3,120 research outputs found

    Configuración de servicio IPTV y Calidad de servicio QoS en Institución Educativa y todas sus sedes

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    El desarrollo del presente trabajo consiste en describir los pasos para configurar un servicio básico de IPTV, y es sobre este servicio que se define un plan de calidad de Servicio (QoS, Quality of Service), que incluya los siguientes porcentajes sobre el ancho de banda total separando tráficos mediante definición de clases y de la siguiente manera: 10% del ancho de banda total para tráfico web, 15% para tráfico de voz y 20% para tráfico de streaming de video. El servicio de IPTV, se configura mediante el simulador gráfico de red GNS3 usando una máquina virtual a partir del análisis acerca de IPTV, se continua con la implementación IPTV Multicast entre las sedes del escenario de red, el cual permite transferir contenidos multimedia entre las sedes, y para esto se habilitan los protocolos de enrutamiento, Multicast, RTP, entre otros. De esta manera se hace posible la configuración de servicio IPTV más la Calidad de servicio QoS.The development of the present work consists of describing the steps to configure a basic IPTV service, and it is on this service that a Quality of Service (QoS, Quality of Service) plan is defined, which includes the following percentages on the bandwidth total by separating traffic by class definition and as follows: 10% of the total bandwidth for web traffic, 15% for voice traffic and 20% for video streaming traffic. The IPTV service is configured through the graphical simulator of the GNS3 network using a virtual machine based on the analysis of IPTV, the IPTV Multicast implementation continues between the locations of the network scenario, which allows the transfer of multimedia content between the locations. , and for this the routing protocols, Multicast, RTP, among others, are enabled. In this way, it is possible to configure the IPTV service plus the QoS Quality of Service

    Editorial: Human rights and inequity in health access of Central American Migrants

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    Frontiers in Public Health is very pleased to publish this journal issue focusing on the health access of immigrants. Contributions to this journal issue include five articles that rely on different methodologies while focusing on diverse geographic world regions and target populations. This editorial summarizes these features while also highlighting the unique contributions of each article

    Generador de un vórtice horizontal confinado

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    Since there is no theory for its dimensioning, in this paper, the design, construction and testing of a device that induces inside a horizontal axis vortex is described. The apparatus consists of a semi-convergent nozzle attached to a cylindrical vortex chamber with a side orifice and works horizontally submerged in a water flow with the intake nozzle forward. The coupling of these elements determines an incident tangential flow in the vortex chamber and causes it to develop a horizontal vortex. Thisvortex generator was tested on an experimental open channel without producing stagnation inside, despite being intrusive and with high form drag. The trials showed that the rotational velocity of the vortex increases in decreasing the radius and the axial distance to the drain orifice. Because of its ability to convert the initial translational movement of the flow into rotation, the vortex could be used to generate power. Other applications are not discarded though.Dado que no hay teoría para su dimensionamiento, en este trabajo sedescribe la concepción, construcción y prueba de un dispositivo queinduce en su interior un vórtice de eje horizontal. El aparato consta deuna tobera semiconvergente unida a una cámara de vórtice cilíndricacon orificio lateral y funciona sumergido horizontalmente en un flujode agua con la admisión de la tobera hacia adelante. El acople de estoselementos determina un flujo incidente tangencial en la cámara de vórticey hace que en ella se desarrolle un vórtice horizontal. Este generador devórtice se probó en un canal experimental de laboratorio sin producir ensu interior estancamiento, pese a ser intrusivo y con elevada resistenciade forma. Los ensayos mostraron que la velocidad de giro del vórticeaumenta al disminuir el radio y la distancia axial al orificio de desagüe.Por su capacidad para convertir en rotación el movimiento inicial detraslación del flujo podría servir para generar potencia, aunque no sedescartan otras aplicaciones

    Geochemistry of sediments in Crepin point: Towards environmental base line in Machu Picchu Peruvian Antarctic station. King George Island

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    Since 1989, the Antarctic scientific station has been used and visited by scientists and base personnel during the austral summers. Peru does not have a permanent scientific station, unlike Brazil or Poland, the nearest stations. However, only human presence, although sporadic, has an impact on this fragile ecosystem. Birkenmajer (1980) release the first reconnaissance and mapping of geological units and subsequent work helps to define regional geochemical characteristics (Kraus et al., 2010). Locally, the first reconnaissance work in the Peruvian area was conducted by Palacios (1988) in the Antar II expedition; geomorphological and stratigraphic units present were defined. Subsequent works performed in Crepin Point were aimed to establishing the geotechnical (Fidel, 1991; Guzman, 1999; Pari & Zavala, 2000), mineralogical (Quispesivana, 1995; Aranda, 1997) and paleontological characteristics (Romero 2000; Morales 2002). In Crepin Point, the oldest geological units are a Paleocene andesitic and dacitic lavas and pyroclastics flows outcrop was intruded by an Eocene granitic-granodioritic stock. In the contact area a small argillic alteration was developed with quartz-chlorite veins. Both units were intruded by a several dykes with EW and NS orientation. This geology is reflect in the composition of the sediments, and therefore in geochemical distribution of these. Studies in sediments in Admiralty Bay and around the permanent scientific stations (Santos et al., 2005; Santos et al., 2007; Ribeiro et al, 2011; Sun et al, 2003) show concentration of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn; which are associated, probably permanent human activity in these sectors. However the Antarctic Scientific Machu Picchu station is occupied temporarily, which significantly reduces the influence of human beings on the environment. Since Antar XXII Expedition (2013-2014) INGEMMET release a new cartography of lithological and structural units at the Crepin Point. And also take samples for delineate a geochemical database. Preliminary reports geochemical values of copper, manganese, arsenic, lead and zinc at the contact between volcanic and intrusive rocks. Also sediments samples around the Machu Picchu Station were human activities are common were examined for heavy metal content. The redistribution of lead, zinc, arsenic and copper arising from point sources of these metals was demonstrated. The levels are a geochemical and environmental baseline for futures human activities in Punta Crepin area

    Videojuegos como simulaciones inmersivas. El caso“Atrapados”, Narrativa transmedia e investigación de la inteligencia colectiva

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    Este texto profundiza el concepto simulación cuestionando algunas de sus caracterizaciones más difundidas y argumenta por qué, contrariamente a estas apreciaciones, todos los videojuegos son simulaciones. Posteriormente, con el objetivo de precisar cuál es la particularidad que diferencia al videojuego de otras formas de simulación, se propone la categoría de Inmersión como uno de los rasgos particulares de este medio. Para explicar esta idea se revisa críticamente el trabajo de algunos de los autores más destacados que han profundizado en este concepto, contrastándolo con diferentes definiciones canónicas del juego a lo largo del siglo XX y con reflexiones más recientes provenientes del estudio del videojuego. A partir de este recorrido se revisa el caso del videojuego “Atrapados” (Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez, 2014), usando los conceptos de simulación e inmersión para explicar su funcionamiento

    VLBA determination of the distance to nearby star-forming regions I. The distance to T Tauri with 0.4% accuracy

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    In this article, we present the results of a series of twelve 3.6-cm radio continuum observations of T Tau Sb, one of the companions of the famous young stellar object T Tauri. The data were collected roughly every two months between September 2003 and July 2005 with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Thanks to the remarkably accurate astrometry delivered by the VLBA, the absolute position of T Tau Sb could be measured with a precision typically better than about 100 micro-arcseconds at each of the twelve observed epochs. The trajectory of T Tau Sb on the plane of the sky could, therefore, be traced very precisely, and modeled as the superposition of the trigonometric parallax of the source and an accelerated proper motion. The best fit yields a distance to T Tau Sb of 147.6 +/- 0.6 pc. The observed positions of T Tau Sb are in good agreement with recent infrared measurements, but seem to favor a somewhat longer orbital period than that recently reported by Duchene et al. (2006) for the T Tau Sa/T Tau Sb system.Comment: 24 pages, 3 pages, AASTEX format, accepted for publication in Ap

    Hail nets do not affect the efficacy of metamitron for chemical thinning of apple tree

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    Hail nets reduce photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and alter the environment under the netting in apple orchards. Thus, we investigated the effect of nets on the efficacy of metamitron, a short-term photosynthesis inhibitor used for fruit thinning. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the netting and metamitron on thinning efficacy, yield, fruit quality and chlorophyll fluorescence in three apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars. One or two metamitron applications at different doses or rates were applied the tree under different coloured nets. The reduction of PAR was highest with black nets (19%-22%), followed by green (13%-15%) and white nets (6%-11%). There were no significant differences (P> 0.05) in fruit weight or size with or without nets. Double applications of metamitron increased average fruit fresh weight and reduced the fruit set over four experiments. In contrast, single applications were less effective. In two experiments, thinning was associated with lower yields. However, there was no effect in the other two experiments. The double treatments tended to increase the percentage of the crop with fruit larger than 70 mm in diameter. All thinning strategies showed similar inhibition in fluorescence, with the only observed significant differences between treatments occurring when using a single or double application. The results show that netting does not affect the response to thinning with metamitron.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Evaluation of chemical fruit thinning efficiency using Brevis® (Metamitron) on apple trees (‘Gala’) under Spanish conditions

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    Thinning is an important technique in apple growing which is used to reduce the number of fruits per plant and achieve commercial fruit size and quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of one and two applications of the chemical thinner Brevis® in Gala apple applied at different fruit sizes and at different intervals between the first and second spray. The trials were conducted over two seasons from 2015 to 2016 in apple orchards of the IRTA experimental agricultural stations of Mas Badia and Lleida (Spain). One or two applications with Brevis® were applied at different fruit sizes (king fruit diameter ranging between 7.5 and 13.5 mm) and at a rate of 1.65 kg/ha for all treatments. Under the trial conditions, a Brevis® thinning effect was observed in all trials with a reduction in crop load, fruit set and number of fruits per tree which varied according to the number of applications. In addition, average fruit weight, color and diameter increased significantly with treatments in which Brevis® reduced the number of fruits per tree. The degree of abscission of Brevis® was highly dependent on night temperature and, for this reason, there was a high degree of variability between trials in terms of efficacy. Our results show that the number of days between applications was not as important a factor for Brevis® efficacy as the difference in night temperature in the days immediately after its application.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Brevis thinning efficacy at different fruit size and fluorescence on ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ apples

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    Brevis thinning efficacy depends on climatic and cultivar conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of one application of Brevis in ‘Gala’ and ‘Fuji’ apple applied at different fruit sizes (fruit king diameter ranging between 6.5 and 21.5 mm) and to determine which fruit diameters were most sensitive to Brevis application. Trials were conducted over two seasons from 2015 to 2016 in apple orchards in Lleida (Spain). Photosynthesis inhibition caused by Brevis was also analysed and measured, using chlorophyll fluorescence and biexponential pharmacokinetic models. In 2016, for all Brevis treatments and an untreated control, quantum yield (Qy) was measured in all leaves in different shoots, with photosynthesis inhibition and its evolution analysed in three sections (closest to branch, mid-shoot and vegetative section). Under the trial conditions, Brevis thinning effect was observed at king fruit diameters from 9 to 19 mm, with maximum efficacy observed in the 11.5–14 mm range. However, susceptibility to Brevis differed between varieties and years. The fluorescence analysis using a biexponential equation showed adequate fits and the calculated values correlated well with the measured Qy(%) values. The area under curve per day analysis showed that, at the same application dose, fluorescence inhibition decreased with increasing fruit diameter. The fluorescence analysis of shoot sections four days after Brevis application showed differences between varieties, with the inhibition caused by Brevis higher in ‘Gala’ than in ‘Fuji’. However, this analysis showed no significant differences in ‘Gala’, with all sections showing similar inhibition (27%–35%). By contrast, ‘Fuji’ showed different inhibition values in the different sections. The vegetative section showed the significantly highest inhibition, and the zone nearest the branch the lowest.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio