27 research outputs found

    Denitrificatie met opgelost methaan uit anaerobe vergisting: nieuwe mogelijkheid voor afvalwaterbehandeling

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    Huishoudelijk afvalwater bevat veel energie. Rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallaties hebben zodoende de potentie om energieproducerend te worden in plaats van energieconsumerend. Er zijn reeds initiatieven in gang gezet die zich richten op het terugwinnen van energie in de vorm van biogas door het vergisten van primair en secundair slib. Een meer directe route naar biogas is de anaerobe zuivering van het afvalwater. Het effluent van een anaerobe reactor bevat echter nog wel ammonium en opgelost methaan (een sterk broeikasgas). Beide kunnen omgezet worden met de recentelijk ontdekte DAMO-bacteriën: denitrificatie gekoppeld aan anaerobe methaanoxidatie. Dit biedt nieuwe mogelijkheden voor een energie-efficiënte afvalwaterbehandeling

    Draft genome sequence of <em>Phenylobacterium immobile</em> strain E (DSM 1986), isolated from uncontaminated soil in Ecuador.

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    We report the draft genome sequence of 3.3&nbsp;Mb and the sequence (19.2&nbsp;kb) of a natural plasmid isolated from Phenylobacterium immobile strain E (DSM 1986), able to degrade xenobiotic compounds as the sole carbon source. The sequences reveal a large number of novel Rieske nonheme iron aromatic ring-hydroxylating oxygenases (RHOs)

    Effect of oxygen on the anaerobic methanotroph 'Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera': kinetic and transcriptional analysis

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    ‘Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera’ is a denitrifying methanotroph that performs nitrite‐dependent anaerobic methane oxidation through a newly discovered intra‐aerobic pathway. In this study, we investigated the response of a M. oxyfera enrichment culture to oxygen. Addition of either 2% or 8% oxygen resulted in an instant decrease of methane and nitrite conversion rates. Oxygen exposure also led to a deviation in the nitrite to methane oxidation stoichiometry. Oxygen‐uptake and inhibition studies with cell‐free extracts displayed a change from cytochrome c to quinol as electron donor after exposure to oxygen. The change in global gene expression was monitored by deep sequencing of cDNA using Illumina technology. After 24 h of oxygen exposure, transcription levels of 1109 (out of 2303) genes changed significantly when compared with the anoxic period. Most of the genes encoding enzymes of the methane oxidation pathway were constitutively expressed. Genes from the denitrification pathway, with exception of one of the putative nitric oxide reductases, norZ2, were severely downregulated. The majority of known genes involved in the vital cellular functions, such as nucleic acid and protein biosynthesis and cell division processes, were downregulated. The alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, ahpC, and genes involved in the synthesis/repair of the iron–sulfur clusters were among the few upregulated genes. Further, transcription of the pmoCAB genes of aerobic methanotrophs present in the non‐M. oxyfera community were triggered by the presence of oxygen. Our results show that oxygen‐exposed cells of M. oxyfera were under oxidative stress and that in spite of its oxygenic capacity, exposure to microoxic conditions has an overall detrimental effect

    Enrichment of denitrifying methanotrophic bacteria for application after direct low-temperature anaerobic sewage treatment

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    Despite many advantages of anaerobic sewage treatment over conventional activated sludge treatment, it has not yet been applied in temperate zones. This is especially because effluent from low-temperature anaerobic treatment contains nitrogen and dissolved methane. The presence of nitrogen and methane offers the opportunity to develop a reactor in which methane is used as electron donor for denitrification. Such a reactor could be used in a new concept for low-temperature anaerobic sewage treatment, consisting of a UASB-digester system, a reactor for denitrification coupled to anaerobic methane oxidation, and a nitritation reactor. In the present study denitrifying methanotrophic bacteria similar to ‘Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera’ were enriched. Maximum volumetric nitrite consumption rates were 33.5 mg NO2--N/L d (using synthetic medium) and 37.8 mg NO2--N/L d (using medium containing effluent from a sewage treatment plant), which are similar to the maximum rate reported so far. Though the goal was to increase the rates, in both reactors, after reaching these maximum rates, volumetric nitrite consumption rates decreased in time. Results indicate biomass washout may have significantly decelerated enrichment. Therefore, to obtain higher volumetric consumption rates, further research should focus on systems with complete biomass retention

    Diversity and enrichment of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidizing bacteria from wastewater sludge

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    Recently discovered microorganisms affiliated to the bacterial phylum NC10, named “Candidatus Methylomirabilis oxyfera”, perform nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation. These microorganisms could be important players in a novel way of anaerobic wastewater treatment where ammonium and residual dissolved methane might be removed at the expense of nitrate or nitrite. To find suitable inocula for reactor startup, ten selected wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) located in The Netherlands were screened for the endogenous presence of M. oxyfera using molecular diagnostic methods. We could identify NC10 bacteria with 98% similarity to M. oxyfera in nine out of ten WWTPs tested. Sludge from one selected WWTP was used to start a new enrichment culture of NC10 bacteria. This enrichment was monitored using specific pmoA primers and M. oxyfera cells were visualized with fluorescence oligonucleotide probes. After 112 days, the enrichment consumed up to 0.4 mM NO2- per day. The results of this study show that appropriate sources of biomass, enrichment strategies, and diagnostic tools existed to start and monitor pilot scale tests for the implementation of nitrite-dependent methane oxidation in wastewater treatment at ambient temperatur

    Nitrogen removal from wastewater by coupling anammox and methane-dependent denitrification in a membrane biofilm reactor

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    This work demonstrates, for the first time, the feasibility of nitrogen removal by using the synergy of anammox and denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidation (DAMO) microorganisms in a membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR). The reactor was fed with synthetic wastewater containing nitrate and ammonium. Methane was delivered from the interior of hollow fibres in the MBfR to the biofilm that grew on the fiber's outer wall. After 24 months of operation, the system achieved a nitrate and an ammonium removal rate of about 190 mgN L -1 d-1 (or 86 mgN m-2 d-1, with m2 referring to biofilm surface area) and 60 mgN L-1 d-1 (27 mgN m-2 d-1), respectively. No nitrite accumulation was observed. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis indicated that DAMO bacteria (20-30%), DAMO archaea (20-30%) and anammox bacteria (20-30%) jointly dominated the microbial community. Based on the known metabolism of these microorganisms, mass balance, and isotope studies, we hypothesize that DAMO archaea converted nitrate, both externally fed and produced by anammox, to nitrite, with methane as the electron donor. Anammox and DAMO bacteria jointly removed the nitrite produced, with ammonium and methane as the electron donor, respectively. The process could potentially be used for anaerobic nitrogen removal from wastewater streams containing ammonium and nitrate/nitrite