7 research outputs found

    Late Quaternary transgressions and regressions in the Trieste Gulf (northeastern Adriatic Sea)

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    The integration of high-resolution seismic profiles, core data and radiocarbon plus U-Th datings, allows to document the late Quaternary succession of the Trieste Gulf, which represents the easternmost part of the northern Adriatic Sea. This succession consists of an alternation of shallow marine and continental deposits organized to compose four transgressive-regressive sequences down to ca. 90 m below present sea level. The sequences terminate landwards against a stepped surface bounding the Eocene Trieste Flysch and produced by alternating episodes of wave erosion during transgressions and subaerial exposure during stages of relative sea-level fall and lowstand. Two shallow-marine wedges, in addition to the Holocene one, have been recognized; they are associated with the Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 5.5 (Tyrrhenian) and probably at least one of the peaks of MIS 7. The recognized shallow-marine wedges typically prograde just seaward of a buried wave-cut platform lying in front of a receding paleo-coastal cliff. A previously unrecognized stratigraphic hiatus of ca. 25 ka duration, containing the whole Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) phase, was found at the top of palustrine deposits that accumulated on the MIS 5.5 marine sediments until ca. 40 cal ka B.P. and a post-LGM peat bed accumulated during the Younger Dryas stadial. The beginning of the Holocene was characterized by marked fluvial aggradation preceding the marine transgression at ca. 11-10 cal ka B.P. This new evidence is invaluable for better understanding late Quaternary sedimentary and erosional episodes that characterized the easternmost part of the norther Adriatic Sea, in the frame of the well-known glacio-eustatic sea-level changes

    ZLS92/seismic_forward_travel_time_1d: seismic_forward_travel_time_1d_v1.0

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    <p>Python code to compute the travel time and ray path of direct arrivals of seismic waves within 1D velocity medium. version 1.0, created on 20-11-2023</p&gt

    Comparison of novel semi-airborne electromagnetic data with multi-scale geophysical, petrophysical and geological data from Schleiz, Germany

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    In the framework of the Deep Electromagnetic Sounding for Mineral EXploration (DESMEX) project, we carried out multiple geophysical surveys from regional to local scales in a former mining area in the state of Thuringia, Germany. We prove the applicability of newly developed semi-airborne electromagnetic (EM) systems for mineral exploration by cross-validating inversion results with those of established airborne and ground-based investigation techniques. In addition, supporting petrophysical and geological information to our geophysical measurements allowed the synthesis of all datasets over multiple scales. An initial regional-scale reconnaissance survey was performed with BGR's standard helicopter-borne geophysical system deployed with frequency-domain electromagnetic (HEM), magnetic and radiometric sensors. In addition to geological considerations, the HEM results served as base-line information for the selection of an optimal location for the intermediate-scale semi-airborne EM experiments. The semi-airborne surveys utilized long grounded transmitters and two independent airborne receiver instruments: induction coil magnetometers and SQUID sensors. Due to the limited investigation depth of the HEM method, local-scale electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and long-offset transient electromagnetic (LOTEM) measurements were carried out on a reference profile, enabling the validation of inversion results at greater depths. The comparison of all inversion results provided a consistent overall resistivity distribution. It further confirmed that both semi-airborne receiver instruments achieve the bandwidth and sensitivity required for the investigation of the resistivity structure down to 1 km depth and therewith the detection of deeply seated earth resources. A 3D geological model, lithological and geophysical borehole logs as well as petrophysical investigations were integrated to interpret of the geophysical results. Distinct highly-conductive anomalies with resistivities of less than 10 Omega rn were identified as alum shales over all scales. Apart from that, the petrophysical investigations exhibited that correlating geophysical and geological information using only one single parameter, such as the electrical resistivity, is hardly possible. Therefore, we developed a first approach based on clustering methods and self-organizing maps (SOMs) that allowed us to assign geological units at the surface to a given combination of geophysical and petrophysical parameters, obtained on different scales. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V