910 research outputs found

    Imágenes sobre dinosaurios en libros de texto de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria

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    El concepto “dinosaurio” no forma parte explícita del saber a enseñar en los curriculaoficiales de ESO dentro del periodo LOGSE-LOE español (1990-2010). A pesar de ello,algunos autores y editoriales decidieron incluirlo como objeto de enseñanza en los libros detexto. El análisis de estos libros revela una abundante presencia de información gráfica, conun predominio de imágenes desprovistas de rasgos que identifiquen los elementos representadosasí como la presencia ocasional de modelos alternativos y un déficit en la concurrenciaentre textos e imágenes que reduce su potencial didáctico.The “dinosaur” concept is not an explicit part of the knowledge to be taught in theofficial curriculum of Secondary Education within the Spanish LOGSE-LOE (1990-2010).However, some authors and publishers decided to include it as an object of teaching in thetextbooks. The analysis reveals an abundance of graphic information, with a predominanceof images devoid of features that identify the elements represented, the occasional presenceof alternative models and a deficit in the competition between texts and images that reducestheir educational potential

    Passive Safety of Children Carriages on Busses

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    The safe mobility of young children traveling with carriages in public transportation vehicles is a problem that has not yet been satisfactorily resolved. The lack of national and international standards in this area in the past led to the development of a research developed jointly by the Universitat Politécnica Valencia and the Universidad Politécnica Madrid (Spain). This book chapter shows the results of a research program developed to evaluate the dynamic behavior of occupied children carriages (ChC) during typical driving maneuvering—sudden braking, acceleration and cornering—and in case of low-g accidents reproducing frontal impacts resembling real traffic events (deceleration 2 g, ΔV 20 km/h). In the dynamic trials, three ChC-restraint prototypes and a typical wheelchair (WhCh) back-restraint system combined with two representatives of up-to-date ChC models in misuse and correct use configurations were tested. The results demonstrated the need for preventing children injuries as a consequence of low-g accidents.A Code of Good Practice was proposed jointly with the use of a new ChC-restraint system considering R 107–06 series of amendments. The new design improves the latest revision of regulation R107 regarding the use of back-restraint systems for the transport of WhCh and ChC passengers traveling on busses

    Facilitators and Barriers of Medication Adherence Based on Beliefs of Persons with Bipolar Disorder: A Qualitative Study

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    One of the big challenges in treating individuals with bipolar disorder (BD) is nonadherence to medication. This is the principal factor associated with a worse prognosis or outcome of the disease. This study aimed to explore and analyze the individual perceptions that people with BD have about the positive and negative aspects when taking medication. A descriptive and interpretative study was carried out using the qualitative research paradigm with the use of the analytical technique of discourse analysis, extracting the data through the completion of focus groups. Participants’ speech was digitally audio-recorded in digital format. In order to complete the codification of the participants’ speech content, we relied on the qualitative data analysis (using the QRS NVivo 10 computer software). Thirty-six participants diagnosed with bipolar disorder took part in our study. In the participants’ speech concerning the main barriers to pharmacological treatment, three key topics were identified. Perceived facilitators were summarized in four factors. The main facilitators regarding the use of pharmacological treatment in individuals with BD were the ones related with the perceived need for treatment in the acute phase, the recognition of the illness, the shared clinical decision, and the causal biological attribution in the chronic phase. In terms of perceived barriers, social control was identified in both phases, adverse effects in the acute phase, and the absence of effective treatment in the chronic state

    Teruel, un laboratorio paleontológico

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    Water management assessment in a historic garden: the case study of the Real Alcazar (Seville, Spain)

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    Irrigation plays a very important role in a Mediterranean garden. In spite of this, there are not many studies assessing irrigation water management of landscapes. Moreover, historic gardens represent a special challenge due to their unique characteristics. The aim of this work is the characterization and evaluation of water management in a historic garden. For that, the gardens of The Real Alcazar of Seville were used as a case study. They comprise a total of 20 gardens of different styles with a total area of nearly 7 ha. Landscape water requirements and irrigation volume applied were estimated and used in conjunction with other descriptive and financial variables to calculate 6 performance indicators. Only 20% of gardens showed adequate irrigation in the spring-autumn period, being 10% during summer. However, the two well-watered gardens represent 30% of the total irrigated area. Management, operation and maintenance costs are 0.63 €·m−2 representing 0.58 € per volume of irrigation water used (m−3). Results obtained support the need of improving irrigation management. For that, simple solutions such as installing metering devices, calculating actual water requirements or optimizing irrigation schedules can be implemented. Other more complex actions such as modifying the irrigation network or creating hydrozones might also be explored