33 research outputs found

    Imaging features of pancreatic metastases: A comparison with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Purpose: To compare imaging features of pancreatic metastases (PM) with those of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDAC). Methods: CT and MR scans of 24 patients with 54 PM and 30 patients with PDAC were reviewed to evaluate the imaging features, which were compared by using a Chi square test. Results: We found a statistically significant difference between PM and PDAC based on location (P < 0.001), margins (P < 0.001), arterial enhancement (P = 0.004), rim enhancement (P < 0.001), pancreatic duct dilatation (P = 0.01), common bile duct dilatation (P = 0.003), vascular involvement (P = 0.02), parenchymal atrophy (P < 0.001), peripancreatic fluid (P = 0.03). Conclusion: Imaging features might be helpful to differentiate PM from PDAC


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    The objective of the study was to record the occurrence of Dioctophyma renale (Goeze, 1782) Collet- Meygret, 1802 in Galictis cuja Molina, 1782 in southern Brazil. Three specimens of G. cuja were found dead by running over on highways in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and sent to the Laboratory of Parasitology of Wild Animals of the Federal University of Pelotas. Helminths were collected from the kidneys and the abdominal cavity with a mean intensity of infection of 4.66 helminths / host. In Brazil, D. renale had been reported parasitizing G. cuja only in the state of Paraná. Dioctophyma renale is reported for the first time in G. cuja in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.O objetivo do trabalho foi registrar a ocorrência de Dioctophyma renale (Goeze, 1782) Collet- Meygret, 1802, em Galictis cuja Molina, 1782 no sul do Brasil. Três espécimes de G. cuja foram encontrados mortos por atropelamento em rodovias no município de Pelotas, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil e encaminhados ao laboratório de Parasitologia de Animais Silvestres da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Os helmintos foram coletados dos rins e cavidade abdominal com intensidade média de infecção de 4,66 helmintos/hospedeiro. No Brasil, D. renale foi relatado parasitando G. cuja somente no Estado do Paraná. Registra-se a primeira ocorrência de D. renale em G. cuja no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

    Geohazard features of the north-western Sicily and Pantelleria

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    9 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2024.2342931.-- Data availability statement: Department of Earth and Marine Science of the University of Palermo for institutional purposes, so their access will be available by contacting the reference people (attilio.sulliunipa.it) upon reasonable requestWe present maps of geohazard features identified across north-western Sicily and Pantelleria in the framework of the Magic project (MArine Geohazard along Italian Coasts), which involved Italian marine geological researchers in 2007-2013. These seafloor features were recognized using high-resolution bathymetry data and rely on the morphological expression of the seafloor and shallow sub-surface processes. The north-western Sicily is a complex continental margin, affected by morphodynamic, depositional, and tectonic processes. The Egadi offshore is controlled by fault escarpments and alternating retreating and progradational processes. Ustica and Pantelleria submerged edifices show the effect of volcanic activity. The Ustica seafloor is interested in volcanic, tectonic, and gravitational instability processes, while the Pantelleria offshore underwent erosive-depositional processes and the effect of bottom currents. Two levels of interpretation are represented: the physiographic domain at a scale of 1:250.000 and the morphological units and morpho-bathymetric elements at a 1:100.000 scaleThe Magic Project has been funded by the Italian Civil Protection Department. [...] With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe


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    Scopo Scopo del nostro studio è stato quello di comparare la RM whole body (RM-WB) con la PET/TC nella stadiazione dei linfomi FDG-avidi. Materiale e metodi 68 pazienti (37 maschi, età mediana 42 anni, range 15-86) con diagnosi istologica di Linfoma (37 Hodgkin, 16 Diffuso B a grandi cellule, 10 Follicolare, 5 Mantellare) sono stati sottoposti a RM-WB e PET/TC prima del trattamento. Sono stati valutati e confrontati sensibilità, specificità, valore predittivo positivo e negativo (PPV e NPV) della RM-WB e PET/TC, quest’ultima considerata come standard di riferimento. Lo stadio Ann Arbor (AA) ottenuto con RM-WB (sequenze DWIBS assiali, T1w e T2w-STIR coronali, senza mezzo di contrasto) e con PET/TC è stato confrontato mediante la “k di Cohen”. Questo è stato poi confrontato con lo stadio patologico, ottenuto dopo biopsia osteomidollare o altre biopsie. Risultati La concordanza tra RM-WB e PET/TC è risultata eccellente con stadio AA uguale nel 91,2% dei casi (62/68 pazienti; k = 0,88). Abbiamo riscontrato una eccellente concordanza tra stadio AA di RM-WB e stadio patologico (92,6%; k = 0,88) e tra stadio AA di PET/TC e stadio patologico (94,1%; k = 0.92). In RM-WB abbiamo ottenuto valori di sensibilità e specificità nell’individuazione delle localizzazioni nodali rispettivamente del 98,11% e 97,49% (PPV 95,27% e NPV 99,01%). Conclusioni La RM-WB può essere considerata una tecnica promettente per la stadiazione dei linfomi FDGavidi, che consente di evitare l’esposizione a radiazioni ionizzanti e la somministrazione di mezzo di contrasto e potrebbe aiutare a prevenir

    Pitfalls nelle RM whole body con sequenze DWIBS eseguite in pazienti con linfoma.

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    Obiettivi didattici: Illustrare i principali artefatti ed insidie nella valutazione della Risonanza Magnetica Whole Body (RM-WB) dopo revisione di 331 RM-WB eseguite in pazienti con linfoma. Introduzione: La RM-WB con imaging pesato in diffusione (DWI) è un esame che consente uno studio total body con elevata risoluzione di contrasto, evitando l’esposizione a radiazioni ionizzanti e la somministrazione di mezzo di contrasto [1]. Nel 2004 Takahara ha introdotto una sequenza DWI con tecniche di soppressione del segnale chiamata DWIBS [2]. Questa consente di acquisire rapidamente immagini di multiple aree del corpo sfruttando l’imaging parallelo SENSE che incrementa la risoluzione e riduce gli artefatti da interaccia con l’aria, l’acquisizione a respiro libero che allunga il tempo di scansione ma incrementa il rapporto segnale-rumore e una soppressione omogenea del grasso con tecnica STIR. Questo ha consentito di estendere l’utilizzo della RM-WB in vari ambiti oncologici ed in particolare per lo studio di pazienti con linfomi [3]. Tuttavia, l’interpretazione delle immagini sul piano coronale può inizialmente risultare impegnativa e vi sono limiti riconosciuti delle sequenze DWI. In questo lavoro, sfruttando i nostri due anni di esperienza nell'utilizzo della RM-WB nello studio dei linfomi, illustriamo i principati pitfalls che i radiologi dovrebbero conoscere per evitare un’errata interpretazione delle immagini. Descrizione: Nel mediastino, pulsatilità cardiaca e respiro possono causare errore nel calcolo della mappa ADC a causa dell’alta sensibilità della DWI al movimento (Figura 1). Per tale motivo è necessario visualizzare anche le sequenze morfologiche (T1w, T2w-STIR). Frequenti sono artefatti ghost nel mediastino, legati anch’essi alla pulsatilità cardiaca, che si riducono con FOV più ampi e modificando la direzione di codifica di fase (Figura 2). Artefatti nelle interfacce aria-tessuti producono focale aumento del segnale e si riducono aumentando la matrice e riducendo il FOV. Strutture quali milza, sistema nervoso, endometrio, mostrano iperintensità in DWI che può nascondere piccole lesioni ma d’altra parte può far interpretare strutture normali come localizzazioni di malattia (Figura 3). Una corretta interpretazione del midollo osseo richiede conoscenza delle alterazioni cui esso va incontro con età e terapie. Emangiomi (Figura 4), osteonecrosi da steroidi e edema da biopsia osteomidollare (Figura 5), possono produrre aree di aumentato segnale in DWI anche nelle sequenze ad alto b, che non vanno interpretate per sedi di malattia. Il T2-shine e dark through effect (Figura 6) possono causare sia falsi positivi che falsi negativi nelle immagini DWI e nella mappa ADC. Infine, sono frequenti spots iperintensi in DWI nei tessuti molli, causati da vasi, gangli e piccoli linfonodi, che non vanno interpretati come sedi di malattia. Conclusioni: La valutazione delle RM-WB non può prescindere da un’adeguata conoscenza dei principali artefatti e delle insidie diagnostiche che possono essere causa di errori. Per una corretta interpretazione dell’esame RM-WB è necessaria la valutazione sia delle sequenze funzionali che morfologiche. Note Bibliografiche: 1. Mayerhoefer ME, Karanikas G, Kletter K, Prosch H, Kiesewetter B, Skrabs C et al. Evaluation of diffusion-weighted MRI for pretherapeutic assessment and staging of lymphoma: results of a prospective study in 140 patients. Clin Cancer Res 2014;20:2984-93. 2. Takahara T, Imai Y, Yamashita T, Yasuda S, Nasu S, Van Cauteren M. Diffusion weighted whole body imaging with background body signal suppression (DWIBS): technical improvement using free breathing, STIR and high resolution 3D display. Radiat Med 2004; 22:275-82. 3. Albano D, Patti C, La Grutta L, Agnello F, Grassedonio E, Mulè A et al. Comparison between whole-body MR

    Analisi retrospettiva degli aspetti dell’imaging radiologico in pazienti con TBC.

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    The aim of our study is to evaluate the frequency and specificity of radiological imaging aspects in patients with suspected tuberculosis (TBC)

    Geophysical Constraints to Reconstructing the Geometry of a Shallow Groundwater Body in Caronia (Sicily)

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    The characterization of a groundwater body involves the construction of a conceptual model that constitutes the base knowledge for monitoring programs, hydrogeological risk assessment, and correct management of water resources. In particular, a detailed geological and geophysical approach was applied to define the alluvial Caronia Groundwater Body (CGWB) and to reconstruct a hydrogeological flow model. The analysis of the CGWB, located in north-eastern Sicily, was initially approached through a reanalysis of previous stratigraphic (boreholes) and geophysical (vertical electrical soundings and seismic refraction profiles) data, subsequently integrated by new seismic acquisitions, such as Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) and horizontal-to-vertical seismic ratio (HVSR). The analysis and reinterpretation of geoelectrical data allowed the construction of a preliminary 3D resistivity model. This initial modeling was subsequently integrated by a geophysical data campaign in order to define the depth of the bottom of the shallow CGWB and the thickness of alluvial deposits. Finally, a preliminary mathematical model flow was generated in order to reconstruct the dynamics of underground water. The results show that integration of multidisciplinary data represent an indispensable tool for the characterization of complex physical systems

    Pitfalls in whole body MRI with diffusion weighted imaging performed on patients with lymphoma: What radiologists should know

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    The technological advances in radiological imaging and the relevance of a diagnostic tool that may reduce radiation-induced long-term effects have led to a widespread use of whole body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) with diffusion weighted imaging for oncologic patients. A lot of studies demonstrated the feasibility and reliability of WB-MRI as an alternative technique for lymphoma staging and response assessment during and after treatment.In this paper, taking advantage of our 2 years of experience using WB-MRI for lymphoma, we discuss the main pitfalls and artifacts radiologists should know examining a WB-MRI performed on this typology of patients in order to avoid images misinterpretation

    Final Report of the Oceanographic Survey NextData201. Project NEXTDATA WP-1.5 : Paleoclimatic Data from Marine Sediments

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    The retrieval of series of proxy data on the past climate will serve to acquire a deeper understanding of the climate system and a more accurate prediction of its future development, as a priority task for the scientific community. In particular, the analysis of climate data of the past is an essential tool for studying the dynamics of the earth's climatic system in conditions different from present ones, and irreplaceable for testing the validity of medium- and long-term forecasting models. The determination of the influence of anthropogenic impacts on the planet’s environment is predicated on a clear understanding of the natural ways in which the earth's climate responds to the complex set of external forcings. Therefore, in recent decades, many national and international research groups have focused attention on the study of the climate evolution in late-Quaternary sediments from the Mediterranean area. By virtue of its close relationship with continental masses subject to different climatic processes, the Mediterranean basin permits the documentation of climate evolution both globally and in the Northern Hemisphere. Finally, it is worth noting that shallow sea (continental shelf) areas are natural repositories for the monitoring of short-term climate change and anthropogenic impacts on the marine system. To make available information on climate history and environment yielded by marine sediments, this WP will be dedicated to analyzing and, where possible, collecting cores of marine sediments, especially those drilled in shallow sea environments, and focusing on climate dynamics in the Mediterranean over past centuries. During its course, the project will analyse and, where possible, sample marine sediment cores in continental shelf environments and in different sectors of the Mediterranean basin. Previous studies have indicated them as key sites for the identification of major short-term climate fluctuations, due to global and local forces active during the Quaternary and particularly in the past thousand years. In fact, the possibility of enriching the databases referring to this time interval (to date, still limited to the Mediterranean) will provide new working hypotheses for the implementation of numerical models that attempt simulate how the Mediterranean, in particular the marine-coastal sector, has responded to past climate dynamics (Medieval Warm Period / Little Ice Age transition, Little Ice Age, the Industrial Age, and Modern Warming). The cores obtained will be the focus of multidisciplinary studies involving national and international research groups