688 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan gambaran perilaku fanatisme Bonek mendukung Persebaya, (2) menguraikan faktor penyebab timbulnya perilaku fanatisme. Jenis penelitian yaitu kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus di wilayah Surabaya. Penelitian ini terkait dengan Bonek yang terkoordinir maupun tidak dari berbagai komunitas baik saat pertandingan berlangsung maupun di luar pertandingan. Data diperoleh dengan cara observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam serta dokumentasi. Hasil data penelitian akan dianalisis dengan teori perilaku kolektif Smelser dan konsepsi tentang fanatisme. Simpulan hasil penelitian menunjukkan  perilaku fanatisme Bonek yaitu (1)  mendukung Persebaya kapanpun dan di manapun bertanding; (2) loyalitas tanpa batas; (3) Bonek: lambang keberanian sebagai representatif perilaku; (4) bagimu Persebaya, bagimu Indonesia; (5) demokrasi ala suporter Bonek. Selain itu, juga diketahui beberapa faktor penyebab perilaku fanatisme Bonek antara lain: konteks sosial, pendidikan,usia, identitas kultur budaya “arek”, ekonomi, media massa, serta lingkungan baik dari keluarga, teman, dan masyarakat. Perilaku fanatisme Bonek juga disebabkan oleh pemain, pelatih, wasit, dan penonton serta keterlibatan pemimpin dalam komunitas.   Kata kunci:  perilaku fanatisme, Bonek, Persebay

    Share Investors' Competence and Overconfidence in Investment Decision Making

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    Many factors may affect investors in making investment decision, some of them are overconfidence and competence. Those factors thought to have an influence on investment decision making. This research objectives to determine the effect of competence and overconfidence on investment decision. This research is a kind of quantitative research using survey method given to beginner investor. The sampling method used  judgment sampling with the number of samples in this research are 30 respondents of beginner investor. The analysis used is MRA (Multiple Regression Analysis). The results of this study showed that competence of investor does not affect in investment decision while investor's decision was influenced by overconfidence of investor. Keywords : competence, overconfidence. investment decisio

    E-Commerce to Improve Homemaker Productivity (Women Entrepreneur Empowerment at Meruya Utara, Kembangan District, West Jakarta, Indonesia)

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    Saat ini banyak ibu rumah tangga memiliki bisnis sampingan yang sesuai dengan keterampilan dan hobi mereka. Adapun tujuan dari bisnis sampingan tersebut adalah untuk membantu kebutuhan keuangan rumah tangga mereka. Penelitian sebelumnya telah menunjukkan bahwa ibu rumah tangga yang juga pengusaha perempuan memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga. Namun demikian, terdapat kesulitan dari ibu rumah tangga dalam memasarkan produk dan layanan mereka. Pengabdian ini melaksanakan sosialisasi terkait cara membuat akun e-commerce dan menggunakannya sebagai alternatif untuk menjual produk dan layanan mereka. Selain itu, hasil dari kegiatan layanan masyarakat Internasional ini adalah bahwa ibu rumah tangga dapat menjual produk dan layanan mereka melalui e-commerce. Menurut hasil survei pada kegiatan sosialisasi ini, diketahui bahwa hambatan bagi ibu rumah tangga adalah masih rendahnya pendidikan mereka dimana 65% dari mereka memiliki pendidikan sekolah menengah. Juga, kepemilikan aplikasi internet banking dan mobile banking masih rendah, yaitu 35%. Dengan demikian, kepemilikan yang rendah atas aplikasi internet banking dan mobile banking membuat mereka kesulitan untuk menjual produk dan layanannya melalui e-commerce. Semua peserta sosialisasi menyatakan bahwa kegiatan ini bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan mereka. Selanjutnya untuk dapat meningkatkan omset penjualan mereka adalah melalui perbaikan kemasan produk dan layanan mereka untuk membuatnya lebih menarik bagi pembeli.  Kata kunci: Ibu Rumah Tangga, Pengusaha Wanita, Mobile Banking, Internet Banking, E-Commerce. &nbsp

    Using cohort change ratios to estimate life expectancy in populations with negligible migration: A new approach

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    Census survival methods are the oldest and most widely applicable methods of estimating adult mortality, and for populations with negligible migration they can provide excellent results. The reason for this ubiquity is threefold: (1) their data requirements are minimal in that only two successive age distributions are needed; (2) the two successive age distributions are usually easily obtained from census counts; and (3) the method is straightforward in that it requires neither a great deal of judgment nor “data-fitting” techniques to implement. This ubiquity is in contrast to other methods, which require more data, as well as judgment and, often, data fitting. In this short note, the new approach we demonstrate is that life expectancy at birth can be computed by using census survival rates in combination with an identity whereby the radix of a life table is equal to 1 (l0 = 1.00). We point out that our suggested method is less involved than the existing approach. We compare estimates using our approach against other estimates, and find it works reasonably well. As well as some nuances and cautions, we discuss the benefits of using this approach to estimate life expectancy, including the ability to develop estimates of average remaining life at any age. We believe that the technique is worthy of consideration for use in estimating life expectancy in populations that experience negligible migration

    A Resonant Photoacoustic CO2 Sensor Based on MID-IR LED and MEMS Microphone Technology Operating at 4.3ÎĽm

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    This paper presents work on the development of a MID-IR LED-based photoacoustic (PA) Carbon dioxide (  sensor. The transducer used is a MEMS microphone and the sensor was operated in the resonant mode, which makes it the first time that this light source and transducer combination are used in this mode for PA gas sensing, as far as the authors know. Optimisation of the sensor’s operation in the resonant mode was done using COMSOL Multiphysics to simulate the fundamental resonance frequency of the PA cell and the optimum position for the microphone. The COMSOL Multiphysics and analytical results computed were validated experimentally. Reduction of the inlet and outlet pipes diameter immensely minimized gas flow noise introduced into the PA cell. Cheaper, miniaturised and stand-alone PA sensors can be produced from Mid-IR LEDs and MEMS microphones because they are small in size, inexpensive and consume less power. The importance of this work largely lies in the fact that the huge market demand for this type of sensors could be met by higher volume production at low cost using this technology. Ultimately the work will be an effective contribution to the monitoring and control of carbon emission. Keywords: Photoacoustic, Mid-IR LED, MEMS microphone, resonance, COMSO

    Plasma Androgens in Women with Acne Vulgaris

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    We have studied a group of young adult women of mean age 23.8 ± 6.5 (SD) years with only acne (A, n =46), only hirsutism (H, n = 10), and acne plus hirsutism (A+H, n = 19) who sought dermatologic care. We measured the androgens, total and free testosterone (T), free 17β-hydroxysteroids (17-β), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DS), and the androgen precursors 17α-hydroxypregnenolone (17-Preg) and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17-Prog), as well as testosterone-estrogen binding globulin in all patients. Plasma hormone levels of the patients were compared to those of 23 controls of mean age 25.6 ± 6.6 years who had neither acne nor hirsutism. Mean levels of all hormones measured, except 17-Preg, were elevated in the women with acne. Fifty-two percent of Group A, 66% of Group H, and 63% of Group A+H patients had at least one abnormal hormone level. The most frequently elevated plasma androgens in all the women with acne were: free T 25%, free 17-β 23%, and DS 19%. Total T was high in only 12%. Elevations of plasma androgens were present in some women who did not have hirsutism or irregular menses. Identification of endocrine abnormalities in women with acne may potentially offer an opportunity for hormonal therapy

    Uncertainties quantification and modelling of different rheological models in estimation of pressure losses during drilling operation

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    The determination of pressure losses in the drill pipe and annulus with a very high degree of precision and accuracy is sacrosanct for proper pump operating conditions and correct bit nozzle sizes for maximum jet impact and forestalling of possible kicks and eventual blow outs during drilling operation. The two major uncertainties in pump pressure estimation that are being addressed in this research work are the flow behavior index (n) and the consistency index factor (k). It is in this light that the accuracy of various rheological models in predicting pump pressure losses as well as the uncertainties associated with each model was investigated. In order to come by with a decisive conclusion, two synthetic based drilling fluids were used to form synthetic muds known as sample A and B respectively. Inference from results shows that the Newtonian model underestimated the pump pressure by 78.27% for sample A and 82.961% by for sample B. While the Bingham plastic model overestimated the total pump pressure by 100.70% for sample A and 48.17% for sample B. Three different power law rheological model approaches were used to obtain the flow behavior index and consistency factor of the drilling fluids. For the power law rheological model approaches, an underestimation error of 23.5743% was encountered for the Formular method for sample A while the proposed consistency index averaging method reduces the error to 14.9306%. The Graphical method showed a reasonable degree of accuracy with underestimation error of 5.6435%. Sample B showed an underestimation error of 47.8234% by using the power law formula method while the Consistency averaging method reduced the error to 20.7508. The graphical method showed an underestimation error of 0.4318%

    Experimental investigation of fluid loss and cake thickness control ability of zirconium (IV) oxide (

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    A major technical and economical concern of the oil well drilling industry is the potential damage to productive formations because of excessive drilling fluid filtration and its multiplier effect on cake thickness. High fluid loss (high cake permeability) results in thick filter cake which reduces the effective diameter of the hole (tight holes) and causes various problems such as excessive torque when rotating the pipe, excessive drag when pulling it and high swab and surge pressures due to reduced hole diameter and differential pipe sticking due to increase in pipe contact. It is in this light that the potential of Zirconium (IV) oxide (Z_r O_2) nanoparticles in combating excessive filtration problem in Water Based Mud was investigated. Preliminary results show that addition of 0.50g (Z_r O_2) nanoparticle concentration brought about 19.10% reduction in fluid loss and 14.29 % reduction in cake thickness for the High Temperature/ High Pressure (HPHT) filtration test at 500psi and 250 OF. Similarly, the highest reduction of 48.31% and 38.10% in fluid loss and cake thickness respectively was achieved with addition of an optimum concentration of 2.0g of (Z_r O_2) nanoparticles for the HTHP filtration test at the same temperature and pressure
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