74 research outputs found

    Efectos del ejercicio físico agudo sobre la respuesta psicofisiológica al estrés: papel modulador de la condición física

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    La revisión realizada sobre la literatura científica muestra que el ejercicio físico agudo modifica la respuesta psicofisiológica al estrés. Los estudios de laboratorio han empleado diversas variables para estudiar los cambios en estas respuestas. Las variables fisiológicas más estudiadas han sido las cardiovasculares, en las que se produce una respuesta disminuida ante estresores cuando previamente se ha realizado ejercicio. De igual modo, se ha descrito una reducción de la ansiedad tras realizar actividad física de forma puntual. Los cambios en testosterona, en cortisol y en el cociente de ambas hormonas en respuesta al ejercicio físico han sido estudiados y utilizados como indicadores de la adaptación al ejercicio físico y de la respuesta al estrés. La mayor parte de la investigación indica que la condición física modula estas respuestas, obteniéndose en aquellos sujetos con buena forma física resultados positivos sobre la respuesta al estrés y por extensión sobre la salud.Acute physical exercise has been proved to change the psychophysiological stress response. Laboratory research has used several variables to study these responses. Among the most studied physiological variables are cardiovascular measures which decrease in response to stressors carried out after physical exercise. Likewise, a decrease in anxiety has been described after acute bouts of physical exercise. Changes in testosterone, in cortisol and in its ratio in response to physical exercise have been used as indexes of physical exercise adaptation as well as stress response markers. The effects on all these responses are modulated by physical fitness, with better stress responses in subjects in good physical form

    ¿Facilitan los esteroides anabolizantes-androgénicos la expresión de la violencia?

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    Introducción. El consumo de esteroides anabolizantes-androgénicos (EAA), especialmente a altas dosis, ha sido relacionado con un incremento de la irritabilidad y la hostilidad. Sin embargo, sólo en algunas ocasiones se ha descrito que conlleven un desencadenamiento de comportamientos violentos. Además, otros factores como factores de personalidad, consumo de otras sustancias de abuso y déficits cognitivos actuarían como factores catalizadores y/o desencadenantes de la violencia tras el consumo de estas sutancias. Objetivo. Revisar y recapitular los resultados obtenidos sobre la relación entre el consumo de EAA y violencia, así como enfatizar el papel de las variables facilitadores que median esa relación. Desarrollo. Se ha revisado la bibliografía científica usando los buscadores PubMed, Medline e ISI Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar y PsycINFO. Conclusiones. El consumo de EAA tiende a producir mayores alteraciones del estado de ánimo, llegando a generar episodios de manía y psicosis. Estos episodios aparecen con más frecuencia y acaban facilitando la expresión de la violencia principalmente en varones adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, con trastornos de personalidad grupo B, con alta ira rasgo, con déficits de atención y en la velocidad de procesamiento y con consumo de otras sustancias de abuso. Sin embargo, los EAA no sólo desencadenan violencia interpersonal sino que en algunos casos incrementa el riesgo de violencia autodirigida, incrementando la ideación suicida y el riesgo de suicidio. Ello podría ser debido al aumento de los síntomas depresivos que se experimentan durante los primeros meses de consumo de EAA o durante la abstinencia de los mismos

    Material d'estudi de psicofarmacologia

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    Material d'estudi de psicofarmacologia: Delimitació conceptual i desenvolupament històric de la psicofarmacologia. Neurobiologia dels trastorns mentals. Conceptes bàsics en psicofarmacologia. Metodologia i tècniques d’investigació en psicofarmacologia. Bases biològiques dels trastorns de l’estat d’ànim. Antidepressius i estabilitzadors de l’estat d’ànim. Bases biològiques de l’ansietat. Ansiolítics i hipnòtics. Tractaments farmacològics per el trastorn obsessivo-compulsiu, el trastorn de pànic i les fòbies. Bases biològiques de l’esquizofrènia. Neurolèptics. Trastorn per dèficit d’atenció amb o sense hiperactivitat. Potenciació de l’atenció. Malaltia d’Alzheimer. Potenciació de la memòria. Trastorns de l’espectre autista.Els apunts formen part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València

    Childhood history of abuse and child abuse potential: the role of parent’s gender and timing of childhood abuse

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    It has been suggested that being physically abused leads to someone becoming a perpetrator of abuse which could be associated to parents' gender, timing of the physical abuse and specific socio-demographic variables. This study aims to investigate the role the parents' gender, timing of childhood abuse and socio-demographic variables on the relationship between parents' history of childhood physical abuse and current risk for children. The sample consisted of 920 parents (414 fathers, 506 mothers) from the Portuguese National Representative Study of Psychosocial Context of Child Abuse and Neglect who completed the Childhood History Questionnaire and the Child Abuse Potential Inventory. The results showed that fathers had lower current potential risk of becoming physical abuse perpetrators with their children than mothers although they did not differed in their physical victimization history. Moreover, the risk was higher in parents (both genders) with continuous history of victimization than in parents without victimization. Prediction models showed that for fathers and mothers separately similar socio-demographic variables (family income, number of children at home, employment status and marital status) predicted the potential risk of becoming physical abuses perpetrators. Nevertheless, the timing of victimization was different for fathers (before 13 years old) and mothers (after 13 years old). Then our study targets specific variables (timing of physical abuse, parents' gender and specific socio-demographic variables), which may enable professionals to select groups of parents at greater need of participating in abuse prevention programs.This work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology through a research grantto the second author (POCTI/PSI/14276/1998), the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, National Drug Plan (2012/001) and by the Regional Government of Valencia, Programa VALi+d para investigadores en formacion (ACIF/2011/075), research groups and networks of excellence (PROMETEO/2011/048; ISIC/2013/001)

    Processos biológicos na paternidade: estado de arte

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    This review of the state of art aimed to present the most recent data on neuronal, neurochemical, hormonal and genetic bases of paternal care using MEDLINE and PsycInfo databases (1970-2013). An integrated model of biological substrates that assist men in the transition to fatherhood is presented. Guided by a genetic background, hypothalamic-midbrain-limbic-paralimbic-cortical circuits were found to be activated in fathers when infant stimuli are presented. A set of specifi c neuropeptides and steroid hormones are produced and seem to be related to brain activation, potentiating the paternal phenotype. Together, genetic, brain and hormonal processes suggest the existence of biological bases of paternal care in humans, activated and enhanced by infant stimuli and responsive to variations in the father-infant relationship.A presente revisão teve por objectivo apresentar o estado de arte dos dados mais recentes sobre as bases neuronais, neuroquímicas, hormonais e genéticas da paternidade, com recurso às bases de dados MEDLINE e PsycInfo (1970-2013). É apresentado um modelo de integração conceptual dos substratos biológicos que assistem os homens na transição para a parentalidade. Guiado por um background genético, circuitos neuronais hipotalámicos-mesencefálicos-límbicos-paralímbicos-corticais surgem ativados em pais quando lhes são apresentados estímulos infantís. Um conjunto de neuropéptidos e hormonas esteróides são também produzidos e relacionam-se com a activação neuronal, potenciando o fenótipo paternal. No seu conjunto, processos genéticos, neuronais e hormonais sugerem a existência de uma base biológica do comportamento paternal em humanos, activada e potenciada por estímulos infantís e responsiva a variações na relação pai-filho.This investigation is granted by Foundation for Science and Technology of Portuguese Government (SFRH/BD/76104/2011)

    Long-Term Drug Misuse Increases the Risk of Cognitive Dysfunctions in Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators: Key Intervention Targets for Reducing Dropout and Reoffending

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    Intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) is a major public health problem, with an important mortality rate in women across the world. In this regard, it has been well-established that drug misuse explains (at least in part) an increased risk of IPVAW perpetration. Even though alcohol is the most widely studied drug underlying IPVAW, other drugs, such as cannabis and cocaine also seem to be significant indicators of this type of violence. Nonetheless, little is known about mediators, such as cognitive domains that facilitate proneness to violence after drug consumption. Therefore, the primary objective of the present study was to compare drug misuse patterns and cognitive performance in a carefully selected sample of IPVAW perpetrators (n = 63) and a group of non-violent men (control group; n = 39). Second, we also aimed to study the association between different patterns of drug misuse and cognitive performance and several facets of IPVAW perpetration (i.e., severity of injuries and type of aggression). Our results revealed that IPVAW perpetrators showed considerably higher levels of sustained drug misuse (alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, and heroin) for years and worse cognitive performance than controls. Moreover, the highest drug misuse sustained over time was related to the worst cognitive performance and the highest IPVAW severity. Finally, alcohol and cocaine seemed to be related to IPVAW and risk of reo ending. Whereas, cannabis, heroin, and MDMA were related to the existence of a previous criminal record (delinquency without violence). Hence, research in this field would help to develop coadjutant treatments and intervention packages to reduce drug misuse in the initial stages, which in turn would reduce cognitive impairments in IPVAW perpetrators. These expected improvements migh

    La Agresión como variable predictora de la Respuesta Matutina de Cortisol en adultos jóvenes.

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    Few studies have examined therelationship between the cortisol awakening response (CAR) and aggression inhealthy youth adults. This study analyzes this relationship in 83 women (38 inluteal phase and 45 in follicular phase of menstrual cycle) and 20 men.Salivary-free cortisol measures of the CAR were obtained immediately followingawakening and 30, 45, and 60 minutes afterwards. Additionally, participantscompleted a self-report of aggression. Men presented lower levels of CAR thanwomen in luteal phase. Men were also liable to present more physical aggressionthan women, independently of their menstrual phase. General aggression andspecifically verbal aggression are predictors of CAR in men. In women, verbalaggression predicts CAR during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle;whereas anger and physical aggression do so during the luteal phase. CAR may beused as a valid marker of proneness to aggression – but must be considered differentlydepending on gender and menstrual cycle of women. This study offers relevantinformation on the hormonal bases of aggression and so contributes to theliterature on alleviating problems related to violence.Escasas investigaciones han examinado la relaciónentre la respuesta matutina de Cortisol (CAR) y la agresión en adultos jóvenessanos. Este estudio analiza dicha relación en 83 mujeres (38 en fase lútea y 45en fase folicular del ciclo menstrual) y 20 hombres. Se obtuvieron muestras desaliva inmediatamente después del despertar y 30, 45 y 60 minutos después.Además, los participantes cumplimentaron un autoinforme de agresión. Loshombres presentan niveles más bajos de CAR que las mujeres en fase lútea y unamayor agresión física que las mujeres, independientemente de la fase del cicloen la que se encuentren. La agresión en general y la verbal en particular predicenla CAR en hombres. En mujeres, la agresión verbal modula la CAR durante la fasefolicular, mientras que la ira y la agresión física durante la lútea. La CARpuede utilizarse como un marcador fiable de predisposición hacia la agresión, yha de considerarse de forma diversa en función del género y de la fase delciclo menstrual. Esta investigación aporta información significativa sobre las baseshormonales de la agresión, por lo que contribuye a la búsqueda de soluciones para aliviar problemasrelacionados con la violencia

    Psychophysiological responses to acute stress in two groups of healthy women differing in fitness

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    This study examined how the degree of fitness affects several psychophysiological responses to stress in elite sportswomen and physically active women. Trait anxiety and mood were evaluated, and salivary testosterone (Tsal) and cortisol (Csal) concentrations determined before and after a maximal ergometry. Afterwards, subjects carried out the Stroop task, where heart rate (HR) and skin conductance level (SCL) were continuously recorded. At baseline, elite sportswomen had worse mood, and lower cardiovascular basal measures and testosterone:cortisol ratio. In the Stroop task, they showed higher SCL reactivity and worse recovery with respect to the baseline values than physically active women. There was a positive relationship between Tsal and HR as well as between negative mood and SCL, and a negative one between negative mood and HR. In women, the degree of fitness moderates he electrodermal responses to acute stress, a specific pattern of relationship among different psychophysiological variables being found

    Negative affect, perceived health, and endocrine and immunological levels in caregivers of offspring with schizophrenia.

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    Negative affect (NA) and chronic stress are separately associated with health imbalances, and the interaction between the two aspects remains unclear. Care of relatives with long-term pathologies could be a likely model in the study of this issue, as caregivers frequently report chronic stress and health complaints. The aim of this study is examine the role of NA on psychophysiological stress-induced response and health in schizophrenia caregivers. Method: Forty-one caregivers were distributed into two groups accordingly to their scores in NA. Thirteen non-caregivers were included as a control group. Participants were exposed to a repeated acute psychosocial stress while salivary cortisol, immunoglobulin A (IgA), and skin conductance level (SCL) were measured before, during, and after stress. Mood, state-anxiety, care conditions and perceived general health were also assessed. Results: Caregivers with higher NA reported negative perceptions, worse health, and greater decreases in cortisol and IgA response than caregivers with low NA and than non-caregivers. Conclusions: NA could reduce the capability to develop adaptive psychophysiological stress responses. From a preventive view, the evaluation of NA could be useful to detect and assist high-risk individuals in potentially chronically stressed population