149 research outputs found

    Role of noncoding RNAs in the regulation of P-TEFb availability and enzymatic activity

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    P-TEFb is a transcriptional factor that speci)cally regulates the elongation step of RNA polymerase II-dependent transcription and its activity strictly required for Human Immunode)ciency Virus (HIV) infection and during cardiac di*erentiation. P-TEFb role has emerged as a crucial regulator of transcription elongation and its activity found )nely tuned in vivo at transcriptional level as well as posttranscriptionally by dynamic association with di*erent multisubunit molecular particles. Both physiological and pathological cellular signals rapidly converge on P-TEFb regulation by modifying expression and activity of the complex to allow cells to properly respond to di*erent stimuli. In this review we will give a panoramic view on P-TEFb regulation by noncoding RNAs in both physiological and pathological conditions

    The histone LSD1 demethylase in stemness and cancer transcription programs.

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    Abstract DNA and histone chromatin modifying enzymes play a crucial role in chromatin remodeling in several biological processes. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1), the first identified histone demethylase, is a relevant player in the regulation of a broad spectrum of biological processes including development, cellular differentiation, embryonic pluripotency and cancer. Here, we review recent insights on the role of LSD1 activity in chromatin regulatory complexes, its functional role in the epigenetic changes during embryonic development, in the establishment and maintenance of stemness and during cancer progression

    Sp3 Is a Bifunctional Transcription Regulator with Modular Independent Activation and Repression Domains

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    Sp3 is a member of the Sp family of transcription factors and binds to DNA with affinity and specificity comparable to that of Sp1. We demonstrate that Sp3 is a bifunctional transcription factor that can both activate and repress transcription. Gene fusion experiments in mammalian cells demonstrate that the Sp3 activation potential is distributed over an extensive glutamine-rich N-terminal region, whereas the repressor activity has been mapped in a 72-amino acid region located at the 5' of the zinc finger DNA-binding domain. We demonstrated that the repression activity is strictly dependent on the context of the DNA-binding sites bound by Sp3. We found that Sp3 represses transcription of promoters bearing multiple GAL4 DNA-binding sites, whereas it activates isogenic reporters containing a single GAL4-binding site. Transfection experiments in Drosophila cells that lack endogenous Sp activity demonstrated that Sp3 does not possess an active repression domain that can function in insect cells, rather it is a weak transcriptional activator of the c-myc promoter. Our results strongly suggest that Sp3 is a dual-function regulator whose activity is dependent upon both the promoter and the cellular context

    A role for Sp and helix-loop-helix transcription factors in the regulation of the human Id4 gene promoter activity.

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    Abstract Id family helix-loop-helix (HLH) proteins are involved in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation of several cell types. To identify cis- and trans-acting factors that regulate Id4 gene expression, we have analyzed the promoter regulatory sequences of the human Id4 gene in transient transfections and gel mobility shift assays. We have identified two functional elements, both located downstream from the TATA motif, that control Id4 promoter activity. One element contains a consensus E-box, and we demonstrated that the protein complex binding to the E-box contains the bHLH-zip upstream stimulatory factor (USF) transcription factor. Enforced expression of USF1 leads to E-box-mediated stimulation of promoter activity. The E-box also mediated stimulatory effects of several bHLH transcription factors, and co-expression of Id4 blocked the stimulatory effect mediated by the bHLH factors. A second element is a GA motif, located downstream from the transcriptional start sites, mutation of which resulted in a 20-fold increase in transcriptional activity. Gel-shift analysis and transfections into DrosophilaSchneider SL2 cells showed that the repressor element is recognized by both Sp1 and Sp3 factors. These data suggest that Id4 transcription control is highly complex, involving both negative and positive regulatory elements, including a novel inhibitory function exerted by Sp1 and Sp3 transcription factors

    Recruitment of human TBP selectively activates RNA polymerase II TATA-dependent promoters.

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    An increasing body of evidence suggests that eukaryotic activators stimulate polymerase II transcription by facilitating the assembly of the functional basal machinery at the promoter. Here we describe experiments that provide added support for the idea that recruitment of TATA-binding protein (TBP) is a rate-limiting step for transcription activation in mammalian cells. We found that, in human cell lines, recruitment of TBP to a promoter, as a GAL4-TBP fusion protein, can provide a substantial activation of transcription. Activation mediated by the hTBP, tethered to promoter DNA, is strictly dependent upon the presence of a functional TATA element, and it directs faithful transcription initiation. Interestingly, GAL4-hTBP activation was not observed from initiator (Inr) -dependent TATA-less promoters. These results suggest that TBP binding to DNA is not a rate-limiting step for the initial stages of TFIID recruitment to initiator-dependent TATA-less promoters. Finally, we provide evidence that synergy between GAL4-hTBP and defined transcription domains is restricted to activators, such as VP16 and Tat, which are likely to function at steps subsequent to the TFIID recruitment. These findings strengthen the idea that recruitment of TBP represents an important mechanism of activation of TATA-dependent promoters, and on the other hand, they suggest that TBP-DNA interactions are largely dispensable for specific transcription of initiator dependent TATA-less promoters

    Inhibition of Tat activity by the HEXIM1 protein

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    BACKGROUND: The positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) composed by CDK9/CyclinT1 subunits is a dedicated co-factor of HIV transcriptional transactivator Tat protein. Transcription driven by the long terminal repeat (LTR) of HIV involves formation of a quaternary complex between P-TEFb, Tat and the TAR element. This recruitment is necessary to enhance the processivity of RNA Pol II from the HIV-1 5' LTR promoter. The activity of P-TEFb is regulated in vivo and in vitro by the HEXIM1/7SK snRNA ribonucleic-protein complex. RESULTS: Here we report that Tat transactivation is effectively inhibited by co-expression of HEXIM1 or its paralog HEXIM2. HEXIM1 expression specifically represses transcription mediated by the direct activation of P-TEFb through artificial recruitment of GAL4-CycT1. Using appropriate HEXIM1 mutants we determined that effective Tat-inhibition entails the 7SK snRNA basic recognition motif as well as the C-terminus region required for interaction with cyclin T1. Enhanced expression of HEXIM1 protein modestly affects P-TEFb activity, suggesting that HEXIM1-mediated repression of Tat activity is not due to a global inhibition of cellular transcription. CONCLUSION: These results point to a pivotal role of P-TEFb for Tat's optimal transcription activity and suggest that cellular proteins that regulate P-TEFb activity might exert profound effects on Tat function in vivo

    LSD1 mediates MYCN control of epithelial-mesenchymal transition through silencing of metastatic suppressor NDRG1 gene

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) with MYCN amplification is a highly aggressive and metastatic tumor in children. The high recurrence rate and resistance of NB cells to drugs urgently demands a better therapy for this disease. We have recently found that MYCN interacts with the lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1), a histone modifier that participates in key aspects of gene transcription. In cancer cells, LSD1 contributes to the genetic reprogramming that underlies to Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) and tumor metastasis. Here, we show that LSD1 affects motility and invasiveness of NB cells by modulating the transcription of the metastasis suppressor NDRG1 (N-Myc Downstream-Regulated Gene 1). At mechanistic level, we found that LSD1 co-localizes with MYCN at the promoter region of the NDRG1 gene and inhibits its expression. Pharmacological inhibition of LSD1 relieves repression of NDRG1 by MYCN and affects motility and invasiveness of NB cells. These effects were reversed by overexpressing NDRG1. In NB tissues, high levels of LSD1 correlate with low levels of NDRG1 and reduced patients survival. Collectively, our findings elucidate a mechanism of how MYCN/LSD1 control motility and invasiveness of NB cells through transcription regulation of NDRG1 expression and suggest that pharmacological targeting of LSD1 represents a valuable approach for NB therapy

    Cell cycle-dependent resolution of DNA double-strand breaks

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    DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) elicit prompt activation of DNA damage response (DDR), which arrests cell-cycle either in G1/S or G2/M in order to avoid entering S and M phase with damaged DNAs. Since mammalian tissues contain both proliferating and quiescent cells, there might be fundamental difference in DDR between proliferating and quiescent cells (or G0-arrested). To investigate these differences, we studied recruitment of DSB repair factors and resolution of DNA lesions induced at site-specific DSBs in asynchronously proliferating, G0-, or G1-arrested cells. Strikingly, DSBs occurring in G0 quiescent cells are not repaired and maintain a sustained activation of the p53-pathway. Conversely, re-entry into cell cycle of damaged G0-arrested cells, occurs with a delayed clearance of DNA repair factors initially recruited to DSBs, indicating an inefficient repair when compared to DSBs induced in asynchronously proliferating or G1-synchronized cells. Moreover, we found that initial recognition of DSBs and assembly of DSB factors is largely similar in asynchronously proliferating, G0-, or G1-synchronized cells. Our study thereby demonstrates that repair and resolution of DSBs is strongly dependent on the cell-cycle state

    A novel member of the BTB/POZ family, PATZ, associates with the RNF4 RING finger protein and acts as a transcriptional repressor.

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    We have identified a novel human gene encoding a 59-kDa POZ-AT hook-zinc finger protein (PATZ) that interacts with RNF4, a mediator of androgen receptor activity, and acts as a transcriptional repressor. PATZ cDNA was isolated through a two-hybrid interaction screening using the RING finger protein RNF4 as a bait. In vitro and in vivo interaction between RNF4 and PATZ was demonstrated by protein-protein affinity chromatography and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Such interaction occurred through a small region of PATZ containing an AT-hook DNA binding domain. Immunofluorescence staining and confocal microscopy showed that PATZ localizes in distinct punctate nuclear regions and colocalizes with RNF4. Functional analysis was performed by cotransfection assays: PATZ acted as a transcriptional repressor, whereas its partner RNF4 behaved as a transcriptional activator. When both proteins were overexpressed a strong repression of the basal transcription was observed, indicating that the association of PATZ with RNF4 switches activation to repression. In addition, RNF4 was also found to associate with HMGI(Y), a chromatin-modeling factor containing AT-hook domains
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