6 research outputs found

    Shafranov's virial theorem and magnetic plasma confinement

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    Shafranov's virial theorem implies that nontrivial magnetohydrodynamical equilibrium configurations must be supported by externally supplied currents. Here we extend the virial theorem to field theory, where it relates to Derrick's scaling argument on soliton stability. We then employ virial arguments to investigate a realistic field theory model of a two-component plasma, and conclude that stable localized solitons can exist in the bulk of a finite density plasma. These solitons entail a nontrivial electric field which implies that purely magnetohydrodynamical arguments are insufficient for describing stable, nontrivial structures within the bulk of a plasma.Comment: 9 pages no figure

    Partially Dual variables in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory

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    We propose a reformulation of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in terms of new variables. These variables are appropriate for describing the theory in its infrared limit, and indicate that it admits knotlike configurations as stable solitons. As a consequence we arrive at a dual picture of the Yang-Mills theory where the short distance limit describes asymptotically free, massless point gluons and the large distance limit describes extended, massive knotlike solitons.Comment: 4 pages, revtex twocolum


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    The quantum theory of the Liouville model with imaginary field is considered using the quantum inverse scattering method. An integrable structure with nontrivial spectral parameter dependence is developed for lattice Liouville theory by scaling the LL-matrix of lattice sine-Gordon theory. This LL-matrix yields Bethe Ansatz equations for Liouville theory, by the methods of the algebraic Bethe Ansatz. Using the string picture of exited Bethe states, the lattice Liouville Bethe equations are mapped to the corresponding equations for the spin 1/2 XXZ chain. The well developed theory of finite size corrections in spin chains is used to deduce the conformal properties of the lattice Liouville Bethe states. The unitary series of conformal field theories emerge for Liouville couplings of the form \gam = \pi\frac{\nu}{\nu+1}, corresponding to root of unity XXZ anisotropies. The Bethe states give the full spectrum of the corresponding unitary conformal field theory, with the primary states in the \Kac table parameterized by a string length KK, and the remnant of the chain length mod (ν+1)(\nu+1).Comment: 25 pages, Late

    Hidden symmetry and knot solitons in a charged two-condensate Bose system

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    We show that a charged two-condensate Ginzburg-Landau model or equivalently a Gross-Pitaevskii functional for two charged Bose condensates, can be mapped onto a version of the nonlinear O(3) σ\sigma-model. This implies in particular that such a system possesses a hidden O(3) symmetry and allows for the formation of stable knotted solitons. The results, in particular, should be relevant to the superconducting MgB_2.Comment: This version will appear in Phys. Rev. B, added a comment on the case when condensates in two bands do not independently conserve, also added a figure and references to experimental papers on MgB_2 (for which our study is relevant). Miscellaneous links on knot solitons are also available at the homepage of one of the authors http://www.teorfys.uu.se/PEOPLE/egor/ . Animations of knot solitons are available at http://users.utu.fi/h/hietarin/knots/c45_p2.mp