91 research outputs found

    Atelectasias durante anestesia: fisiopatología y tratamiento

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    JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O colapso pulmonar intra-operatório é uma complicação de elevada incidência em pacientes submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica sob anestesia geral com relaxamento/paralisia da musculatura. Essa complicação está associada à piora das trocas gasosas no intra-operatório e, em alguns casos, necessidade de suporte respiratório prolongado no período pós-operatório. Os objetivos deste estudo foram revisar os aspectos fisiopatológicos da formação de atelectasias durante anestesia geral e as possíveis manobras terapêuticas para prevenir e tratar essa complicação. CONTEÚDO: Nesta revisão, os conceitos sobre a incidência de atelectasias intra-operatórias, os fatores relacionados com o seu desenvolvimento, tanto mecânicos quanto associados ao ajuste do respirador durante procedimento cirúrgico, os aspectos do diagnóstico e as estratégias de prevenção e tratamento foram abordados de maneira sistemática. CONCLUSÕES: A compreensão dos mecanismos relacionados com o desenvolvimento do colapso pulmonar durante o período intra-operatório, assim como o seu tratamento, pode contribuir para a redução da incidência de complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias, o tempo de recuperação e os custos hospitalares.BACKGROUND AND METHODS: The incidence of intraoperative pulmonary collapse is elevated in patients undergoing surgery under general anesthesia with muscle relaxation/paralysis. This complication is associated with worsening intraoperative gas exchange and, in some cases, the need for prolonged postoperative respiratory support. The objective of this report was to review the pathophysiological aspects of atelectasis during general anesthesia and possible therapeutic maneuvers that could prevent and treat this complication. CONTENTS: This review discusses the concepts about the incidence of intraoperative atelectasis, factors that influence their development, both mechanical and those related to mechanical ventilator settings during the surgery, diagnostic criteria, and strategies to prevent and treat this complication. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding of the mechanisms related with the development of intraoperative pulmonary collapse, as well as its treatment, can contribute to reduce the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications, the length of recovery and hospital costs.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El colapso pulmonar intraoperatorio es una complicación de elevada incidencia en pacientes sometidos a la intervención quirúrgica bajo anestesia general con relajamiento/parálisis de la musculatura. Esta complicación está asociada al empeoramiento de los cambios de gas en el intraoperatorio y en algunos casos, necesidad de soporte respiratorio prolongado en el período postoperatorio. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron los de revisar los aspectos fisiopatológicos de la formación de atelectasias durante anestesia general y las posibles maniobras terapéuticas para prevenir y tratar esa complicación. CONTENIDO: En esta revisión, los conceptos sobre la incidencia de atelectasias intraoperatorias, los factores relacionados a su desarrollo, tanto mecánicos como los relacionados al ajuste del respirador durante el procedimiento quirúrgico, los aspectos del diagnóstico y las estrategias de prevención y tratamiento fueron abordados de manera sistemática. CONCLUSIONES: La comprensión de los mecanismos relacionados al desarrollo del colapso pulmonar durante el período intraoperatorio, como también su tratamiento, pueden contribuir para la reducción de la incidencia de complicaciones pulmonares postoperatorias, el tiempo de recuperación y los costes de las internaciones en los hospitales

    Hemodynamic and respiratory support using venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in a polytrauma patient

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    Existem poucos relatos na literatura sobre o uso de oxigenação extracorpórea por membrana venoarterial por dupla disfunção decorrente de contusão cardíaca e pulmonar no paciente politraumatizado. Relatamos o caso de um paciente de 48 anos, vítima de acidente de motocicleta e automóvel, que evoluiu rapidamente com choque refratário com baixo débito cardíaco por contusão miocárdica e hipoxemia refratária decorrente de contusão pulmonar, tórax instável e pneumotórax bilateral. O suporte extracorpóreo foi uma medida efetiva de resgate para esse caso dramático, e o seu uso pôde ser interrompido com sucesso no 4º dia após o trauma. O paciente evoluiu com extenso infarto cerebral, morrendo no 7º dia de internaçãoThere are few reports in the literature regarding the use of venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for double-dysfunction from both heart and lung contusions in polytrauma patients. This article reports a 48-year-old patient admitted after a traffic accident. He rapidly progressed to shock with low cardiac output due to myocardial contusion and refractory hypoxemia due to pulmonary contusion, an unstable chest wall and bilateral pneumothorax. ECMO was an effective rescue procedure in this dramatic situation and was successfully discontinued on the fourth day after the trauma. The patient also developed an extensive brain infarction and eventually died on the seventh day after admissio

    Risk Factors for Perioperative Complications in Endoscopic Surgery with Irrigation

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    AbstractBackground and objectivesCurrently, endoscopic medicine is being increasingly used, albeit not without risks. Therefore, this study evaluated the factors associated with perioperative complications in endoscopic surgery with intraoperative irrigation.MethodA cohort study of six months duration. Patients aged ≥ 18 years undergoing endoscopic surgery with the use of irrigation fluids during the intraoperative period were included. Exclusion criteria were: use of diuretics, kidney failure, cognitive impairment, hyponatremia prior to surgery, pregnancy, and critically ill. The patients who presented with or without complications during the perioperative period were allocated into two groups. Complications evaluated were related to neurological, cardiovascular and renal changes, and perioperative bleeding.ResultsIn total, 181 patients were enrolled and 39 excluded; therefore, 142 patients met the study criteria. Patients with complications amounted to 21.8%, with higher prevalence in endoscopic prostate surgery, followed by hysteroscopy, bladder, knee, and shoulder arthroscopy (58.1%, 36.9%, 19.4%, 3.8%, 3.2% respectively). When comparing both groups, we found association with complications in univariate analysis: age, sex, smoking, heart disease, ASA, serum sodium at the end of surgery, total irrigation fluid administered, TURP, and hysteroscopy. However, in multiple regression analysis for complications, only age (OR = 1.048), serum sodium (OR = 0.962), and volume of irrigation fluid administered during surgery (OR = 1.001) were independent variables

    Intrathecal Morphine Plus General Anesthesia in Cardiac Surgery: Effects on Pulmonary Function, Postoperative Analgesia, and Plasma Morphine Concentration

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of intrathecal morphine on pulmonary function, analgesia, and morphine plasma concentrations after cardiac surgery. INTRODUCTION: Lung dysfunction increases morbidity and mortality after cardiac surgery. Regional analgesia may improve pulmonary outcomes by reducing pain, but the occurrence of this benefit remains controversial. METHODS: Forty-two patients were randomized for general anesthesia (control group n=22) or 400 µg of intrathecal morphine followed by general anesthesia (morphine group n=20). Postoperative analgesia was accomplished with an intravenous, patient-controlled morphine pump. Blood gas measurements, forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume (FEV), and FVC/FEV ratio were obtained preoperatively, as well as on the first and second postoperative days. Pain at rest, profound inspiration, amount of coughing, morphine solicitation, consumption, and plasma morphine concentration were evaluated for 36 hours postoperatively. Statistical analyses were performed using the repeated measures ANOVA or Mann-Whiney tests (*p<0.05). RESULTS: Both groups experienced reduced FVC postoperatively (3.24 L to 1.38 L in control group; 2.72 L to 1.18 L in morphine group), with no significant decreases observed between groups. The two groups also exhibited similar results for FEV1 (p=0.085), FEV1/FVC (p=0.68) and PaO2/FiO2 ratio (p=0.08). The morphine group reported less pain intensity (evaluated using a visual numeric scale), especially when coughing (18 hours postoperatively: control group= 4.73 and morphine group= 1.80, p=0.001). Cumulative morphine consumption was reduced after 18 hours in the morphine group (control group= 20.14 and morphine group= 14.20 mg, p=0.037). The plasma morphine concentration was also reduced in the morphine group 24 hours after surgery (control group= 15.87 ng.mL-1 and morphine group= 4.08 ng.mL-1, p=0.029). CONCLUSIONS: Intrathecal morphine administration did not significantly alter pulmonary function; however, it improved patient analgesia and reduced morphine consumption and morphine plasma concentration

    Hyperkalemia Accompanies Hemorrhagic Shock and Correlates with Mortality

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    OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to evaluate the effects of terlipressin versus fluid resuscitation with normal saline, hypertonic saline or hypertonic-hyperoncotic hydroxyethyl starch, on hemodynamics, metabolics, blood loss and short-term survival in hemorrhagic shock. METHOD: Twenty-nine pigs were subjected to severe liver injury and treated 30 min later with either: (1) 2 mg terlipressin in a bolus, (2) placebo-treated controls, (3) 4 mL/kg 7.5% hypertonic NaCl, (4) 4 mL/kg 7.2% hypertonic-hyperoncotic hydroxyethyl starch 200/0.5, or (5) normal saline at three times lost blood volume. RESULTS: The overall mortality rate was 69%. Blood loss was significantly higher in the hypertonic-hyperoncotic hydroxyethyl starch and normal saline groups than in the terlipressin, hypertonic NaCl and placebo-treated controls groups (p<0.005). Hyperkalemia (K>5 mmol/L) before any treatment occurred in 66% of the patients (80% among non-survivors vs. 22% among survivors, p=0.019). Post-resuscitation hyperkalemia occurred in 86.66% of non-survivors vs. 0% of survivors (p<0.001). Hyperkalemia was the first sign of an unsuccessful outcome for the usual resuscitative procedure and was not related to arterial acidemia. Successfully resuscitated animals showed a significant decrease in serum potassium levels relative to the baseline value. CONCLUSION: Hyperkalemia accompanies hemorrhagic shock and, in addition to providing an early sign of the acute ischemic insult severity, may be responsible for cardiac arrest related to hemorrhagic shock