7,289 research outputs found
The New Services Directive of the European Union – Hopes and Expectations from the Angle of a (further) Completion of the Internal Market: Spanish Report
This work deals with the legal problems and expectations of the transposition of the Directive 2006/123/EC (Services Directive) in Spain. This contribution reviews the national debates on the implementing rules, the constitutional repercussions arising from its transposition, and the scope and effects of the Services Directive in Spanish law, taking into account both its substantive and procedural provisions. The major legal consequence of the implementation of the Services Directive in Spain will be administrative simplification. The Spanish services market suffers from legal opacity and complexity due to the mixture of regulating competencies of different Administrations. From a general point of view, this is the most important entry barrier for foreign providers of services. The establishment of points of single contact, accessible by electronic means, if successfully achieved, will represent a revolutionary progress in a traditionally burdensome and bureaucratic set of Administrations. It will also reduce the economic inefficiencies derived from political decentralisation. From a material point of view, the evaluation process may help to detect regional and local norms which have to be reconciled with Community law, and that have passed unnoticed in the past, because of their limited territorial scope of application
The Regulation of Financial Markets and the European Social Model
The regulation of financial markets generates very relevant consequences for inequality and produces important distributional effects. First, public funds used to restore financial stability and to rescue troubled financial institutions cannot be assigned to finance better infrastructures or health care. Second, financial crises destabilize productive industries, reduce investment and increaseunemployment, deterioratingmore sharplythe welfare of theweaker sections of the population.Third, depending on the regulatory framework, consumers and retail investors may see their position weakenedor suffer unexpected losses more easily. Thus it is obviousthat the regulation of financial markets significantly conditions the social model
Transparency in International Financial Institutions
This work provides a comparative analysis of international financial institutions’ transparency policies and denounces their shortcomings and excessive prudence, and in the case of less formal cooperation bodies (such as the G-20 or the Financial Stability Board), the lack of attention to basic transparency concerns. The study shows that a higher degree of institutionalization calls for a more coherent and open transparency policy, as more structured institutions have at their disposal the appropriate resources and are more easily subject to pressure by the civil society. The IMF and the World Bank are clearly more transparent than informal cooperation fora such as the G-20 or the Financial Stability Board. As a development institution, the World Bank gets more benefits from transparency and it has achieved a remarkable level of procedural guarantees that could be set as an example for other international financial institutions, including the IMF. However, in practice, even in the World Bank there is excessive latitude for opaqueness
A Critical Assessment of the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1373
This work studies the content of Security Council Res 1373, its organic and procedural structure, and later explores the path travelled during more than a decade of implementation with its main achievements and shortcomings. The singular organic structure established to supervise the implementation of the Resolution offers an interesting testing ground to analyse future trends of global governance to safeguard common universal interests. This contribution concludes with some reflections on the future of counter-terrorist cooperation in the United Nations (UN) and a proposal to create a UN Counter-Terrorist Agency
Reduced kinetic mechanisms for modelling LPP combustión in gas turbines
Reduced kinetic mechanisms for modelling LPP combustión in gas turbine
An Analysis of Symbolic Linguistic Computing Models in Decision Making
It is common that experts involved in complex real-world decision problems use natural language for expressing their knowledge in uncertain frameworks. The language is inherent vague, hence probabilistic decision models are not very suitable in such cases. Therefore, other tools such as fuzzy logic and fuzzy linguistic approaches have been successfully used to model and manage such vagueness. The use of linguistic information implies to operate with such a type of information, i.e. processes of computing with words (CWW). Different schemes have been proposed to deal with those processes, and diverse symbolic linguistic computing models have been introduced to accomplish the linguistic computations. In this paper, we overview the relationship between decision making and CWW, and focus on symbolic linguistic computing models that have been widely used in linguistic decision making to analyse if all of them can be considered inside of the CWW paradigm.Research Project TIN-2009-08286 y fondos FEDER
Coupling single molecule magnets to quantum circuits
In this work we study theoretically the coupling of single molecule magnets
(SMMs) to a variety of quantum circuits, including microwave resonators with
and without constrictions and flux qubits. The main results of this study is
that it is possible to achieve strong and ultrastrong coupling regimes between
SMM crystals and the superconducting circuit, with strong hints that such a
coupling could also be reached for individual molecules close to constrictions.
Building on the resulting coupling strengths and the typical coherence times of
these molecules (of the order of microseconds), we conclude that SMMs can be
used for coherent storage and manipulation of quantum information, either in
the context of quantum computing or in quantum simulations. Throughout the work
we also discuss in detail the family of molecules that are most suitable for
such operations, based not only on the coupling strength, but also on the
typical energy gaps and the simplicity with which they can be tuned and
oriented. Finally, we also discuss practical advantages of SMMs, such as the
possibility to fabricate the SMMs ensembles on the chip through the deposition
of small droplets.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure
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