64 research outputs found

    Anthropomorphic Metaphorical Features in Figurative Content of ISLAND Concept

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    The problem of actualization of anthropomorphic metaphorical features in the figurative content of the ISLAND concept is considered. The object of the research is the ISLAND concept as a cultural concept. The subject of the research is the anthropomorphic metaphorical features included in the figurative content of the ISLAND concept, and the means of their linguistic verbalization. On the basis of the classifications of the main types of metaphorical transfers and the main types of figurative-metaphorical signs in the content of the concept, a classification of anthropomorphic metaphorical signs that are included in the figurative content of the ISLAND concept is proposed. As a result of the analysis, five main groups of anthropomorphic metaphorical features have been identified: 1) gender; 2) physiological properties; 3) somatic affiliation; 4) the physical properties of a person; 5) mental properties. It is shown that the feature of the female is present in the figurative content of the concept under study. It is noted that such parts of the human body as the head, heart, spine, as well as physical actions: coming, lying, standing, etc. are most often metaphorized. A number of physiological and mental properties of a person are revealed, which are subject to metaphorization: the ability to live, visual ability, feelings of happiness and tranquility

    Pharmacological correction of morphofunctional retinal injury using 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin in the experiment

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    The retinoprotective effect of the 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin PRK-002 on the models of hypertensive retinal angiopathy and hypertensive neuroretinopathy in Wistar rats was investigated in comparison with carbamylated darbepoetin and sulodexide. The study revealed angio- and neuroprotective activity of the 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin PRK-002 in correction of retinal injury formed on the background of hypertensio

    Journal of Physics: conference Series

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    The convergent close-coupling calculations of e+-Li and e+-Na collisions are reported. The target is treated as one active electron interacting with an inert ion core. The positronium formation channels are taken into account explicitly utilizing both negative- and positive-energy Laguerre-based states. A large number of channels and high partial waves are used to ensure the convergence of the cross sections

    The influence of imidazoline receptor agonists on the ophthalmoscopic and morphometric parameters in retina in simulated retinal ischemia-reperfusion

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    An important task of experimental and clinical pharmacology and ophtalmology is to find highly effective drugs for correcting retinal ischemi

    Mechatronic control system of ultrasonic tubular cavitator

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    В роботі проаналізовані основні конструкції ультразвукових проточних кавітаторів. Показані особливості формування кавітаційних областей при різних умовах збудження стінок кавітатора. Проведена оцінка проблем, що виникають при проектуванні електронної системи керування ультразвуковими приводами кавітатора. Запропоновано структурну схему керування ультразвуковими приводами багатосекційного ультразвукового проточного кавітатора. Описано особливості реалізації запропонованої системи керування з урахуванням кількості встановлених секцій трубчастого кавітатора. Наведено алгоритм підтримки резонансного режиму роботи ультразвукового приводу. Наведені приклади апаратно-програмної реалізації систем керування проточними кавітаторами.The aim of the article is to provide control algorithm of multisection tubular ultrasonic flow cavitator. In the present paper analyzes the basic construction of ultrasonic flow cavitators. This article shows the features of cavitation fields formation under various conditions of fluctuations of walls cavitator. We have analyzed the problems that arise in the design of an electronic control system with ultrasonic cavitators. The article discusses questions which touched the features of modern element base for control system ultrasonic cavitators. The authors of this paper was developed a control block diagram of multisection ultrasonic flow cavitator. In the present study were shown the possible changes that may occur in the control block diagram associated with changes in the number of cavitator sections. This article describes the implementation features of the proposed control system. An example selecting element base for the implementation of the control system. Shows the interaction functional units of the control system among each other. We have an algorithm for maintaining the resonant mode of the ultrasonic actuator work. We have examples of hardware and software implementation of control systems once and multisection by flow cavitators. Conclusion. Proved the feasibility of direct digital synthesis signal to control the ultrasonic actuators. Stabilization of the consumed power by the cavitator sections allows maintaining ultrasound energy density means productivity of technological process at set level. Using of programmatic facilities of management allows you to adjust the ultrasonic cavitator the requirements of the technological process without making structural changes in the mechatronic systems of control. The use of parallel structure control system improves reliability by reducing the load factor of the power components and power supply generator with external excitation. Using a binary feedback signal sharply improves the overall noise immunity.В работе проанализированы основные конструкции ультразвуковых проточных кавитаторов. Описаны особенности форм кавитационных областей при различных модах колебаний стенок кавитатора. Проведена оценка проблем, возникающих при проектировании электронной системы управления ультразвуковыми приводами кавитатора. Рассмотрены особенности современной элементной базы систем управления ультразвуковыми приводами. Предложена структурная схема управления ультразвуковыми приводами многосекционного ультразвукового проточного кавитатора. Описаны особенности реализации предложенной системы управления. Приведен пример выбора элементной базы для реализации системы управления. Показано взаимодействие функциональных узлов системы управления между собой. Предложен алгоритм поддержания резонансного режима работы ультразвукового привода. Приведены примеры аппаратно-программной реализации систем управления одно и многосекционным проточными кавитаторами

    Інженерна методика визначення параметрів схеми заміщення п`єзоперетворювача

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    This article presents the simplify method of equivalent scheme piezoelectric transducer parameters finding and analyze accuracy of this methodПриведена упрощенная методика получения параметров эквивалентной схемы замещения пьезопреобразователя и анализ погрешности приведенной методикиНаведена спрощена методика отримання параметрів еквівалентної схеми заміщення п’єзоперетворювача та аналіз похибки наведеної методик

    Correction of hypertensive retinal changes in rats with Semax

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    To evaluate the correction possibility of retinal injuries with Semax in a rat model of hypertensive neuroretinopath

    Positron scattering on atoms and molecules

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    An overview is given of recent progress in the calculation of positron scattering on atoms and molecules using the convergent close-coupling method. Particular emphasis is given to those cases where positronium formation is one of the reaction channels, as well as the importance of demonstrating convergence with increasing orbital angular momentum of the bases used. Targets considered are atomic hydrogen, lithium, and molecular hydrogen

    Haemostasis modulation by calix[4]arene methylenebisphosphonic acid C-145 and its sulfur-containing analogue

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    C-145 (octasodium salt of calix[4]arene-tetra-methylenebisphosphonic acid) was previously considered as specific anti-сoagulant agent that affects fibrin polymerization and does not notably influence other parameters of coagulation system. C-145S (octasodium salt of thiacalix[4]arene-tetra-methylenebisphosphonic acid) possessing wider hydrophobic hole was expected to be more effective antithrombotic agent than C-145. The aim of present work was to compare the action of both organic compounds on fibrin polymerization, fibrinolysis, platelets and endothelial cells. The change of turbidity during fibrin clot formation induced by APTT-reagent and digestion induced by tPA was estimated. Turbidity study was used for the estimation of polymeric fibrin hydrolysis by plasmin in the presence of thiacalix[4]arene C-145S and calix[4]arene C-145. Effects of thiacalix[4]arene C-145S and calix[4]arene C-145 on the activation of Glu-plasminogen by streptokinase were studied using chromogenic substrate S2251. Platelet aggregation study was performed using aggregometry. Stimulated Ca2+ efflux from endoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasm were determined using specific Ca2+-sensitive probes targeted to endoplasmic reticulum (Mag-Fluo-4) and cytoplasm (FURA-2) by spectrofluorimetry. Both C-145 and C-145S decreased the final turbidity of clot and prolonged clot lysis time in blood plasma in comparison to control value. C-145 was shown to be the more effective fibrinolysis inhibitor when studied in model system of polymerized fibrin desAB. C-145S but not C-145 induced concentration changes of Ca2+ in cytoplasm of resting platelets and significantly inhibited (up to 30%) Ca2+ efflux from endoplasmic reticulum of platelets activated by ADP. Both C-145 and C-145S stimulated the proliferation of endothelial cells of PAE cell line. The effect of C-145S was more prominent. In conclusion, calix[4]arene C 145S proved to be the more potent inhibitor of fibrin polymerization in comparison to C-145, which suggested earlier as anticoagulant agent. C-145S proved to have much more outlined inhibitory action on Ca2+-signaling in platelets and stimulatory effect on endothelial cells proliferation. Thus C-145 remained the most prospective molecular platform for the development of antithrombotic agent

    Пропозиції щодо розвитку системи цивільно-військового співробітництва у формуваннях Національної гвардії України та проблемні питання її логістичного забезпечення

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    The propositions of development of Civil-Military Cooperation system  in the formations of the National Guard of Ukraine and the problematic issues of their logistics support are considered in view of the experience of Civil-Military Cooperation units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard of Ukraine in the area of the Counter-Terrorism Operation and Joint Forces Operation and NATO approach to the planning of Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC), as an integral part of activities conducted by contingents of participating countries in the modern operations under the auspices of NATO, the EU and the UN.In today's world, the enemy can widely use different types of aggression on the territory of the country - the object of attack. Countries with significant experience in wars and a powerful military-political potential resort to hybrid wars, artificially creating political crises and local conflicts in the territory of the enemy.At the modern stage of the development and usage of the National Guard of Ukraine units, the implementation of civil-military cooperation, which are planned in the HQs, in view of their activities in the Joint Forces Operation area and on the rest of Ukraine's territory, as an important element of counter-struggle with the enemy and the key to the success of their actions, is highly relevant. The issue of logistics support for civil-military cooperation activities is a key condition for the development of the capabilities of the CIMIC units for their effective usage.Розглянуто пропозиції щодо розвитку системи цивільно-військового співробітництва у формуваннях Національної гвардії України та проблемні питання їх логістичного забезпечення з огляду на досвід роботи підрозділів цивільно-військового співробітництва Збройних Сил України та Національної гвардії України в зоні проведення Антитерористичної операції (Операції Об’єднаних Сил) та практики планування і проведення заходів цивільно-військового співробітництва (Civil-Military Cooperation, CIMIC), яке є невід’ємною складовою дій контингентів країн-учасниць у сучасних операціях під егідою НАТО, ЄС та ООН