70 research outputs found

    Use of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for creation of laryngeal cartilage

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    OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) are an exciting potential cell source for tissue engineering because cells can be derived from the simple excision of autologous fat. This study introduces a novel approach for tissue-engineering cartilage from ASCs and a customized collagen oligomer solution, and demonstrates that the resultant cartilage can be used for laryngeal cartilage reconstruction in an animal model. STUDY DESIGN: Basic science experimental design. METHODS: ASCs were isolated from F344 rats, seeded in a customized collagen matrix, and cultured in chondrogenic differentiation medium for 1, 2, and 4 weeks until demonstrating cartilage-like characteristics in vitro. Large laryngeal cartilage defects were created in the F344 rat model, with the engineered cartilage used to replace the cartilage defects, and the rats followed for 1 to 3 months. Staining examined cellular morphology and cartilage-specific features. RESULTS: In vitro histological staining revealed rounded chondrocyte-appearing cells evenly residing throughout the customized collagen scaffold, with positive staining for cartilage-specific markers. The cartilage was used to successfully repair large cartilaginous defects in the rat model, with excellent functional results. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first study to demonstrate, in an animal model, that ASCs cultured in a unique form of collagen oligomer can create functional cartilage-like grafts that can be successfully used for partial laryngeal cartilage replacement

    Induction of chronic migraine phenotypes in a rat model after environmental irritant exposure

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    Air pollution is linked to increased emergency department visits for headache and migraine patients frequently cite chemicals or odors as headache triggers, but the association between air pollutants and headache is not well understood. We previously reported that chronic environmental irritant exposure sensitizes the trigeminovascular system response to nasal administration of environmental irritants. Here, we examine whether chronic environmental irritant exposure induces migraine behavioral phenotypes. Male rats were exposed to acrolein, a transient receptor potential channel ankyrin-1 (TRPA1) agonist, or room air by inhalation for 4 days before meningeal blood flow measurements, periorbital cutaneous sensory testing, or other behavioral testing. Touch-induced c-Fos expression in trigeminal nucleus caudalis was compared in animals exposed to room air or acrolein. Spontaneous behavior and olfactory discrimination was examined in open-field testing. Acrolein inhalation exposure produced long-lasting potentiation of blood flow responses to a subsequent TRPA1 agonist and sensitized cutaneous responses to mechanical stimulation. C-Fos expression in response to touch was increased in trigeminal nucleus caudalis in animals exposed to acrolein compared with room air. Spontaneous activity in an open-field and scent preference behavior was different in acrolein-exposed compared with room air-exposed animals. Sumatriptan, an acute migraine treatment blocked acute blood flow changes in response to TRPA1 or transient receptor potential vanilloid receptor-1 agonists. Pretreatment with valproic acid, a prophylactic migraine treatment, attenuated the enhanced blood flow responses observed after acrolein inhalation exposures. Environmental irritant exposure yields an animal model of chronic migraine in which to study mechanisms for enhanced headache susceptibility after chemical exposure

    In vitro interactions of proton pump inhibitors and azoles against pathogenic fungi

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    IntroductionAzole resistance has been increasingly reported and become an issue for clinical managements of invasive mycoses. New strategy with combination therapy arises as a valuable and promising alternative option. The aim of the present study is to investigate the in vitro combinational effect of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and azoles against pathogenic fungi.MethodsIn vitro interactions of PPIs including omeprazole (OME), lansoprazole (LAN), pantoprazole (PAN), and rabeprazole (RAB), and commonly used azoles including itraconazole (ITC), posaconazole (POS), voriconazole (VRC) and fluconazole (FLC), were investigated via broth microdilution chequerboard procedure adapted from the CLSI M27-A3 and M38-A2. A total of 67 clinically isolated strains, namely 27 strains of Aspergillus spp., 16 strains of Candida spp., and 24 strains of dematiaceous fungi, were studied. C. parapsilosis (ATCC 22019) and A. flavus (ATCC 204304) was included to ensure quality control.ResultsPPIs individually did not exert any significant antifungal activity. The combination of OME with ITC, POS, or VRC showed synergism against 77.6%, 86.6%, and 4% strains of tested pathogenic fungi, respectively, while synergism of OME/FLC was observed in 50% strains of Candida spp. Synergism between PAN and ITC, POS, or VRC was observed against 47.8%, 77.6% and 1.5% strains of tested fungi, respectively, while synergism of PNA/FLC was observed in 50% strains of Candida spp. Synergism of LAN with ITC, POS, or VRC was observed against 86.6%, 86.6%, and 3% of tested strains, respectively, while synergism of LAN/FLC was observed in 31.3% strains of Candida spp. Synergy of the combination of RAB with ITC, POS, or VRC was observed against 25.4%, 64.2%, and 4.5% of tested strains, respectively, while synergism of RAB/FLC was observed in 12.5% of Candida spp.. Among PPIs, synergism was least observed between RAB and triazoles, while among triazoles, synergism was least observed between VRC and PPIs. Among species, synergy was much more frequently observed in Aspergillus spp. and dematiaceous fungi as compared to Candida spp. Antagonism between PPIs with ITC or VRC was occasionally observed in Aspergillus spp. and dematiaceous fungi. It is notable that PPIs combined with azoles showed synergy against azole resistant A. fumigatus, and resulted in category change of susceptibility of ITC and POS against Candida spp.DiscussionThe results suggested that PPIs combined with azoles has the potential to enhance the susceptibilities of azoles against multiple pathogenic fungi and could be a promising strategy to overcome azole resistance issues. However, further investigations are warranted to study the combinational efficacy in more isolates and more species, to investigate the underlying mechanism of interaction and to evaluate the potential for concomitant use of these agents in human

    An Analysis of Mode III Doubly Periodic Crack-Tip Field of Orthotropic Composite Materials

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    The mechanical behavior near the doubly periodic crack tips for orthotropic composite materials plate subjected to antiplane shear loading is studied. This is done by complex function theory and conformal mapping of the Jacobi elliptic function with the help of boundary conditions. The analytical solution of the crack-tips stress intensity factor and the expression of stress fields are obtained. Numerical examples are given to analyze the impact of the different transverse spacing, longitudinal spacing, and the ratio of cracks periods on stress intensity factors. The results show that the crack-tip field increases with reducing either the transverse spacing or the longitudinal spacing. At the same time, the crack-tip field increases with the decrease of the ratio of cracks periods. This shows that the distribution form makes an important effect on the crack-tip field, but the crack density parameter is not the only cause

    Role of intraganglionic transmission in the trigeminovascular pathway

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    Migraine is triggered by poor air quality and odors through unknown mechanisms. Activation of the trigeminovascular pathway by environmental irritants may occur via activation of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) receptors on nasal trigeminal neurons, but how that results in peripheral and central sensitization is unclear. The anatomy of the trigeminal ganglion suggests that noxious nasal stimuli are not being transduced to the meninges by axon reflex but likely through intraganglionic transmission. Consistent with this concept, we injected calcitonin gene-related peptide, adenosine triphosphate, or glutamate receptor antagonists or a gap junction channel blocker directly and exclusively into the trigeminal ganglion and blocked meningeal blood flow changes in response to acute nasal TRP agonists. Previously, we observed chronic sensitization of the trigeminovascular pathway after acrolein exposure, a known TRPA1 receptor agonist. To explore the mechanism of this sensitization, we utilized laser dissection microscopy to separately harvest nasal and meningeal trigeminal neuron populations in the absence or presence of acrolein exposure. mRNA levels of neurotransmitters important in migraine were then determined by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. TRPA1 message levels were significantly increased in meningeal cell populations following acrolein exposure compared to room air exposure. This was specific to TRPA1 message in meningeal cell populations as changes were not observed in either nasal trigeminal cell populations or dorsal root ganglion populations. Taken together, these data suggest an important role for intraganglionic transmission in acute activation of the trigeminovascular pathway. It also supports a role for upregulation of TRPA1 receptors in peripheral sensitization and a possible mechanism for chronification of migraine after environmental irritant exposure

    Novel anticancer agents based on targeting the trimer interface of the PRL phosphatase

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    PRL oncoproteins are phosphatases overexpressed in numerous types of human cancer. Elevated levels of PRL associate with metastasis and poor clinical outcomes. In principle, PRL phosphatases offer appealing therapeutic targets, but they remain underexplored due to the lack of specific chemical probes. In this study, we address this issue by exploiting a unique property of PRL phosphatases, namely, that they may function as homotrimers. Starting from a sequential structure-based virtual screening and medicinal chemistry strategy, we identified Cmpd-43 and several analogs which disrupt PRL1 trimerization. Biochemical and structural analyses demonstrate that Cmpd-43 and its close analogs directly bind the PRL1 trimer interface and obstruct PRL1 trimerization. Cmpd-43 also specifically blocks the PRL1-induced cell proliferation and migration through attenuation of both ERK1/2 and Akt activity. Importantly, Cmpd-43 exerted potent anticancer activity both in vitro and in vivo in a murine xenograft model of melanoma. Our results validate a trimerization-dependent signaling mechanism for PRL and offer proof-of-concept for trimerization inhibitors as candidate therapeutics to treat PRL-driven cancer

    Role of phosphatase of regenerating liver 1 (PRL1) in spermatogenesis

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    The PRL phosphatases are oncogenic when overexpressed but their in vivo biological function is less well understood. Previous gene deletion study revealed a role for PRL2 in spermatogenesis. We report here the first knockout mice lacking PRL1, the most related homolog of PRL2. We found that loss of PRL1 does not affect spermatogenesis and reproductive ability of male mice, likely due to functional compensation by the relatively higher expression of PRL2 in the testes. However, PRL1-/-/PRL2+/- male mice show testicular atrophy phenotype similar to PRL2-/- mice. More strikingly, deletion of one PRL1 allele in PRL2-/- male mice causes complete infertility. Mechanistically, the total level of PRL1 and PRL2 is negatively correlated with the PTEN protein level in the testis and PRL1+/-/PRL2-/- mice have the highest level of PTEN, leading to attenuated Akt activation and increased germ cell apoptosis, effectively halting spermatozoa production. These results provide the first evidence that in addition to PRL2, PRL1 is also required for spermatogenesis by downregulating PTEN and promoting Akt signaling. The ability of the PRLs to suppress PTEN expression underscores the biochemical basis for their oncogenic potential

    Sensitization of the Trigeminovascular System following Environmental Irritant Exposure

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    Background Air pollution is linked to increased emergency room visits for headache, and migraine patients frequently cite chemicals or odors as headache triggers, but the association between air pollutants and headache is not well understood. We previously reported that nasal administration of environmental irritants acutely increases meningeal blood flow via a TRPA1-dependent mechanism involving the trigeminovascular system. Here, we examine whether chronic environmental irritant exposure sensitizes the trigeminovascular system. Methods Male rats were exposed to acrolein, a TRPA1 agonist, or room air by inhalation for four days prior to meningeal blood flow measurements. Some animals were injected daily with a TRPA1 antagonist, AP-18, or vehicle prior to inhalation exposure. Trigeminal ganglia were isolated following blood flow measurements for immunocytochemistry and/or qPCR determination of TRPV1, TRPA1 and CGRP levels. Results Acrolein inhalation exposure potentiated blood flow responses both to TRPA1 and TRPV1 agonists compared to room air. Acrolein exposure did not alter TRPV1 or TRPA1 mRNA levels or TRPV1 or CGRP immunoreactive cell counts in the trigeminal ganglion. Acrolein sensitization of trigeminovascular responses to a TRPA1 agonist was attenuated by pre-treatment with AP-18. Interpretation These results suggest trigeminovascular sensitization as a mechanism for enhanced headache susceptibility after chemical exposure

    PRL2/PTP4A2 phosphatase is important for hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal

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    Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal is tightly controlled by cytokines and other signals in the microenvironment. While stem cell factor (SCF) is an early acting cytokine that activates the receptor tyrosine kinase KIT and promotes HSC maintenance, how SCF/KIT signaling is regulated in HSCs is poorly understood. The protein tyrosine phosphatase 4A (PTP4A) family (aka PRL [phosphatase of regenerating liver] phosphatases), consisting of PTP4A1/PRL1, PTP4A2/PRL2, and PTP4A3/PRL3, represents an intriguing group of phosphatases implicated in cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. However, the role of PTP4A in hematopoiesis remains elusive. To define the role of PTP4A in hematopoiesis, we analyzed HSC behavior in Ptp4a2 (Prl2) deficient mice. We found that Ptp4a2 deficiency impairs HSC self-renewal as revealed by serial bone marrow transplantation assays. Moreover, we observed that Ptp4a2 null hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are more quiescent and show reduced activation of the AKT and ERK signaling. Importantly, we discovered that the ability of PTP4A2 to enhance HSPC proliferation and activation of AKT and ERK signaling depends on its phosphatase activity. Furthermore, we found that PTP4A2 is important for SCF-mediated HSPC proliferation and loss of Ptp4a2 decreased the ability of oncogenic KIT/D814V mutant in promoting hematopoietic progenitor cell proliferation. Thus, PTP4A2 plays critical roles in regulating HSC self-renewal and mediating SCF/KIT signaling

    Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase PRL2 Mediates Notch and Kit Signals in Early T Cell Progenitors

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    The molecular pathways regulating lymphoid priming, fate, and development of multipotent bone marrow hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) that continuously feed thymic progenitors remain largely unknown. While Notch signal is indispensable for T cell specification and differentiation, the downstream effectors are not well understood. PRL2, a protein tyrosine phosphatase that regulates hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and self-renewal, is highly expressed in murine thymocyte progenitors. Here we demonstrate that protein tyrosine phosphatase PRL2 and receptor tyrosine kinase c-Kit are critical downstream targets and effectors of the canonical Notch/RBPJ pathway in early T cell progenitors. While PRL2 deficiency resulted in moderate defects of thymopoiesis in the steady state, de novo generation of T cells from Prl2 null hematopoietic stem cells was significantly reduced following transplantation. Prl2 null HSPCs also showed impaired T cell differentiation in vitro. We found that Notch/RBPJ signaling upregulated PRL2 as well as c-Kit expression in T cell progenitors. Further, PRL2 sustains Notch-mediated c-Kit expression and enhances stem cell factor/c-Kit signaling in T cell progenitors, promoting effective DN1-DN2 transition. Thus, we have identified a critical role for PRL2 phosphatase in mediating Notch and c-Kit signals in early T cell progenitors