76 research outputs found

    Development of a new chemical sensor based on plasma polymerized polypyrrole films

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    La present tesis contribueix a donar una nova visió dins de l'àrea de modificació de superfícies, la qual implica la nanoestructuració de substrats fent servir la tècnica d'auto-assemblatge per a dipositar sobre aquests un polímer conductor mitjançant deposició química en fase vapor per plasma. L'ús de polímers conductors ha despertat un creixent interès en el desenvolupament de sensors químics per a l'anàlisi de gasos en aplicacions d'enginyeria electrònica. La contínua reducció de mida en aquests dispositius ha encoratjat la proposta d'un mètode alternatiu per aconseguir estructures de rang nanomètric, així com per solucionar problemes com la falta d'adherència entre substrat i polímer, disminuir els límits de detecció o escurçar els temps de resposta.En aquesta investigació s'ha treballat amb monocapes amb un grup pirrol terminal per tal de potenciar la nucleació i creixement de pel·lícules de polipirrol polimeritzades mitjançant plasma. A més, les monocapes han aportat millores en l'adhesió interfacial de l'estructura polímer/metall. Així mateix, s'han dopat les pel·lícules primes de polipirrol per tal d'obtenir la seva forma conductora, les propietats elèctriques de les quals permeten utilitzar-ho com a sensor químic. La seva exposició a un vapor comporta canvis en la conductivitat del polímer, a través dels quals es pot identificar i quantificar l'esmentat analit.L'auto-assemblatge i la deposició del polímer són els factors claus en aquesta investigació. Per tant, s'han utilitzat diverses tècniques de caracterització de superfícies com XPS, TOF-SIMS, FT-IR o SEM, per estudiar les seves propietats físiques i químiques. Igualment, l'ús de l'AFM ha estat de gran ajut per investigar el procés de nucleació i la topografia de les pel·lícules. A més, la tècnica de les quatre puntes ha proporcionat una excel·lent eina per realitzar mesures de conductivitat a les pel·lícules primes. Finalment, les pel·lícules polimeritzades per plasma han mostrat una gran sensibilitat al diòxid de carboni, demostrant la seva capacitat per ser utilitzades com a sensors químics.La presente tesis contribuye a dar una nueva visión dentro del área de modificación de superficies, la cual implica la nanoestructuración de sustratos utilizando la técnica de auto-ensamblado para depositar sobre éstos un polímero conductor mediante deposición química en fase vapor por plasma. El uso de polímeros conductores ha despertado un creciente interés en el desarrollo de sensores químicos para el análisis de gases en aplicaciones de ingeniería electrónica. La continua reducción de tamaño en estos dispositivos ha alentado la propuesta de un método alternativo para conseguir estructuras de rango nanométrico, así como para solucionar problemas tales como la falta de adherencia entre sustrato y polímero, disminuir los límites de detección o acortar los tiempos de respuesta.En esta investigación se ha trabajado con monocapas con un grupo pirrol terminal para potenciar la nucleación y crecimiento de películas de polipirrol polimerizadas mediante plasma. Además, las monocapas han aportado mejoras en la adhesión interfacial de la estructura polímero/metal. Asimismo, se han dopado las películas delgadas de polipirrol para obtener su forma conductora, cuyas propiedades eléctricas permiten utilizarlo como sensor químico. Su exposición a un vapor conlleva cambios en la conductividad del polímero, a través de los cuales se puede identificar y cuantificar dicho analito.El auto-ensamblaje y la deposición del polímero son los factores claves en esta investigación. Por lo tanto, se han utilizado diversas técnicas de caracterización de superficies, como XPS, TOF-SIMS, FT-IR o SEM, para estudiar sus propiedades físicas y químicas. Igualmente, el uso del AFM ha sido de gran valor para investigar el proceso de nucleación y la topografía de las películas. Además, la técnica de las cuatro puntas ha proporcionado una excelente herramienta para realizar medidas de conductividad en películas delgadas. Finalmente, las películas polimerizadas por plasma han mostrado una gran sensibilidad al dióxido de carbono, con lo cual han demostrado su capacidad para ser utilizados como sensores químicos.This thesis contributes a new insight into surface modification involving substrates nanostructuration by self-assembly to deposit on them a conducting polymer through plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The use of conducting polymers has gained growing interest in the development of chemical sensor arrays for gas analysis in electronic engineering applications. The size reduction in these devices has encouraged the proposal of an alternative method to achieve structures at nanometer range, as well as overcoming problems like lack of adhesion between substrate and polymer, lower limits of detection or shorten response times.The investigation has dealt with the use of pyrrole terminated monolayers to enhance the nucleation and growth of polypyrrole plasma polymerized films. In addition, monolayers provide an improvement in the interfacial adhesion of the polymer/metal structure. Furthermore, polymeric thin films have been doped to obtain the conducting form of polypyrrole, of which electric properties enable to use it as a chemical sensor. Exposure to vapors leads to changes in polymer conductivity, by which analytes can be identified and quantified.Self-assembly and polymer deposition are key factors in this research, as a consequence surface characterization techniques, such as XPS, TOF-SIMS, FT-IR or SEM, have been employed to study their physical and chemical characteristics. Especially interesting have been the use of AFM to investigate the nucleation process and the film topography. Moreover, the four-point probe technique has provided an excellent tool to perform conductivity measurements on thin films. Besides, plasma polymerized films have shown a high sensitivity to carbon dioxide in order to demonstrate their aptitudes to be utilized as a chemical sensor

    Low-cost modular devices for on-road vehicle detection and characterisation

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    [EN] Detecting and characterising vehicles is one of the purposes of embedded systems used in intelligent environments. An analysis of a vehicle¿s characteristics can reveal inappropriate or dangerous behaviour. This detection makes it possible to sanction or notify emergency services to take early and practical actions. Vehicle detection and characterisation systems employ complex sensors such as video cameras, especially in urban environments. These sensors provide high precision and performance, although the price and computational requirements are proportional to their accuracy. These sensors offer high accuracy, but the price and computational requirements are directly proportional to their performance. This article introduces a system based on modular devices that is economical and has a low computational cost. These devices use ultrasonic sensors to detect the speed and length of vehicles. The measurement accuracy is improved through the collaboration of the device modules. The experiments were performed using multiple modules oriented to different angles. This module is coupled with another specifically designed to detect distance using previous modules¿ speed and length data. The collaboration between different modules reduces the speed relative error ranges from 1 to 5%, depending on the angle configuration used in the modules.This work was by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry: CICYT project PRESECREL: "Models and platforms for predictable, secure and reliable industrial information technology systems" PID2021-124502OB-C41. Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Poza-Lujan, J.; Uribe-Chavert, P.; Posadas-Yagüe, J. (2023). Low-cost modular devices for on-road vehicle detection and characterisation. Design Automation for Embedded Systems. 27(1-2):85-102. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10617-023-09270-y85102271-2Broy M, Cengarle MV, Geisberger E (2012) Cyber-physical systems: imminent challenges. 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Springer, Cham, pp 167–189Maity S, Bhattacharyya A, Singh PK, Kumar M, Sarkar R (2022) Last decade in vehicle detection and classification: a comprehensive survey. Arch Comput Methods Eng 28:1–38Sun Z, Bebis G, Miller R (2004) On-road vehicle detection using optical sensors: a review. In: Proceedings. The 7th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE Cat. No. 04TH8749), pp 585–590. IEEELi W, Li H, Wu Q, Chen X, Ngan KN (2019) Simultaneously detecting and counting dense vehicles from drone images. IEEE Trans Industr Electron 66(12):9651–9662Messoussi O, Magalhães FGd, Lamarre F, Perreault F, Sogoba I, Bilodeau G-A, Nicolescu G (2021) Vehicle detection and tracking from surveillance cameras in Urban scenes. In: International symposium on visual computing, pp 191–202. SpringerLozano Dominguez JM, Mateo Sanguino TJ (2019) Review on v2x, i2x, and p2x communications and their applications: a comprehensive analysis over time. 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In:2020 5th IEEE international conference on recent advances and innovations in engineering (ICRAIE), pp 1–6. IEEEUribe Chavert P, Gandhi MM (2022) Vehicle speed and length detector with ultrasound sensor and different angles. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7215268.‘github.com/puch18ou/

    A survey on quality of service support on middelware-based distributed messaging systems used in multi agent systems

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19934-9_10Messaging systems are widely used in distributed systems to hide the details of the communications mechanism to the multi agents systems. However, the Quality of Service is treated in different way depending on the messaging system used. This article presents a review and further analysis of the quality of service treatment in the mainly messaging systems used in distributed multi agent systems. The review covers the issues related to the purpose of the functions provided and the scope of the quality of service offered by every messaging system. We propose ontology for classifying and decide which parameters are relevant to the user. The results of the analysis and the ontology can be used to select the most suitable messaging system to distributed multi agent architecture and to establish the quality of service requirements in a distributed system.The study described in this article is a part of the coordinated project SIDIRELI: Distributed Systems with Limited Resources. Control Kernel and Coordination. Education and Science Department, Spanish Government and European FEDER found. CICYT: MICINN: DPI2008-06737-C02-01/02.Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE. (2011). A survey on quality of service support on middelware-based distributed messaging systems used in multi agent systems. En International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Springer. 77-84. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19934-9_10S7784Gaddah, A., Kunz, T.: A survey of middleware paradigms for mobile computing. Technical Report SCE-03-16. Carleton University Systems and Computing Engineering (2003)Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents, http://www.fipa.org/Java Message Service Specification, http://java.sun.com/products/jms/docs.htmlCommon Object Request Broker Architecture, http://www.corba.org/Data Distribution Service, http://portals.omg.org/dds/Java Agent DEvelopment Framework, http://jade.tilab.com/Agent Oriented Software Pty Ltd., JACK Intelligent Agents: User Guide (1999)Nwana, H., Ndumu, D., Lee, L., Collis, J.: ZEUS: A tool-kit for building distributed multi-agent systems. Applied Artifical Intelligence Journal 13(1), 129–186 (1999)Perdikeas, M.K., Chatzipapadopoulos, F.G., Venieris, I.S., Marino, G.: Mobile Agent Standards and Available Platforms. Computer Networks Journal, Special Issue on ’Mobile Agents in Intelligent Networks and Mobile Communication Systems’ 31(10) (1999)Perrone, P.J., Chaganti, K.: J2EE Developer’s Handbook. Sam’s Publishing, Indianapolis (2003)Apache ActiveMQ, http://activemq.apache.org/IBM WebSphere MQSeries, http://mqseries.net/Object Management Group, http://www.omg.org/RTI Data Distribution Service. RTI corp., http://www.rti.com/OpenSplice DDS. PrismTech Ltd., http://www.prismtech.comVogel, A., Kerherve, B., von Bochmann, G., Gecsei, J.: Distributed Multimedia and QoS: A Survey. IEEE Multimedia 2(2), 10–19 (1995)Crawley, E., Nair, R., Rajagopalan, B.: RFC 2386: A Framework for QoS-based Routing in the Internet. IETF Internet Draft, 1–37 (1998)Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents. FIPA Quality of Service Ontology Specification. Doc: SC00094A (2002)Sun Microsystems, Inc. Java(TM) Message Service Specification Final Release 1.1 (2002)Object Management Group (OMG). The Common Object Request Broker Architecture and Specification. CORBA 2.4.2 (2001

    Event Management Proposal for Distribution Data Service Standard

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00551-5_32This paper presents a proposal to extend the event management subsystem of the Distribution Data Service standard (DDS). The proposal allows user to optimize the use of DDS in networked control systems (NCS). DDS offers a simple event management system based on message filtering. The aim of the proposal is to improve the event management with three main elements: Events, Conditions and Actions. Actions are the new element proposed. Actions perform basic operations in the middleware, discharging the process load of control elements. The proposal is fully compatible with the standard and can be easily added to an existing system. Proposal has been tested in a distributed mobile robot navigation system with interesting results.The study described in this paper is a part of the coordinated project COBAMI: Mission-based Hierarchical Control. Education and Science Department, Spanish Government. CICYT: MICINN: DP1201 1-28507-C02-01/02.Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE. (2013). Event Management Proposal for Distribution Data Service Standard. En Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Springer. 259-266. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00551-5_32S259266Sánchez, J., Guarnes, M.Á., Dormido, S.: On the Application of Different Event-Based Sampling Strategies to the Control of a Simple Industrial Process. Sensors 9, 6795–6818 (2009)Sandee, J.H., Heemels, W.P.M.H., van den Bosch, P.P.J.: Case Studies in Event-Driven Control. In: Bemporad, A., Bicchi, A., Buttazzo, G. (eds.) HSCC 2007. LNCS, vol. 4416, pp. 762–765. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Hadim, S., Nader, M.: Middleware Challenges and Approaches for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 7(3) (2006)Pardo-Castellote, G.: OMG Data-Distribution Service: architectural overview. In: Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, Providence, USA, vol. 19-22, pp. 200–206 (2003)Object Management Group. Data Distribution Service for Real-time Systems Version 1.2 (2007), http://www.omg.org/Dorf, R.C., Bishop, R.H.: Modern Control Systems, 11th edn. Prentice Hall (2008)Poza-Luján, J., Posadas-Yagüe, J., Simó-Ten, J.: Quality of Service and Quality of Control Based Protocol to Distribute Agents. In: DCAI, pp. 73–80 (2010)Waldbusser, S.: RFC 2819 - Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base. Network Working Group. Lucent Technologies (2000)Poza-Luján, J., Posadas-Yagüe, J., Simó-Ten, J.: Relationship between Quality of Control and Quality of Service in Mobile Robot Navigation. In: DCAI, pp. 557–564 (2012)K-Team Corporation. Khepera III robot, http://www.k-team.comBraitenberg, V.: Vehicles: Experiments on Synthetic Psychology. MIT Press, Cambridge (1984)Poza-Luján, J.: Propuesta de arquitectura distribuida de control inteligente basada en políticas de calidad de servicio. Universitat Politècnica de València Press (2012

    Relationship between quality of control and quality of service in mobile robot navigation

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28765-7_67This article presents the experimental work developed to test the viability and to measure the efficiency of an intelligent control distributed architecture. To do this, a simulated navigation scenario of Braitenberg vehicles has been developed. To test the efficiency, the architecture uses the performance as QoS parameter. The measuring of the quality of the navigation is done through the ITAE QoC parameter. Tested scenarios are: an environment without QoS and QoC man-aging, an environment with a relevant message filtering and an environment with a predictive filtering by the type of control. The results obtained show that some of the processing performed in the control nodes can be moved to the middleware to optimize the robot navigation.The work described in this article is a part of the coordinated project SIDIRELI: (Distributed Systems with Limited Resources) and COBAMI (Mission-Based Control) Education and Science Department, Spanish Government and European FEDER found. MICINN CICYT: SIDIRELI: DPI2008-06737-C02-01/02, COBAMI: DPI2011-28507-C02-02.Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE. (2012). Relationship between quality of control and quality of service in mobile robot navigation. En Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence: 9th International Conference. Springer. 557-564. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28765-7_67S557564Vogel, A., Kerherve, B., von Bochmann, G., Gecsei, J.: Distributed Multimedia and QoS: A Survey. IEEE Multimedia 2(2), 10–19 (1995)Crawley, E., Nair, R., Rajagopalan, B.: RFC 2386: A Framework for QoS-based Routing in the Internet. IETF Internet Draft, 1–37 (1998)Bradner, S.: RFC 2026: The Internet Standards Process. IETF Internet Draft, sec.10 (1996)Object Management Group (OMG): Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Systems, v1.1. Document formal (April 12, 2005)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: QoS-based middleware architecture for distributed control systems. In: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. DCAI, Salamanca, Spain (2008)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: A Survey on Quality of Service Support on Middleware-Based Distributed Messaging Systems Used in Multi Agent Systems. In: 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. DCAI, Salamanca, Spain (2011)Dorf, R.C., Bishop, R.H.: Modern Control Systems, 11th edn. Prentice Hall (2008)Soucek, S., Sauter, T.: Quality of Service Concerns in IPBased Control Systems. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 51(6) (December 2004)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: Multi-Agent Architecture with Support to Quality of Service and Quality of Control. In: 11th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Paisley, UK (2010)Braitenberg, V.: Vehicles: Experiments on Synthetic Psychology. MIT Press, Cambridge (1984)Gabel, O., Litz, L.: QoS-adaptive Control in NCS with Variable Delays and Packet Losses – A Heuristic Approach. In: 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (2004)Poza, J.L., Posadas, J.L., Simó, J.E.: From the Queue to the Quality of Service Policy: A Middleware Implementation. In: Omatu, S., Rocha, M.P., Bravo, J., Fernández, F., Corchado, E., Bustillo, A., Corchado, J.M. (eds.) IWANN 2009, Part II. LNCS, vol. 5518, pp. 432–437. Springer, Heidelberg (2009

    Un Salto hacia la Profesionalidad: Utilizando la Norma CCII-N2016-2 en la Elaboración de Memorias de Trabajos Fin de Grado y Máster en Ingeniería Informática

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    Este artículo analiza la adaptación de la norma técnica CCII-N2016-2 de documentación de proyectos de ingeniería informática para su aplicación en Trabajos de Fin de Grado o Máster. Se examina la conveniencia de esta adaptación y se proponen diversas opciones. Se realiza un análisis de las ventajas e inconvenientes de estas opciones tanto para los estudiantes como para los tribunales de evaluación. Además, se lleva a cabo una búsqueda de Trabajos Fin de Grado y Trabajos Fin de Máster realizados en universidades españolas donde se haya utilizado dicha norma en mayor o menor medida. Los resultados revelan que las tres opciones son empleadas, lo que sugiere la conveniencia de proponer una solución que homogenice los trabajos

    Una propuesta de desarrollo regional: asociaciones a través de proyectos conjuntos de cooperación

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    En Perú se han desplegado diferentes intentos de modelos de regionalización, habiendo partido desde una simple demarcación territorial, sin identificación de competencias que configuren territorios autogestionarios. Subyacente a este modelo, se han identificado claras deficiencias de competencias institucionales conducentes a un modelo sustentable de desarrollo. Además de las deficiencias mencionadas, no se han reflejado intenciones de articular fortalezas-competencias entre regiones, que permitan a través de sinergias, promover programas y proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo. La propuesta a abordar, apunta de reunir pueblos-mancomunidades, bajo una visión de complementación de competencias, a través de la cual desarrollar proyectos colaborativos que permitan explotar los recursos de dichas mancomunidades con ventajas competitivas propias. La propuesta en mención parte de identificación de fortalezas y debilidades sobre poblados en Perú, con una visión de complementariedad, la cual permita configurar un conjunto de fortalezas sobre las cuales desarrollar proyectos conducentes a un desarrollo sustentable

    Mechanics of Graded Wrinkling

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    The properties and behavior of a surface as well as its interaction with surrounding media depend on the inherent material constituency and the surface topography. Structured surface topography can be achieved via surface wrinkling. Through the buckling of a thin film of stiff material bonded to a substrate of a softer material, wrinkled patterns can be created by inducing compressive stress states in the thin film. Using this same principle, we show the ability to create wrinkled topologies consisting of a highly structured gradient in amplitude and wavelength, and one which can be actively tuned. The mechanics of graded wrinkling are revealed through analytical modeling and finite element analysis, and further demonstrated with experiments.Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy at MIT and KFUP

    Mobile-Based Distributed System for Managing Abandoned or Lost Pets

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00551-5_24This paper presents the work in progress of a mobile-based distributed system which aims to minimize the social impact of abandoned or lost animals. System is based on the use of smart mobile devices to provide message warnings of animals localized. Messages are stored in a database to be processed. In order to enter data such as photography, audio and artificial images, system uses different mobile device interfaces. Data processing consists mainly in matching localized animals with lost animals, assigning abandoned animals at shelters and generating notifications for animal shelters or authorities. Currently, the system is in the development phase. The technical challenges in which we are working are to optimize data and metadata matching, and the management of message warning.The study described in this paper is a part of the coordinated project COBAMI: Mission-based Hierarchical Control. Education and Science Department, Spanish Government. CICYT: MICINN: DP1201 1-28507-C02-01/02.Garrote-Hildebrand, D.; Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE. (2013). Mobile-Based Distributed System for Managing Abandoned or Lost Pets. En Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence. Springer. 197-200. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-00551-5_24S197200Lord, L.K., Wittum, T.E., Ferketich, A.K., Funk, J.A., Rajala-Schultz, P.J.: Search methods that people use to find owners of lost pets. Journal of the Veterinary Association 230(12), 1835–1840 (2007)Weiss, E., Slater, M., Lord, L.: Frequency of Lost Dogs and Cats in the United States and the Methods Used to Locate Them. Animals 2, 301–315 (2012)Laplante, P.A.: Exciting Real-Time Location Applications. IT Professional 13(2), 4–5 (2011), doi:10.1109/MITP.2011.22IFPUG (International Function Point Users Group). The IFPUG Guide to IT and Software Measurement. Auerbach Publications (2012)Yun, L., Peiji, S.: Applying RFID to the pet’s information management to realize collaboration. In: 7th Int. Conf. on Proc. Serv. Syst. Serv. Manage., Tokyo, Japan, pp. 1–6 (2010)Android SDK, http://developer.android.com/sdkClarck, J.E., Johnson, P.B.: Sencha Touch Mobile Javascript Framework. Packt Publishing (2012

    Mathematical foundations for efficient structural controllability and observability analysis of complex systems

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    The relationship between structural controllability and observability of complex systems is studied. Algebraic and graph theoretic tools are combined to prove the extent of some controller/observer duality results. Two types of control design problems are addressed and some fundamental theoretical results are provided. In addition new algorithms are presented to compute optimal solutions for monitoring large scale real networks