10 research outputs found

    Alcune considerazioni sui contenitori per aromata e medicamenta Luigi

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    In recent years, study of the production and commerce of aromata and medicamenta together with related professions has become more focused. This work aims to highlight the differences and draw attention to the similarities characterising the two types of genres, in addition to using knowledge about one to fill in gaps in our knowledge about the other type, and vice versa. Among the sources compared, emphasis is placed on the small containers used for trading such preparations, in particular what is known of micro-containers for Λύκιον, or what it seems possible to hypothesise about them.Negli ultimi anni si è accentuata l’attenzione sulla produzione e il commercio degli aromata (cosmetici) e dei medicamenta (medicinali) assieme alle relative professioni. Questo studio tende a sottolineare le affinità e le differenze tra i due generi utilizzando quanto sappiamo, o abbiamo ritenuto fosse possibile ipotizzare, sul medicamento Λύκιον grazie ai microcontenitori dotati di bollo epigrafico utilizzati per conservarlo e commercializzarlo

    Il conte di Caylus e l'approccio «sperimentale» all'instrumentum vitreo

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    Luigi Taborelli, Il conte di Caylus e l'approccio «sperimentale» all'instrumentum vitreo, p. 1027-1059. Dall'inestimabile Recueil del Caylus il Winckelmann attinse la conoscenza delle tecniche peculiari dell'arte antica. Tra queste tecniche quelle che riguardano la produzione dell'instrumentum vitreo costituiscono l'argomento di questo lavoro. Il Caylus riusci a padroneggiare grazie all'approccio «sperimentale», facilitato dalla collaborazione con un «chymiste» di rare capacità come il Majault. A conclusione di quest'indagine sulle scelte programmatiche e metodologiche, sulle esperienze circa le tecniche produttive antiche, nonché su che cosa il Caylus intendesse per forma del vaso ed uso dello stesso, in vista di una definizione tipologica che tenga conto del rapporto tra vaso contenitore e sostanza contenuta, dovremo riconoscere il Caylus come «padre fondatore» degli studi sulle produzioni del vetro antico e sugli argomenti ad esse connessi.Taborelli Luigi. Il conte di Caylus e l'approccio «sperimentale» all'instrumentum vitreo. In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 107, n°2. 1995. pp. 1027-1059

    Variation in Post-Transplant Cancer Incidence among Italian Kidney Transplant Recipients over a 25-Year Period

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    Simple Summary Solid-organ transplant recipients are known to be at higher risk of developing several cancer types, mainly virus-related malignancies. Monitoring trends in the incidence of post-transplant cancers among individuals who received solid organ transplantation helps to improve preventive measures and outcomes. This cohort study aimed to examine, over a 25-year period in Italy, variations in the occurrence of post-transplant cancers among 11,418 recipients of kidney transplantation (KT). Cancer incidence over three periods (1997-2004; 2005-2012; and 2013-2021) was analyzed within the cohort and in comparison with the general population. After multivariate adjustment, both approaches highlighted reduced risks of Kaposi's sarcoma, whereas no statistically significant changes over time in the incidence of other cancers were noted. Accordingly, the results of this study highlighted the need to sustain and strengthen cancer-preventive actions in KT recipients. This cohort study examined 25-year variations in cancer incidence among 11,418 Italian recipients of kidney transplantation (KT) from 17 Italian centers. Cancer incidence was examined over three periods (1997-2004; 2005-2012; and 2013-2021) by internal (Incidence rate ratio-IRR) and external (standardized incidence ratios-SIR) comparisons. Poisson regression was used to assess trends. Overall, 1646 post-transplant cancers were diagnosed, with incidence rates/1000 person-years ranging from 15.5 in 1997-2004 to 21.0 in 2013-2021. Adjusted IRRs showed a significant reduction in incidence rates across periods for all cancers combined after exclusion of nonmelanoma skin cancers (IRR = 0.90, 95% confidence interval-CI: 0.76-1.07 in 2005-2012; IRR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.60-0.87 in 2013-2021 vs. 1997-2004; P-trend < 0.01). In site-specific analyses, however, significant changes in incidence rates were observed only for Kaposi's sarcoma (KS; IRR = 0.37, 95% CI: 0.24-0.57 in 2005-2012; IRR = 0.09, 95% CI: 0.04-0.18 in 2013-2021; P-trend < 0.01). As compared to the general population, the overall post-transplant cancer risk in KT recipients was elevated, with a decreasing magnitude over time (SIR = 2.54, 95% CI: 2.26-2.85 in 1997-2004; SIR = 1.99, 95% CI: 1.83-2.16 in 2013-2021; P-trend < 0.01). A decline in SIRs was observed specifically for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and KS, though only the KS trend retained statistical significance after adjustment. In conclusion, apart from KS, no changes in the incidence of other cancers over time were observed among Italian KT recipients

    Cancer mortality after kidney transplantation: A multicenter cohort study in Italy

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    : Kidney transplant (KT) recipients are known to be at risk of developing several cancer types; however, cancer mortality in this population is underinvestigated. Our study aimed to assess the risk of cancer death among Italian KT recipients compared to the corresponding general population. A cohort study was conducted among 7373 individuals who underwent KT between 2003 and 2020 in 17 Italian centers. Date and cause of death were retrieved until 31 December 2020. Indirect standardization was used to estimate standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Cancer was the most common cause of death among the 7373 KT recipients, constituting 32.4% of all deaths. A 1.8-fold excess mortality (95% CI: 1.59-2.09) was observed for all cancers combined. Lymphomas (SMR = 6.17, 95% CI: 3.81-9.25), kidney cancer (SMR = 5.44, 95% CI: 2.97-8.88) and skin melanoma (SMR = 3.19, 95% CI: 1.03-6.98) showed the highest excess death risks. In addition, SMRs were increased about 1.6 to 3.0 times for cancers of lung, breast, bladder and other hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues. As compared to the general population, relative cancer mortality risk remained significantly elevated in all age groups though it decreased with increasing age. A linear temporal increase in SMR over time was documented for all cancers combined (P < .01). Our study documented significantly higher risks of cancer death in KT recipients than in the corresponding general population. Such results support further investigation into the prevention and early detection of cancer in KT recipients

    Characterization of the water diffusion in GEM foil material

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    Systematic studies on the GEM foil material are performed to measure the moisture diffusion rate and saturation level. These studies are important because the presence of this compound inside the detector's foil can possibly change its mechanical and electrical properties and, in such a way, the detector performance can be affected. To understand this phenomenon, a model is developed with COMSOL Multhiphysics v. 4.3, which described the adsorption and diffusion within the geometry of GEM foil, the concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the foil. The COMSOL model is verified by experimental observations on a GEM foil sample. This note will describe the model and its experimental verification results.Systematic studies on the GEM foil material are performed to measure the moisture diffusion rate and saturation level. These studies are important because the presence of this compound inside the detector’ s foil can possibly change its mechanical and electrical properties, and in such a way, the detector performance can be affected. To understand this phenomenon, a model is developed with COMSOL Multiphysics v. 4.3 [1], which described the adsorption and diffusion within the geometry of GEM foil, the concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the foil. The COMSOL model is verified by experimental observations on a GEM foil sample. This note will describe the model and its experimental verification results.The GE1/1 CMS project consists of 144 GEM chambers of about 0.5 qm active area each, based on the triple GEMs technology, to be installed in the very forward region of the CMS endcap during the long shutdown of LHC in 2108-2019. GE1/1 chambers will be operated for decades in harsh environment, and are expected to perform consistently providing good space and time resolution and excellent rate capabilities. An extensive material science simulation and measurement campaign is in progress to characterize GEM materials, with main focus on the GEM foils. Results are presented on full Finite Element Analysis simulations, measurement of tensile properties and humidity absorption coefficients, both for unused and irradiated samples. Preliminary results are shown on interferometric methods based on Moirè fringes for the monitoring of GEM foils mechanical properties during chamber construction

    Manger, boire, se parfumer pour l'éternité

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    Les produits biologiques liés à l'alimentation, aux libations, aux fumigations, aux soins et à la beauté du corps jouent un rôle considérable dans la vie des peuples de la Méditerranée antique et ont aussi leur place dans les différentes étapes des rituels funéraires, de la préparation du corps jusqu'à la visite à la tombe. Produits périssables, ils ne laissent que peu de témoignages archéologiques sous la forme de restes fauniques et végétaux et de contenants en céramique, en métal ou en verre. Cet ouvrage collectif, riche de la collaboration d'une cinquantaine d'archéologues français, italiens et suisses, est la publication du programme MAGI, financé par l'ANR. Grâce à l'association de trois unités mixtes de recherche publiques et d'un laboratoire privé, le programme a mis en œuvre durant quatre ans, de 2013 à 2017, une approche transdisciplinaire combinant chimie organique et archéobotanique pour identifier les matériaux et produits biologiques en contexte funéraire en Gaule, en Italie péninsulaire et en Sardaigne, de la fin de l'âge du bronze jusqu'au début de l'époque romaine, et cerner leurs usages rituels

    Increased cancer risk in patients undergoing dialysis: a population-based cohort study in North-Eastern Italy

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