369 research outputs found

    Molecular Beacons: Powerful Tools for Imaging RNA in Living Cells

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    Recent advances in RNA functional studies highlights the pivotal role of these molecules in cell physiology. Diverse methods have been implemented to measure the expression levels of various RNA species, using either purified RNA or fixed cells. Despite the fact that fixed cells offer the possibility to observe the spatial distribution of RNA, assays with capability to real-time monitoring RNA transport into living cells are needed to further understand the role of RNA dynamics in cellular functions. Molecular beacons (MBs) are stem-loop hairpin-structured oligonucleotides equipped with a fluorescence quencher at one end and a fluorescent dye (also called reporter or fluorophore) at the opposite end. This structure permits that MB in the absence of their target complementary sequence do not fluoresce. Upon binding to targets, MBs emit fluorescence, due to the spatial separation of the quencher and the reporter. Molecular beacons are promising probes for the development of RNA imaging techniques; nevertheless much work remains to be done in order to obtain a robust technology for imaging various RNA molecules together in real time and in living cells. The present work concentrates on the different requirements needed to use successfully MB for cellular studies, summarizing recent advances in this area

    Entanglement between total intensity and polarization for pairs of coherent states

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    We examine entanglement between number and polarization, or between number and relative phase, for pairs of coherent states and two-mode squeezed vacuum via linear entropy and covariance criteria. We consider the embedding of the two-mode Hilbert space in a larger space to get a well-defined factorization of the number-phase variables. This can be regarded as a kind of proto-entanglement that can be extracted and converted into real particle entanglement via feasible experimental procedures. In particular this reveals interesting entanglement properties of pairs of coherent states.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    A Platform for Combined DNA and Protein Microarrays Based on Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence

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    We have developed a novel microarray technology based on total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) in combination with DNA and protein bioassays immobilized at the TIRF surface. Unlike conventional microarrays that exhibit reduced signal-to-background ratio, require several stages of incubation, rinsing and stringency control, and measure only end-point results, our TIRF microarray technology provides several orders of magnitude better signal-to-background ratio, performs analysis rapidly in one step, and measures the entire course of association and dissociation kinetics between target DNA and protein molecules and the bioassays. In many practical cases detection of only DNA or protein markers alone does not provide the necessary accuracy for diagnosing a disease or detecting a pathogen. Here we describe TIRF microarrays that detect DNA and protein markers simultaneously, which reduces the probabilities of false responses. Supersensitive and multiplexed TIRF DNA and protein microarray technology may provide a platform for accurate diagnosis or enhanced research studies. Our TIRF microarray system can be mounted on upright or inverted microscopes or interfaced directly with CCD cameras equipped with a single objective, facilitating the development of portable devices. As proof-of-concept we applied TIRF microarrays for detecting molecular markers from Bacillus anthracis, the pathogen responsible for anthrax

    Radioactive impact in sediments from an estuarine system affected by industrial wastes releases

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    A big fertilizer industrial complex and a vast extension of phosphogypsum piles (12 km2), sited in the estuary formed by the Odiel and Tinto river mouths (southwest of Spain), are producing an unambiguous radioactive impact in their surrounding aquatic environment through radionuclides from the U-series. The levels and distribution of radionuclides in sediments from this estuarine system have been determined. The analyses of radionuclide concentrations and activity ratios have provided us with an interesting information to evaluate the extension, degree and routes of the radioactive impact, as well as for the knowledge of the different pathways followed for the radioactive contamination to disturb this natural system. The obtained results indicate that the main pathway of radioactive contamination of the estuary is through the dissolution in its waters of the radionuclides released by the industrial activities and their later fixation on the particulate materials. Tidal activity also plays an important role in the transport and homogenization along the estuary of the radioactivity released from the fertilizer plants. D 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Junta de Andalucia (España) project 1FD97-0900-C02-02 (AMB

    NAEA 45 anos: uma utopia criadora

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    Este paper é uma visão pessoal sobre os alicerces do NAEA, seus propósitos, sua trajetória, seus alcances e desafios de alguém que acompanhou sua história desde 1976, durante 42 anos, portanto. Auxilia-se com documentos oficiais sobre a criação do NAEA, e textos sobre sua produção e trajetória, escritos por diversos autores, sobretudo, de casa, destacando os elaborados por Armando Mendes. Utopias criadoras são ideias norteadoras em busca sempre de uma “luz no fim do túnel” que mesmo sem ser totalmente alcançada, estimula a criação de novos conceitos e metodologias. Nesse contexto, o NAEA foi concebido como uma instituição integradora do fazer universitário, capaz de romper com estruturas e conceitos vigentes na época ancorados no positivismo. Na construção dessa utopia, o NAEA foi visionado envolvendo três pilares interdependentes que o identificariam e imprimir-lhe-iam personalidade própria. Os três pilares se resumem nos conceitos-chave de Desenvolvimento, Interdisciplinaridade e Amazônia. O desafio, ou utopia criadora, está precisamente em dar novos conteúdos a esses conceitos, e fazer deles ferramentas capazes de se aproximar à realidade amazônica e transformá-la. Após 45 anos, como o NAEA vem respondendo a esse desafio? É o que se pergunta neste paper. Palavras-chave: NAEA. Utopia criadora. Amazônia. Desenvolvimento. Interdisciplinaridade.

    Grey Water Footprint of Thermal Power Plants in Ecuador

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    Thermal power plants require water for their cooling system. Water availability is a limiting factor for electricity generation. The water footprint is a tool used to quantify water appropriation. Its blue component quantifies the volumetric water consumption by the cooling system, while the grey component can quantify the effect of the cooling water discharge in the water body. Several authors have estimated the blue water footprint of the cooling system, but only a few have assessed how the discharged water may affect the water body\u27s temperature. This paper assessed the thermal pollution produced by three Ecuadorian thermal power plants by estimating their grey water footprint. Results show that the grey water footprint can be up to three orders of magnitude larger than the blue water footprint of the plants, implying that the water bodies must have at least that volume of water to buffer the possible thermal pollution

    In vivo transcriptional targeting into the retinal vasculature using recombinant baculovirus carrying the human flt-1 promoter

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Endothelial cells are a target for gene therapy because they are implicated in a number of vascular diseases. Recombinant baculovirus have emerged as novel gene delivery vectors. However, there is no information available concerning the use of endothelial-specific promoters in the context of the baculovirus genome. In the present study, we have generated a recombinant baculovirus containing the human flt-1 promoter (BacFLT-GFP) driving the expression of the green fluorescent protein. Transcriptional gene targeting was analyzed <it>in vitro </it>in different mammalian cell lines and <it>in vivo </it>in adult rat retinal vasculature.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BacFLT-GFP evoked the highest levels of expression in the endothelial cell line BUVEC-E6E7-1, similar to those reached by recombinant baculovirus carrying the CMV promoter (112% relative to BacCMV-GFP, <it>n </it>= 4). Interestingly, BacFLT-GFP directed high levels of expression in rat glioma C6 and in human glioblastoma CH235 cells (34.78% and 47.86% relative to BacCMV-GFP, respectively). Histone deacetylase inhibitors such as butyrate or trichostatin A enhanced the transcriptional activity of both BacCMV-GFP and BacFLT-GFP. Thus, in this study histone deacetylation appears to be a central mechanism for the silencing of baculovirus, independently of the promoter utilized. <it>In vivo </it>transcriptional targeting was demonstrated in adult rat retinal vasculature by intravitreal delivery of BacFLT-GFP and immunohistochemical staining with von Willebrand factor (vWF). Analysis by fluorescence microscopy and deconvolved three-dimensional confocal microscopy of retinal whole mounts obtained after 3 days of baculovirus injection showed that most GFP-expressing cells localized to the inner limiting membrane (ILM) and ganglion cell layer (GCL) and colocalize with vWF (70%, <it>n </it>= 10) in blood vessels, confirming the endothelial phenotype of the transduced cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Taken together, our results indicate that the restricted expression in endothelial cells mediated by the flt-1 promoter is not affected by the context of the baculovirus genome and demonstrate the potential of using recombinant baculovirus for transcriptional targeted gene expression into the eye vasculature.</p

    Factores determinantes del absentismo laboral de los trabajadores del sector público de la ciudad de Trujillo – 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo los factores determinantes del absentismo laboral de los trabajadores del sector público de la ciudad de Trujillo, en donde los trabajadores se enfrentan con frecuencia a pobres condiciones laborales, agotamiento mental y físico debido a la sobrecarga laboral, poco reconocimiento y salarios bajos; tanto factores externos e internos determinan este fenómeno, ocasionando una atención de mala calidad por parte de los trabajadores del sector público, por esto es importante identificarlos Y tomar acciones sobres estos. La investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, aplicada y de alcance descriptivo - correlacional, con diseño no experimental transversal, se investigó a 385 trabajadores del sector público utilizando la técnica de la encuesta con cuestionario como instrumento para ambas variables, encontrándose los siguientes resultados: los factores que determinan el absentismo laboral son los empresariales y los de riesgo laboral, en ambos se encontró prevalencia de absentismo laboral en niveles medio y alto; así mismo se determinó que la correlación es débil y moderada con el coeficiente Rho de Spearman de 0.390 y 0.453 respectivamente para cada factor, quedando demostrada la hipótesis de la investigación.The present investigation had as the determining factors of labor absenteeism of workers in the public sector of the city of Trujillo, where workers frequently faced poor working conditions, mental and physical exhaustion due to work overload, little recognition and wages. low; both external and internal factors determine this phenomenon, causing poor quality care by public sector workers, so it is important to identify them and take action on them. The quantitative, applied and descriptive-correlational research approach, with a non-experimental crosssectional design, investigated 385 public sector workers using the survey technique with a questionnaire as an instrument for both variables, finding the following results: the factors that determines work absenteeism are business and occupational risk, in both a prevalence of work absenteeism was found at medium and high levels; Likewise, it was shown that the precision is weak and moderate with Spearman's Rho coefficient of 0.390 and 0.453 respectively for each factor, leaving the research hypothesis


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    A pesar de la atención mundial destacada por la ciencia, los medios de comunicación y losorganismos internacionales al fenómeno de la migración internacional, este tema ha atraído muypoca atención en la Amazonia. Con el objetivo de contribuir al debate, se analizan los microdatosdel censo de población y vivienda colombiano de 2018 para identificar la migración internacionalen la Amazonia colombiana y buscar posibles vínculos con la crisis humanitaria venezolana.Específicamente, se trata de caracterizar a los migrantes venezolanos en términos de volumen, añosde llegada, distribución en la Amazonia colombiana y estructura de edad, en relación con otrosmigrantes de la región, especialmente los nacidos en otros países amazónicos, con el fin deidentificar posibles relaciones entre la crisis venezolana y su salida del país, concluyéndose que lamigración venezolana a la Amazonia colombiana es de hecho impulsada por la crisis venezolana.Migração internacional na Amazônia colombiana: reflexos da crise humanitária venezuelana (Resumo). Apesar da atenção mundial destacada pela ciência, a mídia e os organismos internacionais ao fenômeno das migrações internacionais, esse tema tem chamado pouquíssima atenção na Amazônia. Buscando contribuir ao debate, analisam-se os microdados do censo colombiano de população e habitação de 2018 a fim de identificar a migração internacional na Amazônia colombiana e procurar possíveis relações com a crise humanitária venezuelana. Especificamente, se trata de caracterizar os migrantes venezuelanos em termos de estoque, anos de chegada, distribuição na Amazônia colombiana e estrutura etária, em relação aos demais migrantes da região, especialmente daqueles nascidos nos outros países amazônicos, a fim de identificar possíveis relações entre a crise venezuelana e sua saída do país, concluindo-se que a migração venezuelana para a Amazônia colombiana é de fato impulsionada pela crise venezuelana.  Palavras-chave: Migração internacional, crise venezuelana, Amazônia colombiana, países amazônicos

    Diseño del sistema de generación eléctrica conectado a la red utilizando paneles fotovoltaicos para el autoconsumo del complejo deportivo PLATAFORMA DEPORTIVA ubicada en el cantón Latacunga Provincia de Cotopaxi.

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    This paper consists of the design of a P-V generation system, connected to distribution network, for self-consumption of sports center “Plataforma Deportiva” located at Isimbo 1, in Latacunga city. In this project, the solar resource evaluation (solar radiation) is performed in this place, during a period of 3 months in the year 2017, to compare it with the simulation software “Solarius P-V”. Once the measurements are completed, was determined the maximum energy consumption that will be consumed by the sport center, to subsequently dimension the different elements that make up the P-V generation system. The calculated design is compared with the simulated one, obtaining similar results. In addition, the economic analysis of the submitted proposal is made, with respect to recovery of the investment, VAN and TIR. As a complementary study, the referring legislation is analyzed, in which it is detailed, that at present there are no marketing regulations with ELEPCO S.A.El presente trabajo consiste en el diseño de un sistema de generación FV ( Foto Voltaico) conectado a la red de distribución, para autoconsumo del complejo deportivo (Plataforma Deportiva) ubicada en el barrio Isimbo 1, Cantón Latacunga, Provincia Cotopaxi. En este proyecto se realiza la evaluación del recurso solar (radiación solar) en el sitio, durante un periodo de 3 meses del año 2017, para compararlo con el software Solarius P-V utilizado para la simulación. Una vez culminadas las mediciones, se procede a determinar el consumo máximo de energía por el complejo deportivo, para posteriormente dimensionar los distintos elementos que conforman el sistema de generación FV. Se compara el diseño calculado con el simulado, obteniéndose resultados similares. Además se realiza el análisis económico de la propuesta presentada, con lo referente a recuperación de la inversión, VAN y TIR. Como estudio complementario, se analiza la legislación referente a normativas de comercialización y despacho de energía de sistemas FV conectados a la red para autoconsumo ya que en la actualidad ELEPCO S.A