259 research outputs found

    Correction to: Measured PET Data Characterization with the Negative Binomial Distribution Model

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    The article "Measured PET Data Characterization with the Negative Binomial Distribution Model", written by Maria Filomena Santarelli, Vincenzo Positano, Luigi Landini was originally published Online First without open access. After publication in volume [37], issue [3], page [299-312] the author decided to opt for Open Choice and to make the article an open access publication. Therefore, the copyright of the article has been changed to © The Author(s) [2018] and the article is forthwith distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits use, duplication, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made

    Automatic Characterization of Myocardial Perfusion in Contrast Enhanced MRI

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    The use of contrast medium in cardiac MRI allows joining the high-resolution anatomical information provided by standard magnetic resonance with functional information obtained by means of the perfusion of contrast agent in myocardial tissues. The current approach to perfusion MRI characterization is the qualitative one, based on visual inspection of images. Moving to quantitative analysis requires extraction of numerical indices of myocardium perfusion by analysis of time/intensity curves related to the area of interest. The main problem in quantitative image sequence analysis is the heart movement, mainly due to patient respiration. We propose an automatic procedure based on image registration, segmentation of the myocardium, and extraction and analysis of time/intensity curves. The procedure requires a minimal user interaction, is robust with respect to the user input, and allows effective characterization of myocardial perfusion. The algorithm was tested on cardiac MR images acquired from voluntaries and in clinical routine

    A fast and accurate simulator for the design of birdcage coils in MRI

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    The birdcage coils are extensively used in MRI systems since they introduce a high signal to noise ratio and a high radiofrequency magnetic field homogeneity that guarantee a large field of view. The present article describes the implementation of a birdcage coil simulator, operating in high-pass and low-pass modes, using magnetostatic analysis of the coil. Respect to other simulators described in literature, our simulator allows to obtain in short time not only the dominant frequency mode, but also the complete resonant frequency spectrum and the relevant magnetic field pattern with high accuracy. Our simulator accounts for all the inductances including the mutual inductances between conductors. Moreover, the inductance calculation includes an accurately birdcage geometry description and the effect of a radiofrequency shield. The knowledge of all the resonance modes introduced by a birdcage coil is twofold useful during birdcage coil design: - higher order modes should be pushed far from the fundamental one, - for particular applications, it is necessary to localize other resonant modes (as the Helmholtz mode) jointly to the dominant mode. The knowledge of the magnetic field pattern allows to a priori verify the field homogeneity created inside the coil, when varying the coil dimension and mainly the number of the coil legs. The coil is analyzed using equivalent circuit method. Finally, the simulator is validated by implementing a low-pass birdcage coil and comparing our data with the literature

    The influence of noise in dynamic PET direct reconstruction

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    In the present work a study is carried out in order to assess the efficiency of the direct reconstruction algorithms on noisy dynamic PET data. The study is performed via Monte Carlo simulations of a uniform cylindrical phantom whose emission values change in time according to a kinetic law. After generating the relevant projection data and properly adding the effects of different noise sources on them, the direct reconstruction and parametric estimation algorithm is applied. The resulting kinetic parameters and reconstructed images are then quantitatively evaluated with appropriate indexes. The simulation is repeated considering different sources of noise and different values of them. The results obtained allow us to affirm that the direct reconstruction algorithm tested maintains a good efficiency also in presence of noise

    Study for a portable IR sensor to detect the blood temperature during coronary bypass implantation

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the possibility of using an infrared prototype device for the detection of the blood temperature during a surgical operation for coronary bypass implantation. The correlation between the fluid temperature time behavior and the fluid flow rate was demonstrated. Each blood vessel acts like a thermal wave emitter, so the amount of heat is proportional to the blood flow detected by the IR sensor. The idea was to design a low cost portable device with the advantage that it can be placed near the region of interest. We chose a pyroelectric sensor for its high-quality cost ratio. Because this kind of sensor detects only a variable infrared source, we used an electromechanical chopper for modulating the radiation. It consists of an electronic shutter whose opening speed is controlled by an astable multivibrator. The output signal was analyzed using a dedicated electronic circuit including a bandpass filter and an amplifier; then an acquisition board was employed for capturing and displaying the signal using a PC. Prototype assessment was made with laboratory equipment and in vivo measurements were made during surgical operation on a small pig

    Contactless measurements of liquid sample electrical conductivity for estimating specific absorption rate in MR applications

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    Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is the dosimetric parameter currently used as standard in the safety recommendation reports [1] for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) procedures. With the employment of MR systems with high field strengths (from 3T up to 8T), the study of the potential radiofrequency (RF) effects on the biological tissues due to higher radiofrequency, has a particular relevance [2]. Bottomley et al. [3] described a theoretical method to estimate the radiofrequency power deposition during MR exams, based on the sample geometry, the magnetic field radiofrequency, the MR sequence used (its pulse width, repetition time and flip angle) and, finally, the sample electrical conductivity. In this work we develop a liquid sample dielectric properties measurement system based on the evaluation of the resonance frequency and quality factor of a resonant circuit composed by a home-made coil. The major advantage of this method is the contactless between the liquid sample and the measurement electrode. We perform the measurement at 63.85MHz, corresponding to a 1.5T clinical MR environment, but this method can be used for measurements in the whole RF range, tuning the resonant circuit on the desired frequency

    Automatic PET-CT Image Registration Method Based on Mutual Information and Genetic Algorithms

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    Hybrid PET/CT scanners can simultaneously visualize coronary artery disease as revealed by computed tomography (CT) and myocardial perfusion as measured by positron emission tomography (PET). Manual registration is usually required in clinical practice to compensate spatial mismatch between datasets. In this paper, we present a registration algorithm that is able to automatically align PET/CT cardiac images. The algorithm bases on mutual information (MI) as registration metric and on genetic algorithm as optimization method. A multiresolution approach was used to optimize the processing time. The algorithm was tested on computerized models of volumetric PET/CT cardiac data and on real PET/CT datasets. The proposed automatic registration algorithm smoothes the pattern of the MI and allows it to reach the global maximum of the similarity function. The implemented method also allows the definition of the correct spatial transformation that matches both synthetic and real PET and CT volumetric datasets

    Technological innovations in magnetic resonance for early detection of cardiovascular diseases

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    Most recent technical innovations in cardiovascular MR imaging (CMRI) are presented in this review. They include hardware and software developments, and novelties in parametric mapping. All these recent improvements lead to high spatial and temporal resolution and quantitative information on the heart structure and function. They make it achievable ambitious goals in the field of mapletic resonance, such as the early detection of cardiovascular pathologies. In this review article, we present recent innovations in CMRI, emphasizing the progresses performed and the solutions proposed to some yet opened technical problems

    Design of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) RF Coils by Using the Method of Moments

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    Abstract - A Method of Moments (MoM) technique is employed, to design RF coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) applications. In particular a full wave simulator has been usefully applied to determine the principal characteristics of the antennas used for this kind of application, i.e. the resonant modes, the Q factor and the uniformity of the magnetic field radiated by the sensor. Indeed, at the increasing of the operating frequency, magneto-static models are no longer valid and more sophisticated electromagnetic tools are needed. Some examples relevant to the design of different kind of birdcage coils are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method

    Quanti, quali, dove. Criteri e aree di programmazione dei distributori di carburante in Piemonte

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    Documenti Ires ; n.1/04- Indice #12- Il quadro di riferimento programmatico #12- I caratteri della rete distributiva attuale #19- Uno schema di classificazione delle aree #31- Il quadro sinottico dei risultati #44- La combinazione proposta #5