystallization patterns. While degradation features do not appear in organic milk, conventional milk showed clear indications of degradation, although the compound analysis of the two milks indicated no differences. From the morphological perspective, the biocrystallization patterns of organic milk have fared better according to all criteria. The results of the fatty acid analysis in milk from conventional and certified organic farms showed a greater content of beneficial fatty acids in organic milk: oleic (P<0.05), linoleic and linolenic (P<0.01). The analysis of animal feed indicated a higher content of cellulose, i.e. acid detergent fibers (ADF), and a lower content of neutral detergent fibers (NDF) in the organic animal feed. It was concluded that the method of copper chloride biocrystallization can determine the differences between pasteurized conventional and organic milk, which is greatly important in assuring the consumers of the milk origin, since the organic chain implies the increased quality control of soil, animal feed, animals and final dairy products with added value.Holističke metode, kao što su biokristalizacija i metoda kapilarne dinamolize ukazuju na razlike u kemijskom sastavu između organskog i konvencionalnog mlijeka, a mogu imati pozitivan potencijalni učinak na zdravlje ljudi. Korištenje ovih metoda komplementarno je drugim metodama provjere kvalitete i pokazuje jedan aspekt kompleksnog koncepta kvalitete hrane. U ovom radu utvrđivana je razlika između pasteriziranog mlijeka proizvedenog u uvjetima konvencionalne i organske stočarske proizvodnje u Srbiji biokristalizacijom kao metodom za razlikovanje između organskog i konvencionalnog mlijeka. Rezultati pokazuju kako razlika u režimu hranidbe krava između konvencionalne i organske farme može utjecati na kvalitetu mlijeka. Biokristalizacija je izvršena korištenjem bakar (II) klorida (CuCl2*2H20). Biokristalizacijski obrasci uzoraka konvencionalnog i organskog mlijeka lagani su za razlikovanje. Značajni pokazatelj razlika je pojava odlika degradacije biokristala. Dok se kod organskog mlijeka ne pojavljuje degradacija, konvencionalno mlijeko pokazuje čiste odlike degradacije. S morfološke strane, slike organskog mlijeka rangirane su bolje po svim kriterijima. Rezultati analize mlijeka podrijetlom s konvencionalne i certificirane organske farme pokazuju veći udjel blagotvornih masnih kiselina u organskom mlijeku, i to oleinske (P<0,05), linolne i linolenske (P<0,01). Analiza stočne hrane pokazala je viši sadržaj celuloze, kiselih (ADF) i niži sadržaj neutralnih (NDF) deterdžent vlakana u organskoj hrani. Zaključeno je kako se metodom biokristalizacije bakar kloridom može utvrditi razlika između pasteriziranog konvencionalnog i organskog mlijeka, što je od velikog značaja za informiranje potrošača glede podrijetla mlijeka, s obzirom kako organski lanac implicira strožiju kontrolu zemljišta, stočne hrane, životinja i gotovoga proizvoda s dodatom vrijednošću


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    Chronic renal failure is a disease characterized by decreased kidney function andtherefore a change in haematological parameters in cats. In our work we analyzed the hematologicalparameters, course of renal disease and the lifespan of cats suffering from chronic renalinsufficiency. The aim of the study was to compare the haematological parameters of cats sufferingfrom CRF, fed a renal diet; cats suffering from CRF not fed a renal diet and cats that were completelyhealthy. Then, the importance of using CRF-approved food for diseased cats and the effectivenessof its application was determined.The study included a total of 60 cats, divided into three groups. The blood parameters of cats usedin our study were: erythrocytes, thrombocytes, total leucocytes, differential leukocyte, hemoglobinconcentration, hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, creatinine and urea. The study lasted for three yearsat the Veterinary Ambulance for pets "MIM COOP" Banja Luka.The study data were statistically analyzed using a T-test (p<0.05) and Pearson's correlationcoefficient. The results of our study show that the mean values of haematological parameters in thegroup of cats that did not use a renal diet for cats suffering from CRF were different statisticallyfrom other two groups of cats: the group that used a renal diet for cats suffering from CRF andcontrol groups of cats. Also, cats that used а renal diet have better quality of life and live longer thancats that did not receive this diet. Dietetic food recover kidneys of the cats suffering from CRF


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    Thrombocytopenia represents a significant reduction in number of blood platelets in thecirculation of mammals. The causes of thrombocytopenia in dogs and cats are: various infectiousfactors, viruses, bacterias, parasites, various pathological conditions of the liver, spleen, bonemarrow or autoimmune diseases. Sometimes, thrombocytopenia causes many different factors orthe real cause can not be detected, and its origin is called idiopathic. In our practice, in the course ofhaematological analysis of blood, we encounter a reduced number of platelets in the blood of dogsand cats. Then we are facing the great challenge of diagnosing and treating possible idiopathicthrombocytopenia in animals.In our case, we have a Miniature poodle whose problems began at the age of 2.5. The dog had thefollowing symptoms: inapetency, somnolence, temperature of 38.80C, pale oral mucosa withpetechiae and behavioral changes. After the first hematological blood tests were performed, theresults of the parameters indicated thrombocytopenia in this dog. Diagnosis of the disease issupported by symptoms and differential diagnosis, so we started with frequent monitoring ofhaematological parameters.We included adequate therapy with the first symptoms of the disease in our case of idiopathicthrombocytopenia in a young dog. The therapy was successful, hematological parameters and thequality of life improved, and the dog is now eight years old. The treatment of idiopathicthrombocytopenia is a challenge for every small animal veterinarian and for this reason in this paperwe share our experiences with colleagues

    Synthesis of control systems for four-product dividing wall columns

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    Kolone s razdjelnom stijenkom (KRS) za četiri proizvoda sljedeći su korak u primjeni ove perspektivne tehnologije koja povezuje značajne operativne i kapitalne uštede. Njihova složena unutarnja struktura i bojazan od utjecaja na dinamičko vladanje sustava predstavljaju glavne prepreke široj industrijskoj upotrebi. U ovom radu istražuju se dinamičke karakteristike svojstva dviju izvedbi KRS, tzv. 2-2-4 i 2-3-3. Predlaže se postupak sinteze sustava za vođenje koji se zasniva isključivo na, u industrijskom okruženju, lako mjerljivim i upravljivim varijablama. Za određivanje osjetljivih ravnotežnih stupnjeva radi njihovog uparivanja u regulacijske krugove s upravljanim varijablama izvedena je studija osjetljivosti i dekompozicija na singularne vrijednosti (SVD analiza). Za preliminarnu procjenu mogućih neželjenih interakcija primijenjena je matrica relativnog pojačanja (RGA). Korištenje studije osjetljivosti dalo je bolje rezultate od SVD analize, čija upotreba se nije pokazala opravdanom u slučaju pojedinačnih regulatora temperature. Ipak, za sintezu učinkovitog sustava za vođenje obje metode moraju se upotrijebiti isključivo uz primjenu izvedenih pravila uparivanja vođenih i upravljanih varijabli. Izvedba kolone 2-2-4 KRS pokazala se manje zahtjevnom za vođenje u usporedbi s izvedbom 2-3-3. Rezultati dobiveni simulacijskim ispitivanjem ukazuju na znatno manje interakcije u izvedbi 2-2-4 u odnosu 2-3-3, što rezultira i bržim i mirnijim dinamičkim odzivom. Održavanje kvalitete proizvoda se, također, pokazalo lakšim u izvedbi 2-2-4, dok kod izvedbe 2-3-3 rezultati u nekim slučajevima sugeriraju na potrebu za aktivnim upravljanjem raspodjelom pare.Four-product dividing wall columns (DWC) represent the next big step in the implementation of this proved technology which offers both significant capital as well as operating savings. Their complex internal arrangement and uncertainty regarding their dynamic properties act as the main obstacles towards broader industrial implementation. This work focuses on dynamic properties of two different four-product DWCs, so-called 2-2-4 and 2-3-3 configuration. Procedure for synthesis of the control system that incorporates only easily measured and manipulated variables in industrial environment is suggested. For determining sensitive stages appropriate for coupling with manipulated variables, sensitivity analysis and singular value decomposition (SVD) is used. As a tool for preliminary interaction indication relative gain array (RGA) is used. Using sensitivity study as a method of determining appropriate variables for control proved to be better choice compared to using SVD as an extra step in case of single-point temperature control. However, for efficient control system synthesis, both methods need to be used along with the set of pairing rules derived in this work. 2-2-4 configuration proved to be significantly easier to control. Closed-loop simulation results indicate significantly smaller interactions compared to the 2-3-3 configuration, resulting in faster but also calmer transient behaviour. Keeping product quality within specification proved to be easier as well in case of 2-2-4 configuration, while results obtained with 2-3-3 configuration suggest need for active vapour split control in certain cases

    Synthesis of control systems for four-product dividing wall columns

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    Kolone s razdjelnom stijenkom (KRS) za četiri proizvoda sljedeći su korak u primjeni ove perspektivne tehnologije koja povezuje značajne operativne i kapitalne uštede. Njihova složena unutarnja struktura i bojazan od utjecaja na dinamičko vladanje sustava predstavljaju glavne prepreke široj industrijskoj upotrebi. U ovom radu istražuju se dinamičke karakteristike svojstva dviju izvedbi KRS, tzv. 2-2-4 i 2-3-3. Predlaže se postupak sinteze sustava za vođenje koji se zasniva isključivo na, u industrijskom okruženju, lako mjerljivim i upravljivim varijablama. Za određivanje osjetljivih ravnotežnih stupnjeva radi njihovog uparivanja u regulacijske krugove s upravljanim varijablama izvedena je studija osjetljivosti i dekompozicija na singularne vrijednosti (SVD analiza). Za preliminarnu procjenu mogućih neželjenih interakcija primijenjena je matrica relativnog pojačanja (RGA). Korištenje studije osjetljivosti dalo je bolje rezultate od SVD analize, čija upotreba se nije pokazala opravdanom u slučaju pojedinačnih regulatora temperature. Ipak, za sintezu učinkovitog sustava za vođenje obje metode moraju se upotrijebiti isključivo uz primjenu izvedenih pravila uparivanja vođenih i upravljanih varijabli. Izvedba kolone 2-2-4 KRS pokazala se manje zahtjevnom za vođenje u usporedbi s izvedbom 2-3-3. Rezultati dobiveni simulacijskim ispitivanjem ukazuju na znatno manje interakcije u izvedbi 2-2-4 u odnosu 2-3-3, što rezultira i bržim i mirnijim dinamičkim odzivom. Održavanje kvalitete proizvoda se, također, pokazalo lakšim u izvedbi 2-2-4, dok kod izvedbe 2-3-3 rezultati u nekim slučajevima sugeriraju na potrebu za aktivnim upravljanjem raspodjelom pare.Four-product dividing wall columns (DWC) represent the next big step in the implementation of this proved technology which offers both significant capital as well as operating savings. Their complex internal arrangement and uncertainty regarding their dynamic properties act as the main obstacles towards broader industrial implementation. This work focuses on dynamic properties of two different four-product DWCs, so-called 2-2-4 and 2-3-3 configuration. Procedure for synthesis of the control system that incorporates only easily measured and manipulated variables in industrial environment is suggested. For determining sensitive stages appropriate for coupling with manipulated variables, sensitivity analysis and singular value decomposition (SVD) is used. As a tool for preliminary interaction indication relative gain array (RGA) is used. Using sensitivity study as a method of determining appropriate variables for control proved to be better choice compared to using SVD as an extra step in case of single-point temperature control. However, for efficient control system synthesis, both methods need to be used along with the set of pairing rules derived in this work. 2-2-4 configuration proved to be significantly easier to control. Closed-loop simulation results indicate significantly smaller interactions compared to the 2-3-3 configuration, resulting in faster but also calmer transient behaviour. Keeping product quality within specification proved to be easier as well in case of 2-2-4 configuration, while results obtained with 2-3-3 configuration suggest need for active vapour split control in certain cases

    Synthesis of control systems for four-product dividing wall columns

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    Kolone s razdjelnom stijenkom (KRS) za četiri proizvoda sljedeći su korak u primjeni ove perspektivne tehnologije koja povezuje značajne operativne i kapitalne uštede. Njihova složena unutarnja struktura i bojazan od utjecaja na dinamičko vladanje sustava predstavljaju glavne prepreke široj industrijskoj upotrebi. U ovom radu istražuju se dinamičke karakteristike svojstva dviju izvedbi KRS, tzv. 2-2-4 i 2-3-3. Predlaže se postupak sinteze sustava za vođenje koji se zasniva isključivo na, u industrijskom okruženju, lako mjerljivim i upravljivim varijablama. Za određivanje osjetljivih ravnotežnih stupnjeva radi njihovog uparivanja u regulacijske krugove s upravljanim varijablama izvedena je studija osjetljivosti i dekompozicija na singularne vrijednosti (SVD analiza). Za preliminarnu procjenu mogućih neželjenih interakcija primijenjena je matrica relativnog pojačanja (RGA). Korištenje studije osjetljivosti dalo je bolje rezultate od SVD analize, čija upotreba se nije pokazala opravdanom u slučaju pojedinačnih regulatora temperature. Ipak, za sintezu učinkovitog sustava za vođenje obje metode moraju se upotrijebiti isključivo uz primjenu izvedenih pravila uparivanja vođenih i upravljanih varijabli. Izvedba kolone 2-2-4 KRS pokazala se manje zahtjevnom za vođenje u usporedbi s izvedbom 2-3-3. Rezultati dobiveni simulacijskim ispitivanjem ukazuju na znatno manje interakcije u izvedbi 2-2-4 u odnosu 2-3-3, što rezultira i bržim i mirnijim dinamičkim odzivom. Održavanje kvalitete proizvoda se, također, pokazalo lakšim u izvedbi 2-2-4, dok kod izvedbe 2-3-3 rezultati u nekim slučajevima sugeriraju na potrebu za aktivnim upravljanjem raspodjelom pare.Four-product dividing wall columns (DWC) represent the next big step in the implementation of this proved technology which offers both significant capital as well as operating savings. Their complex internal arrangement and uncertainty regarding their dynamic properties act as the main obstacles towards broader industrial implementation. This work focuses on dynamic properties of two different four-product DWCs, so-called 2-2-4 and 2-3-3 configuration. Procedure for synthesis of the control system that incorporates only easily measured and manipulated variables in industrial environment is suggested. For determining sensitive stages appropriate for coupling with manipulated variables, sensitivity analysis and singular value decomposition (SVD) is used. As a tool for preliminary interaction indication relative gain array (RGA) is used. Using sensitivity study as a method of determining appropriate variables for control proved to be better choice compared to using SVD as an extra step in case of single-point temperature control. However, for efficient control system synthesis, both methods need to be used along with the set of pairing rules derived in this work. 2-2-4 configuration proved to be significantly easier to control. Closed-loop simulation results indicate significantly smaller interactions compared to the 2-3-3 configuration, resulting in faster but also calmer transient behaviour. Keeping product quality within specification proved to be easier as well in case of 2-2-4 configuration, while results obtained with 2-3-3 configuration suggest need for active vapour split control in certain cases

    Preoperative serum levels of c-erbB-2 do not seem to be useful in management of patients with rectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Soluble c-erbB-2 oncoprotein has been proven as a useful marker in the management of breast cancer patients, but its value in diagnostics and follow-up of colorectal cancer patients remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of serum c-erbB-2 monitoring in diagnostics and prediction of disease outcome in rectal cancer patients. - - - - - MATERIALS AND METHODS: Serum samples from 88 patients with rectal adenocarcinoma before surgery and from 41 healthy controls were tested for the presence of c-erbB-2 oncoprotein by ELISA, and the patients were followed up for at least 5 years after the surgery. - - - - - RESULTS: Preoperative serum c-erbB-2 levels were significantly higher in stage IV patients than in healthy controls (P<0.001) and did not show correlation with preoperative CEA levels. Elevated preoperative serum c-erbB-2 levels showed relatively high specificity (88%) and low sensitivity (44%) in the diagnosis of rectal cancer. Elevated preoperative oncoprotein levels were predictive neither for overall survival nor for development of local recurrence/distant metastases. - - - - - CONCLUSION: Although preoperative serum c-erbB-2 levels were significantly higher in rectal cancer patients than in healthy controls, the soluble c-erbB-2 does not seem to be useful in the diagnosis of rectal cancer due to its low sensitivity. Preoperative serum levels of this oncoprotein were predictive neither for overall survival nor for local recurrence/distant metastases in rectal cancer patients

    Vođenje destilacijske kolone s razdjelnom stijenkom za četiri proizvoda

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    U ovom radu istražuju se mogućnosti vođenja kompleksne konfiguracije destilacijske kolone s razdjelnim stijenkama (KRS) za četiri proizvoda. Simulacijski su ispitane dvije izvedbe sustava za vođenje. Na temelju statičkog modela destilacijske kolone razvijene su dinamičke simulacije tih dviju izvedba, a njihov učinak testiran je uvođenjem poremećaja u sustav. Rezultati pokazuju da je za uspješno vođenje i postizanje zahtijevane kvalitete proizvoda potrebna vrlo čvrsta regulacija temperaturnih profila unutar kolone, ali i da je to moguće postići konvencionalnim metodama vođenja, odnosno primjenom regulacije PID

    Investigation of control structures for a four‐product laboratory multiple dividing‐wall column using dynamic simulation

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    Multiple dividing‐wall columns offer high investment and energy cost savings in distillation. To ensure these savings during operation, robust control structures must be applied. Three basically simple and practical control structures were investigated for a simplified multiple dividing‐wall column. All three control structures allow a robust control of the laboratory column. The dynamic behavior of a multiple dividing‐wall column pilot plant is evaluated by means of dynamic simulation. Three different control structures are developed or adapted from the literature, which are constrained by the actual design features of the pilot plant column. Since in the present case the design of the column was chosen such that very different mixtures can be separated, it cannot be optimally designed for each of these potential mixtures. Rather, the design focused on the flexibility of the plant. All three investigated control structures were tested on feed flow rate and feed composition disturbance and allowed a robust control of the pilot plant, whereby control structure 2 is slightly better than others in terms of steady‐state deviations and less pronounced fluctuations during the dynamic phase. The transferability of control structure 2 to other variants of multiple dividing‐wall columns is easily possible