4 research outputs found

    Prawo karne Królestwa Polskiego w latach 1815−1905 a sprawowanie kultu religijnego

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    The article pertains to the law in force in the Kingdom of Poland between 1815 and 1905. Furthermore, it indicates the changes which were brought about by the liberalization of statutes and regulations concerning faith in 1906. The main aim is to familiarize readers with the contemporary criminal law pertaining strictly to conducting private and public services as well as to draw attention to regulations delineating missionary work. The paper is general in character because presenting a detailed picture of each faith with an enumerationof their legal, civil and political limitations is a topic for a more comprehensive study

    Sytuacja prawna muzułmanów w XIX-wiecznym Imperium Rosyjskim

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    The article discusses legal situation of the Muslim community under the legislation of the Russian Empire’s central governorates in the 19 th century. Regulations in force within that territory were similar to those applied in other governorates of the Imperial Russia. This research is of a general nature due to the fact that detailed elaboration on Muslims’ situation which would include their legal, civil and political limitations could become an extensive monograph, especially if one would take into consideration that different parts of the Russian territory implemented its own legal solutions enforced by the contemporary social and political situation.The article discusses legal situation of the Muslim community under the legislation of the Russian Empire’s central governorates in the 19 th century. Regulations in force within that territory were similar to those applied in other governorates of the Imperial Russia. This research is of a general nature due to the fact that detailed elaboration on Muslims’ situation which would include their legal, civil and political limitations could become an extensive monograph, especially if one would take into consideration that different parts of the Russian territory implemented its own legal solutions enforced by the contemporary social and political situation

    Equality, equality before the law and freedom of conscience and religion in the ordinary and administrative jurisdiction of the Second Polish Republic from 1918 to 1939

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    Wydział Prawa i AdministracjiW budowie ustroju II RP istotną rolę odegrało sądownictwo oraz władza wykonawcza. Praca ma na celu odpowiedzieć na pytanie, w jakim stopniu judykatura oraz administracja mogły oraz przyczyniły się do realizacji wolności religijnych i jakie ograniczenia miały na nie wpływ. Ukazuje ona czy tam, gdzie taka sposobność istniała, władza wykonawcza oraz ustawodawcza reagowały na wysyłane przez sądy i komentatorów sygnały domagające się dokonanie stosownych nowelizacji bądź zmian praktyki administracyjnej i czy podjęte działania wychodziły naprzeciw oczekiwaniom.The judiciary and the executive branch played an important role in the construction of the religious system of the Second Poland Republic. The aim of the monograph is to assess the extent to which judicature and administration could and have contrubuted to the implementation of religious freedoms and the limitations that have affected them. Where such an opportunity existed, the executive and legislative authorities reacted to signals demanded by the courts and commentators to make appropriate amendments or changes to the administrative practice and whether the action taken would meet expectations

    Equality, equality before the law and freedom of conscience and religion in the ordinary and administrative jurisdiction of the Second Polish Republic from 1918 to 1939

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    Wydział Prawa i AdministracjiW budowie ustroju II RP istotną rolę odegrało sądownictwo oraz władza wykonawcza. Praca ma na celu odpowiedzieć na pytanie, w jakim stopniu judykatura oraz administracja mogły oraz przyczyniły się do realizacji wolności religijnych i jakie ograniczenia miały na nie wpływ. Ukazuje ona czy tam, gdzie taka sposobność istniała, władza wykonawcza oraz ustawodawcza reagowały na wysyłane przez sądy i komentatorów sygnały domagające się dokonanie stosownych nowelizacji bądź zmian praktyki administracyjnej i czy podjęte działania wychodziły naprzeciw oczekiwaniom.The judiciary and the executive branch played an important role in the construction of the religious system of the Second Poland Republic. The aim of the monograph is to assess the extent to which judicature and administration could and have contrubuted to the implementation of religious freedoms and the limitations that have affected them. Where such an opportunity existed, the executive and legislative authorities reacted to signals demanded by the courts and commentators to make appropriate amendments or changes to the administrative practice and whether the action taken would meet expectations