1,113 research outputs found

    Language concepts and design patterns

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    Programming languages aim at the construction of simple but expressive programs. To achieve this, plenty of language concepts have arisen over time. Design patterns aim at the solution of common design problems. To achieve this, plenty of approved design concepts have been collected. We claim that language concepts and design patterns are essentially the same. Indeed, a language may offer a design pattern as a language concept; we call such patterns "language patterns". A design pattern can be implemented in terms of other design or language patterns. Since a concrete programming language only supports a subset of language patterns, every other pattern must be expressed in terms of this subset. We call such an implementation a "workaround". The specification of a workaround imposes proof obligations: it must be shown that a workaround simulates the pattern. Once proved correct, we can collect patterns and their workarounds in a trustworthy catalogue. This helps software developers to correctly apply patterns in any language and helps the language designer to decide which patterns to put into the language core. We demonstrate this pattern integration process with well-known design patterns and concepts of object-oriented languages. Additionally, we list important language patterns together with their workarounds

    Using weather data in energy time series forecasting: the benefit of input data transformations

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    Renewable energy systems depend on the weather, and weather information, thus, plays a crucial role in forecasting time series within such renewable energy systems. However, while weather data are commonly used to improve forecast accuracy, it still has to be determined in which input shape this weather data benefits the forecasting models the most. In the present paper, we investigate how transformations for weather data inputs, i. e., station-based and grid-based weather data, influence the accuracy of energy time series forecasts. The selected weather data transformations are based on statistical features, dimensionality reduction, clustering, autoencoders, and interpolation. We evaluate the performance of these weather data transformations when forecasting three energy time series: electrical demand, solar power, and wind power. Additionally, we compare the best-performing weather data transformations for station-based and grid-based weather data. We show that transforming station-based or grid-based weather data improves the forecast accuracy compared to using the raw weather data between 3.7 and 5.2%, depending on the target energy time series, where statistical and dimensionality reduction data transformations are among the best

    Quantum measurement problem and cluster separability

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    A modified Beltrametti-Cassinelli-Lahti model of measurement apparatus that satisfies both the probability reproducibility condition and the objectification requirement is constructed. Only measurements on microsystems are considered. The cluster separability forms a basis for the first working hypothesis: the current version of quantum mechanics leaves open what happens to systems when they change their separation status. New rules that close this gap can therefore be added without disturbing the logic of quantum mechanics. The second working hypothesis is that registration apparatuses for microsystems must contain detectors and that their readings are signals from detectors. This implies that separation status of a microsystem changes during both preparation and registration. A new rule that specifies what happens at these changes and that guarantees the objectification is formulated and discussed. A part of our result has certain similarity with 'collapse of the wave function'.Comment: 31 pages, no figure. Published versio

    Quantum Mechanics of Successive Measurements with Arbitrary Meter Coupling

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    We study successive measurements of two observables using von Neumann's measurement model. The two-pointer correlation for arbitrary coupling strength allows retrieving the initial system state. We recover Luders rule, the Wigner formula and the Kirkwood-Dirac distribution in the appropriate limits of the coupling strength

    Menschen in extremer Armut: im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums fĂĽr Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung

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    "Im Rahmen einer qualitativ explorativen Studie werden extreme Formen der Armut in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland untersucht. Dazu wird anhand biographischer Interviews mit Menschen in prekären Versorgungslagen eine operationale Definition 'extrem Armer' entwickelt, die es erlaubt, extrem Arme zu identifizieren und umfassend zu erforschen. In dieser Untersuchung gilt als extrem arm ein in Deutschland lebender Mensch, der den minimalen Lebensstandard eines in Deutschland Lebenden deutlich unterschreitet und diese Lebenslage nicht aus eigener Kraft verlassen kann. Die Studie arbeitet danach mit einer Armutskonzeption, in der sowohl die 'Lebenslage' als auch die 'Ressourcen' des Einzelnen maßgebend sind. Der Begriff der Ressource wird dabei weit gefasst - viel weiter als im Ressourcenansatz der etablierten Armutsforschung: Er beinhaltet Vermögenswerte, Qualifikationen und Erfahrungen, den Zugang zu Leistungen sozialer Netzwerke, die Möglichkeit des Zugriffs auf Leistungen des sozialen Hilfesystems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - um die wichtigsten Teilgrößen zu nennen. Der Eintritt in extreme Armut wird - da das Hilfesystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Anspruchsberechtigten in Notlagen Hilfen bereitstellt, mit denen sie den minimalen Lebensstandard nicht oder allenfalls kurzzeitig unterschreiten müssen - in engem Zusammenhang mit dem Hilfesystem gesehen: Wird eine Person extrem arm, so hat dies damit zu tun, dass es in einer Notsituation bzw. bei drohendem Eintritt einer solchen Notsituation zwischen ihr und dem sozialen Hilfesystem nicht zu einer fruchtbaren Kooperation kommt, aufgrund derer mit Unterstützung des Hilfesystems der Schritt in extreme Armut verhindert würde. Die Studie präsentiert als zentrale Ergebnisse zwei Typologien, die dieser Überlegung Rechnung tragen: 'Der Schritt in die extreme Armut und das soziale Hilfesystem' (fünf Typen) und 'Extrem Arme und ihre Perspektive' (vier Typen). Im Anschluss an diese explorative Studie wird im Rahmen einer quantitativen Machbarkeitsstudie geprüft, auf welche Weise mit dem Instrument einer standardisierten Befragung die Gesamtzahl der extrem Armen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ermittelt werden kann. Es werden ein Screeninginstrument, ein Stichprobendesign sowie ein statistisches Verfahren vorgestellt, die es zusammen erlauben, die Zahl der bundesweit extrem Armen zu schätzen. Eine entsprechende Untersuchung ist sowohl erhebungstechnisch durchführbar als auch mit vertretbarem finanziellen Aufwand realisierbar." (Autorenreferat

    Joint effects of storm surge and sea-level rise on US Coasts: new economic estimates of impacts, adaptation, and benefits of mitigation policy

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    Recent literature, the US Global Change Research Program’s National Climate Assessment, and recent events, such as Hurricane Sandy, highlight the need to take better account of both storm surge and sea-level rise (SLR) in assessing coastal risks of climate change. This study combines three models—a tropical cyclone simulation model; a storm surge model; and a model for economic impact and adaptation—to estimate the joint effects of storm surge and SLR for the US coast through 2100. The model is tested using multiple SLR scenarios, including those incorporating estimates of dynamic ice-sheet melting, two global greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation policy scenarios, and multiple general circulation model climate sensitivities. The results illustrate that a large area of coastal land and property is at risk of damage from storm surge today; that land area and economic value at risk expands over time as seas rise and as storms become more intense; that adaptation is a cost-effective response to this risk, but residual impacts remain after adaptation measures are in place; that incorporating site-specific episodic storm surge increases national damage estimates by a factor of two relative to SLR-only estimates, with greater impact on the East and Gulf coasts; and that mitigation of GHGs contributes to significant lessening of damages. For a mid-range climate-sensitivity scenario that incorporates dynamic ice sheet melting, the approach yields national estimates of the impacts of storm surge and SLR of 990billionthrough2100(netofadaptation,cumulativeundiscounted2005990 billion through 2100 (net of adaptation, cumulative undiscounted 2005); GHG mitigation policy reduces the impacts of the mid-range climate-sensitivity estimates by 84to84 to 100 billion.United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change Division (Contract EP-D-09-054)United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change Division (Contract EP-BPA-12-H-0024

    Positive-Operator-Valued Time Observable in Quantum Mechanics

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    We examine the longstanding problem of introducing a time observable in Quantum Mechanics; using the formalism of positive-operator-valued measures we show how to define such an observable in a natural way and we discuss some consequences.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Some minor changes, expanded the bibliography (now it is bigger than the one in the published version), changed the title and the style for publication on the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Bell's inequality without alternative settings

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    A suitable generalized measurement described by a 4-element positive operator-valued measure (POVM) on each particle of a two-qubit system in the singlet state is, from the point of view of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen's (EPR's) criterion of elements of reality, equivalent to a random selection between two alternative projective measurements. It is shown that an EPR-experiment with a fixed POVM on each particle provides a violation of Bell's inequality without requiring local observers to choose between the alternatives. This approach could be useful for designing a loophole-free test of Bell's inequality.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, 3 figure

    Beyond Zeno: Approaching Infinite Temperature upon Repeated Measurements

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    The influence of repeated projective measurements on the dynamics of the state of a quantum system is studied in dependence of the time lag Ď„\tau between successive measurements. In the limit of infinitely many measurements of the occupancy of a single state the total system approaches a uniform state. The asymptotic approach to this state is exponential in the case of finite Hilbert space dimension. The rate characterizing this approach undergoes a sharp transition from a monotonically increasing to an erratically varying function of the time between subsequent measurements
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