367 research outputs found

    Crise cambial, instabilidade financeira e reforma do sistema monetário internacional: uma abordagem pós-keynesiana

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    O presente artigo objetiva analisar os modelos convencionais de crise cambial e apresentar uma proposta alternativa de reforma do sistema monetário internacional. Para tanto, realiza-se uma leitura crítica dos modelos convencionais de crise cambial, especialmente no que se refere aos fundamentos da visão convencional: a aplicação da teoria dos mercados eficientes no funcionamento dos mercados financeiros e a necessidade de microfundamentos ad hoc para explicar crises cambiais “irracionais”. A seguir, o artigo desenvolve uma visão pós-keynesiana sobre instabilidade financeira e ataques especulativos em um mundo incerto e de globalização. Por fim, o texto apresenta uma proposta pós-keynesiana para a reforma do sistema monetário-financeiro internacional, com base nas idéias pioneiras de Keynes e nos desenvolvimentos recentes feitos por Paul Davidson.

    Desenvolvimento de espumas vítreas a partir de garrafa e casca de ovo

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    Este trabalho tem como foco a produção de espumas vítreas a partir de materiais reciclados, fazendo uso dematéria-prima de fácil acesso local e alta incidência no mercado: garrafas de cerveja não retornáveis e cascade ovo, como agente espumante. Para tanto, investigou-se a influência da temperatura de queima, da granulometriado vidro precursor e do percentual de agente espumante na expansão volumétrica dos corpos cerâmicos.Esses foram formulados com 3% e 5% em massa de agente espumante, utilizando vidros com granulometriaspadronizadas por peneiras mesh #100, #200 e #325, conformados em uma prensa uniaxial com 40MPa. Os corpos de prova foram queimados nas temperaturas de 700 ºC, 800 ºC e 900 ºC com taxa de 2,5ºC/min. As espumas vítreas foram avaliadas por sua expansão volumétrica, densidade, diâmetros de poros eanálise de difração de raios- X (DRX). Verificou-se grande importância da granulometria do vidro e temperaturade queima na formação da fase vítrea ideal para favorecimento da expansão volumétrica das espumasvítreas. O percentual de agente espumante influenciou na expansão, de modo que com 3% de agente espumantese obteve os maiores valores de expansão volumétrica. Fases cristalinas foram observadas nas amostrasqueimadas a 800 °C e 900 °C como sinal de desvitrificação.Palavras-chave: Casca de ovo, expansão volumétrica, espumas vítreas

    Bacterial nanocellulose and long-chain fatty acids interaction: an in silico study

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    Chronic wounds are a big challenge in contemporary society, as they lead to a decrease in life-quality, amputations and even death. Infections and biofilm formation might occur with chronic wounds, due to the higher susceptibility to antibiotic multi-resistant bacteria. In this situation, novel wound dressing biomaterials are needed for treatment. Thus, the aim of this research was to evaluate a possible BNC interaction with tucumã oil/butter-derived fatty acids, as this system could be a promising biomaterial for wound treating. The interaction between  cellobiose (BNC basic unit) and four fatty acids was evaluated by ab initio simulations and density functional theory (DFT), through SIESTA code. Molecular docking was also used to investigate the effect of a possible releasing of the studied fatty acids to the quorum-sensing proteins of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (gram-negative bacterium) and Staphylococcus aureus (gram-positive bacterium). According to ab initio simulations, the interaction between cellobiose and fatty acids derived from tucumã oil/butter was suggested due to physical adsorption (energy around 0.17-1.33 eV) of the lipidic structures into cellobiose. A great binding affinity (∆G ranging from 4.2-8.2 kcal.mol-1) was observed for both protonated and deprotonated fatty acids against P. aeruginosa (LasI, LasA and Rhlr) and S. aureus (ArgA and ArgC) quorum-sensing proteins, indicating that these bioactive compounds might act as potential antimicrobial and/or antibiofilm agents in the proposed system. Hence, from a theoretical viewpoint, the proposed system could be a promising raw biomaterial in the production of chronic wound dressings

    Cut Out Complications and Anisomelia of the Lower Limbs In Surgery With Valgus Reduction for Intertrochanteric Fractures

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    Background: The proximal fractures of the femur are counted among the group of orthopedic and traumatic pathologies which consume most of the financial resources set aside for health worldwide. Surgical treatment continues to be the treatment of choice for intertrochanteric fractures of the femur. However, although the surgical treatment of the proximal fracture of the femur is widely known and accepted in the orthopedic field, it is not without risk with the cut out being the most feared complication. Objective: This paper describes the complications of cut out or the anisomelia of the lower limbs of patients with intertrochanteric fractures who underwent valgus reduction surgery. Method: Sixty-one patients with 3rd and 4th degree, according to Tronzo classification, intertrochanteric fractures underwent surgery with the use of Dynamic hip screw type sliding screw and valgus reduction. The data were analyzed one year after surgery, when a functional assessment was made by scanometry, Tip-Apex Distance index diaphyseal cervical angle and the modified Merle d'Aubigné & Postel questionnaire. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used for the statistical analysis, Spearman’s correlation test for the quantitative variables and the chi-squared test for the qualitative variables. Results: The correlation between the Tip-Apex Distance index and the diaphyseal cervical angle was statistically significant (rho=0.391, p=0.002), while the correlations between the Tip-Apex Distance index and the scanometry and the diaphyseal cervical angle and the scanometry were not significantly correlated. In accordance with the modified Merle d’Aubigné & Postel questionnaire, 23 patients (37.7%) achieved a very good result, 29 patients (47.5%) had a good result, five patients (8.2%) obtained a moderately good result, one patient (1.6%) presented a reasonable result and three patients (4.9%) obtained a poor result. Conclusion: No cut out complications occurred in the 3rd and 4th degree intertrochanteric fractures with a Baumgaertner index ≥ 25 mm, when the reduction and valgus fixation of the intertrochanteric fracture was performed with the Dynamic hip screw type sliding pin, as there was also, in the majority of patients, no anisomelia of the lower limbs

    Ecologia da jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis) na Floresta Atlântica do sul do Brasil

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    The ocelot Leopardus pardalis is a medium-sized Neotropical spotted cat with a wide geographic range. The present study was conducted in a reserve in an Atlantic Forest area in southern Brazil, and provided information on ocelot ecology through photographic records. Density estimated by the half of the mean maximum distance moved method resulted in 0.04 ocelots per km2. The minimum home range sizes were obtained by the minimum convex polygon method and were in agreement with other studies for the males recorded. Our female’s home range size was smaller than ranges reported elsewhere. The nocturnal pattern recorded is probably related with prey activity, since it is suggested that ocelots adjust their movements to the probabilities of encountering local prey, or with an evolutionary factor, aiming to avoid competition/predation with larger cats. The low density observed could be a consequence of the conditions of the study area, small and isolated, which indicates the necessity for larger reserves and mechanisms to connect isolated populations. Key words: camera trap, Felidae, individual recognition, spot pattern, activity pattern.A jaguatirica Leopardus pardalis é um gato pintado neotropical de porte médio e com ampla distribuição geográfica. O presente estudo foi conduzido em uma reserva em área de Floresta Atlântica no sul do Brasil e forneceu informações a respeito da ecologia da espécie, por meio de registros fotográficos. A densidade estimada pelo método do HMMDM (metade da média das máximas distâncias percorridas) resultou em 0,04 jaguatiricas por km2. As áreas de vida mínimas foram obtidas pelo método do mínimo polígono convexo e corroboraram com outros estudos quando se analisaram os registros dos indivíduos machos. Os registros para as áreas de vida das fêmeas foram menores do que as previamente reportadas. O padrão de atividade noturno está provavelmente relacionado com a atividade das presas, já que as jaguatiricas tendem a ajustar os padrões de movimento com a probabilidade de encontro com as mesmas, ou até mesmo com um fator evolutivo, objetivando evitar a competição/predação com felinos de maior porte. A baixa densidade observada pode ser consequência das condições da área de estudo, pequena e isolada, o que indica a necessidade por reservas maiores e por mecanismos visando conectar populações isoladas. Palavras-chave: armadilhas fotográficas, Felidae, individualização, padrões de manchas, padrões de atividade

    Difficulty in weaning and cardiopulmonary rehabilitation in inoperable severe mitral regurgitation: a case report

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    Objective: Severe mitral valve insufficiency may lead to heart failure and associated hemodynamic repercussions, such as congestion and weaning-induced pulmonary oedema. This slows weaning from mechanical ventilation, increases the length of the hospital stay, and worsens the patient's prognosis. Case report: The present report describes one strategy used for cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and to help wean a patient from mechanical ventilation, with prohibitive comorbidities that contra-indicate surgical mitral valve repair, using respiratory and peripheral muscle training associated with positive pressure ventilation. Discussion: The severe dysfunction of the mitral valve was considered to be surgically inoperable by the surgeon team. However, the weaning and rehabilitation challenges in this patient with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, even with weaning-induced pulmonary edema occurrence, were overcome. The strategy to rehabilitate respiratory muscle force during positive pressure ventilation, concomitantly to a cardiopulmonary rehabilitation program, improved peripheral muscle strength and functionality, reducing energetic demand, allowing the weaning from mechanical ventilation. Conclusion: Despite the severity of the disease, with the adopted strategy it was possible to perform weaning of the mechanical ventilation, allowing the patient to survive with his relatives