466 research outputs found

    On Certain Divisibility Property of Polynomials

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    We review the definition of D-rings introduced by H. Gunji & D. L. MacQuillan. We provide an alternative characterization for such rings that allows us to give an elementary proof of that a ring of algebraic integers is a D-ring. Moreover, we give a characterization for D-rings that are also unique factorization domains to determine divisibility of polynomials using polynomial evaluations

    A study of volatile organic compounds from transgenic arabidopsis thaliana and solanum lycopersicum plants and analytical characterization of pyrolysis bio-oil

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    A dynamic headspace method was developed for the non-targeted analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in Arabidopsis and Micro-Tom plants. The method allowed to determine differences from wild type (WT) and transformed plants overexpressing the carotene cleavage dioxygenase 1 (CCD1) genes. In the Arabidopsis study it was revealed the presence of unsaturated hydrocarbons, aromatic derivatives, alcohols, and terpenes. Among extracted volatiles, the apocarotenoid compound β-ionone was also detected, four-fold higher in the transgenic plants than the WT. There were not significant differences in the VOCs between the HS of Micro-Tom tomato plants overexpressing the CCD1 genes and WT. The compounds identified were mainly terpenes, and aromatic derivatives and there was no evidence of the presence of any apocarotenoid compound. A static headspace (SHS) method was developed for the analysis of VOCs in Micro-Tom tomato flowers. It was performed by simultaneously using three solid phase microextraction fibers. The non-targeted analysis revealed the presence of 45 volatiles from CCD1 plants and 35 from WT. Of the total VOCs identified, 30 were common to both types of plants, but 15 were specific to the CCD1 plants and 5 to the WT. In another study, bio-oil from tomato plant was generated by pyrolysis process. Bio-oil was fractionated according to its pesticidal properties. Neophytadiene, phytol and a number of fatty acids were identified in the most active fractions. Bioassays using these compounds showed partial insecticidal activity, suggesting that other unidentified compounds in the bio-oil fractions were also responsible for observed insecticidal activities

    DYNAMAC media distribution system

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    This thesis describes the initial development of a multiplatform client-server based system capable of distributing content derived from a new format over an IP network. The system will also provide digital rights management and secure transmission of video content utilizing the DYNAMAC video compression/decompression algorithm. The work presented here is part of the Digital Media Research Group, which is focused on the use of the DYNAMAC algorithm for digital rights management and distribution of high definition media content in real time, while achieving better efficiency on bandwidth usages. Three components were created with this initial development: a player capable of rendering video content compressed with the DYNAMAC algorithm, a server that distributes the compress video content over an IP network, and a protocol specially design to communicate and transfer the video content from the server to the client. Since the development was based on the Java Media Framework, the client and the server of the distribution system will be able to be installed and run on any computer platform with a Java Runtime Environment. The fact that the system is written in Java also means that any changes can be made to single components without having to change the entire system. In this paper I intent to describe the approach taken to develop the system and the results obtain, were several videos are transmitted demonstrating the functionalities of the DYNAMAC algorithm and the DYNAMAC media distribution system

    Evaluación del nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes docentes y administrativos de la Escuela Profesional de Administración con respecto a los servicios de la biblioteca de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego de la ciudad de Trujillo

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    La presente investigación explica la relación entre el desarrollo financiero y el crecimiento económico del Perú durante el periodo 1981-2013, en el cual se ha experimentado una serie de cambios económicos y sociales acompañados por una mayor liberalización del sector financiero. Para poder explicar esta relación hemos utilizados como variable dependiente el crecimiento económico del Perú tomado de las series anuales de la tasa de crecimiento porcentual del PBI real y la variable independiente el desarrollo financiero tomado de las series anuales del indicador transformación de ahorro a crédito de la banca múltiple peruana y las series anuales del indicador ineficiencia del sistema financiero. Para un mejor ajuste del modelo incluimos una variable de control dada por las series anuales de la tasa de crecimiento porcentual de la inversión bruta fija en el Perú. Se realizó una estimación econométrica a través de un modelo vector de error de corrección (VEC) por ser una serie no estacionaria, integrada del mismo orden y presentar cointegración permitiendo no perder información valiosa de largo plazo que nos permite una correcta especificación y seguridad en el modelo. Mediante esta estimación encontramos que el desarrollo financiero tiene una relación positiva en el crecimiento económico. Por lo tanto el aumento en 1% de la trasformación de ahorro a crédito influye en un aumento de 0.07 puntos porcentuales del crecimiento económico y un aumento de 1% en la ineficiencia del sistema financiero influye en una disminución de 0.05 puntos porcentuales del crecimiento económico.This work was carried out in order to assess the level of satisfaction of students, faculty and staff of professional school administration regarding library services of Private University Antenor Orrego. The design of the research was ""Simple Descriptive""; the sample consisted of 325 students, 80 teachers and one Administrative, using the technique of the survey and the questionnaire as a tool. The results of the research has allowed us to know in general terms that the level of satisfaction using the categories of MPS (very dissatisfied), PS (dissatisfied), S (satisfactory) and MS (very satisfied) with respect to services library of Orrego Private University of Trujillo for students and teachers is satisfied (54.2% and 54.5% respectively), in the case of administrative been found that these are not visiting a library. Likewise specifically it has been found that exist strengths in the service of the library, but there are also negative aspects of service to be improved to meet 100 percent of library users. Keys words: "Tesi

    Caracterización de las ferias libres como canal de comercialización en la Región Metropolitana de Chile

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    Published by Asociación de Economistas Agrarios de Chilebuying behaviour, characterization, fresh vegetable and fruit street fairs market channel., Agribusiness, Marketing,

    Género y ahorro interno en América Latina

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es cuantificar las repercusiones de la desigualdad de género en la tasa de ahorro interno de los países latinoamericanos, así como el impacto de la desigualdad de género en otras variables macroeconómicas e institucionales. Se estiman ecuaciones expresando la tasa de ahorro interno en términos de variables independientes relacionadas con la discriminación de género y con el mercado laboral. Los resultados indican que la desigualdad de género tiene un papel negativo sobre el ahorro, incrementa la vulnerabilidad macroeconómica y debilita las instituciones. Se recomienda que los países de la región emprendan grandes esfuerzos para erradicar la discriminación de género, en el marco de la ejecución de estrategias de género por país. La principal limitación del trabajo es el reducido número de datos en la muestra. La originalidad de este estudio reside en que es el primero que analiza la desigualda de genero, el ahorro y la vulnerabilidad económica en los países de América Latina. Se concluye apuntando que los países de la región deberían incrementar sus esfuerzos para lograr cerrar las brechas en este campo.(Gender and domestic savings in Latin America)The objective of this paper is to quantify the repercussions from gender inequality on domestic savings and macroeconomic vulnerability in the Latin American countries. Econometric equations are estimated expressing the savings rate in terms of the index of gender discrimination and of several labor market variables. Results indicate that gender inequality exerts a negative impact on domestic savings and on economic vulnerability, and weakens institutions. It is recommended that Latin American countries undertake programs designed to reduce gender inequality.  The main limitation of this paper is the reduced number of data points in the sample. Its originality resides in that it is the first study that analyzes the role of gender inequality on domestic savings, macroeconomic vulnerability and institutional strength in the lstin American countries. Its main contribution is the evidence that gender inequality reduces domestic savings and increases economic vulnerability. The paper concludes pointing out the importance that the Latin American countries increase their programs designed to reduce gender inequality

    Hacia una Re-Construcción Crítica de las Competencias Parentales: Una investigación-acción sobre la política pública de protección a la infancia vulnerada en Chile

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    Esta investigación fue presentada en 2014 como tesis para el programa de Magíster en Ética Social y Desarrollo Humano de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado de Chile. Toma como ejes de desarrollo temático la articulación entre derechos humanos y políticas públicas, planteando la pregunta por el fundamento ético de la práctica social implicada en la implementación de los programas del Estado hacia la infancia. Expone la experiencia de un equipo psicosocial que se dio a la tarea de cuestionar su coherencia ética entre discurso y práctica, y el resultado al que llevo este ejercicio de reflexión crítica, el cual no es otro que un modelo de acción social fundamentado auténticamente en el paradigma de derechos humanos

    Determinants of trust in government in Latin America

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    The objective of this paper is to identify the determinants of trust in government in the Latin American countries, using a cross section of average labor market and social data of the 2007-2012 period. The methodology consists of the estimation of equations based on the application of Phillips and Hansen’s cointegration least squares, using as independent variables labor market indicators, as well as those associated with public expenditures, institutional quality and others. The emphasis of this paper is to study the association between trust in government and economic and social variables. Results show that while inequality is an important determinant of trust in government, the rates of female self employment and quality employment have positive and negative impacts on trust in government. Male self and quality employment have no impacts. Citizens’ perception that government is committed to combat poverty leads to increased trust in government. This is a topic that has not received attention in the literature.The main limitation of this study is the reduced size of the sample of 18 observations. It is concluded that increasing social expenditures and reducing inequality would be conducive to higher levels of trust in the government in the Latin American countries.(La confianza en el gobierno en América Latina)Resumen. El propósito de esta investigación es identificar los determinantes de la confianza en el gobierno en los países de América Latina, usando datos promedio de dicha variable del periodo 2007-2012, e indicadores sociales y del mercado laboral. La metodología de análisis consiste en la estimación de ecuaciones de cointegracion de acuerdo al método de Phillips y Hansen, expresando un índice de confianza en el gobierno en función de variables relacionadas con el mercado laboral, gasto público, gobernabilidad, y otras. Las ecuaciones fueron estimadas por la metodología de “cointegracion least squares” de Phillips y Hansen. Los resultados indican que la desigualdad reduce la confianza en el gobierno, mientras que las tasas de auto empleo y de empleo de calidad femeninos muestran impactos negativo y positivo respectivamente; y las de auto empleo y de empleo de calidad masculinos no ejercen impactos sobre la confianza. Este es un tópico que no ha sido analizado en la literatura. La percepción de los ciudadanos de que el gobierno está atacando el problema de la pobreza incrementa la confianza en el gobierno. La principal limitación de este trabajo es el reducido número de los datos de corte transversal que se limita a 18 observaciones. Se concluye que el incremento del gasto social es un medio para incrementar la confianza en el gobierno